UBNews 11/99

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: December 21, 1999 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of November 1999 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000 ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.


Following are a sample of coverage the University at Buffalo and its faculty, staff and students have received in the national press.


The New York Times, Nov. 30, article reports on research conducted at UB that shows that juvenile arthritis sufferers can benefit from a weight-training program, and quotes Nadine Fisher, assistant professor of occupational therapy and rehabilitation medicine.

Newsday, Nov. 14, article on higher education in the 21st century quotes President William R. Greiner and former provost Thomas E. Headrick.

Newsday, Nov. 11, article reports that the UB libraries have received an unusual and significant contribution to its library collection, the George Kelley Pulp Fiction Collection, and quotes Austin Booth, librarian and humanities subject specialist.

Newsday, Nov. 9, article reports that the companionship of a pet can cut stress-related increases in blood pressure and quotes Karen Allen, research assistant professor of medicine.

New York Post, Nov. 8, article on the benefits a pet can have on blood pressure quotes Joseph Izzo, professor of medicine, and Karen Allen.

(Albany) Times Union, Nov. 12, article on the incidence of fetal alcohol syndrome in the Albany area quotes Luther Robinson, associate professor of pediatrics.

(Syracuse) Herald American, Nov. 7, article on business efforts to raise the state's excise tax on tobacco products cites a UB study that shows how businesses could benefit from such an increase.

(Syracuse) Herald American, Nov. 7, article notes John Sheffer, director of UB's Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth will speak at a federal Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp. symposium in Syracuse.

(Binghamton) Press & Sun-Bulletin, Nov. 11, article notes that while the titles may seem unusual, a collection of pulp-fiction books is sharing space on the shelves in the UB libraries, and the librarians are plenty proud of the unusual and valuable collection, and quotes Austin Booth, Judith Adams-Volpe, director of Lockwood Library, and David Schmid, assistant professor of English.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, Nov. 19, article on plans to revamp the National Institutes of Health peer-review process includes quote from Daniel Kosman, professor of biochemistry.

The Washington Post, Nov. 16, article reports on research conducted by Roger Burton, professor of psychology, that showed that baby walkers could be slowing down infants' physical and mental development.

Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 16, article about pros and cons of new surgical techniques a patient at risk of a heart attack has to choose from quotes Tomas Salerno, professor of cardiothoracic surgery.

Los Angeles Times, Nov. 29, article offering tips on how to get through the holiday season includes advice from UB on avoiding food poisoning.

Los Angeles Times, Nov. 15, article reports that research conducted by Lawrence Jacobs, professor of neurology, shows that new drug appears to slow brain atrophy in multiple sclerosis patients.

Los Angeles Times, Nov. 14, article on Kip Kinkel, the 15-year-old Oregon boy who shot and killed his parents and two schoolmates, quotes Charles Patrick Ewing, professor of law and adjunct professor of psychology.

Los Angeles Times, Nov. 8, "The Healthy Man" column cites research that shows that pets can help people keep their blood pressure under better control during stressful situations, and quotes Karen Allen.

Chicago Sun-Times, Nov. 15, column quotes Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management, on his plans to stock up on batteries and flashlights before the Millennium because of concerns about the availability of utilities on Jan. 1.

Baltimore Sun, Nov. 14, article cites research conducted at UB that shows that the companionship of a pet can cut stress-related increases in blood pressure, even among people with highly stressful jobs, and quotes Karen Allen and Joseph Izzo.

The Providence Journal, Nov. 15, Lifebeat column calls UB's libraries a "fun place" thanks to the recent addition of the George Kelley Pulp Fiction Collection.

The Houston Chronicle, Nov. 8, article in a column of national briefs cites UB research that shows that the companionship of a cat or dog can cut stress-related increases in blood pressure, even among people with highly stressful jobs.

The Palm Beach Post, Nov. 13, article on "super size" fries, "big gulp" sodas and the appeal of large portions quotes Arun Jain, professor and chair of marketing and Samuel P. Capen Professor of Marketing Research and chair of the Department of Marketing.

The Palm Beach Post, Nov. 7, article on what happens to shopping malls as they age quotes Arun Jain.

The Herald Rock Hill, SC, Nov. 5, article on the example the U.S. can serve by investigating allegations that American soldiers committed war crimes in South Korea quotes John Mohawk, professor of American studies.

National Post, Nov. 10, article on the shift in business practices from individuals working alone to collaborative work quotes Debra Connelley, assistant professor of organization and human resources.

The Guardian, Nov. 8, article reports UB researchers have confirmed that people who keep affectionate animals are less likely to suffer from stress, and quotes Karen Allen.


Associated Press Newswires, Nov. 24, article on the degree of racism in the military quotes Brenda Moore, associate professor of sociology.

Associate Press Newswires, Nov. 13, article on Kip Kinkel's psychological condition quotes Charles Patrick Ewing.

Associated Press Newswires, Nov. 10, article profiles the George Kelley Pulp Fiction Collection and quotes Austin Booth, Judith Adams-Volpe and David Schmid.

Dow Jones Newswires, Nov. 8, article reports on UB research that shows that pets can help keep blood pressure lower under stressful situations and quotes Karen Allen.

Canada NewsWire, Nov. 11, article reports that a new drug treatment can help preserve the brain tissue in multiple sclerosis patients and quotes Lawrence Jacobs.

PR Newswire, Nov. 3, article on plans to implement National Family Day quotes Charles Patrick Ewing on the breakdown in communication among family members.


Discover, November 1999, article reports that Deborah Chung, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and Niagara Mohawk Professor of Materials Research, has developed a type of concrete that could turn a highway into a giant scale for trucks.

Popular Science, November 1999, article reports that Deborah Chung has developed a "smart concrete" that can identify the weight and speed of each vehicle driving over its surface.

Psychology Today, November 1999, article on business practices that encourage employees to collaborate quotes Debra Connelley.

Prevention, November 1999, article on new treatments for temporomandibular disorder (TMD) quotes Richard Ohrbach, assistant professor of oral diagnostic sciences.

Fitness, November 1999, article on athletes' need for dietary fat quotes Peter Horvath, associate professor of nutrition sciences.

Men's Health, November 1999, article on the benefits to couples of having a pet quotes Karen Allen.

Cosmopolitan, November 1999, article cites research conducted at UB that shows that people with high levels of vitamins A and C in their blood have half the rate of gum disease as those with lower blood levels of those vitamins.

Dance Magazine, November 1999, article reviews the Jazz Dance World Congress held Aug. 4-8 in UB's Center for the Arts.

Sesame Street Parent, November 1999, article about kids and computers quotes Douglas Clements, professor of learning and instruction.

Waste Age, November 1999, article on the recycling and reuse of scrap tires noted that UB's Center for Integrated Waste Management is studying using them as a replacement for stone in septic system leach fields.


National Public Radio

Interview with UB alumnus George Kelley, who donated 25,000 volumes of pulp fiction to the UB libraries, on program "The Book Guys."



Interview on "Nightline" with Henry Louis Taylor, Jr., on the death of Cynthia Wiggins.

Discovery Channel

Interview with Michael Sheridan, professor of geology, for "Landslides: Gravity Kills!," including some computer animation he did of landslides and mudflows on Mt. Rainier.


Interview with Michael Sheridan on his volcano research.


Two UB students who last spring survived being lost in the wilderness while hiking in Arizona were featured in a report on surviving in the wilderness on "NBC Dateline."


CNN Online

Study shows pets curb dangerous rises in blood pressure.

Dr. Koop

Top stories: Study shows pets can tame high blood pressure.


For stress, put a pet in your portfolio.

Los Angeles Times Online

The dogged pursuit of a low-stress life.

Medical Tribune

Study conducted at UB shows that exercise helps children with juvenile arthritis.


"NewsBriefs" section feature tips from Alan Lesse, associate professor of medicine and pharmacology and toxicology, on avoiding colds and sore throats during the holidays.


Pets help stabilize owner's blood pressure.

Science Daily

Juvenile arthritis sufferers reap major benefits from resistance exercise program, Buffalo researchers find.

Pet dog or cat controls blood pressure better than ACE inhibitor, UB study of stockbrokers finds.

Senior World Online

25,000 pulp-fiction paperbacks thrill UB librarians.

Pet dog or cat controls blood pressure better than ACE inhibitor, UB study of stockbrokers finds.


Exercise proven beneficial for kids with arthritis.

Symposium will highlight damage caused by wind.

A husband-and-wife team from UB has received a $4.2 million grant to look for genes linked to bipolar disease.

Pets beat ACE inhibitors when things get tense.

Web MD

Pets help stabilize owner's blood pressure.

Yahoo! News

Couple looks for genes linked to bipolar disease.

Pets beat ACE inhibitors when things get tense.



The Buffalo News, Nov. 28, article on what it takes to be a good retail salesperson quotes Arun Jain.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 23, article on UB's Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics reports on products that may come out of the new institute and quotes President Greiner, Paras Prasad, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemistry and executive director of the institute, and UB alumnus Steve Goldstein.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 21, front page, Viewpoints, article by Leslie Fiedler, Samuel Clemens Professor of English, looks at his experiences as a Japanese interpreter during the assault on Iwo Jima as part of a series of articles looking at the 20th century decade by decade.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 19, article reports the Department of Media Study will lease the Asbury Delaware United Methodist Church for five weeks to house student artworks.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 19, article reports that the Research Institute on Addictions has merged with UB, quotes President Greiner and notes the institute will report to Provost David J. Triggle.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 18, article reports that area political leaders have offered strong support of the State of the Region report compiled by the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 18, Page One, article on the $2.55 million settlement in the Cynthia Wiggins wrongful death lawsuit quotes Charles Carr, clinical associate professor of law.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 17, article on the Texas Transportation Institute's annual mobility report says Buffalo-area residents experience minor traffic jams and quotes Linda Schneekloth, professor of architecture.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 17, Page One, article on the State of the Region report and its assessment of Western New York's economic situation now and in the future quotes John Sheffer, director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Development, and notes the contributions made to the report by Barry Boyer, professor of law, and Kathryn Foster, assistant professor of planning and director of research for the institute.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 17, Front Page, Local News, article on the SUNY Board of Trustees meeting held on the North Campus, where trustees approved the 1999-2000 budget, as well as a budget proposal for 2000-01; the article notes that UB will receive a budget increase of $5.3 million, a sum still short of what the university needs just to meet its contractual obligations, and quotes Senior Vice President Robert J. Wagner.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 16, article on the alarming local obesity rate quotes John Taylor, project staff associate in the Department of Family Medicine, who oversaw the 1998 Health Risk Assessment Survey of Western New York.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 16, article reports UB's Center for Comparative and Global Studies in Education will hold a conference organized by D. Bruce Johnstone, University Professor in Higher and Comparative Education in the Graduate School of Education, on financing higher education in the future.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 16, article reports that Carlos and Michelle Pato, co-directors of the UB Laboratory of Psychiatric and Molecular Genetics, have received a $4.2 million grant to search for a genetic link to bipolar disorder.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 13, Page One, article on the new comebacktobuffalo.com Web site of local job openings quotes Daniel J. Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 12, editorial praises UB and the Council on Competitiveness for their roles in Industry-University Day.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 12, Front Page, Local News, article on SUNY's new budget numbers reports the new figures do not change UB's shortfall and quotes Robert J. Wagner; President Greiner; Mark Shechner, professor of English and director of the Center for the Americas; Peter Nickerson, professor of pathology and chair of the Faculty Senate, and Jean Dickson, associate librarian and grievance officer for the UB chapter of United University Professions.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 11, Front Page, Local News, article reports SUNY institutions will receive more money under the proposed 1999-2000 budget recommended by the SUNY Board of Trustees' finance committee and quotes David J. Triggle.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 11, editorial notes that Albany has been "pummeling" SUNY for 15 years and it's time to stop the funding cuts.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 7, Page One, article reports UB could see a $4.1 million shortfall in its 1999-2000 budget and quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 7, article profiles Jeffrey Wigand, a UB alumnus and the subject of the film, "The Insider," and quotes K. Michael Cummings, professor of experimental pathology.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 7, article profiles Alan Zweibel, a UB alumnus and author of the film, "The Story of Us."

The Buffalo News, Nov. 6, "Womanscope" column reports the Women's Studies program at UB is poised to expand and quotes Isabel Marcus, professor of law; the column also notes that author Wendy Steiner will speak at UB.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 6, article reports the School of Management and Motorola have established an Executive MBA program in China and quotes John Thomas, associate dean for international programs in the School of Management.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 6, article reports UB has proposed creating a not-for-profit company dedicated to redeveloping area brownfields and quotes Scott Weber, director of UB's Center for Integrated Waste Management; Robert Berger, professor of law, and Thomas Disare, clinical professor of law.

The Buffalo News, Nov. 4, coverage of Distinguished Speakers Series lecture by Bill Moyers held in the Mainstage Theatre in the Center for the Arts.

Business First, Nov. 29, article on the School of Management's goal to be ranked in Business Week's Top 50 by 2002 quotes Lewis Mandell, dean of the school.

Business First, Nov. 29, article looks at changes the legal profession and study of law are facing and quotes Thomas Headrick, interim dean of the School of Architecture and Planning and Distinguished Service Professor in the Law School.

Business First, Nov. 22, article provides overview of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth's State of the Region report and quotes Kathryn Foster.

Business First, Nov. 22, editorial on the State of the Region report calls for finding people who can lead Western New York into a stronger future.

Business First, Nov. 15, article on a conference to be held at UB on how technology has changed business quotes conference co-chairs Ram Ramesh, professor of management, and H.R. Rao, associate professor of management information systems.

Business First, Nov. 15, article queries computer consultants on the area's Y2K readiness and quotes Larry Sanders, associate professor of management science and systems.

Business First, Nov. 15, article reports that a virtual teaching tool developed by Wassim Jabi, assistant professor of architecture, has attracted the attention of Apple Computer Inc.

Business First, Nov. 8, article on job prospects for the MBA program's management information systems students quotes Katherine Gerstle Ferguson, assistant dean of the School of Management.

Business First, Nov. 8, article reports that UB has formed a group to facilitate the revitalization of brownfields in Western New York.

Business First, Nov. 1, article reports on the opening of the Center for Computational Research and quotes Russ Miller, professor of computer science and engineering and director of the center.

Business First, Nov. 1, article reviews UB's return to Division I-A football and quotes Bob Arkeilpane and John Lambert, senior associate athletic director for marketing.

Business First, Nov. 1, article reports the University Community Initiative has created a Web site, and quotes Denis Gehl, UCI project director, and Sackda Viravong, the site's designer and a UB grad.

Amherst Bee, Nov. 17, article reports on the finding in the State of the Region report, and quotes John Sheffer, director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth.

Amherst Bee, Nov. 3, feature recounts the travels of Diana Pratt, a UB pre-med student who participated in a trek to India arranged by Richard Lee, UB professor of medicine, to deliver medical supplies to people in remote villages.

Amherst Bee, Nov. 3, article reports the Division of Athletics has received the Amherst Chamber of Commerce's Quality of Life Commitment to Excellence Award.

The Jewish Review, Nov. 12, article reports that a study directed by Mark Ballow, professor of pediatrics, will examine whether vitamin A can bolster the immune systems of very premature babies.



WBFO Radio

The School of Management is tapped by Motorola to provide an executive MBA program for its employees in China.

UB has launched a new research facility for the development of new high-tech laser sciences; story includes interview with Paras Prasad.

The Research Institute on Addictions has become part of UB; story includes comments by President Greiner.

More than 400 people gathered at a downtown hotel for a UB-sponsored forum on the health-care crisis.

Mayor Masiello and County Executive Elect Joel Giambra react to UB's State of the Region report.

The Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth has released its first "State of the Region" report.

SUNY trustees, meeting at UB, have given final approval to the system's 1999-2000 budget.

U.S. Senator Charles Shumer met yesterday at UB with local business leaders to discuss specific solutions for revitalizing the region's sluggish economy.

UB researchers Carlos and Michelle Pato have received a $4.2 million grant to study bipolar disorder.

A UB alumnus, General Electric and a California utility have made a combined $260,000 gift to provide an engineering scholarship fund.

UB and IBM have signed a memorandum of understanding to work together on research and the development of new technologies.

UB is creating a new Center for the Americas for the fall of 2000, which would replace the American studies department.

Gov. Pataki's chief economist Steven Kagann spoke at UB, noting that continued tax cuts will lead to economic growth in Western New York.

SUNY trustees have submitted a budget for 2000-2001 that includes no tuition increase and seeks a $93 million hike in state funding. Trustees also have finalized spending for the current academic year, which will provide UB with a $5.3 million increase.

UB embarks on a "Think Green" campaign; story includes comments by Walter Simpson, UB energy conservation officer.

Lawrence Jacobs and a team of researchers have found that multiple sclerosis patients experience a progressive loss of brain volume early in the course of the disease, but treatment with a new drug can slow the progression.

UB researchers say that the presence of dogs and cats in the household can help the people living there control high blood pressure.

Poet Robert Creeley discusses his latest book of poetry.

Journalist Bill Moyers discusses the theme of democracy at UB as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

Jim Twombly, assistant dean for educational technology in the College of Arts and Sciences and adjunct assistant professor of political science, says Steven Pigeon's leadership of the local Democratic Party is threatened following Gorski's loss in the hotly contested county executive election.

Jim Twombly says Erie County Executive Dennis Gorski has put himself in a position to win re-election to a fourth term, but regardless of the outcome, Twombly doesn't expect the election to have an impact on next year's U.S. Senate race in New York.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Dan Ryan on Jobsapalooza and jobs in Western New York.

Interview with Charles Trzcinka, professor of finance and managerial economics, on the Microsoft antitrust lawsuit.

Charles Carr comments on the settlement in the Cynthia Wiggins wrongful death trial.

Study led by a UB alum suggests parents should keep cell telephones away from children.

Karen Allen comments on her study that shows that calming effect a pet cat or dog had on stockbrokers.

Carl Pegels, professor of management science and systems, comments on the shift in control between doctors and HMOs.

WGR Radio

Claude Welch, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Political Science, comments on Hillary Clinton's announcement that she will run for Senate in New York State.

New report prepared by UB's Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth notes where Buffalo stands and where it should be in the next few years.

Interview with Harvey Berman, associate professor of biochemical pharmacology, on the dangers of eating wild mushrooms.

Interview with Claes Lundgren, professor of physiology and director of the Center for Research and Education in Special Environments, on the dangers to deep-sea divers involved in the recovery of evidence from the Egyptian Air crash.

WNED Radio

Segment reports that the Research Institute on Addictions has joined UB.

Interview with Charles Carr on the settlement in the Cynthia Wiggins civil law suit.

The Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth has releases a "State of the Region" report.

Interview with Claes Lundgren on the difficulties divers will have retrieving the wreckage of the Egypt Air crash.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Results of the men's basketball game against Manhattan.

Coverage of the men's basketball game against Canisius.

Coverage of the Festival of Trees held in the atrium of the Center for the Arts to benefit Children's Hospital..

UB student Jennifer Lowell comments on new laws that will limit drink specials in bars.

Preview of the Festival of Trees to be held in the Center for the Arts.

UB student and volunteer Andre Thomas is interviewed on the many organizations that need help in order to feed the needy.

Results of men's basketball game against Niagara.

Kathryn Foster, professor of planning, discusses the State of the Region report.

Interview with Yoruban artist/woodcarver Lamidi O. Fakeye, who was in town to discuss his art and his work at UB.

Media Day for college basketball coaches includes interview with Tim Cohane on this year's team members.

Charles Carr discusses whether Harry Potter books should be allowed to be read in schools.

Results of the Bulls' football loss to Virginia.

Story about a Buffalo Bills movie that has the team winning the Super Bowl quotes film director and UB alumnus Rob Lieberman.

Interview with Craig Cirbus prior to the Bulls' football game against Virginia.

Coverage of the annual cheerleading competition held on the North Campus.

Highlights of the Bulls' football game against Hofstra.

Erma Jaeckle is the recipient of the Law School's Edwin F. Jaeckle Award.

The Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth has released a "State of the Region" report.

Interview with Charles Trzcinka on the Microsoft antitrust law suit.

Segment looks at the controversy over an article in The Spectrum titled "Girlfriends gone bad," and includes comments by UB student Dove Wilson.

Rabbi Shay Mintz is honored at a celebration in the Center for the Arts.

A look at the issue of violence in the workplace includes interview with Charles Ewing.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Nancy Nielsen comments on a recent study that reports that medical mishaps are causing too many deaths.

Results of the men's basketball game against Manhattan.

Coverage of Hillary Clinton's trip to Buffalo includes support from Matt Frantz, a UB student.

Segment reports on the Festival of Trees, held in the Center for the Arts atrium.

Story on Joel Giambra's diagnosis of cancer mentions the UB medical school.

Story previews the Festival of Trees to be held in the Center for the Arts.

Coverage of announcement that UB has established an Institute for Research on Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics quotes President Greiner and Paras Prasad.

Charles Carr, professor of law, discusses the settlement in the Cynthia Wiggins civil trial.

Media Day for college basketball coaches includes interview with Tim Cohane.

Segment reports that UB researchers Carlos and Michele Pato have received a grant to study manic depression.

Segment highlights the "Race Against Hunger" food drive conducted by the UB lacrosse team.

Story on the controversy over the Harry Potter books includes interview with Elayne Rapping, professor of women's studies.

Story that looks at Germany after the Berlin Wall came down interviews Claude Welch.

Interview with Lawrence Jacobs on a new multiple sclerosis treatment.

Charles Carr comments on the ongoing proceeding in the Cynthia Wiggins wrongful-death civil trial.

Charles Carr comments on the opening of the Cynthia Wiggins civil trial.

On the North Campus, a look at why "shake, rattle and roll" music is still alive 40 years later.

UB Law School alumnae Erma Jaeckle is the recipient of the 1999 Edwin Jaeckle Award.

Interview with Charles Trczinka on the ruling in the Microsoft anti-trust case.

Highlights of the UB vs. Hofstra football game.

Segment reports UB will develop a brownfields area.

Coverage of journalist Bill Moyer's lecture at UB.

Some 5,600 students are taking advantage of online classes at UB.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Results of the men's basketball game against Manhattan.

Footage of the Festival of Trees held in the atrium of the Center for the Arts.

Interview with Arun Jain on seasonal help being hired at local stores.

Interview with Sara Grossi, clinical assistant professor of oral medicine, on the relation between gum disease and other illnesses.

Results of the men's basketball game against Niagara.

Story reports UB has signed a short-term lease with Asbury-Delaware Church , which will be used to house UB student artwork.

Henry Louis Taylor, Jr., comments on the Wiggins settlement, saying it leaves no doubt the young woman's death was the result of racism, discrimination and institutional indifference.

Preview of the Bulls' football game against Miami includes comments by head coach Craig Cirbus, who says his team just needs one win before the end of the season.

Media day for Western New York college basketball coaches includes interview with Tim Cohane, who calls story in the paper "categorically false."

Results of the Bulls' football loss against Virginia.

Preview of the Bull's football game against Virginia includes interview with linebacker Dan Curcione.

Story on pressure student athletes feel to be thin includes interview with Scott Dinse, a physical therapist in the UB Sports Medicine Clinic.

Results of the Bulls' football game against Hofstra.

Interview with Charles Ewing on violence in the workplace.

John Leddy, assistant professor of clinical orthopedics in the Sports Medicine Clinic, comments on Dominik Hasek's latest groin injury.

Preview of the men's basketball season.

Satish Mohan, associate professor of civil engineering, comments on the number of old airplanes still flying in the wake of the Egypt Air crash.


WHAM Radio (Rochester)

Interview with John Edens on what to do about an infestation of book mites at a Rochester-area elementary school.

WLVL Radio (Lockport)

The Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth has released a "State of the Region" report.

Coverage of journalist Bill Moyers' Distinguished Speakers Series speech.

WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Arun Jain on the post-Thanksgiving shopping frenzy.

Interview with Claude Welch on the Mid-East peace agreement.

Jim Twombly comments on George W. Bush's press conference on foreign policy.

Interview with Bruce Jackson on murder as a daily event in American culture.