Contact Us

Thank you for contacting us about At Buffalo. We love hearing from our readers. While we are not able to respond to every comment, we will try our best to answer all those that require a response.

If you wish to submit a letter to the editor for possible publication in the print magazine, or have a story or topic you would like us to cover, please email

If we decide to pursue your story idea, we will assign a writer. Please understand that we have limited space and a range of criteria to consider when selecting our stories. If we do not pursue your idea, it does not mean that it is not interesting or worthy; it’s just not suitable at this time for At Buffalo.

If you are a current member of the faculty, student or staff and you have campus news or updates, please consider contacting UBNow, UB’s weekly campus online newspaper, or the UB News Center, which can provide information on how to place stories with outside media.

Editorial Director
Laura Silverman

Creative Director/Art Director
Rebecca Farnham

Section Editors
David J. Hill
Sally Jarzab
Jeff Klein

Production Coordinator
Patricia McAllister