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Moving In Elisabeth Della Paolera, from library media specialist and elementary teacher in Cambridge, Mass., to coordinator, Curriculum Center in Baldy Hall. Bonnie C. Glassberg, a Ph.D. candidate from the University of South Carolina, to visiting assistant professor of management information systems, School of Management. William G. Heninger, from lecturer, University of Georgia, to assistant professor of accounting, School of Management. Sandeep Nabar, a Ph.D. graduate from University of Texas at Austin, to assistant professor of accounting, School of Management. Evelyn R. Patterson, assistant professor at George Washington University, to assistant professor of accounting, School of Management. Erin M. Burger, from resource center coordinator, United Way, to program coordinator for the Executive MBA Program, School of Management. Sandra J. Pugliese, from marketing/human resources coordinator, Mercy Medical Equipment, to program coordinator for the Center for Management Development, School of Management. Phyliss Rubino, from network administrator for IIMAC, to network support coordinator for the School of Management information technology infrastructure. Moving Up John K. Fitzer, from assistant director for Academic Support Systems, English Language Institute (ELI), to assistant director for English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs. Moving On Retirements Arlene Bergwall, assistant dean for undergraduate and doctoral programs, School of Management. Frank C. Jen, Manufacturers and Traders Trust Co. Professor of Banking and Finance. Lawrence D. Brown, professor of accounting and law. He has accepted a professorship at Georgia State University. To submit items about new UB employees, those leaving, or those who have been promoted, send by e-mail to Transitions at this address: reporter@ubnews.buffalo.edu.
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