The Office of the New York State Comptroller (OSC) in Albany plans to mail direct deposit advices/stubs to the address on the advice, starting with the paycheck dated April 1, 2020.
If you receive direct deposit advices or live paychecks, you should verify that the address on your advice or paycheck is correct by looking at a previous advice or pay stub. If the address is correct, no further action is needed. If the address is incorrect, please contact your payroll expert with the correct address information as soon as possible.
For your payroll expert, see your email or contact Sam.
"In the College of Arts and Sciences, we will be offering all credit-bearing forms of instruction remotely--including classroom-based instruction, lab-based instruction, studio-based instruction, performance-based instruction, and ensembles. Faculty and instructors cannot compel students, graduate or undergraduate, to participate in non-remote forms of instruction, so remote forms of instruction must be available for all credit-bearing instructional activities. Under these extenuating circumstances, the University cannot require students to stay on campus or attend credit bearing learning opportunities in person."
"Please be flexible when it comes to grading and evaluation. The abruptness of this transition will require a measure of improvisation on the part of both instructors and students. Please remember this when evaluating assignments and submitting grades."