Eric A. Walker


Eric Walker.

Eric A. Walker


Eric A. Walker


Research Topics

Catalysis; data science; high performance computing

Biography Publications Teaching Research Group

Research Interests

man and robot looking at each other.

Source: Basic Research Needs for Catalysis Science, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Gaithersburg, MD, May 8-10, 2017.

Dr. Walker’s research focus is on the simulation of the performance of catalytic materials that are responsible for 80% of the worldwide production of chemicals and carbon-based energy carriers. Catalytic materials accelerate chemical reactions with the advantage of not being consumed in reactions. Therefore, they may perform their function over and over. Dr. Walker’s doctoral dissertation focused on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Catalysis and was awarded an Eastman fellowship and USC presidential fellowship. He advanced his machine-learning expertise through his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan. Dr. Walker is currently using data science tools including machine learning, uncertainty quantification and Bayesian statistics, to study catalysts. His research utilizes the power high-performance computing resources.