UB News 02/00

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: March 31, 2000 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of February 2000 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, Feb. 24, article on efforts to decontaminate the West Valley nuclear site quotes Alan Rabideau, associate professor of engineering, who ran the lab studies on a new, low-tech and relatively low-cost method to clean up the nuclear waste.

The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 10, Page One, "Business Bulletin" column notes that UB's EMBA program has recruited Mayor Masiello to teach a course.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, Feb. 18, article outlines the path taken by Mary Flanagan, assistant professor of media studies, to create "The Adventures of Josie True," a Web-based adventure game aimed at girls ages 9 to 11.

USA Today, Feb. 10, article on the popularity of poetry on the Web quotes Loss Pequeño Glazier, associate librarian and director of UB's Electronic Poetry Center.

The Washington Post, Feb. 26, article about an exhibition of windows from the Darwin Martin D. House notes the famous Frank Lloyd Wright structure is owned by UB.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 27, article about children who commit violent crimes being charged as adults quotes Simon Singer, professor of sociology.

The Boston Globe, Feb. 13, article about personality traits that can make a relationship work quotes Sandra Murray, assistant professor of psychology.

Atlanta Journal Constitution, Feb. 20, "Netwatch" section lists Web site created by Scott Williams, professor of mathematics, devoted to black mathematicians.

Los Angeles Times, Feb. 20, article about a contest to create a quiet, low-emissions snowmobile notes UB students are competing in the challenge.

The San Diego Union Tribune, Feb. 23, article on the relationship between gum diseases and other diseases quotes Sara Grossi, clinical assistant professor of oral medicine, Robert Genco, SUNY Distinguished Professor and chair of oral biology, and Frank Scannapieco, associate professor of oral biology.

(Binghamton) Press & Sun-Bulletin, Feb. 4, article on the public clamor to dip into the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to offset rising fuel costs quotes Lawrence Southwick Jr., associate professor of finance and managerial economics.

(Elmira) Star-Gazette, Feb. Feb. 22, article on the impact that technology is having on the ways business is conducted quotes Raghav Rao, professor of information systems in the School of Management.

Allentown Morning Call, Feb. 14, story on the blood-pressure-reducing effect that pets have on people quotes Karen Allen, research assistant professor of medicine.

(Minneapolis-St. Paul) Star-Tribune, Feb. 14, article on educational programs to help bolster girls' computer skills quotes Mary Flanagan.

Austin American-Statesman, Feb. 27, article on efforts to decontaminate the West Valley nuclear site quotes Alan Rabideau.

Deseret (Utah) News, Feb. 27, article listing Web sites for Black History Month includes one created by Scott Williams devoted to contemporary black mathematicians.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal, Feb. 27, article on the controversy over water fluoridation quotes Michael Easley, clinical associate professor of oral biology and director of UB's National Center for Fluoride Policy and Research.

The Hindu, Feb. 10, article on technology that is responsible for stronger building materials notes "smart concrete" has been created by Deborah Chung, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and Niagara Mohawk Chair of Materials Research.


University Business, Feb. 2000, article reports the School of Management has been tapped to offer an executive MBA program to Motorola employees and major customers in China and quotes John Della Contrada, director of communications for the school.

American Way, Feb. 1, 2000, article on ways to handle email efficiently quotes Rebecca Bernstein, director of electronic media.

Men's Health, February 2000, article on foods to eat to improve your looks cites research conducted at UB that shows that calcium and vitamin C help guard against tooth loss.

Vegetarian Times, February 2000, article reports that research conducted by UB scientists shows that owning a pet can keep blood-pressure levels down.

American Family Physician, Feb. 15, 2000, article announces that Thomas Rosenthal, chair of the Department of Family Medicine, has been named editor of The Journal of Rural Health.

Dog World, February 2000, article cites research conducted at UB that shows that pets help lower blood pressure during stress and quotes Karen Allen.


National Public Radio

"The Book Guys" interview George Kelly about the donation of his pulp-fiction collection to the UB libraries.

Wisconsin National Public Radio

Interview with James Campbell, professor of political science, on election issues.


CBS Online

The UB football program's long, slow climb is expected to gain momentum with the next class of student-athlete recruits.


Playing your favorite sport can make you feel good about yourself, says John Northman, a clinical associate professor in psychology at UB.


University at Buffalo researchers develop novel way to study dynamics of receptor proteins.


UB researchers develop a novel way to study dynamics of receptor proteins.

Project aboard the space shuttle will allow geologists to make the first single topographical map of the world.


A project led by a UB geologist involving the topographic mapper being flown by the space shuttle Endeavour could help develop a new and more accurate way to map the Earth.

Research at UB seeks a possible environmental link to breast cancer.

Scientists at UB have developed and patented a simple blood test that can measure accumulated cell damage from ionizing radiation.

Yahoo News

Research being conducted at UB seeks a possible environmental link to breast cancer.



The Buffalo News, Feb. 29, article notes that UB's Greek organizations last year raised $9,000 to support Kids Day, and quotes Rahul Sinha, a UB senior and member of Alpha Phi Omega, who sold newspapers with members of the service fraternity to support this year's fundraiser.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 28, article encourages UB to hire Reggie Witherspoon as head coach of the men's basketball program.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 25, article notes there are abundant alternatives to high-priced professional sports events and calls UB "a festival of family bargains."

The Buffalo News, Feb. 22, Front Page, Life & Arts Section, article about the impact cochlear implants are having on hearing loss quotes Susan Roberts, director of clinical services in the Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 20, Front Page, Business Section, article reports there is fierce competition among local MBA programs and quotes Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 17, Front Page, Local News, article reports on lecture given in the Center for the Arts by Johnnie Cochran.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 17, Front Page, Sports Section, article reports on the search for a new men's basketball coach and quotes Bob Arkeilpane, director of athletics.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 16, article previews Johnnie Cochran's Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration lecture at UB.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 16, editorial about recent publicity concerning drug-dispensing errors by overworked pharmacists quotes Wayne Anderson, dean of the School of Pharmacy.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 16, Front Page, Business Section, article on productivity bonuses for workers at Outokumpu American Brass quotes Jerry Newman, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Organizations and Human Resources.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 15, article reports that the School of Management has received a gift of $500,000 to build a student center and quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 14, article reports the death of cartoonist Charles Schulz and quotes Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of English and Samuel Capen Professor of American Culture.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 11, editorial about the state Assembly's economic analysis of Western New York and its recovery plan notes the related intention to open at UB a Center for Engineering Design and Industrial Innovation.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 11, article about the controversy between The Spectrum staff and university officials over vacating the newspaper's Student Union office by midnight quotes Beena Ahmad, editor-in-chief, and Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 11, "My View" column by Linda Brodsky, professor of otolaryngology and pediatrics, urges caution over proposals to move Children's Hospital to a new facility adjacent to Buffalo General Hospital.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 10, Front Page, Local News, article reports UB plans to build another new student housing complex on the North Campus and quotes Dennis Black.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 9, Front Page, City & Region Section, article reports that State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has proposed an economic revitalization plan that would expand the connection between colleges, particularly UB, and local businesses and could create at UB a Center for Engineering Design and Industrial Innovation.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 8, "nEXT" Cover Story, article on the growing numbers of vegetarians quotes Jo Freudenheim, professor of social and preventive medicine.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 8, Front Page, Sports Section, article on the significance of the fall 2000 football season quotes Bob Arkeilpane and head coach Craig Cirbus.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 6, article reports that UB's supercomputer has received a $3.2 upgrade and quotes Russ Miller, director of the Center for Computational Research.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 6, Page One, article reports that the Western New York Uninsured Initiative Coalition, headed by the Department of Family Medicine, has received a $150,000 grant to devise a regional program for the uninsured and quotes John Taylor, director of development in the Department of Family Medicine.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 5, Page One, article on the lack of fire sprinklers in most Western New York colleges notes UB's Hadley Village and Governors Complex, as well as the common areas of several other dorms, are equipped with the devices and quotes Dennis Black.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 5, Front Page, Sports Section, feature about assistant men's basketball coach Rock Eisenberg quotes Reggie Witherspoon, Bulls forward Mike McKie and Eisenberg.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 4, article reports on UB's 10th annual breakfast celebrating National Girls and Women in Sports Day.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 4, Page One, article on the increasing number of armed police officers in area schools quotes Charles Ewing, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 4, article on follow-up meeting to the State of the Region report quotes John Sheffer, director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth, Kathryn Foster, assistant professor of planning, and Barry Boyer, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 4, Front Page, Sports Section, article on the impact Title IX legislation has had on women's sports over the past 25 years quotes Nan Harvey, the Division of Athletics senior women's administrator.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, Front Page, Sports Section, article reports on the this year's signing day luncheon, outlines the football team's fall freshmen recruits and quotes Craig Cirbus.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, Front Page, Sports Section, article on the impact of Title IX legislation examines the budget ramifications and quotes Nan Harvey.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, article quotes Charlene Gilbert, assistant professor of media study, on the national broadcast on PBS of her personal documentary, "Homecoming...Sometimes I am Haunted by Memories of Red Dirt and Clay."

The Buffalo News, Feb. 2, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that the investigation into alleged billing irregularities at the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences mirrors concerns at medical schools nationwide and quotes Michael Bernardino, vice president for health affairs.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 1, Page One, article reports that the federal agency that oversees Medicare is investigating the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences about alleged improper billing and quotes Michael Bernardino.

Business First, Feb. 21, article on the importance of math skills to future engineers quotes Michael Ryan, associate dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Business First, Feb. 21, column reports that two premier athletic events to be held in Buffalo this year have received state funding, including the USA Track and Field Junior Olympics to be held at UB, and that Russ Crispell, UB men's tennis coach has received the U.S. Professional Tennis Registry's "Make a Difference" award.

Business First, Feb. 14, article quotes Russ Miller on the donation of computer equipment that has doubled the capacity of UB's supercomputer.

Business First, Feb. 14, "UB Medical Briefs" column reports that UB has received a $2 million grant to study irritable bowel syndrome and quotes Jeffrey Lackner, clinical assistant professor of anesthesiology and director of the behavioral medicine clinic in the UB Pain Service at ECMC. The column also cites research that shows that hospitals perform best in networks and quotes Eric Nauenberg, assistant professor of social and preventive medicine, and quotes Daniel Ryan, director of career planning and placement, on his book, "Job Search Handbook for People with Disabilities."

Business First, Feb. 14, sports column reports on the media gathering to announce the Bulls' 2000 football recruiting class and quotes Craig Cirbus.

Business First, Feb. 7, Staffing & Employment Opportunities section, article on Buffalo's flat job market quotes Lawrence Southwick.

Business First, Feb. 7, article about UB phonathon to raise funds for athletic scholarships quotes Bob Arkeilpane.

The Jewish Review, Feb. 18, article on trip to Israel sponsored by Hillel of Buffalo quotes UB students Rachel Gucwa and Jordan Lateiner, and was written by UB student Adam Wanderman.

The Jewish Review, Feb. 11, article reports that UB has received a $2 million grant to study irritable bowel syndrome and quotes Jeffrey Lackner.



WBFO Radio

Donald Jacobs, director of the Center for Applied Technologies in Education, says improved technology is essential to help teachers as tougher academic standards take effect in New York State.

Some financially strapped freshmen at UB have access to a free computer to help with their studies this year through the Students Needing Assistance Program.

Charles Trzcinka, professor of finance and managerial economics, and Arun Jain, professor and chair of marketing and Samuel Capen Chair of Marketing Research, comment on a report from Standard and Poor's that indicates that Buffalo's long-term economic prospects are not good.

The Buffalo Association of Black Journalists gives a presentation as part of the 30th anniversary of the UB Department of African-American Studies.

The Research Institute on Addictions is beginning a study that will explore the stress families of problem gamblers experience and how to cope with it.

Noted attorney Johnnie Cochran called for more diversity in news coverage during an address at UB on the media's influence on race relations.

The incoming class at the School of Dental Medicine will work off one digital video disk -- containing the information of some 90 books -- starting in the fall of 2000.

UB announces that a grant from alumnus J. Grant Hauber will be used to construct a new student center in Jacobs Management Center.

UB scientists say they've developed a simple blood test that can detect cell damage and serve as an early-warning sign of cancer.

Officials at UB have unveiled plans for a third new student-housing complex on the North Campus.

UB's South Campus was the site for a diversity training program for Buffalo police officers.

Claes Lundgren, professor of physiology, explains how carbon monoxide robs the body of life-sustaining oxygen, but if treated promptly, victims can expect a full recovery.

Charlene Gilbert discusses the plight of African-American farmers in a documentary titled "Homecoming" that will air nationwide on public television.

Michael Bernardino comments on a federal audit of UB's teaching hospitals on billing for service.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Satish Mohan, associate professor of civil engineering, on the poor highway design that may have contributed to a fatal crash on the Kensington Expressway.

Interview with Joseph Gardella, professor of chemistry, and several of his students on the Hickory Woods housing development.

Interviews with Jim Twombly, assistant dean for educational technology, and James Campbell on Hillary Clinton's announcement that she is running for senator in the State of New York.

Interviews with Charles Ewing and Norman Baker, associate professor of history, on plans by the World Wrestling Federation to sponsor a more violent, faster version of football.

WGR Radio

Interview with Brenda Moore, associate professor of sociology, on African Americans and women in the military.

WGRF Radio

Interview with Bruce Jackson on the death of Charles Shultz and his role in American culture.

WNED Radio

Interview with Voldemar Innus, senior associate vice president for university services, on a program that provides financially challenged freshmen with computers.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Interview with Claude Welch, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Political Science, on the upcoming presidential primaries.

Interviews with women's basketball coach Cheryl Dozier and player Tiffany Bell on the upcoming MAC women's basketball playoffs in Alumni Arena.

William Hamlen, associate professor of finance and managerial economics, and UB management student Shanika Miles discuss the new tax laws concerning shopping and smoking.

Segment on the recent trend to prescribe -- or overprescribe -- anti-depressant medication for children quotes William Pelham, professor of psychology, and mentions UB's summer treatment program for ADHD children.

Interviews with Voldemar Innus and computer-science major Kris Schoder on the possibility of the Internet company Intel coming to Western New York.

Coverage of the men's basketball game against Ohio University.

Interview with William Pelham on the alarming number of children who are being prescribed antidepressants.

Interview with Mary Gresham, vice president for public service and urban affairs, on the important role that Mary Talbert -- for whom Talbert Hall is named -- played in Western New York.

Interview with Wayne Anderson on the decreasing number of students who are studying pharmacy to practice in drug stores.

Hickory Woods homeowners meet with Joe Gardella about contamination of land their houses sit on.

Interview with Markus Bursik, associate professor of geology, on his project to make a 3D map of the world that is on the space shuttle Endeavour.

Preview of a speech by attorney Johnnie Cochran to be held at UB.

Segment on faith healing includes interview with Mark Kristal, professor of psychology.

Coverage of a water main break at the Ellicott Complex.

The Buffalo Chips, UB's men's a capella singing group, performs at Canisius College.

Sports Extra previews the Bulls' fall 2000 football schedule.

Claes Lundgren looks at the effects and treatment of carbon-monoxide poisoning.

Craig Cirbus discusses the Bulls' roster for the 2000 season.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Preview of the playoff game against Marshall includes comments by Reggie Witherspoon and player Louis Campbell.

A suspect is charged in connection with an armed robbery in the Ellicott Complex.

Results of the women's basketball playoff game against Akron.

Interview with Dennis Black on efforts to find a suspect in an armed robbery in the Ellicott Complex.

Interview with UB Public Safety officer Roy Guarino on the armed robbery that occurred in the Ellicott Complex.

UB medical students teach young snowmobilers and skiers helmet safety.

Two UB students are robbed at gunpoint in their Ellicott Complex room.

Results of the men's basketball game against Miami of Ohio.

Interview with Anthony Miranda, music lecturer, looks at an upcoming performance by the UB Percussion Ensemble.

Highlights of the men's basketball game against Ohio University.

Coverage of the drug- and alcohol-free house party held on the UB North Campus.

Results of the men's basketball game against Marshall.

Johnny Cochran speaks at UB.

Interview with Marcus Bursik on his project to map the world in 3D that is aboard the space shuttle Endeavour.

Results of the men's basketball game against Kent.

Interview with Paresh Dandona on controlling diabetes.

Segment on a medical breakthrough for multiple sclerosis mentions the interferon Avonex study being conducted at UB.

Interview with Lawrence Jacobs, professor of neurology, on results of a study conducted at UB that could provide a breakthrough in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Interview with Craig Cirbus on the 2000 team.

Members of the station's news department look at the "Road to Freedom" at UB.

Michael Bernardino discusses the federal investigation into alleged irregularities in Medicare billing procedures involving the medical school.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Preview of the men's basketball playoff game against Marshall, with quotes by Reggie Witherspoon.

Interview with former men's basketball coach Tim Cohane about the upcoming MAC playoffs.

Interview with men's basketball player Damien Foster about the upcoming playoff game.

Highlights of the women's basketball playoff game against Akron.

Interview on "AM Buffalo" with Robert Baier, professor of oral diagnostic sciences, on use of biomedical implants.

Interview with William Hamlen about the new state tax laws.

Highlights of the men's basketball game against Miami of Ohio.

Segment speculates on where Buffalo will be in the year 2020 and includes interview with Kerry Grant, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Coverage of performance by Tibetan singer Dajim Dala Doma, who was performing at UB.

Results of the men's basketball game against Ohio University.

Preview of the men's basketball game against Ohio University.

Mary Talbert is remembered as part of Black History Month coverage.

Results of the men's and women's basketball games against Marshall.

Highlights of the Martha Graham Dance Ensemble performance at UB.

UB students will be helping to collect date at the Hickory Woods housing development, which some are calling the area's latest Love Canal.

Interview with Jim Twombly on finding political Web sites.

Interview with UB student Eleanor Coffey, who will be helping collect data regarding contaminated land at the Hickory Woods housing development.

Johnny Cochran was in Buffalo for a forum on race relations at UB.

Interview with Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement, on how people with disabilities are faring in the snow.

Segment on the scent of love includes interview with Bruce Jackson, Mark Kristal and UB students Adranae Byer, Lové Anthony and Mike Duszkiewicz.

Highlights of the men's basketball game against Kent and the women's basketball game against Toledo.

Coverage of a concert on the North Campus by UB's men's a capella group, the Buffalo Chips.

Interviews with Norman Baker and William Hamlen on the Bills' decision to cut three of their best and highest-paid players.

Coverage of the St. Olaf Choir performance in the Center for the Arts.

Segment previews a wine tasting that will be held in the Center for Tomorrow.

The UB Department of Family Medicine is heading the Western New York Uninsured Initiative Coalition.

Highlights of the Bulls' fall 2000 football schedule.

Buffalo police use the South Campus for a diversity training exercise.

Interview with Craig Cirbus on the 2000 football season.

Maple Grove quarterback Randall Seckey is among those signed to the UB football team.

WUTV-TV, Channel 29

Robert Buhite, clinical assistant professor of restorative dentistry, discusses the longevity of dental implants.

Adelphia Cable

"The Mary Davis Show," interview with Brenda Moore on African Americans in the military.

Interview with Charles Carr, clinical associate professor of law, on various legal topics including the moratorium on executions in Illinois and new technology affecting DNA testing.


WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Claude Welch, on the addition of John McCain to the New York State Republican primary ticket.