UB News 03/00

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: June 16, 2000 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of March 2000 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, March 29. article outlines "The Adventures of Josie True," a girl-oriented online game, and quotes Mary Flanagan, assistant professor of media studies and the game's creator.

The New York Times, March 21, article on the effect of post-traumatic stress disorder on children quotes Susan McLeer, professor and chair of psychiatry.

The New York Times, March 10, article on the dangers of talking on cell phones while driving quotes Janet Shucard, assistant professor of neurology.

The New York Times, March 2, Front Page, "Circuits," article reports that UB is among seven dental schools in the nations to compress its entire curriculum-textbooks, manuals and lecture slides-for all four years of study onto a DVD disk, and quotes Pamela Jones, assistant to the dean, School of Dental Medicine.

Wall Street Journal, March 10, article on the increasing problems with dry mouth and other oral side effects experienced by people taking certain drugs quotes Sebastian Ciancio, professor and chair of the Department of Periodontics.

Newsday, March 30, article reports that Eric "Rock" Eisenberg has resigned as assistant men's basketball coach to return to Brooklyn.

The Globe and Mail, March 14, article on the effects dry mouth have on oral health quotes Sebastian Ciancio, professor and chair of the Department of Periodontics.

Chicago Sun-Times, March 8, "Quick Takes" column reports that researchers in the School of Social Work have found that mothers with substance-abuse problems are more likely to be punitive toward their children.

(Albany) Times Union, March 13, article reports on an analysis of charisma among presidential primary candidates and quotes James Meindl, professor of organizations and human resources.

The (Newark, N.J.) Star-Ledger, March 2, article on the loss of innocence parents and children face following the fatal classroom shooting by a six year old quotes Charles Patrick Ewing, professor of law.

The Detroit News, March 15, schedule of educational programs and events at the Detroit Institute of Arts notes Carol Zemel, professor and chair of art history will discuss Vincent Van Gogh's self portraits.

St. Louis Post Dispatch, March 26, article on Web sites that focus on African American culture includes "Mathematicians of the African Diaspora," compiled by Scott Williams, professor of mathematics.

Star-Tribune Newspaper of the Twin Cities, Minneapolis-St. Paul, March 29, article on post traumatic stress disorder in children quotes Susan McLeer.

Deseret (Utah) News, March 31, article reports on research conducted at the School of Dental Medicine that links periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease.

The Arizona Republic, March 27, article on post-traumatic stress disorder in children quotes Susan McLear.

Winnipeg Free Press, March 31, article on the dangers cell phones and other electronic devices pose to drivers quotes Janet Shucard.

The Times of India, March 7, article on an infrared sensor developed for NASA that also will be used for the early detection of breast cancer notes the system went through prolonged testing at UB.

Wire Services

Associated Press Newswires, March 31, article reports that UB defeated six other colleges to win the inaugural Clean Snowmobile Challenge.

Associated Press Newswires, March 31, article outlines the blending of art and technology that takes place to create electronic poetry and quotes Loss Pequeño Glazier, director of UB's Electronic Poetry Center.

Associated Press Newswires, March 31, article reports that professors in the College of Arts and Sciences are considering a vote of "no confidence" in the UB administration to protest recent priorities faculty members say were established without their input.

Associated Press Newswires, March 29, article reports on a contest among students from seven universities including UB to create a snowmobile that is high performance but retains the performance that riders demand.

Associated Press Newswires, March 29, article on the UB Bulls' spring football practice quotes head coach Craig Cirbus.

Associated Press Newswires, March 10, article reports that Reggie Witherspoon has been named head men's basketball coach.

Associated Press Newswires, March 6, article on medical advances that in the future could allow us to "program" our children genetically quotes Leslie Fiedler, SUNY Distinguished Professor and Samuel Clemens Professor of English.

Associated Press Newswires, March 4, article questions at what age children can be held legally responsible for crimes they commit and quotes Charles Ewing.

Business Wires, March 29, article reports that UB's Center for Computational Research has partnered with Performance Technologies, Inc. on a fault-tolerant computer, and quotes Russ Miller, director of the center.

PR Newswire, March 23, article on the link between diabetes and gum disease quotes Robert Genco, professor and chair of the Department of Periodontics and Endodontics and director of the UB Periodontal Disease Research Center.

Dow Jones News Service, March 20, article on stock market asset allocation quotes Charles Trzcinka, professor of finance.


Time International, March 13, Cover Story, article on the value of telling the truth quotes David Nyberg, professor of educational leadership and policy.

Prevention, March 2000, article on tinnitus cites a study conducted at UB that found that patients with tinnitus had increased activity in the limbic system.

Country Living's Healthy Living, March-April 2000, article reports that research conducted at UB shows that coming home to a pet can reduce stress-related spikes in blood pressure more effectively than drug therapy

Forbes, March 6, "The Forbes Lunch" interviews Paul Kurtz, professor emeritus of philosophy, on his Center for Inquiry and the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.

AARP Bulletin, March 2000, article on avoiding and treating knee trouble quotes Nadine Fisher, assistant professor of occupational therapy.

Good Housekeeping, March 2000, "Ask the Doctor" column quotes Patricia Duffner, professor of neurology and pediatrics.

Child, March 2000, article reports that baby walkers may cause babies to develop more slowly than infants who don't use them and quotes Roger Burton, professor of psychology.

University Business, March 2000, article on new technology that is expected to help bring e-textbooks to market notes a study of the technology was conducted at UB and quotes Harold Star, visiting assistant professor of management science and systems.

The Voice, March 2000, article reports that Mary Flanagan has launched a unique software games oriented toward girls.

Buffalo Spree, March/April 2000, article details the pulp fiction collection that the UB Libraries have acquired and quotes Judith Adams-Volpe, director of Lockwood Library.

Buffalo Spree, March/April 2000, profile of UB's energy officer Walter Simpson quotes Simpson and Senior Vice President Robert J. Wagner.

CASE Currents, March 2000, article on the increasing importance to student recruitment of interactive and individualized Web sites cites UB's customized admissions content and quotes Rebecca Bernstein, director of electronic media.



Mothers with substance issues punish their children more than non-addictive women do.


Article on Australian business schools offering online degrees notes UB offers EMBA degrees at its satellite campus in China.

Diversity Inc.

Job-search handbook offers a comprehensive look at issues faced by people with disabilities.


Article links the bacteria that cause periodontal disease to systemic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, and quotes Robert Genco.

Environmental News Network

Science professor makes case for new teaching method.

UB students take up the challenge to build a cleaner, quieter snowmobile.


UB researcher finds surprise earthquake faults in New York State.

Finance online

Article on Roth IRAs quotes Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management.

Health Answers

Cigarette smoking more than doubles the risk of developing a large brain aneurysm.

Health Central

Smoking increases the risk of brain aneurysm.

Health News

Scientists find link between aneurysm size and smoking.

Health News Digest

UB develops simple blood test that measures cell damage from ionizing radiation.


Research conducted at UB shows that cigarette smoking appears to increase the risk for developing large brain aneurysms.

UB's dental school goes modern: students curriculum goes from books to DVD.

Reuters Health

Cigarette smoking more than doubles the risk of developing a large brain aneurysm.


Article on cancer detection quotes Garth Anderson, assistant research professor of cell and molecular biology.

Science Magazine

Life on Mars? Volcanoes on Earth may help answer that question.

Revolution in science teaching funded by Pew Trusts.


Article reports on research conducted by Robert Jacobi, professor of geology, and John Fountain, professor of geology, that shows that satellite images reveal earthquake faults along the Eastern U.S.

Space Daily

Research being conducted at UB may one day provide answers to the question of whether there ever was life on Mars.

The American News Service

Scott Williams forms community for black mathematicians online.

The Daily Apple

Smoking increases the risk of brain aneurysm.


The question of whether there ever was life on Mars may be answered one day in part by research conducted by a UB geologist who studies volcanoes on earth.

Cigarette smoking seen leading to larger aneurysms.

A UB professor who says his mission in life is to revolutionize the teaching of science has received an $800,000 grant to do just that.

Social work grad students hit the streets of virtual villages to look at issues faced by their residents.

Washington Post online

Article on the impact of college/university Web sites on high-school students cites a project by UB Department of Theatre and Dance that equipped students with video cameras and then posted their images on the Web along with their comments.


My Yahoo's "Devices connected to the Internet" section features UB's Webcam.



The Buffalo News, March 31, Front Page, City & Region, article reports faculty members of the College of Arts and Sciences are considering a vote of no confidence in the university administration and quotes James H. Bunn, professor of English, President William R. Greiner and Kerry S. Grant, dean of the college.

The Buffalo News, March 30, Front Page, Sports Section, interview with head football coach Craig Cirbus reports on spring practice and his hopes for the fall season.

The Buffalo News, March 30, article reports on Distinguished Speakers Series lecture by George Stephanopoulos.

The Buffalo News, March 29, "My View" column by Robert G. Shibley, professor of architecture and director of UB's Urban Design Project, urges that development of Buffalo's downtown area be accomplished through a balance of ideas rather than a win-lose strategy.

The Buffalo News, March 28, Front Page, Sports Section, article on the re-establishment of the women's softball team quotes coach Marie Curran and player Kim Coon.

The Buffalo News, March 28, article reports that UB will hold public work sessions on the university's landscaping master plan and quotes Mike Dupre, associate vice president for facilities, and Michael Wright, associate program coordinator for university facilities and project manager for the landscaping project.

The Buffalo News, March 27, Front Page, Business, article on efforts states are making to lure back former residents cites comebacktobuffalo.com, a Web site operated by UB and quotes Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

The Buffalo News, March 25, Page One, article on legislation that would allow mothers to leave their newborn babies at a hospital or other care provider quotes Charles P. Ewing.

The Buffalo News, March 24, coverage of a Common Council hearing on contamination problems in the Hickory Woods neighborhood quotes Joseph Gardella, professor of chemistry and associate dean for external affairs in the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Buffalo News, March 22, Front Page, Sports, article on the return of baseball to UB's athletic program quotes Bob Arkeilpane, director of athletics, coach Bill Breene and players Rob Golemba, Adrian Daniels and Pete Selden.

The Buffalo News, March 22, Front Page, City & Region, article on the after-hours dispute between staff of The Spectrum and administrators in the Office of Student Affairs quotes Beena Ahmad, editor in chief, and Dennis R. Black, vice president for student affairs.

The Buffalo News, March 20, article on a new UB institute that will help Indochinese students pursue advanced education and training in the U.S. quotes Mark Ashwill, director of the World Languages Institute.

The Buffalo News, March 17, Page One, article on the 25 percent decline in the Western New York birthrate, and changes that are occurring in hospital maternity departments as a result, quotes Germaine Buck, associate professor of social and preventive medicine.

The Buffalo News, March 16, Front Page, City & Region, commentary on the debate over the Peace Bridge notes that the Center for Computational Research offers a virtual tour of all the bridge and plaza options and quotes Tom Furlani, associate director of the center.

The Buffalo News, March 13, commentary on the fracas over development of Buffalo's Inner Harbor vs. preservation of or the historic Erie Canal wall, streets and buried building foundations quotes Rossman Giese, professor of geology.

The Buffalo News, March 13, article reports that the Educational Opportunity Center plans to move to 100 Seneca Street and quotes President Greiner and Sherryl D. Weems, EOC director.

The Buffalo News, March 11, Front Page, Sports, interview with Reggie Witherspoon following the announcement that he has been named head men's basketball coach quotes Witherspoon, assistant coach Jim Kwitchoff and Bob Arkeilpane.

The Buffalo News, March 10, Front Page, Sports Section, article reports that Reggie Witherspoon has been named head men's basketball coach.

The Buffalo News, March 9, Front Page, City & Region, article about a 16-year-old who pleaded guilty to second-degree murder despite plans by his attorneys to appeal quotes R. Nils Olsen, Jr., dean of the Law School.

The Buffalo News, March 9, editorial praises President Greiner and the Center for Computational Research for providing the public with the opportunity to see what the completed Peace Bridge proposals look like and the impact those projects would have on the river and adjacent neighborhoods.

The Buffalo News, March 9, Front Page, Sports, article reports that interim coach Reggie Witherspoon is one of two top contenders for the head men's basketball coach position and quotes Bob Arkeilpane.

The Buffalo News, March 7, Page One, article on the number of police officers and other professionals who are leaving Western New York for jobs in boom towns all over the country quotes Dan Ryan.

The Buffalo News, March 7, article reports that the former acting head of the medical school's animal laboratory has pleaded guilty to falsely claiming to be a veterinarian and quotes Dale M. Landi, vice president for research, and Dan Jay, Public Safety's chief of detectives.

The Buffalo News, March 6, Front Page, City & Region, article on a Hamburg resident's legal fight to be allowed to use opaque, rather than clear, garbage bags quotes Lee Albert, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, March 6, Front Page, City & Region, article on UB's Parents and Children in Transition program designed to help children coping with divorce quotes Frank Fincham, professor of psychology.

The Buffalo News, March 4, Page One, article looks at the possible reasons behind a teenager's drive to Kansas, where he killed a police officer and was himself killed, and quotes Charles Ewing.

The Buffalo News, March 4, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that building a new Children's Hospital downtown would cost the hospital network significantly less than renovating the current facility since the UB medical school has offered to contribute as much as $65 million if the facility is moved downtown and quotes Michael Bernardino, vice president for health affairs.

The Buffalo News, March 3, article reports on the search for a new head men's basketball coach and quotes Bob Arkeilpane and players Kerry Hendrickson and Louis Campbell.

The Buffalo News, March 2, column criticizes the ethnic and gender makeup of the 43x79 group quotes Henry Louis Taylor, director of the Center for Applied Public Affairs Studies.

The Buffalo News, March 2, Front Page, City & Region, article reports computer versions of the Peace Bridge designs are available to the public at the Center for Computational Research, and quotes Russ Miller.

Business First, March 27, article reports that the athletic fund drive has raised 369,342 surpassed its goal of $300,000.

Business First, March 27, article about the growth of area homeowners associations quotes Robert Shibley.

Business First, March 27, article reports Rotary Field is being considered as the site for a research park serving private industry and the UB medical school, and quotes Michael Bernardino.

Business First, March 13, article reports that technology developed at UB to help eliminate problems with computer-chip fabrication will be commercialized with the help of a $900,000 grant and cites the role of James Garvey, professor of chemistry, in the project.

Business First, March 6, article on family-owned businesses notes that help for such enterprises is available at UB's Family Business Center and quotes Marianne Sullivan, director of the center.

Business First, March 6, article reports that the medical school has pledged as much as $65 million to see Children's Hospital's facilities be located on High Street and quotes Michael Bernardino.

Business First, March 6, article extols the value of UB's environmental audits and quotes Walter Simpson.

Business First, March 6, article notes that valuable green space has been sacrificed to build UB's new housing projects and quotes student Meghan Fay, Walter Simpson and Michael Dupre.

Business First, March 6, article profiles John Vena and his work as professor of social and preventive medicine and co-director with Errol Meidinger, professor of law, of UB's Environment and Society Institute, and quotes Jim Olson, professor of pharmacology and toxicology.

Amherst Bee, March 29, article reports that Michael Cohen, professor of pediatrics and neurology, will receive the Samuel P. Capen Award from the UB Alumni Association.

Amherst Bee, March 22, article reports that the Division of Athletics has received a $65,000 gift to establish a scholarship fund in honor of the late Walter Heymann, a UB alumnus and former football player, and quotes Bob Arkeilpane.

Amherst Bee, March 15, article reports UB has named Reggie Witherspoon head men's basketball coach, and quotes Bob Arkeilpane and Witherspoon.

The Jewish Review, March 17, article reports that the UB Alumni Association will present Michael E. Cohen with the Samuel P. Capen Award.

The Criterion, March 11, article reports that the Educational Opportunity Center will move to 100 Seneca Street, and quotes President Greiner; Mary Gresham, vice president for public service and urban affairs, and Sherryl Weems.



WBFO Radio

George Stephanopoulos, speaking as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series, says the independent vote will be crucial in this year's presidential election.

Faculty members in the College of Arts and Sciences are considering a vote of no confidence against the university administration.

UB geologist Ross Giese makes the case for preserving the Erie Canal commercial slip.

Interview with Mary Flanagan on her new game and workshop designed to get girls online.

UB's Educational Opportunity Center is moving to new quarters at 100 Seneca Street.

UB has appointed interim coach Reggie Witherspoon to lead the men's basketball program.

Counselors at UB are teaming up with the judicial system to launch a program to support children coping with their parents' divorce.

Jim Twombly, assistant dean for educational technology in the College of Arts and Sciences, says Bill Bradley had a positive impact on the primary campaign by introducing key issues and making Al Gore a better candidate.

James Campbell, professor of political science, says the outcomes of presidential campaigns through out U.S. history have been relatively predictable.

A study by the UB Department of Neurosurgery shows cigarette smoking appears to increase the risk for developing large brain aneurysms.

Using a six-point scale to measure the political charisma of major presidential candidates, James Meindl calls Republican John McCain the clear front-runner.

WBEN Radio

Interview with George Stephanopoulos on his upcoming Distinguished Speakers Series lecture.

Week-long series on stock trading on the Internet includes daily interviews with Charles Trzcinka.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

The annual UB alumni and Silver Wheels football game is held in Transit Middle School.

Interview with head coach Craig Cirbus on the Bulls' spring practice.

UB quarterback Joe Freedy discusses the season.

Segment looks at efforts by UB to come up with a campus landscaping plan.

Footage of a performance of Tom Jones in the Center for the Arts.

Charles Ewing urges people to participate in National Family Day.

UB fields its first men's baseball team in 13 years.

Highlights of the Bela Fleck and the Flecktones concert in the Center for the Arts.

Discussion on lethal weapons includes interview with Charles Ewing.

Interview with Reggie Witherspoon on being named men's head basketball coach.

UB will name Reggie Witherspoon men's basketball head coach.

Interview with Charles Ewing on how access to guns can cause an impulsive reaction in children.

Interview with Claude Welch, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Political Science, on the importance of New York State in the Super Tuesday primary.

Interview with Charles Ewing on the Buffalo police officer's son who was killed in a shoot-out in Kansas after killing a police officer there.

Story reports that researchers at UB have a theory about what causes breast cancer, and interview Jo Freudenheim, professor of social and preventive medicine.

Results of the men's basketball game against Marshall.

Interviews with Reggie Witherspoon and player Damien Foster on the upcoming men's basketball game against Marshall.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Segment on a job fair held at Six Flags Amusement Park Darien Lake quotes Jerry Newman, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Organizations and Human Resources, and student John Carlson.

Interview with Bulls quarterback Joe Freedy about spring practice.

Interviews with head coach Craig Cirbus and defensive back Carlos Spencer.

Political analyst George Stephanopoulos speaks at UB as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

Interview with Stanley Schwartz, professor of medicine, on allergy symptoms.

Interview with Charles Ewing on a local performance by the heavy-metal rock group Korn.

Highlights of the Tom Jones performance in the Center for the Arts.

Interview with Joseph Gardella on the Hickory Woods chemical contamination controversy.

The UB men's baseball team returns to the field after a 13-year hiatus.

Segment interviews Darius Amos, Beena Ahmad and Dennis Black on the controversy over members of The Spectrum staff being taken into custody by Public Safety.

A group of UB pharmacy students is doing its part to keep children safe as part of National Poison Prevention Week.

Interview with Lee Guterman, assistant professor of neurosurgery, on a stroke-screening clinic being held in Buffalo Police Headquarters.

Men's basketball coach Reggie Witherspoon discusses the NCAA Eastern Regional men's basketball tournament to be held in Buffalo.

Reggie Witherspoon is named head men's basketball coach at UB.

Segment reports that three UB seniors worked out for NFL scouts, and includes interview with Drew Haddad.

Decision to be made soon on new men's head basketball coach.

Interview with Charles Ewing on looking for warning signs that a child may become involved in a violent crime.

Interview with Charles Ewing on the Buffalo police officer's son who was shot to death in Kansas.

Results of the men's basketball game against Marshall.

Interview with Russ Miller on the virtual Peace Bridge display that is offered at the Center for Computational Research.

Segment looks at student recycling efforts at UB.

Story reports that the School of Nursing will hold an advanced certification program in case management over the summer.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor of English and Samuel P. Capen Professor of American Culture, is quoted on a statement released by the Fort Erie and Buffalo Public Bridge Authority saying it does not agree with the public-review panel concerning a Signature Bridge.

The UB Bulls football team begins spring training in Bills Stadium.

Interview with Craig Cirbus on the Bulls' spring practice.

George Stephanopoulos discusses his Greek heritage and politics at UB.

Bulls assistant basketball coach has quit.

Tom Jones performs in the Center for the Arts.

Piece on how to stay safe when jogging recalls the murder of UB student Linda Yalem.

UB plays Canisius in the university's first men's baseball game in 13 years.

Interview with men's baseball coach Bill Breene on what he thinks of the team.

Students at Herbert Hoover Elementary School get tips on poison prevention from UB pharmacy students as part of National Poison Prevention Week.

Erie County Court was the setting for the UB mock court hearings dealing with hate crimes.

UB names Reggie Witherspoon head men's basketball coach.

Segments reports the hard-luck story of UB student Dan Yoon, who even though his car was stolen downtown a week ago is responsible for several tickets issued since then.

Segment on Reggie Witherspoon being named men's head basketball coach includes interviews with Witherspoon and Bob Arkeilpane.

Story on the possible problems that can occur when using batteries includes interview with Tom Mroziak, executive officer in the Department of Chemistry.

Interview with Jim Twombly on the Super Tuesday primaries.

Interview with Reggie Witherspoon on the upcoming men's basketball game against Marshall.


WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Kerry Grant on a petition being contemplated by faculty members to protest the college's hiring freeze.

Interview with Jim Twombly on the chance that either Elizabeth Dole or Diane Feinstein will be the vice-presidential nominee for their respective parties.

Interview with James Campbell on his book on campaign projections.