Contributing Editor
The glittering Pan-American Exposition that was held in the burgeoning
city of Buffalo, New York, in 1901 was conceived of as marking a turning
point in the history of hemispheric relations.
At the time, this was no small thing, given that in previous years,
the region had seen wars between the United States and both Mexico and
Spain. Unfortunately, the ideal of "pan-Americanism" would continue
to be eclipsed by what our geopolitical neighbors saw as the overbearing
U.S. hegemony.
As part of its centennial celebration of the exposition, UB on Sept.
13 will sponsor "Pan-Americanisms: Myths and Realities," an international
symposium that will look at the myths and realities embodied in the
concept of Pan-Americanism.
The symposium, sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences and its
Department of Modern Language and Literatures, will be free of charge
and open to the public. Events will be held at the Karpeles Manuscript
Library Museum, 453 Porter Ave., Buffalo, or in the Screening Room in
the Center for the Arts on the North Campus.
Information on lecture times, topics and speakers can be found at
. For additional information contact, the Department of Modern Languages
and Literatures at 645-2191.
The symposium will feature presentations by widely published historiographer
Ricardo Quiza-Moreno, currently a research fellow at the Instituto de
Historia de Cuba in Havana, and Bruce Novoa, professor of Spanish at
the University of California at Irvine, who is the author of four books
on Chicano literature. A third speaker, Sara Castro-KlarŽn, is a noted
author and professor of romance languages and literatures at The Johns
Hopkins University.
They will examine why the nations and the nationless peoples of the
Americas are no closer to a mutual hemispheric understanding than they
were 100 years ago.
"It interests us that the 1901 exposition brought to a close a century
marked by multiple national independence movements in the Americas,
under the sign of a new, ostensibly non-national hegemony by the two
American continents," says Margarita Vargas, associate professor of
Spanish, chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
and a conference organizer.
The questions to be addressed by the symposium are simple ones, she
says. How was the determination of a "pan-Americas" arrived at in 1901,
and what does the term mean today? What political, ideological and mythological
work does the modifier 'pan' ?
"Is it possible," she asks, "that the Americas, in their plurality
and singularity, can be thought about and imagined only within the framework
of 'pan'? Under such an inclusive hemispheric inclusiveness, who or
what is excluded?"
The symposium conveners say that the 1901 Pan-Am was touted as an
opportunity to launch an era of peace and progress under a banner of
transcontinental unity.
Vargas points out that the political and cultural conditions of the
time did not allow for a serious exchange of ideas about Pan-Americanism
The 1901 Latin American discourse on the Americas, which dated to
the early 19th century, was fundamentally incompatible with the U.S.
course of "Manifest Destiny" and the Anglo-Saxon philosophical pragmatism
that propelled it in the late 19th century.
In the 13 years that followed the Pan-Am, the U.S. annexed Puerto
Rico, declared its unilateral right to intervene in Cuban affairs, encouraged
Panama's independence from Colombia in order to acquire the Panama Canal
rights, declared itself in the "Roosevelt Corollary" to be the policeman
of the Caribbean, placed the Dominican Republic under a customs receivership,
invaded Nicaragua (and occupied it until 1933) and shelled seized parts
of the Mexican city of Veracruz because the Mexicans refused to salute
the U.S. flag.
"The myths we hold about "pan-Americanism" today continue to diverge
from transcontinental realities," says Vargas.
She noted that most North Americans have no idea of the way their
southern neighbors view them, nor do they understand the expectations
and concerns Latin Americans have about the exclusionist economic practiced
by the United States.
The symposium speakers, all of whom have written and spoken eloquently
to these questions, are among the top scholars in the field of Americanist