Session Descriptions

Business Day consists of 30 sessions across five time slots throughout the day by numerous presenters. Session descriptions for each time slot are below.

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View the presentations for UB Business Day 2023

  • Purchasing and Contract Services Roadmap

    Presenter(s): Carmen Gonzalez

    Purchasing and Contract Services

    Time: 9:00 a.m. | Room: TBD

    UB's new AVP for Purchasing and Contract Services outlines the 2024 - 2025 projects and initiatives planned to streamline business processes, optimize ShopBlue and improve the customer buying experience.

  • RASC and Me: What's Next

    Presenter(s): Jessica Best

    Sponsored Project Services

    Time: 2:30 p.m. | Room: TBD

    This session covers essential topics related to Sponsored Project Services. More details will be shared during the presentation.

  • ShopBlue 101

    Presenter(s): Purchasing and Contract Services Team

    Purchasing and Contract Services

    Time: 9:00 a.m. | Room: TBD

    ShopBlue best practices to make using the system easier. The session demonstrates the processes for more advanced ordering, ease of fiscal-year repetitive orders, how to look up your payment information and manage invoices, advanced tools to enhance your system usage and information on future enhancements to optimize the ShopBlue system.

  • UB Emergency Management

    Presenter(s): Jessica Alaimo

    Environment, Health and Safety

    Time: 1:30 p.m. | Room: TBD

    Join us to learn about UB's proactive five-year plan to enhance emergency preparedness through improved operational coordination, operational communication, planning and community resilience. Discover the strategies being implemented and how you can contribute to building a prepared and resilient community.

  • Why Integrating Climate Action Into Our Business Work is Key for Higher Education and How We Can Do It

    Presenter(s): Ryan McPherson


    Time: 10:00 a.m. | Room: TBD

    No one ever said it would be easy but geesh, does advancing climate action really need to be this difficult? But what if the massive shift and destabilization that climate change will and is bringing could be aligned with our business practices to increase enrollment, build institutional culture, strengthen resilience and build greater purpose across the enterprise? Join Ryan for an engaging session focused on taking a look at climate change through a lens of opportunity versus “just another thing" to add to our big to-do list.

  • Workforce Planning

    Presenter(s): Chris Dellelo, Jamie Bluhm

    Human Resources, Workforce Planning and Recruitment

    Time: 11:00 a.m. | Room: TBD

    This session covers essential topics related to Human Resources. More details will be shared during the presentation.