School of Public Health and Health Professions

Improving Health at Every Age, in Everyone

At UB’s School of Public Health and Health Professions, our faculty and students are dedicated to improving the health of individuals, families and communities through prevention and evidence-based practice. We’ve already accomplished much, and yet we know our students and faculty have the talent and desire to do so much more. So we’re raising our sights—and raising funds—to do more good. Make more change. Save more lives.

Here Is How We Support Students Who Will Transform the World

For more than 100 years we’ve been preparing UB students to improve lives and advance health in our communities. Now we’re aiming to do even more, more effectively than ever. With the support of philanthropy, we will:

  • Offer life-changing scholarships and programs such as our Diversity Scholars initiative
  • Further expand our commitment to collaboration with UB’s other health sciences schools
  • Support hands-on experiential learning and international experiences
  • Advance the discoveries from the monumental Women’s Health Initiative
  • Build innovative learning spaces 

Here Is How Our Forward-Thinking Research Has Real-World Impact

Our health research already has helped improve and save countless lives. But there are more still in need. Investments by donors help drive outcomes through endowed professorships, research funds and more, as our faculty experts tackle global health disparities across the world, illuminate risk factors, identify treatment breakthroughs and investigate critical issues that affect all of us. With your support, we will broaden our research, make an even bigger impact, and continue to lead the charge.

Students listening in a group to another student explain a topic.
A coach in a wheelchair explains basketball tactics to players in wheelchairs.

Here Is How We Tackle Global Problems, Starting in Our Own Backyard

Supporting our work here supports health revolutions everywhere. Now, through philanthropy, we will continue to develop—and to demonstrate—innovative ways to improve the public’s health, then share our expertise worldwide, including:

  • Helping more patients at our Rehabilitation Physiology Lab
  • Creating a community-based spinal cord injury rehabilitation and recovery center
  • Expanding the work of our Center for Research and Education in Special Environments (CRESE)
  • Improving lives through The Refugee Health Initiative

We are seeking your investment in creating healthier communities.

News from the School of Public Health and Health Professions