Date Established: 2/19/2007
Date Last Revised: 10/26/2022
Category: Research
Responsible Office:
Sponsored Projects Services
Responsible Executive:
Vice President for Research and Economic Development
The Principal Investigator, and in part their college or school, is responsible for maintaining the financial integrity of a sponsored project including compliance with all sponsor requirements and university policies.
The University at Buffalo (UB, university) accepts external financial support for research, training, and other activities and agrees to comply with the conditions of the support through sound financial management practices. The Principal Investigator (PI), and in part their college or school, is responsible for maintaining the financial integrity of a sponsored project including compliance with all terms and conditions of the award, managing funds within the approved budget, initiating requests for budget and program changes, and submitting technical reports and non-financial project deliverables.
The college or school to which credit is assigned for a sponsored project is responsible, in proportion to credit assigned to it, for all costs charged to that sponsored project. Costs charged to a sponsored project that Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) determines will not be recovered from the sponsor will be transferred pro rata to credited entities. The following circumstances may result in an unrecoverable cost:
In the event that a college or school does not move an unrecoverable cost from a sponsored project in a timely manner, SPS will move the cost to the college or school indirect cost recovery allocation.
This policy assigns responsibility to the PI for ensuring that only reasonable, allocable, and allowable costs are charged to sponsored projects. The policy also requires the timely removal of unreasonable, unallocable, unallowable, and uncollectible costs from sponsored projects.
This policy applies to all PIs who administer sponsored projects.
Credited Entity
Unit, college, or school to which a sponsored project is assigned; a sponsored project may be assigned to multiple units.
Principal Investigator
UB faculty or staff member who bears responsibility for the leadership of a project, program, or activity. The PI accepts overall responsibility for directing the research, financial oversight, and compliance with relevant university policies and sponsor terms and conditions.
Sponsored Award
The funding mechanism, usually a grant, cooperative agreement, or contract, used to support a sponsored activity. A sponsored award generally contains expressed terms and conditions governing how the funds are to be administered.
Sponsored Project
Any externally funded research, training, evaluative testing, or public service project directed by UB faculty or staff as part of their university work that requires the university to perform a specified program or deliver a specified product.
Contact | Phone | |
Sponsored Projects Services | 716-645-2646 | |
October 2022 | Full review. Updated the policy to: • Add salary overpayments resulting from departmental negligence as a circumstance that may result in an unrecoverable cost • Add a definition for Sponsored Award • Add responsibilities for Human Resources and Financial Management |