Winter Resigns As Dean of School of Management

Release Date: May 28, 1997 This content is archived.


BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Frederick W. Winter has resigned as dean of the University at Buffalo School of Management to become dean of the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and the College of Business Administration at the University of Pittsburgh.

Appointed dean of UB¹s management school in 1993, Winter, 52, cited professional and personal considerations in announcing his resignation, effective in July.

During his tenure, Winter was responsible for numerous improvements and innovations within the School of Management, including a reformation of the MBA program, creation of an Executive MBA program, implementation of the only U.S.-accredited Executive MBA program in Singapore, development of an agreement with Renmin University of China to launch an Executive MBA program at the Beijing institution, and advocation of a customer-service philosophy for all management school programs.

Winter also helped to rebuild the school¹s external connections with the business community, alumni and donors, and sought to make the school more competitive with business schools throughout the country.

"The decision to leave Buffalo was a difficult one," said Winter, "but I believe the school¹s talented faculty and staff will continue to be successful with the initiatives that we developed together.

"The position at Pittsburgh will provide many of the same challenges and opportunities that I found so rewarding here," he added. "It comes at a time of my life and my family members¹ lives when making a career change is most appropriate."

Winter said he was attracted to the Katz business school¹s rating as one of the 50 best in the United States, according to Business Week and U.S. News and World Report, and the University of Pittsburgh¹s status as a "state-related" institution, whereby only one-fifth of its budget is provided by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania -- a budget formula that allows the university more autonomy in decision-making, tuition structure and program development than institutions within the State University of New York system.

"The (UB) School of Management, like the University at Buffalo, needs differential tuition so that it has the ability to create value-added programs that compete with the best schools in the country," said Winter. "The entire SUNY system will be well-served if programs and campuses are encouraged to create unique programs with unique benefits that serve various segments of New York State."

UB Provost Thomas E. Headrick said he will consult with faculty in the School of Management, members of the Dean¹s Advisory Council and other interested parties on the appointment of an interim dean and on the search process to identify Winter¹s successor. Headrick said his goal is to begin the search within the next month to six weeks.

"The School of Management has made significant strides under Dean Winter, which will make the school¹s deanship very attractive to well-qualified candidates," said Headrick. "He leaves the school well-positioned to continue providing excellent programs in management


³His leaving also underlines UB¹s recurrent message to state officials and the state Legislature: flexibility and freedom from ill-designed state oversight are absolutely essential if UB is to prosper and continue to nourish the state¹s economy.²

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