Michael A. Stefanone


Michael A. Stefanone.

Michael A. Stefanone


Michael A. Stefanone


Scholarly Interests

Social Media, Social Capital, Online Behavior, Social Networks.

Michael Stefanone is interested in computer-mediated communication and social media use, and he tries to situate technology use in evolving social contexts. His work has been funded by the NSF, AFOSR, and HRSA. Currently, Stefanone's work explores the effects these technologies have on people's interpersonal and professional relationships, access to resources like social capital, and strategic behavior in groups. 

Educational Background

  • PhD, Cornell University
  • MS, Cornell University
  • BA, University at Buffalo

Recent Courses

  • COM 199: Social Media and Society
  • COM 217: Communication in Organizations
  • COM 240: Survey of Mass Communication
  • COM 450: Political Communication
  • COM 517: Applied Theory Testing 

Current Research

  • We are using social cognitive theory as a theoretical foundation to explain the relationship between traditional media use and behavior with new and social media. This work focuses on a range of behavior including selfie-related behavior, and explores online grieving behavior.
  • We continue to explore the network awareness construct, which we define as an individual’s actual ability to understand the composition and structure of dynamic, complex interpersonal relationships that surround them. 

Selected Publications

Yue, Z., & Stefanone, M. A. (2021). Submitted for your approval: a cross-cultural study of selfie-related behavior.   Behavior and Information Technologyhttps://doi.org/10.1080/0144929X.2021.1887353 

Covert, J. M., & Stefanone, M. A. (2020). Does rejection still hurt? Examining the effects of network monitoring and exposure to online social exchange signals. Social Science Computer Review, 38(2), 170-186.

Stefanone, M. A., Yue, Z., & Toh, Z. (2019). A Social Cognitive Approach to Traditional Media Content and Social Media Use: Selfie-Related Behavior as Competitive Strategy. New Media and Society, 21(2), 317-335.

Stefanone, M. A., Hurley, C. M., Egnoto, M., & Covert, J. (2015). Information    Asymmetry and social exchange: Exploring compliance gaining online. Information, Communication & Society, 18(4), 376-389.

Stefanone, M. A., Kwon, K. H., & Lackaff, D. (2012). The relationship between perceptions of online capital and enacted support. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 17, 451-466.