UB News 04/00

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: June 16, 2000 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of April 2000 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, April 20, article in the "Footlights" column notes that Carl Dennis, professor of English, has received the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize.

The New York Times, April 16, article describes survey by Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management, on teens' personal-financial knowledge.

The New York Times, April 13, article by a self-confessed online "grocery-service cheater" on people's tendency to lie quotes David Nyberg, professor of educational organization, administration and policy.

The New York Times, April 13, "Circuits" column reports on a team of UB engineering students who built a quieter, lower emission snowmobile.

The New York Times, April 9, article on Buffalo and it's declining population base quotes Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

The Washington Post, April 7, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

New York Daily News, April 27, article covers CNN town meeting with Hillary Clinton that was held at UB.

New York Daily News, April 13, article on the emotional storm facing Elian Gonzalez quotes Barbara Rittner, associate professor of social work.

New York Daily News, April 12, article on the chances that Elian Gonzalez can ever go on the live a normal, happy life quotes Barbara Rittner.

Los Angeles Times, April 24, article reports on research conducted at UB that shows that vitamin D deficiencies can cause severe muscle weakness and quotes Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine.

Los Angeles Times, April 15, article on the genetic engineering of babies quotes Leslie Fiedler, SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Samuel Clemens Professor of English.

Los Angeles Times, April 7, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

USA Today, April 26, Cover Story, article on the effect the male vote could have on Al Gore's presidential campaign quotes James Campbell, professor of political science.

USA Today, April 25, article on the hotly contested New York State Senate race notes that Hillary Clinton will participate in a CNN-sponsored town meeting at UB.

The (Toronto) Globe and Mail, April 5, article on role bacteria may play in heart disease and the debate over whether to prescribe antibiotics to prevent heart attacks cites research conducted at UB that showed that the body's immune and inflammatory response to certain bacteria may be a factor contributing to cardiovascular blockages.

Philadelphia Inquirer, April 25, "TV Talk" column notes that Hillary Clinton will participate in a town meeting at UB.

Philadelphia Inquirer, April 21, "Newsmakers" column notes that Carl Dennis will receive the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize.

The Baltimore Sun, April 30, article describes national survey of the personal-financial skills of teenagers authored by Lewis Mandell, and quotes Mandell.

Houston Chronicle, April 17, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

Arizona Republic, April 9, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Orange County Register, April 16, article looks at efforts in West Valley to clean up radioactive waste using a mineral that is a prime ingredient in cat litter, and quotes Alan Rabideau, assistant professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering.

The Orange County Register, April 8, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

Chronicle of Higher Education, April 7, World Beat column includes notation that Mark Ashwill, director of the World Languages Institute, has set up a foundation to help students from Indochina.

The Hotline, April 26, "Senate Report" column reports that Hillary Clinton will appear on a CNN-sponsored Town Hall meeting at UB.

Newsday, April 27, article on Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign includes coverage of her town meeting at UB.

Newsday, April 25, article on ways seniors can retain their independence mentions the School of Architecture and Planning's IDEA project and includes its Web site.

New York Post, April 27, coverage of Hillary Clinton's town hall meeting at UB.

New York Post, April 27, opinion piece on Hillary Clinton's town meeting at UB likens it to a Soviet-style "Potemkin village," set up "to seduce gullible visitors."

(Albany) Times Union, April 30, article on the large numbers of Chinese students studying in the U.S. notes that UB is among several universities that enrolls a significant number.

(Albany) Times Union, April 20, article reports Carl Dennis has received this year's Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize.

(Syracuse) Herald American, April 23, opinion piece on the fairness of "bid shopping" cites research conducted by Brian Becker, professor and chair of organizations and human resources, that shows that the bid process doesn't really save money.

(Syracuse) Herald-Journal, April 21, article on National Poetry Month notes that UB is home to the Electronic Poetry Center.

(Binghamton) Press & Sun-Bulletin, April 13, article on the link between gum disease and other illnesses quotes Robert Genco, professor and chair of oral biology.

(Binghamton) Press & Sun-Bulletin, April 12, article on UB's Electronic Poetry Center quotes Loss Pequeño Glazier, associate librarian and director of the EPC.

Bangor Daily News, April 24, article on the resurgence of interest in poetry at the University of Maine quotes Robert Creeley, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of English and Samuel Capen Professor of Poetry and Humanities.

The Providence Journal, April 24, article reports that Carl Dennis has received the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize.

The Harrisburg Patriot, April 6, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

Washington Times, April 26, article on Rudolph Giuliani's widening lead in the race for U.S. Senate notes that Hillary Clinton is scheduled to participate in a town meeting at UB.

Richmond Times-Dispatch, April 13, article reports that a UB study has shown that information gleaned from a dental X-ray may serve as an early-warning system of risk of dying from heart attack or stroke.

The (South Carolina) Herald Rock Hill, April 10, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Columbian, April 6, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Augusta Chronicle, April 13, article reports that researchers from the School of Dental Medicine have found that dental X-rays can be used to warn of heart attack or stroke.

Florida Times-Union, April 25, article about the Winn Dixie supermarket chain quotes Arun Jain, professor and chair of marketing and Samuel Capen Professor of Marketing Research.

Florida Today, April 10, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 18, health column on gum disease quotes Robert Genco.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 14, article reports that Penn State has jumped from No. 73 to No. 12 on Yahoo! Internet Life's list of most wired universities, just behind UB.

Dayton Daily Advocate, April 26, "Channel Hopping" column notes that CNN will hold a town meeting with Hillary Clinton at UB, and that the program will be moderated by UB alum Wolf Blitzer.

The Cincinnati Post, April 11, article reports on research conducted at UB that shows that dental X-rays may give early warning of cardiovascular disease and quotes Laurie Carter, associate professor of oral diagnostic sciences.

The Cincinnati Enquirer, April 10, article on the poor personal-financial skills of teenagers quotes Lewis Mandell.

The (Louisville) Courier-Journal, April 25, article on pets in the workplace notes a UB study showed that pets lower stress levels.

The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal, April 7, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

St. Louis Post Dispatch, April 6, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

New Orleans Times-Picayune, April 9, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Baton Rouge Advocate, April 27, article on a program to teach students money-management skills being planned in Louisiana cites the national survey conducted by the School of Management that shows teen financial knowledge has slipped in recent years.

The Des Moines Register, April 10, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

Minneapolis Star-Tribune, April 10, article spotlights Web site dedicated black mathematicians that was created by Scott Williams, professor of mathematics.

Minneapolis Star-Tribune, April 10, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

Deseret (Utah) News, April 25, article on national survey of the personal-financial skills of teens quotes Lewis Mandell.

Hollywood Reporter, April 25, article notes that CNN will sponsor a town meeting with Hillary Clinton at UB.

(San Luis Obispo, Calif.) New Times, April 13, article debunking the belief that domestic violence increases dramatically on Super Bowl Sunday cites a UB press release supporting the claim.

Irish Times, April 24, article on the rapidly growing number of religion-oriented sites on the Web notes that UB maintains a site with a comprehensive collection of Islamic texts.

Wire Services

Reuters English News Service, April 27, article reports the World Trade Organization has been called upon to put international human-rights legislation above trade rules in resolving disputes among its members and quotes Makau Mutua, associate professor of law and co-director of UB's Human Rights Center.

PR Newswire, April 25, article reports on a 30-minute special created for The Health Network, "Pet Imaging and Reversal of Coronary Heart Disease," co-hosted by Michael Merhige, clinical associate professor of nuclear medicine.

Associated Press, April 23, article on donation by UB alum George Kelley of a collection of pulp-fiction novels to the UB Libraries quotes Judith Adams-Volpe, director of Lockwood Library; David Schmid, assistant professor of English, and Kelley.

Associated Press, April 22, article reports that UB fullback Josh Roth has signed as a free agent with the Buffalo Bills, joining UB teammate wide-receiver Drew Haddad, who was a seventh-round draft pick, on the Bills' roster.

PR Newswire, April 10, article on a new mouthwash that reduces plaque and gingivitis notes that a study of the product was conducted in part by Sara Grossi, clinical assistant professor of oral medicine.

PR Newswire, April 6, article on an agreement between a pharmaceutical company and UB to develop blood-substitute products quotes Claes Lundgren, professor of physiology and biophysics.

Scripps Howard News Service, April 6, article reports that a UB study has showed that routine dental X-rays can serve as a significant predictor of death from cardiovascular disease and quotes Laurie Carter.

Dow Jones News Service, April 6, article describes Lewis Mandell's national survey of the personal-financial skills of teenagers and quotes Mandell.

Bloomberg News Service, April 6, article on survey of the personal finance skills of teenagers quotes Lewis Mandell.

Associated Press Newswires, April 5, article reports on Lewis Mandell's survey of teen personal-finance knowledge and quotes Mandell.

Associated Press Newswires, April 3, article reports on e-poetry and UB's Electronic Poetry Center and quotes Loss Pequeño Glazier.


Business Week, April 24, column notes that April is national poetry month and that UB's Electronic Poetry Center is launching a new millennium of poetry with digital poetry on its Web site.

Prevention, April, article reports on UB research that shows that pet owners have lower blood pressure than pet non-owners and quotes Karen Allen, assistant professor of medicine.

American School & University, April 30, article about the success of UB's lighting program conducted four years ago to make the campus more energy efficient quotes Walter Simpson, UB's energy officer.

Time Australia, April 10, article on lying cites research conducted by David Nyberg.

The Exceptional Parent, April 1, medical-research update column includes article on research conducted by Nadine Fisher, assistant professor off occupational therapy and rehabilitation medicine, and Jaya Venkataman, associate professor of nutrition, that shows that children with juvenile arthritis benefit from a resistance-exercise program.

Health (San Francisco), April 1, article on the effect nutrition has on one's skin quotes Harvey Arbesman, assistant professor of social and preventive medicine and dermatology.

American Family Physician, April 1, Martin Mahoney, assistant professor of family medicine, provides response for "Case Study" column.

National Wildlife, April, article on the 30th anniversary of Earth Day and its emphasis on wasteful and polluting energy habits notes that UB has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than 63 million pounds, saving $9 million annually.

University Business, April 2000, article reports that Buffalo Mayor Anthony Masiello is teaching in UB's Executive MBA program.

Utah Spirit, April 2000, article on gardening for the disabled notes that UB can help people find adaptive tools through its Project LINK.


CBS Radio News

Interview with Kathleen Delaney, assistant librarian, on her collection of marshmallow peeps.

National Public Radio

Interview with Lewis Mandell on his survey of teens' knowledge of personal finance issues.

Associated Press Radio

Interview with Lewis Mandell on personal-finance survey of teens.


NBC-TV (Northeast regional)

Interview with Kathleen Delaney on her collection of marshmallow peeps.

Toronto Channel 36

Barbara Rittner is featured on interview and call-in show focusing on Elian Gonzalez.


AP Online

A national survey by Lewis Mandell rates teens' personal-financial skills.


A recent survey of 12th-graders shows that financial literacy is low and declining among these young people who are about to leave school for the adult world.

CBS HealthWatch

Can a dental X-ray predict heart attack and stroke risk?

Dr. Koop

University at Buffalo study shows obesity linked to periodontal disease.

UB study finds that dental X-rays spot clogged carotid arteries that could lead to heart disease or stroke.


Researchers from the UB School of Dental Medicine have found that obesity is significantly related to periodontal disease through the pathway of insulin resistance.

Researchers from the UB School of Dental Medicine have found that dental X-rays may predict heart attack, stroke.


A study by researchers at the University at Buffalo finds that female soccer players have greater power and endurance when they add fat to their diet.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network

SUNY Buffalo wins Clean Snowmobile 2000 Challenge.

Health News

Trials show no effect of low-fat, high-fiber and high-fruit and -vegetable diets.

British Dental Health Foundation response to gum-disease research by University at Buffalo.

Study links gum disease to obesity.

British Dental Health Foundation welcomes news that routine inspections could save more lives.

Health News Digest

University at Buffalo chemists develop a revolutionary method for synthesizing specialty chemicals, especially pharmaceuticals.

Health Scout

Being too fat may leave a person open to periodontal disease, say researchers at the School of Dental Medicine at the University at Buffalo.

Researchers from the UB School of Dental Medicine have found that calcification of the carotid artery show up on dental X-rays and can be used to predict risk of heart attack and stroke.

Health World Online

Studies unable to prove value of diet against colon cancer.


Being overweight may lead to bad gums, according to research conducted at the University at Buffalo.

Researchers at the UB School of Dental Medicine have found that plaque buildup in the carotid artery shows up on panoramic dental X-rays.

Savvy Health

Research conducted at UB has shown that a standard dental X-ray that shows a build-up of arterial plaque can give early warning of severe heart attack and stroke risk.

Science Daily

Polyp Prevention Trial conducted by UB and seven other centers has found no evidence that adopting a low-fat, high-fiber fruit- and vegetable-enriched eating plan reduces the incidence of colorectal cancer.

Finding carotid plaque on a standard dental X-ray may predict fatal heart attack or stroke, UB study finds.


Adults afflicted with incapacitating muscle weakness and pain may be suffering from an easily treatable vitamin D deficiency, endocrinologists at UB have found.

Proper diet doesn't reduce precancerous colon polyps, investigators from UB and seven other centers have found.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT), one of the most promising new cancer treatments, may have much wider application than previously thought, new research by UB researchers has shown.

Researchers from the UB School of Dental Medicine have found that obesity is significantly related to periodontal disease through the pathway of insulin resistance.

Dental X-ray can warn of heart attack, stroke risk, UB researchers find.


As if obesity wasn't already associated with a host of conditions, researchers at the University at Buffalo have discovered it may increase one's risk of gum disease.

Whole Health MD

Owning a dog or cat may be a good bet for helping to control high blood pressure, according to a study at the University at Buffalo.

Yahoo! News

Severe myopathy traced to vitamin D deficiency

UB study finds that dental X-rays can warn of heart attack and stroke risk.



The Buffalo News, April 30, Front Page, Business Section, article on the boom in strip malls being built throughout Western New York quotes Arun Jain.

The Buffalo News, April 28, Page One, article on a fish that threatens Lake Erie's ecology quotes Helen Domske, associate Sea Grant director for UB's Great Lakes Project.

The Buffalo News, April 28, Page One, article on the export of Buffalo-style chicken-wing sauce to Japan quotes Arun Jain.

The Buffalo News, April 28, Page One, article on the declining prostate cancer death rate quotes Gerald Sufrin, professor and chair of urology.

The Buffalo News, April 27, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on Hillary Clinton's town meeting in the Katharine Cornell Theatre.

The Buffalo News, April 27, Front Page, Business Section, article on Internet conference held at UB quotes Ram Ramesh, professor of management science and systems.

The Buffalo News, April 25, Page One, article about local industry's concerns over continued access to cheap hydroelectricity quotes John Sheffer, director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth.

The Buffalo News, April 25, editorial about the closing of a program to educate the children of women fleeing domestic abuse quotes Barbara Rittner.

The Buffalo News, April 25, article reports that Hillary Clinton will participate in a CNN-sponsored "town meeting" at UB.

The Buffalo News, April 25, article reports that the UB Law School will present its Distinguished Alumni Awards.

The Buffalo News, April 25, "My View" column by Gary Earl Ross, associate professor in the Educational Opportunity Center, notes the unfair presumptions and stereotypes that African Americans face.

The Buffalo News, April 24, Page One, article on the often contradictory conclusions that are drawn from medical studies cites the fiber-colon cancer study conducted at UB by Peter Lance, associate professor of medicine and physiology.

The Buffalo News, April 23, Front Page, Business Section, article calls for "ecotourism" to be the goal of improvements to Niagara Falls and quotes Ernest Sternberg, professor of architecture and planning.

The Buffalo News, April 20, article reports that some UB students are protesting the university's chemical efforts to control dandelions and quotes Michael Dupre, associate vice president for university facilities, and student Stacey Vaeth, one of the protest's organizers.

The Buffalo News, April 20, Page One, article reports that Yahoo! Internet Life magazine has ranked UB as the 11th "most wired" university in the nation, and quotes Rick Lesniak, director of CIT academic services, and Joseph Tufariello, senior vice provost for educational technology and professor of chemistry.

The Buffalo News, April 20, Page One, article reports that a study conducted at UB has showed the effects of a high-fiber diet to be inconclusive in preventing colon polyps and quotes Peter Lance, associate professor of medicine and physiology.

The Buffalo News, April 18, article reports that three members of the UB football team -- Drew Haddad, Josh Roth and Joe Hattendorf -- have joined the NFL, and quotes the three players and Craig Cirbus, head football coach.

The Buffalo News, April 17, Front Page, Sports Section, article reports that wide receiver Drew Haddad has been drafted by the Buffalo Bills and quotes Haddad. The article also notes that fullback Josh Roth and tackle Joe Hattendorf have signed as free agents.

The Buffalo News, April 17, article on a local industrial diving firm quotes Marianne Sullivan, director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.

The Buffalo News, April 16, Front Page, Business Section, article on efforts to improve the local job market and to promote those opportunities online quotes Dan Ryan.

The Buffalo News, April 16, Front Page, Business Section, article on Buffalo's population exodus and the reasons people give for leaving quotes Dan Ryan.

The Buffalo News, April 16, article highlights the conference, "Problem Solvers, Not Problems: Girls' Contributions to Their Communities," sponsored by the Graduate School of Education, and quotes Maxine Seller, professor of educational organization, administration and policy, and Lois Weis, professor of educational organization, administration and policy.

The Buffalo News, April 16, article reports that Deborah Walters, associate professor of computer science and engineering, has been named a fellow of the American Council on Education.

The Buffalo News, April 16, article reports that work by UB researchers shows that photodynamic therapy may have wider applications than previously thought and quotes Thomas Mang, clinical associate professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery.

The Buffalo News, April 16, article reports that UB researchers have linked gum disease with obesity, and that dental X-rays can be used to detect calcification of the carotid artery and the associated risk of cardiovascular disease, and quotes Laurie Carter.

The Buffalo News, April 16, Front Page, Business, article reports that UB, Roswell Park Cancer Institute and the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute are working together to attract and retain top scientists and quotes Bruce Holm, senior associate dean in the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Edmund Egan, professor of pediatrics and physiology, and Paras Prasad, SUNY Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Physics in the College of Arts and Sciences and executive director of the Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics.

The Buffalo News, April 16, Viewpoints, article by James Meindl, professor of organizations and human resources, discusses political charisma.

The Buffalo News, April 14, Front Page, City & Region, article on a proposal to establish a Love Canal tourist center quotes Lynda Schneekloth, professor of architecture.

The Buffalo News, April 14, Front Page, City & Region, article reports John and Janet Sung have donated $1 million to the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, and quotes President William R. Greiner and John Wright, dean of the medical school.

The Buffalo News, April 13, article reports that Elizabeth Deutsch Capaldi has been named UB provost, and quotes President Greiner and Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, April 9, photo shows David Derner and Julie Silver, both technical assistants in the Department of Art, pouring molten bronze into a mold in the Center for the Arts foundry.

The Buffalo News, April 9, article reports that a rehabilitation engineering research center will be established at UB and quotes Edward Steinfeld, professor of architecture

The Buffalo News, April 9, Front Page, Arts & Entertainment, article previews a memorial concert honoring the late Leo Smith, professor of music, and quotes Stephen Rosenthal, music lecturer and a member of the Amherst Saxophone Quartet.

The Buffalo News, April 9, article on study aimed at training the respiratory system being conducted at UB's Sports Medicine Institute quotes John Leddy, assistant professor of clinical orthopedics and associate director of the institute.

The Buffalo News, April 7, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that UB engineering students won first place in the Society of Automotive Engineers' first Clean Snowmobile Challenge and quotes Andres Soom, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, and student Adam Echter.

The Buffalo News, April 6, Page One, article reports on study conducted by Lewis Mandell that shows that high-school students know less about personal finance than they did three years ago, and quotes Mandell.

The Buffalo News, April 6, photo shows students marching behind the Ellicott Complex in a Men's March Against Violence held as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

The Buffalo News, April 5, Page One, article reports that plans to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Buffalo's Pan-American Exposition are on hold due to lack of political, corporate and financial support, and quotes Kerry Grant, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Michael Frisch, professor of American studies.

The Buffalo News, April 4, article offers advice on how to supervise children's use of the media to help them make sense of all the information that's out there quotes Charles Ewing, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, April 4, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that the long-standing feud between The Spectrum and the Office of Student Affairs has been resolved and quotes Beena Ahmad, editor-in-chief of The Spectrum; Barbara Bono, professor and chair of English, and Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs.

The Buffalo News, April 3, Page One, article on the content of children's exposure to the media quotes Thomas Frantz, professor of counseling and educational psychology.

The Buffalo News, April 2, Page One, article reports on Paras Prasad's work in light technology, and quotes Prasad and Jerry Maguire, head of the UB Office of Technology Transfer and Licensing.

The Buffalo News, April 1, "My View" column by Walter Simpson encourages the city to consider a "green" design for the proposed new Buffalo Convention Center.

The Buffalo News, April 1, article on U.S. News & World Report's "2001 Guide to America's Best Graduate Schools" reports that a number of UB's graduate programs are included in the annual rankings.

Business First, April 24, article on "Food for Thought," the new book by Carolyn Korsmeyer, professor of philosophy, that examines the philosophy and aesthetics of food, and quotes Korsmeyer.

Business First, April 24, "UB News" column focuses on the Center for Excellence in Global Enterprise Management, and quotes Ram Ramesh and Ram Akella, director of the Center for Manufacturing Excellence.

Business First, April 24, article outlines an upcoming conference, "Next Generation Enterprises: Virtual Organizations and Mobile/Pervasive Technologies," sponsored by UB and quotes Ram Ramesh.

Business First, April 24, letter by Ram Ramesh and H. R. Rao, associate professor of management information systems, welcomes participants to the "Next Generation Enterprises" conference.

Business First, April 17, article reports that John and Janet Sung have donated $1 million to the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

Business First, April 10, article profiles Harry Sultz, professor emeritus of social and preventive medicine.

Amherst Bee, April 19, article reports that John and Janet Sung have donated $1 million to the medical school, and quotes President Greiner and John Wright.

The Jewish Review, April 28, article reports that the Law School will honor Irving Shuman and Paul Birzon at the alumni association's Distinguished Alumni Awards.



WBFO Radio

UB political scientist Jim Twombly, assistant dean for educational technology in the College of Arts and Sciences, comments on Rudy Giuliani's announcement he has prostate cancer.

Acclaimed poet, novelist and short-story writer Alice Walker talked about her work in literature as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

CNN and Hillary Rodham Clinton put UB in the national spotlight with a "town meeting" broadcast from Katharine Cornell Theatre.

A special clinic at UB has treated 25 car-accident victims who suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

UB administrators have decided to suspend the spraying of herbicides to kill dandelions on the North Campus.

Researchers at UB say adults experiencing severe muscle weakness may be suffering because of a deficiency of vitamin D.

President Greiner and Kerry Grant participate in the monthly call-in forum, "Talk of the University."

Researchers from UB and seven other centers have found that adopting a low-fat diet that's high in fiber does not lower the risk for people who have had colon polyps removed from developing them again.

UB ranks 11th out of the 50 most "wired" universities in the nation, according to Yahoo! Internet Life magazine.

Joe Gardella, professor of chemistry, Margaret Shannon, associate professor of law, and Walter Simpson discuss the 30th anniversary of Earth Day.

Hank Bromley, assistant professor of organizational administration and policy and director of UB's Center for the Study of Technology, offers words of caution about "Fathom," a new Web site of some of the world's top educational institutions.

Three members of UB's football team are headed to NFL training camps.

UB's Research Institute on Addictions has received a $2.6 million grant to work with first-time DWI offenders.

Leading educators and experts from across the nation are gathering in Buffalo for a conference sponsored by UB that will explore the issues confronting young urban women.

UB's medical school receives a $1 million grant from John and Janet Sung.

UB has selected Elizabeth Deutsch Capaldi as its new provost.

UB's Center for Pain Management is treating more than 250 people a month who are looking for relief.

Harold Star, visiting assistant professor of management science and systems, is critical of last week's court ruling against Microsoft, saying the government is unfairly targeting the company.

Architects at UB have received a $3 million grant from the federal government to establish a new center that will study designs for the disabled.

UB alum and "Science Friday" host Ira Flatow takes listener questions in the one-hour call-in forum, "Talk of Buffalo."

A UB research team has proof that upstate New York is criss-crossed by geological faults.

A new UB study finds plaque found on the carotid artery in standard dental X-rays may be an early-warning sign of heart disease.

Chemistry students at UB are working with residents of South Buffalo's chemically contaminated Hickory Woods neighborhood, analyzing air and soil samples.

UB English professor Mark Shechner, professor of English, discusses his controversial "First Sunday" article that explores the struggles of UB and SUNY in an era of ever-declining state support.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Ken Condrell, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry, on Elian Gonzalez.

Interview with Lewis Mandell on a personal-finance survey of teens.

Interview with Kathleen Delaney on her collection of marshmallow peeps.

John and Janet Sung have donated $1 million to the UB medical school for scholarships.

Interview with Barbara Rittner on developments in the Elian Gonzalez case.


John and Janet Sung donate $1 million for scholarships for the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

Interview with Lewis Mandell on the results of a survey of teens' knowledge of personal-finance issues.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

UB students Dan Cammarta and Mel Gitaman discuss Hillary Clinton's town meeting.

CNN holds a town meeting with Hillary Clinton in UB's Katharine Cornell Theatre.

Interview with Kenneth Eckhert, clinical instructor emeritus of family medicine, on women's attitudes toward mammograms.

Preview of Hillary Clinton's town meeting to be held at UB.

Coverage of the annual Blue and White football scrimmage held in UB Stadium.

Hillary Clinton will be at UB for a CNN-sponsored town meeting.

Interview with Kathleen Delaney on her collection of marshmallow peeps.

UB has been ranked 11th in the nation for its use of computer by Yahoo! Internet Life magazine.

UB's Drew Haddad is seventh-round draft pick of the Buffalo Bills.

Harriet Tubman Memorial Garden is planted by UB students in Buffalo.

John and Janet Sung have donated $1 million to the medical school for scholarships.

Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor of English and Samuel Capen Professor of American Culture, comments on the Peace Bridge controversy.

Volunteer group meets on the North Campus to honor those who help abused children.

Men from UB held a march to end violence.

Interview with Charles Ewing on domestic violence.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Hillary Clinton appeared at a CNN town meeting held at UB.

UB student Evan Mannering discusses the town meeting with Hillary Clinton at UB.

Poet and author Alice Walker speaks at UB as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

Students are evacuated from Dewey Hall as a result of a faulty sprinkler system.

Preview of CNN's town meeting with Hillary Clinton to be held at UB.

Interview with Lewis Mandell on the Virtual Organizations and Mobile Technologies Expo and Conference held in the Center for the Arts.

The Bulls start football practice for next year in UB Stadium.

Interview with Jose Buscaglia, visiting assistant professor of modern languages and literatures, on the picture INS agents removing Elian Gonzalez from the closet in his uncle's home.

UB has been ranked 11th in the nation by Yahoo! Internet Life magazine.

Segment looks at Passover Seder held at UB.

Coverage of Dandelion Day at UB, including interview with Jason Brady, a member of the UB Environmental Network.

UB fullback Josh Roth has signed with the Buffalo Bills, along with Drew Haddad.

Interviews with former Bulls' players Drew Haddad and Josh Roth on joining the Buffalo Bills.

Drew Haddad reacts to being picked by the Bills.

Students from more than 50 schools attend a track-and-field competition at UB.

Preview of gala to benefit the Alzheimer's Association to be held in the Center for the Arts.

2,500 high school students gather at UB stadium for track-and-field event.

The Conference on Gay and Lesbian Issues is held in the Center for the Arts.

UB might have another professional football draftee, Drew Haddad.

The UB medical school receives $1 million for scholarships from John and Janet Sung.

Interview with Jose Buscaglia on the Elian Gonzalez custody battle.

Interview with Peter Ostrow, associate professor of pathology, on the Western New York breast cancer study.

Interview with Martin Mahoney, assistant professor of family medicine, on the early detection of breast cancer.

Coverage of the track and field National Junior Olympic Championships held at UB.

Volunteers hold a Candle for Hope Ceremony for Abused Children on the South Campus.

Pick of the Crop dance company performs in the Center for the Arts.

Coverage of the Men's March Against Violence includes interviews with Ellen Christensen, director of UB's Sexuality Education Center, and students Albizu Rondon, Dean Williams and Ariel Escobar.

Interview with Jerry Newman, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Organizations and Human Resources, on employment paths as part of a segment on Darien Lake's seasonal hiring.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Stutters get help from the National Stuttering Association at a seminar held at UB.

Interview with Lewis Mandell on the mobile computing conference being held at UB.

Senate hopeful Hillary Clinton was at UB for an old-fashioned town hall meeting.

Students are evacuated from Dewey Hall due to a broken sprinkler.

Novelist Alice Walker speaks at UB as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

UB student Ross Kronick discusses the town meeting with Hillary Clinton held at UB.

Coverage of Hillary Clinton's town meeting at UB includes interviews with freshman Kate Doran and senior Ben Alkin.

Preview of the town meeting with Hillary Clinton to be held in Katharine Cornell Theatre.

Interview with Bruce Jackson on movement to halt death-penalty executions in New York State.

Interview with Roger Cunningham, associate professor of immunology, on this summer's Lyme disease outlook.

The Bulls hold a football scrimmage at UB.

Coverage of Passover services held at UB.

Three UB football players are preparing for NFL mini-camp.

Interview with Drew Haddad on being drafted by the Buffalo Bills.

Interview with Lewis Mandell on the need for personal-finance courses in high school.

The Bulls have lost 11 football players to injury during spring training.

Segment highlights the "Starmites" performance in the Center for the Arts.

Local reaction to the Elian Gonzalez case includes comments by Cuban author Pedro Perez-Sarduy, who was speaking at UB, as well as students Daysi Miro McGill, Kisha Ward and Sheila Bridgeforth.

Vietnam war survivor Kim Phuc speaks at UB.

Segment on tax preparers includes interview with an unidentified accounting faculty member.

UB students Dean Williams and Sowji Mandava are interviewed as part of the Men's March Against Violence.

UB cheerleaders are at the Buffalo-Niagara International Airport on their way to Florida for a competition.

Segment on National Poetry Month includes interview with Loss Pequeño Glazier on e-poetry.

WUTV-TV, Channel 29

New program to develop areas in special interest parks will be offered as class credit for UB students.


WHAM (Rochester)

Interview with Lewis Mandell on the personal-finance survey of teens.

Interview with Kathleen Delaney on her collection of marshmallow peeps

Interview with Barbara Rittner on who Elian Gonzalez should live with.

Interview with Barbara Rittner on Elian Gonzalez.

WHYN (Springfield, Mass.)

Interview with Kathleen Delaney on her extensive collection of marshmallow peeps.

WLVL Radio (Lockport)

John and Janet Sung donate $1 million for scholarships for the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

WMXY (Youngstown, Ohio)

Interview with Kathleen Delaney on her collection of marshmallow peeps.

KTRS (St. Louis)

Live call-in with Kathleen Delaney on her collection of marshmallow peeps.