South Africa: Tutoring Local Youth with Inkululeko

An Inkululeko learner!

South Africa + awesome youth + education; the only thing missing is you!

Project is Not Currently Available

This project has reached full capacity for the current term. Please check back next semester for updates.

Project description

About Inkululeko

A Department of Basic Education report shows that in South Africa less than a third of students finish grade 12 by the age of 18. 

At Inkululeko, we contribute to changing this in the new South Africa by meeting tomorrow’s leaders, where they’re at, today. We offer free tutoring, access to computers and the internet, transportation, exam prep, a library of text books and regular books (and snacks too!) to young people beginning in grade eight and remain with them through grade 12.

About Your Role

As a volunteer for this project, you will tutor High School students via Google Meets or Zoom during the designated center tutoring sessions. Tutors are needed in Life Sciences (Biology), History, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry), Tourism and English. The highest need is currently for tutors in Mathematics and Geography.

 The lessons will not be synchrhronous as the electricty situation in South Africa continues to be challenging. Tutors will record the lessons and then send them along.

Three South African High School students will be assigned to participate in your session based on topic and level. Since the South African curriculum may be slightly different, you will have access to Term Plans by subject. Reviewing these term plans will be useful for tutors who want to prepare and familiarize themselves with the content before the tutoring sessions. Interested tutors will also have the opportunity to develop and teach lessons in collaboration with South African colleagues of Inkululeko.

Project outcome

There are many customizable possibilities for what your project outcome could be. A Research Poster or Narrated PowerPoint are great ways to showcase a project of this sort. ELN staff will be glad to help you decide on the option that is best for you. 

Project details

Timing, eligibility and other details
Length of commitment Flexible, about a semester
Start time June 14
In-person, remote, or hybrid?
Remote Asynchronous
Level of collaboration Individual student project
Benefits Volunteer experience
Who is eligible All undergraduate students

Core partners

Project mentor

Christina Heath

Administrative Director

Experiential Learning Network

127 Capen Hall

Phone: (716) 645-8177


Global NGO Project

This project is for students interested in collaborating with a global Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).

Please be sure you identify your project as a Global NGO Project when you sign up to start the digital badge.

Start the project

  1. Email the project mentor using the contact information above to express your interest and get approval to work on the project. (Here are helpful tips on how to contact a project mentor.)
  2. After you receive approval from the mentor to start this project, click the button to start the digital badge. (Learn more about ELN's digital badge options.) 

Preparation activities

Once you begin the digital badge series, you will have access to all the necessary activities and instructions. Your mentor has indicated they would like you to also complete the specific preparation activities below. Please reference this when you get to Step 2 of the Preparation Phase. 

If you're keen to join us, we have an orientation guide that we share. It's all online and features information about our program, about our theory of change and some context on South Africa. You should also review the materials below: