UB News 12/99

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: February 23, 2000 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of December 1999 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



Following are a sample of coverage the University at Buffalo and its faculty, staff and students have received in the national press.

The New York Times, Dec. 1, Page One, article on the zero-tolerance approach school administrators are taking with student misconduct quotes Charles Ewing, professor of law.

The New York Times, Dec. 1, Page One, article on the factors that are keeping politicians out of the race for congressional seats quotes James Campbell, professor of political science.

The Washington Post, Dec. 9, article about Reggie Witherspoon's rapid ascension from community college coach to interim head coach of UB's Division I men's basketball program quotes Witherspoon.

Chronicle of Higher Education, Dec. 10, article about the football team's disappointing first season in Division I-A quotes President Greiner; William C. Fischer, vice provost for faculty development; former UB president Steven B. Sample; Kevin R. Seitz, associate vice president and controller; Bob Arkeilpane, director of athletics; Mark Shechner, professor of English, and Robert J. Wagner, senior vice president.

Financial Times of London, Dec. 13, article reports that Motorola has selected the School of Management to deliver an executive MBA program to its customers and employees in China.

The (London) Guardian, Dec. 18, article reports that UB researchers have found that teamwork can be bad for your health because it often sparks office conflict.

The Daily Telegraph (London), Dec. 8, article on a UB study that shows that exercise reduces pain and disability in children with arthritis quotes Nadine Fisher.

The Boston Globe, Dec. 6, article on elections in the African nations of Namibia and Mozambique quotes Makau Mutua.

Chicago Tribune, Dec. 5, article reports that pets help people cope with stress and quotes Karen Allen, research assistant professor of medicine.

Chicago Sun-Times, Dec. 7, "Quick Takes" column quotes Walter Simpson, energy officer, on celebrating the holidays.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 17, article reports that mudslides pose a greater danger than eruptions near volcanoes and quotes Michael Sheridan, professor of geology.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 5, review of a book about the world-famous Philadelphia Orchestra notes that the final chapter was written by Christopher Gibbs, assistant professor of music and quotes Gibbs on how the orchestra will fit into the leisure time of the future.

San Francisco Examiner, Dec. 15, article on the dangers posed by volcanoes that can collapse quotes Michael F. Sheridan.

The San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 15, article quotes Michael Sheridan on the risk of avalanche or mudslide presented by volcanoes.

The Denver Post, Dec. 15, article reports on the Pulp Fiction Collection that was donated to the University Libraries by George Kelley.

(Albany) Times Union, Dec. 14, article on the increase in cosmetic dentistry quotes Fred McIntyre, clinical associate professor or restorative dentistry.

(Albany) Times Union, Dec. 13, article profiles Robert King, state budget director and chancellor-apparent of SUNY, and quotes UB President William R. Greiner.

(Albany) Times Union, Dec. 5, article profiles Harvey Breverman, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Art, and his work on display in the State University Plaza.

(Syracuse) Herald American, Dec. 19, article by John Mohawk, associate professor of American studies, notes that land claims by Native Americans have their roots in unresolved issues going back centuries.

Syracuse Business, Dec. 15, article about Gov. Pataki's plan to build the state's semiconductor industry notes UB is part of "an investment partnership" to support new and growing high-tech companies in Western New York.

Publisher's Weekly, Dec. 20, article reports on a pioneer project that allows a publisher of college texts to send textbooks and course packs to UB students' computers.

Investor's Business Daily, Dec. 16, article on the stock market's "January effect" quotes Michael Rozeff, professor of financial planning and control.

Richmond Times-Dispatch, Dec. 23, article reports that research conducted at UB shows that apparently inactive volcanoes still can pose a threat.

Greensboro News & Record, Dec. 7, article about the appointment of Reggie Witherspoon as men's basketball coach quotes President Greiner.

The Columbian, Dec. 15, article reports that volcanoes to not have to erupt to pose hazards to surrounding communities and quotes Michael Sheridan.

Peoria Journal Star, Dec. 1, article in "Well Being" column reports that a UB study has shown that having a pet cut by half increases in high blood pressure in a group of stockbrokers who led highly stressful lives.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 13, health column notes that strength training is beneficial for children with juvenile arthritis and quotes Nadine Fisher, assistant professor of occupational therapy and rehabilitation medicine.

Minneapolis-St. Paul Star-Tribune, Dec. 22, article about December's unusually large and bright full moon quotes Phillips Stevens, associate professor of anthropology.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Dec. 6, article about a grocery chain that plans to expand into Mexico quotes Arun Jain, chair of marketing and Samuel P. Capen Professor of Marketing Research.

Tulsa World, Dec. 3, article reports that a UB study has shown that a carefully designed exercise program can reduce pain in increase ability to function in juvenile arthritis sufferers.

Omaha World-Herald, Dec. 20, article cites research conducted by Karen Allen that shows that pets can help lower blood pressure.

Omaha World-Herald, Dec. 2, article about a contest to create a quiet, low-emissions snowmobile notes UB students are competing in the challenge.

The Seattle Times, Dec. 19, health column notes that research conducted by Karen Allen has showed that pets help people cope with stress.

The Orange County Register, Dec. 9, article on President Clinton's Africa policy quotes Makau Mutua, associate professor of law and co-director of the Human Rights Center.

Wire Services

Associated Press Newswires, Dec. 30, article on New York State's plan to offer taxpayer-subsidized health care quotes Eric Nauenberg, assistant professor of social and preventive medicine.

Gannett News Service, Dec. 17, article reports that while the majority of New York's public colleges and universities let their senators and congressmen speak for them in Washington, three - including UB through the Calspan-UB Research Center - hired lobbyists in 1997 or 1998 to help raise federal funds.

Gannett News Service, Dec. 16, article on the military's use of "psychological autopsies" quotes Charles Ewing.

The Associated Press Newswires, Dec. 15, article reports that UB is one of 41 medical schools in 23 states to receive research support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Reuters English News Service, Dec. 14, article reports that volcanic mudslides pose a growing threat and quotes Michael Sheridan.

Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News, Dec. 8, article reports that Jeremy M. Jacobs, Sr., will dedicate use of the Butler Mansion to the School of Management and quotes President Greiner and Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management.

Associated Press Newswires, Dec. 7, article on Reggie Witherspoon's appointment as interim head coach of the men's basketball team quotes Witherspoon.

Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News, Dec. 7, article about the poor money-management skills of Gen Xers and Nexters quotes Charles Trzcinka, associate professor of finance and managerial economics.

Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News, Dec. 7, article reports that a $1 million gift from UB alum Henry A. Panasci will create a competition that encourages UB students to become entrepreneurs and quotes Panasci, President Greiner, Provost David J. Triggle and Lewis Mandell.

PR Newswire, Dec. 6, article reports that a new UB study published in Pediatrics shows that a single dose of the ADHD drug Adderall is effective for the entire school day and quotes William Pelham, professor of psychology.

Associated Press Newswires, Dec. 6, article reports that Tim Cohane has resigned as men's basketball coach and Reggie Witherspoon has been appointed interim head coach, and quotes President Greiner, Bob Arkeilpane and Witherspoon.

Associated Press Newswires, Dec. 3, article reports that an investigation into alleged recruiting violations could cost Tim Cohane his job.

Business Wire, Dec. 3, article reports that the first provider of mobile Positron Emission Tomography service in the U.S. and Europe will provide service to UB and quotes Hani A. Nabi, professor of nuclear Medicine and director of UB's Nuclear Medicine Residency Program.

Associated Press Newswires, Dec. 1, article about a widespread crackdown on misconduct in American schools quotes Charles Ewing.

Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News, Dec. 1, article reports that despite all of Western New York's economic ills, exports are a bright spot and potential engine for future growth and quotes John Sheffer, director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth.


Psychology Today, December 1999-January 2000, article on the impact that financial stress has on our oral health quotes Robert Genco, SUNY Distinguished Professor and chair of the Department of Oral Biology.

Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine, December 1999, article notes that a UB study has shown that stress over financial matters doubles the risk that one will develop gum disease.

Ladies' Home Journal, December 1999, article on better workouts cites research conducted at UB that shows that eating more fat boosts athletic performance.

McCall's, December 1999, article on the drawbacks of cyberpharmacies quotes Karl Fiebelkorn, clinical assistant professor of pharmacy practice.

Arthritis Today, November-December 1999, article on preventing gallstones quotes Maurizio Trevisan, professor and chair of the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine.

Men's Health, December 1999, article on oral health notes that research conducted by Robert Genco shows that gum disease triples the risk of heart attack; that men with severe gum disease were twice as likely to suffer a stroke, and that diabetics with periodontitis had the most trouble controlling their blood-sugar levels.

Ski, December 1999, article reports that a study conducted at UB shows that athletes on extremely low-fat diets have impaired immune systems and inflammation in the joints.

Civil Engineering, December 1999, article about teams sent to Taiwan and Turkey to learn about the effect of the earthquakes in those countries notes that researchers from UB's Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research were among those dispatched.


National Public Radio (NPR)

"Morning Edition" host Alex Chadwick talks to Reggie Witherspoon about making the transition from coaching a community college team to facing nationally ranked powerhouses such as North Carolina and Indiana.



Dec. 8 "Shot of the Day" features the basket UB made at the half-time buzzer during the game against North Carolina.


The 100th anniversary of women in the UB Law School is discussed on the "Today" show.


ABC News

Interview with Michael Gaus, visiting professor of civil engineering, on the tremendous damage that can be caused by wind.


Parenting Special Needs site spotlights UB's Let's Play program and the special toys that are appropriate for special kids.

BusinessWeek Online

The School of Management and Motorola are joining forces on the first customized EMBA program in mainland China.

CNN Online

Article on the dangers of volcano softspots that can trigger deadly mudflows quotes Michael Sheridan.

North Carolina Tar Heels beat UB's men's basketball team.


Article on the health benefits of pet ownership quotes Karen Allen.

Article on a study that found that stress can make work teams function less effectively quotes Debra Connelley, assistant professor of organizations and human resources.

Environmental News Network

Article reports on volcano soft spots that can trigger mudflows quotes Michael Sheridan.

ESPN Online

Article spotlights the men's basketball team's strong game against North Carolina.


Dangerous subsurface soft spots on volcanoes may collapse suddenly, swamping nearby towns in a wall of mud.


Interview with Walter Simpson and Erik Seeman, assistant professor of history, on the environmental and spiritual effects of Christmas.


Adderall lasts longer than Ritalin in ADHD kids.

Science Daily

Even without an eruption, soft spots on volcanoes can trigger deadly mudflows, UB scientists find.

Science Magazine

Even without a deadly eruption, soft spots on volcanoes can trigger deadly mudflows.

Volcano mudflows can be worse than eruption.


Satellites spot subsurface soft spots on volcanoes.


Volcano mudflows can be worse than eruptions.

Putting research findings to work against addictions.

Single dose of ADHD drug good for full school day.

What does alcohol really do to brain cells?



The Buffalo News, Dec. 27, editorial on the plague of domestic violence that strikes an estimated 4 million women each year quotes Charles Ewing.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 20, Front Page, Local News, article reports UB will sponsor a four-week academic tour of Syria during the Summer of 2000, and quotes Mark Ashwill, director of the World Languages Institute, and Issa Roustum, a WLI lecturer.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 19, article reports the UB Council has unanimously adopted a sexual-harassment policy and quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 17, Front Page, Local News, article reports that graduate students in the School of Architecture and Planning have unveiled plans to create a memorial garden honoring Harriet Tubman to be built in Buffalo and quotes Ute Lehrer, visiting professor of visiting assistant professor of planning, and Margaret DelPlato, an urban-planning student who worked on the project.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 16, Page One, article on the uneven punishments that have been meted out to juvenile offenders quotes Charles Ewing.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 15, article reports that a prestigious $3.8 million award from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute will be used to develop two new research centers in the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and quotes President Greiner, John Wright, dean of the medical school, and Bruce Holm, senior associate dean of the medical school.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 15, article calls Robert King an unconventional choice for SUNY chancellor and quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 14, article on concussion quotes Barry Willer, professor of psychiatry.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 14, article outlining the five-year progress report of the UB branch of the Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence quotes Robert Barnes, associate dean for external affairs in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Tim Mattulke, SPIR's local project manager.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 12, op-ed article written by Martha McCluskey, associate professor of law, summarizes the protests in Seattle over the World Trade Organization meeting.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 12, lead editorial calls the apparent choice of Robert King as the new SUNY chancellor "worrisome," and notes that President Greiner served on the advisory committee and is enthusiastic about King's selection and that D. Bruce Johnstone, professor of higher education and continuing education and former SUNY chancellor, is disappointed with the choice.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 9, article on the environmental audit report conducted by UB students that could save Amherst Central High School thousands of dollars a year quotes Walter Simpson.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 9, Page One, article reports that the lung-cancer rate in Western New York is higher than the national average and quotes Carlos Robert Jaén, associate professor of family medicine.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 9, article reports that UB officials have accepted the findings of a Mid-American Conference investigation into violations of NCAA rules in the men's basketball program, and quotes President Greiner and Bob Arkeilpane.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 9, editorial says UB has made the best of a bad situation by forcing the resignation of men's basketball coach Tim Cohane and the hiring of interim coach Reggie Witherspoon.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 8, article on the differences in emergency-contraception measures available at local hospitals to rape victims quotes Jack Freer, associate professor of clinical medicine and associate director of the Center for Clinical Ethics.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 8, Front Page, Business Section, article reports that Jeremy Jacobs has dedicated use of the historic Butler Mansion to the School of Management and quotes President Greiner and Lewis Mandell.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 8, Front Page, Sports Section, North Carolina players and coach praise the UB men's basketball team's game efforts.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 8, sports commentary calls the men's basketball game against North Carolina Western New York's first taste of "big-time hoops" and quotes Reggie Witherspoon.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 7, sports commentary says Reggie Witherspoon's top priority should be stabilizing the men's basketball program and quotes Witherspoon.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 7, Front Page, Business Section, article reports that a $1 million gift from UB alumnus Henry Panasci, Jr., will enable UB to create a competition that encourages students to become entrepreneurs, and quotes Panasci, Provost Triggle, President Greiner and Lewis Mandell.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 7, article reports that Gov. Pataki's budget director Robert King has been by the search committee to become SUNY's next chancellor.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 7, Front Page, Business Section, article on Generation Xers' and Nexters' lack of financial savvy quotes Charles A. Trzcinka.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 5, article on Reggie Witherspoon's sudden transition from a community college basketball coach to a Division I basketball coach quotes Witherspoon and Bob Arkeilpane.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 5, article reports that men's basketball assistant coach Eric "Rock" Eisenberg will remain with the program and quotes Eisenberg and Reggie Witherspoon.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 5, article reports that a possible boycott by the men's basketball players prior to UB's sold-out game against North Carolina was a trigger to the coaching change and quotes Bob Arkeilpane, player Louis Campbell, President Greiner and former coach Tim Cohane.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 5, sports commentary outlines Tim Cohane's coaching career at UB and the factors that led to his resignation, and quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 4, photo shows UB students examining moon rocks on loan to Tracy Gregg, assistant professor of geology.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 4, Front Page, Sports Section, article reports that Tim Cohane has been removed as coach of the men's basketball team and Reggie Witherspoon has been appointed head coach on an interim basis.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 3, Page One, feature on a pastor who is spending five days living among the homeless cites figures in the "State of the Region" report compiled by the Institute for Governance and Regional Growth, and quotes Beverly Sanford, associate director of the institute.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 3, editorial on a ruling that would allow residents at private hospitals to unionize quotes Roseanne Berger, associate dean for graduate medical education in the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

The Buffalo News, Dec. 3, article reports that UB is close to removing men's basketball coach Tim Cohane and quotes Bob Arkeilpane and Paul Vecchio, director of sports communication.

Business First, Dec. 27, article on the slowing of the expansion of office and industrial parks in Amherst notes that of the areas colleges and universities, UB has the greatest number of strategic alliances with area businesses.

Business First, Dec. 27, article on the advantages of early acceptance notes a couple of the students interviewed have applied to UB.

Business First, Dec. 20, article on the decline in the number of schools offering nursing education quotes Mecca Cranley, dean of the School of Nursing.

Business First, Dec. 20, "Jobsapalooza" Insert, article notes UB is one of the sponsors of the Jobsapalooza job fair and quoted Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

Business First, Dec. 20, "Jobsapalooza" Insert, column by Dan Ryan outlines what will be available at the job fair.

Business First, Dec. 20, article on the NCAA investigation that led to Tim Cohane's termination as basketball coach outlines some of the sticky factors in the situation.

Business First, Dec. 13, article on the Family Business Center in the School of Management quotes Marianne Sullivan, executive director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.

Business First, Dec. 13, article on a new entrepreneurial competition at UB created with a $1 million gift from Henry Panasci, Jr., quotes Marianne Sullivan.

Business First, Dec. 13, article on the upcoming Jobsapalooza jobs fair quotes Dan Ryan.

Business First, Dec. 13, article on student-housing projects underway on the North and South campuses quotes Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs.

Business First, Dec. 13, "Health First" section, feature on the president of a local medical manufacturing company who also is president of the Health Care Industries Association notes that the association's major project, the Health Care Business Center, is located at UB.

Business First, Dec. 13, "Health First" section, Page One, article profiles Bill Minniefield, a non-traditional UB student who is working to change concerns among the African-American community about organ donation.

Business First, Dec. 13, article reports that Jeremy Jacobs is making the Butler Mansion available to the School of Management and quotes President Greiner.

Business First, Dec. 13, Page One, article on the Division of Athletics' difficult fall sports season quotes President Greiner, Bob Arkeilpane and William Fischer, vice provost for faculty development.

Business First, Dec. 6, article reports the School of Management has been selected by Motorola to create an executive MBA program for its employees and customers in China.

Amherst Bee, Dec. 22, article reports that three faculty members of the Department of Psychology - Joanne Davila, Sandra Murray and Frank Fincham - have been recognized nationally for their research in the field of personal relationships.

Amherst Bee, Dec. 22, feature profiles husband-and-wife team of psychiatrists, Carlos and Michele Pato, both associate professors of psychiatry and co-directors of the UB Laboratory of Psychiatric and Molecular Genetics, and their research into bipolar mood disorder.

Amherst Bee, Dec. 15, photo shows the construction site of the North Campus' new housing project, Lakeside Cottages.

Amherst Bee, Dec. 15, article details the findings of an environmental audit of Amherst Central High School conducted by UB students as a class project.

The Challenger, Dec. 8, article on the men's basketball team's contentious beginning to the season says Time Cohane doesn't deserve to be vilified, chronicles his career at UB and quotes Cohane.



WBFO Radio

Harold Star, visiting assistant professor of management science and systems, says he doesn't agree with Time magazine's choice of the founder of Amazon.com as its person of the year.

Segment profiles The Royal Pitches, UB's women's a cappella singing group.

Walter Simpson explores the impact of the holiday season on the environment.

Interview with Dan Ryan on his new book that he hopes will increase the employment rate for people with disabilities.

A new study published by researchers at UB suggests that the drug Adderall may be a more effective treatment than Ritalin for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences has received nearly $4 million from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for development of two new research centers at UB.

President Greiner is supportive of the vote by the State University Board of Trustees appointing state Budget Director Robert King as the new SUNY chancellor.

Robert King is expected to be named the next chancellor of SUNY when the board of trustees meet tomorrow.

Excavators are drilling four, 50-foot wells to help geology students get hands-on experience in the area of hydrogeology.

UB has accepted a report from the Mid-American Conference that focused on infractions in its men's basketball program.

Delaware North CEO Jeremy Jacobs is making available to the School of Management the Butler Mansion for use as a training site for executives and high-level managers.

UB alumnus Henry Panasci is donating $1 million to provide start-up capital to encourage entrepreneurship among students.

Motorola has selected the School of Management to provide an Executive MBA program to the company's customers and employees in China.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor of English and Samuel P. Capen Professor of American Culture on society's dependence on computers.

Interview with Bruce Jackson on Albert Einstein being named Person of the Century by Time magazine.

Interview with Erick Duchesne, assistant professor of political science, on the tightening security at U.S.-Canadian border crossings.

Jeremy Jacobs has purchased the Butler Mansion, which will be made available for use by the School of Management.

Interview with Erick Duchesne on the increased alert about terrorists at border crossings.

Interview with Carl Pegels, professor of management science and systems, on insurance cost increases.

WGR Radio

Interview with Bruce Jackson on the death of Clayton Moore, the actor best known as The Lone Ranger.

Interview with Erick Duchesne on the heightened terrorist alert at U.S.-Canada border crossings.

Interview with James Pappas, associate professor of African-American studies, on the death of jazz legend and Buffalo native Grover Washington, Jr.

Interview with Charles Carr, clinical associate professor of law, on Miranda rights and whether they're still necessary.

Interview with Carl Pegels on the increase in insurance costs.

WNED Radio

Interview with Henry Louis Taylor, director of the Center for Applied Public Affairs Studies, on the need for better teacher training.

Interview with Eddie Hoover, professor and chair of surgery, on how the closing of Kaleida Health Care's heart transplant center will affect UB's cardiac residency program.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

The UB women's basketball team wins the Florida Atlantic tournament title.

Willard Scott mentioned the 100th anniversary of women in the UB Law School on the Today Show.

Interview with Erick Duchesne on the increasing vigilance of the U.S. Border Patrol as the new year approaches.

Results of the men's basketball game vs. Northern Illinois.

UB architecture students reveal plans to create a park in honor of Harriet Tubman.

Results of the women's basketball game vs. Idaho State.

Segment reports on art show featuring works of UB students being held in the Asbury Delaware Church.

Results of the UB-Indiana men's basketball game.

Interview with men's basketball coach Reggie Witherspoon on the upcoming game against Indiana.

Interview with Carolie Koebel, a UB art instructor, who students have an exhibit in a Buffalo church.

Results of the men's basketball game against North Carolina includes interview with Reggie Witherspoon.

Delaware North has finalized purchase of the Butler Mansion, which will be available for use by the School of Management.

Preview of the men's basketball game against North Carolina includes interview with Reggie Witherspoon.

Men's basketball player Louis Campbell discusses the upcoming game against North Carolina.

The men's basketball team will play its first game under new coach Reggie Witherspoon tomorrow.

Henry Panasci, founder of Fay's drugstores and a UB alum, has donated $1 million to the university.

Story reports the men's basketball coach has resigned and a replacement has been announced.

Tubas perform a concert of Christmas carols in Slee Hall.

Story that men's basketball coach Tim Cohane has resigned and Reggie Witherspoon has been named interim coach includes comments on the coaching change by Bob Arkeilpane.

Rick Reinhard, adjunct assistant professor of planning, is interviewed as part of a story on a summit called Downtown Buffalo 2002.

Sabres goalie Martin Biron appears in the Nutcracker ballet being performed in the Center for the Arts.

UB students show off their milk mustaches on the North Campus as part of a search for students to appear in the ads.

Results of the men's basketball game against Manhattan.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Claude Welch, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Political Science, comments on the abandoned car containing suspected bomb-making residue that prompted the closing of the Rainbow Bridge.

Interview with Kerry Grant, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, on the effect the 1901 Pan American Exposition in Buffalo had on national and international opinions of the city.

Interview with Susan Graham, associate professor of clinical medicine, on the closing of the heart-transplant center at Buffalo General Hospital.

Erick Duchesne comments on heightened security at the Canadian-U.S. borders and the threats posed by terrorist organizations.

Outcome of the men's basketball game against Northern Illinois.

Segment on a Harriet Tubman memorial being planning in Buffalo mentions the role the Department of Urban Planning played in its conception and quotes Ute Lehrer and student Leslie Haynes.

Interviews with Monica Spaulding, professor of medicine, on Erie County Executive Elect Joel Giambra's throat cancer surgery.

Coverage of performance in the Center for the Arts by legendary jazz performer Dave Brubeck, whose concert benefited UB's Newman Centers and the Catholic Campus Ministries.

Interview with John Wodarski, professor of social work, on a homework assignment on violence that has parents upset.

Outcome of the men's basketball game vs. Indiana.

Interview with Reggie Witherspoon and player Damien Walker on the upcoming game against Indiana.

Interview with John Leddy, assistant professor of clinical orthopaedics, on the definition of "turf toe."

Coverage of the men's basketball team's game against North Carolina includes interview with Reggie Witherspoon.

Interview with Reggie Witherspoon on the upcoming men's basketball game against North Carolina.

Coverage of robotic insect races held at UB includes interview with Kemper Lewis, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

About 30 tuba players gathered in the foyer of Slee Hall to perform Christmas tunes.

Story reports that the men's basketball team has a new coach, Reggie Witherspoon.

Tuba players perform Christmas carols in Slee Hall.

Story that Tim Cohane has resigned as men's basketball coach includes comments from President Greiner, Bob Arkeilpane and Reggie Witherspoon.

Students in the Ellicott Complex celebrate Hanukkah by lighting candles in a menorah.

The milk mustache ad campaign hits UB as producers look for students to appear in the national ad.

Live shot of Hanukkah celebrations being held at UB.

Parents share lists of their children's kind acts at an international gathering held in the Early Childhood Research Center.

Interview with UB student Matt Schrantz on Hillary Clinton's visit to Buffalo.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Interview with Dan Ryan on the upcoming Jobsapalooza.

Interview with Michael Frisch, professor of history and American studies, on the 1901 Pan American Exposition.

Results of the men's basketball game against Akron and the women's basketball game against Youngstown State.

Ilene Fleischmann, assistant dean for alumni and communications in the Law School, is moderator and Lee Albert, professor of law, was a guest on the public-affairs program "Mind Over Myth".

Results of the men's basketball game vs. Northern Illinois.

Segment on AM Buffalo notes jazz performer Dave Brubeck performed at UB.

Jazz legend Dave Brubeck performs in the Center for the Arts.

Results of the men's basketball game against Indiana.

Segment highlights upcoming concert at UB by jazz musician Dave Brubeck.

Interview with Charles Fourtner, professor of biological sciences, who confirmed that organisms found in a box of disposable diapers were maggots.

Interview with UB students who traveled to Seattle to protest the meeting of the World Trade Organization there.

Reggie Witherspoon comments on the men's basketball team's loss to North Carolina and on its upcoming game against Indiana.

Interview with John Wodarski on the most recent incident where a student brought a gun to school in Oklahoma, wounding three.

Segment on New Millennium doom and gloom includes interview with Barbara Tedlock, professor of anthropology.

Story reports that Jeremy Jacobs has bought the Butler Mansion, which will be available for the School of Management to use for meetings.

Results of the men's basketball game against North Carolina includes interview with Reggie Witherspoon.

Preview of men's basketball game against North Carolina, with comments by Reggie Witherspoon and players Jon Keildon and Louis Campbell.

Story looks at all the hype that says Y2K will be the end of existence and interviews Barbara Tedlock.

The Butler Mansion now will be used by the School of Management.

Live interview in Alumni Arena with Reggie Witherspoon on the upcoming game against North Carolina.

Story on the benefits of resistance exercise for children with arthritis includes interview with Nadine Fisher.

Members of the men's basketball team talk about the upcoming game against North Carolina.

UB alumnus Henry Panasci has donated $1 million to the university.

Interview with new men's basketball coach Reggie Witherspoon as the Bulls prepare to take on North Carolina.

Story that Tim Cohane has resigned as men's basketball coach includes comments by President Greiner, Bob Arkeilpane and Reggie Witherspoon.

UB students have a chance to win a spot in the milk mustache ad campaign.

The Nutcracker ballet is presented in the Center for the Arts.

Students in the Ellicott Complex celebrate Hanukkah.

The Early Childhood Research Center hold an international gathering with proceeds benefiting the Food Bank of Western New York.

Results of the men's basketball game against Manhattan.


WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Helju Bennett, associate professor of history, on Boris Yeltsin's resignation.

Interview with Claude Welch on the new century and millennium.

Interview with Erick Duchesne on the possibility that terrorists could enter the U.S. at any of the Canadian-New York border crossings.

Interview with James Pappas on the death of jazz legend and Buffalo native Grover Washington, Jr.

Interview with Bruce Jackson on the retirement of cartoonist Charles Schultz.

Interview with Claude Welch on the return of the Panama Canal to Panamanian rule.

Carl Pegels comments on increases in insurance costs.

WHAM Radio (Rochester)

Interview with Erick Duchesne on the possibility that terrorists could enter the U.S. from Canada at any of New York State's border crossings.

James Pappas comments on the death of jazz performer Grover Washington, Jr.

Interview with Carl Pegels on increases in insurance costs.

WLVL (Lockport)

Interview with James Pappas on the death of jazz musician Grover Washington, Jr.