Musical performance, Steve Swallow, David
Torn and Chris Massey, 8 p.m., Hallwalls, 2495 Main St., Buffalo. Featured
will be bass great Steve Swallow, "Avant Guitar's King Snake"
David Torn and Buffalo's own "different drummer" Chris Massey
in a first-time trio performance to be hosted by Robert Creeley.
Sept. 16:
Poetry and prose reading, Fred D'Aguiar,
4 p.m., Center for the Arts Screening Room. A poet, novelist and playwright,
D'Aguiar teaches at the University of Miami, where he directs the master
of fine arts program.
Sept. 17:
Lecture, "Jim Jones in Paradise: Caribbean
Literature Since 1978," Fred D'Aguiar, 3:30 p.m., 120 Clemens Hall.
Sept. 18:
Poetry readings, Robert Kelly, Gerrit Lansing,
11 a.m.; talks, 2 p.m., 420 Capen. Kelly, a poet, short-story writer, essayist,
novelist and editor, has published more than 50 books. He teaches at Bard
College. Lansing, whose lifework in poetry was recently collected in a volume,
'Heavenly Tree/Soluble Forest," has worked as editor of the poetry
magazine SET.
Sept. 22:
McNulty Chair Lecture, "Comparative
Poetry/Poetics: Microsystemic Soundings versus The World," Paul Friedrich,
3:30 p.m. 540 Clemens Hall. Frederich, who teaches at the University of
Chicago, is the author of many articles and books of anthropology, criticism,
linguistics and poetry.
Sept. 23:
Talk/performance, "Russian Poetry:
Readings/Translations/Critiques," Paul Friedrich, 4 p.m., Center for
the Arts Screening Room.
Sept. 24:
Lecture, "Syntax in the Whispering
Gallery," Geoff Ward, author, editor, poet and head of the English
Department at the University of Dundee, Scotland, 12:30 p.m., 438 Clemens
Sept. 25:
Poetry reading, Geoff Ward, 8 p.m., Cornershop
Gallery, 82 Lafayette St., Buffalo.
Oct. 6:
Lecture, "Talking From the Body in
Nakota Storytelling Performance," Brenda Farnell, modern dancer, linguistic
anthropologist. She teaches at the University of Illinois-Urbana. 3:30 p.m.,
540 Clemens Hall.
Oct. 7:
Talk/performance, "Speech and Other
Gestural Movements: Toward a Dynamically Embodied Poetics," Brenda
Farnell, 4 p.m., Center for the Arts Screening Room.
Oct. 9:
Poetry reading, Joseph Lease, author, poetry
editor of The Boston Review. He teaches poetry writing and composition at
Tufts University. 8 p.m., Cornershop Gallery, 82 Lafayette St., Buffalo.
Oct. 14:
Third Jones Chair French Poetry Festival
(I), Bilingual reading and talk, Michael Deguy, one of France's most celebrated
poets and professeur des universites at the University of Paris VIII, 4
p.m., Center for the Arts Screening Room.
Oct. 15:
Lecture, "Hannah Weiner: Clairvoyance
And Trauma," Maria Damon, author of "The Dark End of the Street:
Margins in American Vanguard Poetry." She teaches literature at the
University of Minnesota. 12:30 p.m., 438 Clemens Hall.
Oct. 21:
Poetry Reading, Author Robert Grenier,
who edited the 1976 "Selected Poems" by Robert Creeley, 4 p.m.,
Center for the Arts Screening Room.
Oct. 22:
Talk, "Realizing Things," Robert
Grenier, 12:30 p.m., 438 Clemens Hall.
Oct. 28:
Third Jones Chair French Poetry Festival
(II), Bilingual reading, Christian Prigent, founder of radical French magazine
TXT, leading practitioner of experimental poetry, and Pierre Ouellet, poet,
novelist, critic and author, who teaches at the University of Quebec at
Montreal, 4 p.m., Center for the Arts Screening Room.
Oct. 29:
Talks by Prigent and Ouellet, 10 a.m.,
438 Clemens Hall.
Nov. 4:
Poetry reading, Myung Mi Kim, poet, recipient
of two Gertrude Stein Awards and associate professor of creative writing
at San Francisco State University, 4 p.m., Center for the Arts Screening
Nov. 6:
Silverman Poetry Reading, Lisel Mueller,
winner of 1997 Pulitzer Prize for poetry, 8 p.m., 250 Baird Hall.
Nov. 9:
Talks, "Keeping Score," Eileen
Myles, poet, short-story writer, playwright and reviewer who writes from
the viewpoint of woman, poet and lesbian; and "My Utopia," Camille
Roy, author of prose and fiction, 4 p.m. 438 Clemens Hall.
Nov. 11:
Third Jones Chair French Poetry Festival
(III) Lecture, "Reading Performative Metaphors," Judd Hubert,
author, professor emeritus, University of California, Irvine, noon, 930
Clemens Hall.
Nov. 11:
Third Jones Chair French Poetry Festival
(IV), Bilingual poetry reading and talk, Marcelin Pleynet, magazine editor,
literary critic, art historian and novelist, 4 p.m., Center for the Arts
Screening Room.
Nov. 12:
Third Jones Chair French Poetry Festival
(V), Lecture, "Removable Boundaries: Illustration and Bookarts,"
Renée Hubert , professor emerita of French and comparative literature,
University of California, Irvine, 12:30 p.m., 438 Clemens Hall.