Wall Street Journal Ranks UB School of Management as One of the World's Top Business Schools

Release Date: April 30, 2001 This content is archived.


BUFFALO, N.Y. -- The Wall Street Journal has ranked the University at Buffalo School of Management as one of the "top business schools" in the world, according to a report released today within the newspaper's domestic and international editions.

The UB School of Management was ranked 43rd among the top 50 business schools in the world. Among schools in the United States, the UB business school ranked 37th.

In two categories used in the ranking based on surveys of 1,600 corporate recruiters worldwide, the UB School of Management ranked fourth among all schools when it came to the highest number of perfect scores given by the recruiters for their career-services office and when ranked on the "overall value for the money invested in the recruiting effort."

It is the first time The Wall Street Journal has produced a ranking of top business schools. The journal's ranking is the only one among several others that focuses solely on the opinions of corporate recruiters who hire MBA students.

"This ranking is a great testimony to the vision and dedication of our faculty, staff, students and alumni," said Lewis Mandell, dean of the UB School of Management. "It's a ringing endorsement from the business world: In their view, our students are extremely talented, eager and good investments -- an unbeatable combination.

"Much of the credit for this honor goes to the leadership and staff of our outstanding Career Resource Center," he added. "They continually prove themselves to be one of the best and most innovative career offices in the world."

The recruiters were asked to rate which business schools produce the "most marketable" MBA students based on 27 attributes for measuring the quality of the business schools and their students.

Other attributes in addition to those for which the UB School of Management ranked fourth were recruiter success with the quality and quantity of students they have hired from a school; an MBA program's curriculum and faculty; students' communication and interpersonal skills; students' leadership potential, and students' analytical and problem-solving skills.

Since Mandell's appointment in 1998, the School of Management has been engaged in a comprehensive effort to enhance the quality of its academic programs and its global reputation by focusing its resources on recruitment of top students and faculty, dramatic improvement of educational facilities and technologies, and creation of innovative courses such as e-commerce, entrepreneurship, management consulting and a business honors program.

The School of Management was the only Western New York business school to be included in The Wall Street Journal ranking. Last fall, the UB school earned a spot on the Business Week ranking of the "best business schools" in America.

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John Della Contrada
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