
Agreements to ease transfer of students to UB from community colleges

News Services Associate Director

The university recently signed joint-admission agreements with two SUNY community colleges that will facilitate the transfer of students from the colleges to UB.

The agreement between UB and Broome Community College in Binghamton is designed to increase the number of students transferring with associate degrees from the college to the UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

An agreement with Genesee Community College in Batavia will guarantee students admission to UB at the sophomore level after completion of their first year at GCC. The college and UB already maintain an agreement in which GCC students can transfer to UB after earning an associate's degree.

"Early transfer" students from GCC must complete the required two-semester curriculumÑa total of 30-34 creditsÑwith a minimum grade-point average of 2.5 to continue their studies at UB as a sophomore. GCC staff will advise students who enroll in the program, with UB staff offering special advisement sessions. UB staff also will train GCC faculty and staff advisors.

UB also will co-sponsor Genesee's Advanced Studies Program, which offers college-level courses in Genesee County high schools and allows accelerated high-school students to earn GCC credits. Students who later are admitted to UB will receive equivalent UB credit for the courses. More than 600 students from 28 different high schools registered for the program this past year.

Under the agreement with Broome Community College, BCC will recruit for the program. Students will apply to BCC and to the program and qualified students will be admitted simultaneously to both the college and to UB. Students are guaranteed transfer as juniors into the engineering major upon completion of the BCC degree with the required course work and specified grade-point average

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