Pinar Okumus receives the 2016 ASCE Outstanding Reviewer award
By Peter Murphy
Published April 13, 2017 This content is archived.
Pinar Okumus, assistant professor in UB’s Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering Department, has been named a 2016 Outstanding Reviewer award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Okumus was selected by the editor of the Journal of Bridge Engineering and recognized for her outstanding work as a reviewer for the journal.
Okumus has been a reviewer for the journal for over four years. She reviewed papers investigating system or element level behavior of precast, prestressed or reinforced concrete bridges. Some of the specific paper topics include testing and analysis of systems with new connection details or materials, and investigations to understand existing materials and design methods.
The focus of Okumus’ research is on understanding the fundamental structural behavior of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridge structures under service and extreme loads. She has conducted a number of research projects on nonlinear behavior of prestressed concrete, pretensioned concrete anchorage zones, large scale testing of advanced materials for seismic resiliency, accelerated bridge construction, in-situ testing and analytical modeling. These projects produce design and analysis methods for resilient, durable, innovative, sustainable and rapidly constructed structures.
The journal’s contents cover all aspects of the art and science of bridge engineering. The journal publishes research to advance bridge engineering, and also publishes papers covering any issues, projects and design, construction, safety, repair and demolition, and several other topics.