Alison Hendricks
Associate Professor, Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences
TOPIC: What's the Goal? Collaborations to Move
AI and Education Forward
Margarete Jadamec
Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
Xiaoyu Chen
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
TOPIC: Distribution-in-distribution-out Regression
Barry Smith
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy
Director, National Center for Ontological Research
TOPIC: Are We Living in a Simulation?
Nathalia Andrade
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontics and Endodontics
TOPIC: Transforming Dental Medicine Powered by Artificial Intelligence
Bibhu Datta Sahoo
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering
TOPIC: Mixed-Signal Hardware Accelerators for Machine Learning
Prashant Sankaran
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
TOPIC: Human Interpretable Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Spatial Robustness in Computer Vision
Bárbara Ávila-Shah
Language Coordinator and Adjunct Assistant Professor in Spanish
TOPIC: AI as a Romance Ally
Adaias Matos
Department of Restorative Dentistry
TOPIC: Generative AI-Driven Transformation in Fixed Prosthodontics Lectures: Enhancing Teaching and Assessment
Kelin Luo
Assistant Professor of Teaching
TOPIC: LLM-Enhanced Proof Assistant for a Graduate Algorithms Course
Chris Proctor
Assistant Professor, Learning and Instruction
Matt Knepley
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
TOPIC: Large-scale Analysis of Child Mental Development
Shigeru Yokoyama
Professor and Director, Research Center for Child Mental Development
Kanazawa University
Yuko Yoshimura
Professor, Institute of Human and Social Science
Kanazawa University
Naoya Miyashita
Undergraduate Student, School of Teacher Education
Kanazawa University
Roshan Ayyalasomayajula
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
TOPIC: ML/AI Considerations for Mobile and
Robotic System Deployments
John Beverley
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
TOPIC: Being Honest about
(the Ontology of) Secrets
Our research center at Kanazawa University is specialized for the research of child mental development spanning from the molecular mechanism to the clinical and educational practicing. In particular, our research focuses on developmental disorders from the aspects of molecular genetics, functional brain imaging, and social behaviors.
In this talk, we would like to explore the possibilities of analyzing large-scale data obtained from animal and human behavioral studies.