As a university community, with our mission as our guide, it is imperative that we explore, understand and respond to racism and systemic inequality.
The President’s Advisory Council on Race is addressing these issues in order to guide and shape the University at Buffalo's policies, programs, activities and traditions.
The council’s work is informing how the UB community can harness our university’s education, research and engagement mission to combat racism and dismantle structural barriers to equality.
The President's Advisory Council on Race is comprised of University at Buffalo faculty, staff, students and alumni. Each member brings their own unique expertise and experience to the council to help guide the university's progress in realizing the ideals of equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice.
The President's Advisory Council on Race identified four key focus areas for their university-wide assessment and recommendations: Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention (faculty & staff); Recruitment and Retention (students); Curriculum and Teaching; and Community.
In an effort to keep the university community informed about the progress made by the President's Advisory Council on Race, updates and accomplishments have been posted here.
After the establishment of the President's Advisory Council on Race in June 2020, the Council identified, researched and reviewed best practices within each of four focus areas. The resulting summary recommendations are helping to guide the university's collective conversations and actions as UB continues to combat inequality and racism and create a culture that thrives on ideals of equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice.
To guide the university's implementation efforts of the President's Advisory Council on Race's recommendations, a steering committee and seven subcommittees were formed and charged with reviewing and discussing the PACOR’s recommendations to determine how best to implement them, develop a timeline for this process, and establish specific quantitative and/or qualitative milestones for anticipated progress.