VOLUME 30, NUMBER 34 THURSDAY, June 24, 1999

Changes announced for on-campus telephone dialing

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With the new Hadley Village apartments set for occupancy this fall, the current four-digit plan for on-campus telephone dialing has run out of numbers. Under a plan designed to solve the problem, dormitory residents at UB will dial five digits instead of four for on-campus service, beginning in August.

Dorm residents on both campuses will dial five digits for intercom and intercampus calls to other dorm residents.

The "9" access code for outside calls for dorm residents on both campuses will not change.

The plan will yield approximately 2,000 new numbers for dorm residents and 1,600 numbers for administrative use. "This should provide more than enough numbers for the balance of our present contract with Bell Atlantic," according to Voldemar Innus, senior associate vice president for university services.

There will be no change in dialing for the majority of administrative users, Innus says. Administrative users will continue to use four-digit numbers when dialing on their own campus and the access code "8" when calling administrative numbers on the opposite campus. The only change will be in administrative calls to students in the dormitories. When dialing students, an access code of "9," plus the campus prefix-829 or 645-must be added to the four digits. Such calls will not incur any local charges.

The procedure for student calls to off-campus numbers will remain the same-"9" plus the seven digits. Students in the dorms calling other students and administrative numbers will have to dial "8," plus four digits, for South Campus numbers and "5," plus four digits, for North Campus numbers, no matter which campus they are calling from.

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