Policy Guidance for Trademarks and Licensing

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The University at Buffalo requires express written approval when using any of its marks – name, seals, crests, symbols, insignia, logos, word marks, spirit mark, signatures or taglines, uniforms, mascots, or other identifying marks, as well as still and moving visuals, in any medium.


The university benefits from the public recognition of its names, symbol, logo, trademarks, service marks, designs, crests, seals and any combination of these marks. Federal, state and common laws govern the university’s rights to its marks. The Trademarks and Licensing Program complies with and assures protection under trademark laws. The Program:

  • Protects all marks that relate to the university (or have come to be associated with the university)
  • Ensures that the marks are used in a manner that is consistent with the mission of the university and reflects favorably on the university
  • Ensures promotion of the university in a consistent and uniform manner to protect the university’s name, image and reputation
  • Protects the consumer from deception or faulty, fraudulent, or inferior products and services bearing the university’s marks or a facsimile of the university’s marks