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Ryan Muldoon

Professor of Philosophy
University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences


Social and political philosophy, diversity, international development policy, social norms, behavior change, ethics

Head shot of Ryan Muldoon, University at Buffalo faculty expert on diversity.

Ryan Muldoon is a political philosopher. He can speak to media about how people with diverse viewpoints and social norms can cooperate for mutual benefit.

Muldoon studies how political, cultural and scientific communities operate in a diverse world. He is interested in how these communities can respond to diversity in ways that are moral and beneficial, leading to just societies, greater wealth and scientific progress.

In the realm of development, Muldoon has worked — as a philosopher — on projects with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and World Bank. He believes that aid and other interventions should be structured in ways that enhance people’s autonomy.

He has researched the emergence and persistence of social norms, including in relation to health.


Ryan Muldoon, PhD
Professor of Philosophy
University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences