EV Curious? Attend a Lunch and Learn to Find Out About Going Electric at UB

Electric vehicle charging station on UB South Campus with a silver car plugged in.

Published September 25, 2024


Some of the largest contributors to UB’s carbon footprint are the emissions that come from our commute to and from campus.

While many university members have already switched to an electric vehicle (thank you,) we know there are many more of you who are considering doing so and may have questions.

Please join UB Sustainability and Parking and Transportation Services for an Electric Vehicle Lunch and Learn

When: Thursday, October 3, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Where: The Landmark Room, 210 Student Union, North Campus

A brief overview will be provided on EVs here at UB, and more importantly, a panel of UB EV drivers will be on hand to share their experience and answer questions from those who are considering going electric. A light lunch will be served.

If you are driving to the North Campus to attend this event, consider parking in the Center for Tomorrow parking lot and taking the Talbert Way Shuttle to the O’Brian Hall stop. A short walk on Founders Plaza (the Academic Spine) will get you to the Student Union. The Talbert Way Shuttle service runs every 20 minutes.

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