The Baldy Center magazine highlights recent University at Buffalo research focusing on law and social policy themes. Global research has flourished this semester with the return of faculty and students to campus, and pandemic-delayed research programs reactivated with immense productivity here in The Baldy Center.
The research highlighted in the Spring 2022 issue is global in scope, spanning four continents and diverse disciplinary arenas. In this issue, we present work that examines complexities in societal engagements with law, from the perspective of those developing and enforcing law and those responding to it.
We feature Ana Mariella Bacigalupo’s work on shamanic justice and international human rights in Chile, and Ndubueze Mbah’s investigation of unfree labor in colonial West Africa.
We present two Insight articles highlighting Walter Hakala’s work on the language of law and bureaucracy in colonial South Asia and Linda Kahn’s research about the remote technology adaptations made by drug courts during the pandemic. We look back to three legacy conferences that examined critical topics still relevant in today’s context. And, we profile three University at Buffalo graduate students, who are pursuing exciting new research in law and society.
We invite you to browse our virtual magazine, and learn about the work of University at Buffalo researchers engaged in innovative work at the intersection of law, legal institutions, and social policy.
Group photograph of in-person participants at The Bady Center conference, Fall 2021: Global Glyphosate: New Challenges in Regulating Pervasive Chemicals in the Anthropocene.
Standing, left to right: Fernando Ramirez (IRET, Costa Rica), Brian Williams (U of Mississippi, USA), Annie Shattuck (Indiana U, USA), Becky Mansfield (Ohio State, USA), Christian Berndt (U of Zurich, Switzerland), Marion Werner (SUNY-Buffalo, USA), Fernando Barri (Univ of Córdoba, Argentina).
Seated, left to right: Abhigya (Institute of Technology, India), Maria Soledad Castro (Autonomous Univ of Barcelona, Spain), Caitlyn Sears (SUNY-Buffalo), Poushali Bhattacharjee (SUNY-Buffalo).