Integrating Generative Models in the Classroom: Exploring Risks and Benefits

Workshop | JULY 11, 2023 | 10 Capen Hall and via Zoom


The one-day workshop aims to familiarize educators with the concept and practical implementation of generative models in the classroom environment. Participants will gain insights into the benefits and risks of utilizing generative models as educational tools. The workshop will focus on theoretical discussions and hands-on activities to comprehensively understand the topic.


Agenda (Generated by Chat GPT)

Introduction to Generative Models (1 hour)

  • Overview of generative models and their applications
  • Explanation of different types of generative models (e.g., GANs, VAEs)
  • Discussion on the potential benefits and risks in educational contexts

Benefits of Generative Models in Education (1.5 hours)

  • Enhancing creativity and critical thinking skills among students
  • Fostering student engagement through interactive learning experiences
  • Personalizing educational content to cater to individual student needs
  • Encouraging exploration and experimentation in complex subjects

Risks and Ethical Considerations (1 hour)

  • Discussion on potential risks associated with generative models in education
  • Addressing issues of data privacy, security, and responsible AI usage
  • Examining potential biases and ethical implications in generative model outputs
  • Strategies for mitigating risks and promoting responsible use of generative models

Practical Implementation of Generative Models in the Classroom (2 hours)

  • Exploring various tools and platforms for generative model integration
  • Collaborative activity: Creating a generative model project for a specific subject area
  • Group discussions on challenges and best practices for implementation
  • Sharing successful case studies and real-world examples

Hands-on Session: Building and Interacting with Generative Models (2.5 hours)

  • Step-by-step guidance on using generative model frameworks and libraries
  •  Hands-on activity: Training a simple generative model using provided datasets
  • Experimenting with model parameters and observing the generated outputs
  • Reflection and discussion on potential classroom applications

Wrap-up and Closing Remarks (30 minutes)

  • Recap of key insights and takeaways from the workshop
  • Addressing participant questions and concerns
  • Sharing additional resources for further exploration and learning


  • Enhance student engagement and motivation by introducing interactive learning experiences.
  • Foster creativity and critical thinking skills among students through generative model projects.
  • Enable personalized learning experiences tailored to individual student needs.
  • Empower students to participate in the creation and exploration of educational content actively.
  • Explore the potential of generative models to simplify complex concepts and promote understanding.


  • Data privacy concerns regarding student information and generated content.
  • Potential biases in generative model outputs that need to be carefully addressed.
  • Ethical considerations related to responsible AI usage, transparency, and fairness.
  • Technical challenges in implementing and integrating generative models in the classroom.
  • The need for educators to acquire sufficient knowledge and expertise to utilize generative models effectively and responsibly.

Organizers and Contact Information


  • Virginia Stever (

Organizing Committee:

  • David Doermann (
  • Margarete Jadamec (
  • Matthew Hertz (