- engineering analysis - linear algebra, odes, fourier analysis, pdes (~90 % complete)
- continuum mechanics - index notation, tensor fields, kinematics, conservation laws, thermodynamics, frame indifference, coleman noll, elasticity (~20 % complete)
- finite element analysis - 2d cst, 2d quad4, 3d hex8 (~50 % complete)
- elasticity - strain, stress, hooke's law, isotropy, elastostatics, bvps, torsion, plane deformation, work theorem, betti theorem, variational principles (100 % complete)
- numerical analysis - iee754, roundoff/truncation error, numerical linear and nonlinear systems, polynomial interpolation, optimization, numerical differentiation and quadrature, python basics (~90 % complete)
Significant credit is owed to (respectively) Gary Dargush, Danial Faghihi, Jiaoyan Li, and John Ringland, whose teachings inspired the content of these notes