UB News 01/00

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: March 13, 2000 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of January 2000 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, Jan. 30, article on efforts by the Onondaga Indian Nation to reclaim land in central New York State that include the city of Syracuse quotes Oren Lyons, professor of American studies.

The New York Times, Jan. 4, article on the ethics of life-and-death health-care decisions quotes Stephen Wear, associate professor of medicine.

The New York Times, Jan. 20, Online Shopper column reports that price haggling is enjoying a resurgence on the Web and quotes Arun Jain, professor and chair of marketing and Samuel P. Capen Professor of Marketing Research.

Chronicle of Higher Education, Jan. 7, article about the dangers to humans posed by unpredictable volcanic collapses quotes Michael Sheridan, professor of geology.

USA Today, Jan. 13, Front Page, Life Section, article cites concerns about medical implants and quotes Robert Baier, professor of oral diagnostic sciences and executive director of the Industry/University Center for Biosurfaces.

Los Angeles Times, Jan. 31, article on efforts to prevent childhood obesity quotes Leonard Epstein, professor of psychology.

Los Angeles Times, Jan. 17, article about study-abroad program to Cuba sponsored by San Diego State University notes the role UB's Caribbean studies curriculum played in its formation.

Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 23, article about people's squeamishness about using public toilets quotes Alan Lesse, associate professor of medicine, pharmacy and toxicology.

Cleveland Plain Dealer, Jan. 17, article on technology that will be used to read the 2000 census forms quotes Sargur Srihari, professor of computer science and engineering and director of the Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition.

New York Daily News, Jan. 6, article reports on research conducted by Jeremy Finn, professor of counseling and educational psychology, that shows that students don't perform well if the class size is too large.

New York Post, Jan. 6, article reports that a study conducted by Jeremy Finn shows significant overcrowding in the New York City public schools.

The Washington Times, Jan. 4, article calls on the nation to redraw the battle lines on cancer and cites research conducted 15 years ago at UB that linked the risk of dying of advanced breast cancer to the number of grams of fat consumed.

Chicago Sun-Times, Jan. 11, article on innovative devices to assist people with disabilities quotes Jeffrey Kohler, senior research support specialist in the Department of Occupational Therapy.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. 16, weekly online guide, Netwatch, cites a UB-based Web site, , as a site that reviews laws guaranteeing the rights of disabled people in employment, education, housing and public accommodations.

Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 19, article on a Colorado case before that Supreme Court that would challenge the 8-foot buffer zone that restrict anti-abortion protesters quotes Lucinda Finley, professor of law.

Star-Tribune Newspaper of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Jan. 30, article about laser dentistry quotes Davis Garlapo, professor and chair of restorative dentistry.

Star-Tribune Newspaper of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Jan. 24, article reports computers will be used to read the 2000 census forms and quotes Sargur Srihari, professor of computer science and engineering, on computer programs that have been used to sort the U.S. mail for more than a decade.

Augusta Chronicle, article about the rising trend in taking companion animals to work cites research conducted at UB that shows that having a pet significantly lowered blood pressure associated with highly stressful careers.

Roanoke Times & World News, Jan. 22, article reports that Lawrence Castellani, a former UB Council member, has been named chief executive officer of Roanoke-based Advance Auto Parts.

Engineering News-Record, Jan. 17, article about Istanbul's new Ataturk International Airport terminal notes role that the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research played in the construction and quotes Michael Constantinou, professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering.

The Ottawa Sun, Jan. 15, article about the pervasiveness of medical implants quotes Robert Baier.

Charleston Daily Mail, Jan. 15, article about people's squeamishness about using public toilets quotes Alan Lesse.

The Harrisburg Patriot, Jan. 6, article about an effective treatment for tinnitus sufferers cites research conducted at UB that was published in the journal Neurology.

The Orange County Register, Jan. 2, article about the poor money-management habits of young adults quotes Charles Trzcinka, professor of finance and managerial economics.

The Times of India, Jan. 29, article on the reasons people become addicted to food, drugs and alcohol quotes Elaine Hull, professor of psychology.

Wire Services

Associated Press Newswires, Jan. 24, article about a contest to create a quiet, low-emissions snowmobile notes UB students are competing in the challenge.

Associate Press Newswires, Jan. 13, article calls men's basketball coach Reggie Witherspoon the media darling of the Mid-American Conference for the humorous and honest reactions he's had to stepping into the coaching position mid season.

Gannett News Service, Jan. 6, article about inventions that have given the disabled new freedoms quotes Jeffrey Kohler.

PR Newswire, Jan. 6, article reports that Taylor Devices, a long-time collaborator with UB, has received new orders for seismic dampers of more than $6 million.


Time Latin America, Jan. 31, article about how the acts of man have affected acts of God -- including mudslides and flash floods -- in Venezuela quotes Michael Sheridan.

BusinessWeek, Jan. 24, article examines the decline in mutual-fund investment and quotes Charles Trzcinka.

Self, Jan. 6, article on the importance of oral health care quotes Robert Genco, professor and chair of oral biology.

Men's Health, January 2000, article cites research conducted at UB that shows that calcium and vitamin C are important factors in preventing tooth loss.

Civil Engineering, January 2000, article credits research performed at UB for a groundwater remediation project that has been installed at the West Valley Demonstration Project.

Biophotonics International, January/February 2000, article reports on efforts by researchers in UB's Institute for Lasers, photonics and Biophotonics to better understand how chemotherapy chemicals interact with cancer cells and quotes Paras Prasad, director of the institute and professor of chemistry and physics.

Biophotonics International, January/February 2000, article spells out the mission of the Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics and quotes Paras Prasad.

Technology Review, January 2000, article about new interactive artworks that alter computer images as the user is looking at them quotes Mary Flanagan, assistant professor of media study.

Penthouse, January 2000, article reports research conducted by UB that shows that lack of fluids can make exercise-induced asthma worse and quotes Frank Cerney, associate professor and chair of physical therapy and exercise science.

Credit Union Magazine, January 2000, Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management, outlines the limited credit knowledge of most high school students.

On Wall Street, January 2000, article cites research conducted by Karen Allen, research assistant professor of medicine, that shows that having a pet lowered the blood pressure of stressed stockbrokers.

Online, January 2000, article about a test of a system of access to electronic journals notes the UB Libraries participation in the project.

Southern Economic Journal, January 2000, review of a book on the economic analysis of law includes comments by John Schlegel, professor of law.

The Bark, January-March, 2000, article cites a UB study of stockbrokers with high blood pressure that shows that pets can help to reduce hypertension.


Colorado Public Radio

Interview with John Wodarski, professor of social work, on school programs to prevent violence.



CBS Evening News, interview with Charles H.V. Ebert, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Geography, on global warming.



The Buffalo News, Jan. 31, Page One, Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs, and Nicole Piotrowski, president of the undergraduate Student Association, are quoted in an article on colleges notifying parents when students get in trouble with drugs or alcohol.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 30, "Prospectus 2000," article about area colleges' to plan for the future cites UB's student-housing initiatives and includes a photo of Dennis Black with three students at the site of the South Lake Village housing project.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 28, editorial about Buffalo's cultural treasures includes as an example materials in the Poetry and Rare Books collection.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 29, article reports on new SUNY Chancellor Robert L. King's presentation to the State University Faculty Senate held in the University Inn.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 28, feature on ridiculous warning labels quotes Gerald Goldhaber, associate professor of communication.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, stand-alone photo shows freshman Phillip Syskrot dipping into a 100-foot long banana split in the Student Union.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, article reports that SUNY has allocated $1.8 million for a new roof and other improvements to the Governors Complex.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 22, Page One, article on a panel appointed by Gov. Pataki to study local land-development issues quotes John Sheffer, director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 21, Page One, article about a rare books facility to be constructed in the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society notes that UB will be among those providing rotating exhibits and quotes Robert Bertholf, curator of UB's Poetry and Rare Books Collection.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 20, Page One, article on the importance of participating in the 2000 census quotes Kate Foster, associate professor of planning, and John Sheffer.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 19, Front Page, Business Section, article reports that low-cost power has allowed the UB Technology Incubator to cut rents by up to 40 percent and quotes John McGowan, director of the business incubator.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 19, commentary on grocery store sale policies quotes Arun Jain.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 18, editorial calls the nationwide search for a new SUNY chancellor less thorough than it should have been.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 16, article outlines Aaron Copeland's relationship with UB and quotes Robert Mols, associate professor emeritus of music.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 11, Front Page, Life & Arts, article details UB alum George Kelley's donation of 25,000 works of pulp fiction to the university Libraries, and quotes Kelley, David Schmid, assistant professor of English, and Judith Adams-Volpe, director of Lockwood Library.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 9, Page One, article about the "Herd About Buffalo" public-art project notes that artists will be selected by a committee that includes Sheldon Berlow, UB Foundation director in the Office of Admissions, and Tyrone Georgiou, professor of art.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 7, Front Page, Business, article reports that Taylor Devices has capitalized on its tie to UB to win two overseas contracts and quotes Michael Constantinou.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 7, Page One, article reports that the Anderson Gallery has been given to UB along with a substantial part of its multi-million dollar collection and a $2 million charitable trust to help with gallery maintenance and exhibitions, and quotes President William R. Greiner, and Kerry Grant, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 5, Page One, article looking back at the Attica riot and the judgments awarded to former inmates quotes Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of English and Samuel P. Capen Professor of American Culture.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 5, article about Jobsapalooza quotes Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement, and Christina Jones, a recent UB grad, and notes UB is a sponsor of the job fair.

Business First, Jan. 31, article reports that the Buffalo Convention and Visitors Bureau is targeting UB faculty and staff as a resource for landing new meetings and quotes William Regan, director of special events.

Business First, Jan. 24, article reports that the law library has received a collection of books and other materials related to Native American nations from the late Howard Berman, and quotes Karen Spencer, associate law librarian.

Business First, Jan. 17, article reports that a $3.8 million grant will allow UB to establish two new research centers in the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

Business First, Jan. 17, John Sheffer is quoted in an article about the importance of participating in the 2000 census.

Business First, Jan. 10, Special Report: Education & MBA Programs, article reports that curriculum for students enrolled in UB's executive MBA program includes a trip to Beijing and quotes John Thomas, associate dean for international programs in the School of Management, and offers details on the school's international programs.

Business First, Jan. 10, article reports that David Anderson has donated his art gallery to UB and quotes Kerry Grant.

The Challenger, Jan. 26, article looks at a documentary about African-American farmers by Charlene Gilbert, assistant professor of media study, that aired on WNED-TV.



WBFO Radio

A UB study of hospitals in New York finds that those joining a health-care network have a better chance of success if member hospitals share the financial risks.

UB is among three local organizations that will work together to create the Western New York Rare Books Consortium.

Bruce Jackson and Diane Christian, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor of English, are leading a film-study course at the Angelika Theatres in downtown Buffalo.

Nutrition experts at UB say children may be at risk long-term by the deals local school districts are making with soft-drink companies.

UB's Henry Louis Taylor, Jr., director of the Center for Applied Public Affairs Studies, says the nation is back-sliding from the progress made in civil rights under Martin Luther King, Jr.

Jim Twombly, assistant dean for educational technology in the College of Arts and Sciences, says Erie County could be key in the outcome of the state Senatorial election between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Rudy Giuliani.

A recent study conducted at UB finds the state's planned tax hike on cigarettes won't hurt the economy and may give it a boost.

UB remembers its first chancellor, Millard Fillmore, on the 200th anniversary of his birth.

David Anderson is donating the art gallery that bears his name to UB, along with a $2 million trust to maintain it.

Bruce Jackson analyzes the $8 million Attica settlement.

Now that concerns about Y2K have passed, Carol Lazarus, information systems auditor, says information specialists now will be able to concentrate on jobs that were left undone because of Y2K preparations.

WBEN Radio

Charles Ewing, professor of law, is interviewed on the effect that violent video games can have on children.

Interview with Barbara Rittner, associate professor of social work, on the controversy over returning Elian Gonzales to Cuba.

UB celebrates the 200th birthday of Millard Fillmore.

WGR Radio

Interview with Charles Ewing on the effects of violent video games on kids.

Charles Ewing is featured speaker at a forum at UB on regulations on the video game industry.

Interview with Henry Louis Taylor on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s contributions to human rights.

Millard Fillmore's 200th birthday is remembered.

Interview with Voldemar Innus on whether Y2K concerns were blown out of proportion.

Interview with Charles Trzcinka, on the drop in the stock market.

WNED Radio

Coverage of UB's commemoration of Millard Fillmore's 200th birthday.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

"Common Ground" program features interview with Jim Campbell, professor of political science, on the campaign style of the presidential candidates, as well as U.S. Senate race candidates, the change in the way Democrats and Republicans vote, and abortion issues and politics.

Results of the men's basketball game against Western Michigan.

UB students prepare a giant banana split on the North Campus to kick off the spring semester.

Interview with Robert Genco on research that shows a connection between gum disease and heart trouble.

"Common Ground" program features interview with Charles Ewing on why men rape.

Highlights of the women's basketball game against Eastern Michigan.

Segment looks at residence hall fire safety following a fire at Seton Hall, and includes interviews with Dennis Black, and students Abdul Arshad, Mike San Fillipo and Sara Greenburg.

Interview with Bruce Jackson on Hillary Rodham Clinton's appearance on Late Night with David Letterman.

Interview with men's basketball coach Reggie Witherspoon and player Kerry Hendrickson on the team's game against Central Michigan.

Interview with Charles Ewing on a Marilla teen who made a pipe bomb and threatened his mother.

Interview with Jose Buscaglia, visiting assistant professor of modern languages and literatures, on the controversy over whether Elian Gonzales should be returned to Cuba.

Coverage of UB ceremony celebrating the 200th birthday of Millard Fillmore.

Interview with Norman Baker, associate professor of history, on the fairness of the lateral-pass call in the Bills-Titans conference championship game.

Segment on the women's basketball programs includes interviews with coach Cheryl Dozier and players Mari McClure and Tiffany Bell.

Results of the men's basketball game against Eastern Michigan Ypsilanti.

Coverage of a protest on the North Campus by members of the New York State Public Employees Federation.

UB in one of the sponsors of the Jobsapalooza job fair.

Story on a possible settlement for hundreds of former Attica inmates includes interview with Bruce Jackson.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Segment on a federal investigation of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences quotes Michael Bernardino, vice president for health affairs.

Coverage of the Future City competition held on the North Campus.

Results of the men's basketball game against Western Michigan.

Interview with Charles Ewing on childhood violence in the context of the entertainment industry.

Coverage of January Jump Start's 100-foot-long banana split include interview with Sonja Chenelli, UB student programming coordinator.

Wrap up of the men's basketball game against Akron.

Local reaction to the Seton Hall dorm fire includes interviews with Dennis Black and several UB students.

Interview with Stephen Wear on the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on late-term abortions.

Coverage of the women's basketball game against Kent.

Results of the men's basketball game against Central Michigan.

Segment on David Anderson's donation of the David Anderson Gallery and a $2 million trust to UB includes comments by Kerry Grant.

Highlights of the men's basketball game against Eastern Michigan Ypsilanti.

UB is one of the sponsors of the Jobsapalooza job fair.

Preview of the women's basketball game against Ohio University includes interviews with Cheryl Dozier and players Tiffany Bell and Sonia Ortega.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Coverage of the annual Buffalo Future City competition held on the North Campus.

Highlights of the men's basketball game against Western Michigan.

UB students construct a 100-foot-long banana split to jump-start the spring semester.

Interview with Charles Ewing on the effect violent video games can have in unleashing a child's potential for violence.

"AM Buffalo" features interview with Len Epstein on the epidemic of childhood obesity.

Results of the women's basketball game against Eastern Michigan.

Interview with Arun Jain on the effect of the upcoming clothing-tax rollback.

Interview with Thomas Mroziak, executive officer in the Department of Chemistry, on the effects of road salt on the environment.

Segment on the fatal Seton Hall dorm fire includes interview with UB student Kim Kilpela, who says that fire alarms in the UB dorms are frequently ignored by residents.

Coverage of the high school Section 6 indoor track and field meet held in Alumni Arena.

Highlights of the men's basketball game against Central Michigan.

Segment on the importance of flossing notes the School of Dental Medicine participated in a study linking oral health and heart disease.

Interview with Leslie Fiedler, SUNY Distinguished Professor and Samuel Clemens Chairholder in the Department of English, on campus life in the 1960s.

Interview with Rose Mary Madejski, clinical assistant professor of pharmacy, on steps community and hospital pharmacies take to ensure patients are getting the right prescription.

Coverage of the Jobsapalooza jobs fair sponsored in part by UB.

Adelphia Cable

Call-in program features Charles Carr, clinical associate professor of law, on various aspects of the law.


WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interviews with James Campbell and Jim Twombly on presidential primary results.

Interview with William Hamlen, associate professor of finance and managerial economics, on rising gasoline costs.

Interview with Charles Carr on the ruling on whether to allow cameras in the courtroom in the Angelo Dialo murder case.

Interview with Charles Carr on the controversy over flying the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Interview with Charles Trzcinka, on communication-company mergers.

Interview with Jim Twombly on Gov. Pataki's State of the State message.

Interview with Bruce Jackson on the proposed Attica settlement.

WLVL Radio (Lockport)

Interview with William Hamlen on the rising cost of gasoline.

Coverage of UB ceremony celebrating the 200th birthday of Millard Fillmore.

WHAM Radio (Rochester)

Interview with Bruce Jackson on a possible settlement for former Attica inmates.

Interview with John Wodarski on a rash of teen pipe bombings in Rochester.

Interview with Jim Twombly on Gov. Pataki's State of the State message.

Interview with John Fountain, professor of geology, and Andrea Dargush, MCEER assistant director for research and education, on the North Bay, Ont., earthquake.

Interview with Daniel Ryan and Lawrence Southwick, associate professor of finance and managerial economics, on the economic forecast and job opportunities in Western New York.