
Teacher standing in front of a class teaching.

With the recognition that students can learn and grow from their mistakes, UB offers an Academic Integrity remediation course to provide direct instruction around the value and practices of academic integrity in the university setting. The remediation process is offered in a number of different circumstances, including:

  • Undergraduate students with first-time, non-egregious offenses have the opportunity to expunge their record by successfully completing the Office of Academic Integrity remediation assignment. Expunging a record means that students would not be required to disclose the violation on future applications for education or employment and the Office of Academic Integrity would not report the infraction to other universities or employers. The only common exceptions to this are if a student grants someone a full release of their records (e.g., if they are applying to work for government or law enforcement) or if an entity has a legal right to see the complete record (e.g., for a legal proceeding).
  • Graduate students can be assigned to complete the remediation assignment as a sanction by their instructor.
  • Repeat offenders are required by the Office of Academic Integrity to complete the remediation assignment, with the goal of providing necessary information to prevent any future offenses. 

Designed as an educational intervention to prevent future infractions, the remediation assignment has specific requirements and a strict timeline. Students must sign up for the assignment within 10 academic days of notice from the Office of Academic Integrity. Once begun, the assignment has a 60-calendar-day deadline and must be completed prior to graduation. 

Successful completion of the remediation assignment will either clear your record with the Office of Academic Integrity or fulfill a mandatory requirement. It will not affect the penalty imposed by your instructor. And for all but the most exceptional cases, it will not lead to the lifting of the hold on your account.