VOLUME 30, NUMBER 34 THURSDAY, June 24, 1999

Driving on lawns, sidewalks: it's a no-no
Violators who ignore warnings will be ticketed

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Motorists who drive on sidewalks and park in unauthorized areas, especially on grassy areas surrounding the South Campus, may be ticketed by Public Safety officers, who began issuing warnings to offenders this month.

Considerable damage has been caused to lawns and other areas by service vehicles, state vehicles and delivery trucks, as well as by motorists with special permits who fail to use the parking spots provided for them, according to John Grela, director of public safety. Grela said he will notify department heads when vehicles continue to park in unauthorized areas. Two types of tickets will be issued, depending on the severity of the offense-campus parking tickets at $15 or New York State summonses for moving violations, for which the motorist can be assessed up to $50.

In a recent memo, Senior Vice President Robert J. Wagner noted that UB is taking steps to improve the appearance of grounds on the South Campus as part of a growing need to focus on the recruitment and retention of students, faculty and staff. One of those steps will be to reduce the amount of damage caused by vehicles being driven on sidewalks, Wagner said.

In order to facilitate better access to buildings, a number of improvements have been made, including widening of sidewalks in a number of locations, adding more parking spaces adjacent to buildings and creating parking spaces reserved for UB service vehicles only.

A map of the South Campus that outlines service routes and special parking areas, including patient and handicapped parking, loading zones, areas for those with state and vendor service permits and those for state vehicles only, can be downloaded from the University Facilities Web site at http://wings.buffalo.edu/services/fac/. Click on "what's new" and then click on "campus driving restrictions" to find the article with the map.

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