Session Descriptions

Business Day consists of 30 sessions across five time slots throughout the day by numerous presenters. Session descriptions for each time slot are below.

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View the presentations for UB Business Day 2023

  • Confronting Conflicts of Interest in Higher Education

    Presenter(s): Kara Kearney-Salor

    Internal Audit

    Time: 10:00 a.m. | Room: TBD

    This session reviews the complex landscape of conflict of interest (COI) in higher education since UB engages with external partners and encourages community collaboration. Real-world cases are highlighted from other universities to illustrate the challenges and risks involved. The presentation covers definitions and important issues facing UB employees while safeguarding academic integrity and public trust. Attendees will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify, manage and mitigate COI risks. 

  • Delegation for Everyone's Success

    Presenter(s): Kyle O'Neill

    Organizational Development and Effectiveness

    Time: 2:30 p.m. | Room: TBD

    Supervisors often hesitate to delegate tasks to their employees. The fears and frustrations around handing over important work to others are understandable, but ultimately sabotage the success of the team. Explore what holds us back from delegation, what mindsets create process bottlenecks and what it takes to delegate effectively

  • Elevating Engagement: The Role of Campus Dining and Shops in Campus Life

    Presenter(s): Eric Blackledge, Nicole Dell, Raymond Kohl

    Campus Dining and Shops

    Time: 9:00 a.m. | Room: TBD

    This presentation highlights the critical role that campus dining and retail services play in creating a vibrant and engaging campus environment for our professional staff and students. From fostering community connections to enhancing student well-being, Campus Dining and Shops offers more than just convenience — they are central to the overall UB experience. Discover how these services contribute to staff and student satisfaction, campus culture and overall success by providing unique offerings, promoting sustainability and creating memorable social spaces

  • Enhancing Employee Engagement and Recognition with True Blue Spirit

    Presenter(s): Devon Jerla, Michele Poitras, Peter Logiudice

    Marketing and Brand Management, Wellness and Worklife Balance

    Time: 1:30 p.m. | Room: TBD

    Being a campus where people want to work, learn and thrive takes much more than the occasional giveaway, and building enduring institutional pride means more than pomp and circumstance. It starts with aligning purpose with leadership goals, igniting connectivity through careful planning and establishing key partnerships for lasting success. Learn how building pride through employee engagement yields impressive business results and walk away with easy ways to recognize staff within your departments, reward individual contributions and celebrate their success. That way, we can enhance morale, retain employees, create unique experiences and ultimately build a culture teams will thrive in — all while celebrating what it means to be True Blue.

  • Facilities Update

    Presenter(s): Tonga Pham

    University Facilities

    Time: 2:30 p.m. | Room: TBD

    This session covers essential topics related to University Facilities. More details will be shared during the presentation.

  • Finding JOY at Work

    Presenter(s): Susan Bagdasarian, Neil McGillicuddy

    Employee Assistance

    Time: 10:00 a.m | Room: TBD

    For many, being at work is difficult, providing a paycheck but little else positive. When asked, many report having negative feelings toward their job. However, increasing research and recognition indicate that having JOY at work increases job engagement, productivity, and worker health. This session introduces participants to the benefits of finding JOY in their jobs and identifies ways to increase our JOYFULNESS at work and beyond.