VOLUME 33, NUMBER 14 THURSDAY, January 24, 2002

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Amherst moving closer to "e-government"
CSE students design prototypes to bring key governmental services online

By Donna Longenecker
Reporter Assistant Editor

The Town of Amherst could become the first municipality in Western New York—and one of the few in the country—to offer major government services online, thanks to the expertise of students in UB's Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

The partnership between UB and the town to develop e-commerce and e-government software solutions came about because the town "needs to automate things more quickly because of (its) sheer size, and manual systems just don't cut it," said Jerry Galkiewicz, director of computer services for the town. While the town's Web site now offers an online tax-assessment challenge and provides in-depth information about its services and programs, implementing more sophisticated e-commerce applications to enhance the way the town does business would be a huge step.

Building on earlier e-commerce applications designed for the town by UB MBA students under the tutelage of H.R. Rao, professor of management science and systems, Sviatoslav Braynov, assistant professor of computer science and engineering, challenged his CSE students last semester to develop "real, working prototypes" for online services relevant to the town's needs. Student teams enrolled in the "E-Commerce Technology" course created systems for procurement of town supplies, recreation reservation and dog licensing, all linked to and based on the town's Web site.

Braynov believes Amherst would be the first community in Western New York and one of the few in the country to offer these kinds of government services online.

Galkiewicz noted that increasing the functionality and number of online services provided on its Web site is part of the town's overall comprehensive plan. By using the CSE students as consultants, the town saves expensive consulting fees while giving students a chance to translate abstract theory and classroom lecture into real-world, hands-on job skills, he said. The partnership, he added, moves the students out of the "ivory tower" and "down on the ground, scratching around to solve real problems, working with real systems and real data."

The students' work on the Web-based procurement system may prove to be the most important of all the e-commerce projects, Galkiewicz pointed out. It would save both time and money by allowing the town to partner with other municipalities to purchase goods in bulk—with vendors bidding on contracts during on-line auctions. He added that this type of service also would be groundbreaking—he said he wasn't aware of any other municipalities that are acquiring goods over the Internet.

Galkiewicz noted that the governmental bidding process can take weeks or even months when done the traditional way—through snail mail and waiting for approval of bids by the town board. Placing the process online can cut that time dramatically and reduce duplication of services.

"It has the potential to change the way the town does business," Braynov said, in part because each online auction is limited to one hour. "It not only avoids duplication of services, but creates competitive markets because several vendors can go there (online) and take part in the competitive process of bidding—making the end price lower," he said. Most local governments currently purchase goods as separate entities, which prevents them from taking advantage of savings through bulk purchasing.

Perhaps the most unique aspect of the on-line auction process is that the bidding is anonymous, giving smaller vendors an equal opportunity to compete for a contract.

Shanker Srivatsava, who headed the student team working on the procurement prototype, said his group recognizes the potential that e-commerce projects have to revive and even revolutionize the "dot.com" industry.

"It takes two generations to make people literate in new technology. The dot.com revolution was more of a culture shock—consumers are still coming out of merchant shopping, where everything has to be touched and seen," he said.

That kind of awareness—keeping the user in mind—motivated the students to create a simple, functional site, one that can easily be managed and updated by the town.

The biggest hurdle Galkiewicz sees in implementing the students' prototypes is integrating their software programs with the software and internal systems the town already has in place—systems that continuously update the town's database and records.

Then there are the financial considerations; the town doesn't have the resources to replicate the students' hardware and software environments, and Galkiewicz said there's no state money to fund e-commerce.

The state has created a task force—of which Galkiewicz is a member—"to determine how best to develop this capability for all level of governments," he said.

In the meatime, Braynov has given the town online access to the UB projects and Galkiewicz said he would continue working with the university to learn what it takes to "do e-commerce."