
SEFA caring a UB tradition, Greiner notes

UB has a strong tradition of caring for our community, and our annual State Employees Federated Appeal campaign is a proud part of that tradition. Each year, we lead Erie County, State University, New York State, and the nation with our combined generosity.

UB people also show an extraordinary outpouring of support for the United Way Day of Caring-this year, nearly 200 faculty and staff turned out to paint, clean, teach, organize, and lend a hand at health and human services agencies in Western New York.

Such caring is a hallmark of what UB is all about. We are UB; we care; we are partners in caring to our neighbors in Western New York. Partnering with our community is an important part of our professional work here at UB. Networking and collaborating with our colleagues across the university are part and parcel of how we do our jobs well. And forming partnerships with our counterparts at other universities, in government, and in the private sector is crucial to our competitive success.

We are also in the habit of partnering with agencies in our community where we can provide essential services to our friends, neighbors, and family members in times of need. Whether volunteering our time or making crucial financial contributions, these partnerships are essential to making our community healthy and strong.

If you are in the habit of making an annual contribution to SEFA, thank you. If you haven't yet become a part of this proud UB tradition, we encourage you to look at the agencies listed in the SEFA brochure your unit's liaison will share with you. You will probably find that several of those agencies have directly affected people in your life. You may even find a special agency with which you will want to get involved as a volunteer partner, in addition to your financial contribution.

On behalf of the entire UB community, our appreciation to everyone who makes our SEFA campaign an important and successful initiative. For committing to making our university and our community strong, thank you, UB.

-Professor William R. Greiner

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