UB News 05/00

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: July 24, 2000 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of May 2000 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, May 30, article reports that UB researchers have found that venom from the Chilean rose tarantula may eventually have medical value.

The Washington Post, May 31, Page One, article on new charts that help identify weight problems in children quotes Leonard Epstein, professor of pediatrics.

The Washington Post, May 28, article on today's college graduates' quest for meaningful jobs over high salaries quotes Cynthia Shore, associate dean and director of the career development services in the School of Management.

The Washington Post, May 26, Page One, article on the expected outcome of the 2000 presidential election quotes James Campbell, professor of political science.

The Washington Post, May 25, Page One, article reports that physicians need to be more aggressive in lowering systolic, rather than diastolic, blood pressure and quotes Joseph Izzo, professor of medicine and pharmacology.

The Wall Street Journal, May 16, article on preschool math quotes Douglas Clements, professor of learning and instruction.

The Wall Street Journal, May 12, article on the effectiveness of new medications designed to treat ADHD quotes William Pelham, professor of psychology.

The Wall Street Journal, May 1, article on efforts to overcome people's sedentary lifestyles quotes Leonard Epstein.

Christian Science Monitor, May 1, article reports that high-school students lack basic personal-finance knowledge and quotes Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 5, article on student protests worldwide over tuition increases quotes D. Bruce Johnstone, professor of educational leadership and policy.

The Boston Globe, May 16, article on the turmoil in Zimbabwe quotes Makau Mutua, associate professor of law.

Chicago Tribune, May 28, "Discoveries" column cites research on helping obese children lose weight conducted by Leonard Epstein.

The Miami Herald (Spanish Edition) , May 25, article on the beneficial effect pets have on blood pressure quotes Karen Allen, research assistant professor of medicine.

Newsday, May 29, article on the growing controversy over the use of medical marijuana notes that research conducted at UB has shown that cannabinoids can block some kinds of pain better than legal drugs.

Newsday, May 9, "Health & Discovery" column notes that the systolic blood pressure number may be a more important indicator of hypertension and quotes Joseph Izzo.

(Albany) Times Union, May 14, article reports that UB researchers are using cognitive-behavior therapy to treat chronic pain, and quotes Jeffrey Lackner, clinical assistant professor of anesthesiology and director of UB's Center for Pain Management.

The (Syracuse) Post-Standard, article quotes Russell Bessette, former clinical professor of surgery, on the need of universities to focus their research on technologies that can be spun off into job-producing commercial applications.

The (Toronto) Globe and Mail, May 2, article on the relationship between infections and chronic diseases cites UB studies that link periodontal disease with heart disease.

(Toronto) National Post, May 26, article on the effect distractions have on driving cites research conducted at UB on how the brain handles multiple tasks and quotes Janet Shucard, assistant professor of neurology.

The (Newark, N.J.) Star-Ledger, May 30, Page One, article on the hoped-for benefits of light-rail transit systems being considered in New Jersey quotes Robert Shibley, professor of architecture and director of UB's Urban Design Project.

The Washington Times, May 30, article on courses and games designed to help teens learn about the stock market quotes Lewis Mandell.

The (Norfolk) Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star, May 21, article profiles Kent Tigges, associate professor emeritus of occupational therapy, on his struggle with congestive heart failure and the book he has written about the experience and home health care.

The Palm Beach Post, May 5, article reports that researchers have shown the systolic blood pressure number is more important than previously thought and quotes Joseph Izzo.

The Cincinnati Enquirer, May 11, article on a program that encourages kids to become entrepreneurs cites a study conducted by Lewis Mandell that shows that high school students have little understanding about basic money issues.

The Grand Rapids Press, May 31, article on a new tool to help parents and pediatricians more accurately gauge whether children are overweight quotes Leonard Epstein.

The Grand Rapids Press, May 24, article on high-school students' financial illiteracy cites research conducted in the School of Management.

The Grand Rapids Press, May 24, article reports that elders from the American Indian nations will be meeting with health professionals at the fifth annual American Indian Symposium and notes that Oren Lyons, professor of American studies, will be a keynote speaker.

The New Orleans Times-Picayune, May 24, article on the link between gum disease and heart disease quotes Robert Genco, SUNY Distinguished Professor and chair of oral biology.

Omaha World-Herald, May 17, editorial on voting patterns among women quotes James Campbell.

Portland Oregonian, May 14, article on the importance of an effective Web site to prospective college students quotes a UB student who was given a video camera to document day-to-day life on campus and the video then was posted on UB's Web site.

The Gray Sheet, May 22, article reports that Nelson Hopkins, professor and chair of neurosurgery, is co-principal investigator for a study of a carotid-artery stent.

The Blue Sheet, May 17, article reports that the New York State budget for 2000-2001 includes $5 million to create a UB/Roswell Park Cancer Institute biotechnology research facility.

International Newspapers

The Jerusalem Post, May 21, article on the link between periodontal disease and other diseases cites research conducted at UB and quotes Robert Genco.

Santiago (Chile) Times, May 25, article reports on research conducted at UB that shows that the venom of the Chilean rose tarantula may have medicinal value and quotes Frederick Sachs, professor of physiology and biophysics.

The Asian Wall Street Journal, May 18, article on math skills being taught to preschoolers quotes Douglas Clements.

South China Morning Post, May 4, article notes that UB is among 30 colleges and universities in the United States with the highest enrollment of students from China.

Wire Services

Associated Press Newswires, May 31, article on Buffalo's National Day of Prayer quotes Lee Albert, professor of law.

Business Wire, May 25, article reports that measures to help prevent osteoporosis also benefit teeth and gums and quotes Robert Genco.

Canada Newswire, May 24, article on the health benefits of consuming peanuts and peanutbutter notes that UB researchers contributed to the findings.

PR Newswire, May 23, article about two young UB graduates who have started an affinity email service.

Reuters English News Service, May 22, article on an earthquake in upstate New York quotes Robert Jacobi, professor of geology.

Gannett News Service, May 22, article on whether national interest in the New York State senatorial race will wane now that Rudolph Giuliani has dropped out quotes Arun Jain, professor and chair of marketing and Samuel Capen Professor of Marketing Research.

Reuters English News Service, May 16, article on attempts by graduate student at New York University to form a collective bargaining unit notes that UB was among institutions queried about the effect of unionization.

PR Newswire, May 16, article about a new, national program aimed at supporting pet adoption notes that Karen Allen is a member of the program's advisory panel.

PR Newswire, May 12, article reports that UB is among 31 universities nationwide to receive a research contract from Semiconductor Research Corp.

Reuters English News Service, May 4, article reports that researchers are redefining hypertension and quotes Joseph Izzo.

PR Newswire, May 1, article about a treatment for periodontitis notes that some of the research was conducted at UB.


U.S. News & World Report, May 15, article reports that an elevated systolic -- rather than diastolic -- blood pressure may be a more important indicator of hypertension, and quotes Joseph Izzo.

Business Week, May 29, article reports that researchers in the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences are testing a mouthwash that makes smoking cigarettes taste terrible and quotes Sebastian Ciancio, professor and chair of periodontology.

The Lancet, May 13, article on the importance of systolic blood pressure as a measure of hypertension quotes Joseph Izzo.

Chemical Week, May 10, article reports that UB researchers have discovered a new chemical synthesis that could lead to cheaper drugs and quotes Huw M.L. Davies, professor of chemistry.

Backpacker Magazine, May 2000, article on the best foods to eat during winter travel quotes Frank Cerny, associate professor and chair of physical therapy, exercise and nutrition sciences.

Writer's Digest, May 1, periodical's list of the 101 best Web sites for writers includes the site for UB's Electronic Poetry Center

Gene Therapy Weekly, May 4, article reports a growth suppression of human ovarian carcinoma can be enhanced by chemotherapy and quotes Q. Wu, postdoctoral associate in biochemistry.

Registered Representative, May 30, article reports that pets can help lower blood pressure and quotes Karen Allen.

Business India, May 15, news wrap-up notes that researchers in the School of Dental Medicine soon will begin a pilot study of a mouth rinse that makes smoking taste terrible.



Researchers at the University at Buffalo have begun a pilot study of a mouthwash that makes smoking taste terrible.

CBS HealthWatch

New drugs may slow the progression of MS.

Discovery Canada

UB researchers have found a peptide in the venom of the Chile Rose Tarantula that may actually save people's lives.

Global Technoscan

Systolic -- not diastolic -- blood-pressure reading should define hypertension, new clinical advisory states.

Health Answers

Mouthwash being tested by researchers in the UB School of Dental Medicine may help smokers quit.

Health Central

Article on the beneficial effect of yoga on blood pressure cites a study conducted by Bong Sung, research associate professor of medicine.

Health News

New mouthwash could help smokers kick the habit.

New mouthwash may act as smoking deterrent.

Systolic blood pressure should define hypertension, say experts.

Health News Digest

UB biophysicists have identified a compound of venom from a Chilean tarantula that blocks the action of ion channels responsible for cells' ability to feel.

Mouthwash being tested at UB may help smokers quit.

An office at the University at Buffalo is the largest database of medical-treatment outcomes in the world.

Smokers who want to quit soon may have a mouthwash to help them kick the habit.

Systolic blood pressure is the important factor in determining whether a person has high blood pressure.

Medicine Net

A mouthwash that makes cigarettes taste awful may help smokers quit, according to researchers in the UB School of Dental Medicine.


University at Buffalo researchers are testing a mouthwash that may help smokers kick the habit.


Researchers at UB have reported that a vitamin D deficiency may contribute to a disabling muscle myopathy.

Real Age

Article on the ability of yoga to lower blood pressure cites a study conducted by Bong Sung.

Mouthwash may help smokers kick the habit.

Savvy Health

Experts say that when measuring your blood pressure, it's time to start looking at the top number, too.

Science Daily

Systolic -- not diastolic -- blood-pressure reading should define hypertension.

The American News Service

Researchers at UB are looking for new ways to treat chronic pain.


Hybrid fleas can point to origin of the species.


A clinical advisory states that systolic blood pressure is more important than diastolic pressure for diagnosing and monitoring hypertension.

Washington Post Online

Article predicting the outcome of the 2000 presidential election quotes James Campbell, professor of political science.


Experts recommend a new way of reading blood pressure.

Yahoo! News

A new mouthwash may help smokers quit, according to researchers in the UB School of Dental Medicine.

Your Health

Mouthwash may help smokers quit.



The Buffalo News, May 26, article reports that Henry Louis Taylor, director of the Center for Applied Public Affairs Studies, will conduct a study of the future of the Fruit Belt as a residential-commercial base for a medical corridor.

The Buffalo News, May 25, Front Page, City & Region, article about the rebirth of Columbus Hospital as a community health center quotes Carlos Jaén, associate professor of family medicine.

The Buffalo News, May 25, article reports that a grant to UB will allow the university to expand its public-service abilities and quotes Joseph A. Gardella, Jr., professor of chemistry.

The Buffalo News, May 18, column on the need to develop a strategic plan for developing the inner city quotes Henry Louis Taylor.

The Buffalo News, May 18, article reports that Buffalo Bills draftee Drew Haddad and swimmer Inger Rooneem have been named male and female athletes of the year at UB.

The Buffalo News, May 18, Front Page, City & Region, article on the allocation of state funds to help renovate Graycliff quotes Christopher Densmore, university archivist.

The Buffalo News, May 17, article profiles Dick Barry, UB track team coach.

The Buffalo News, May 16, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that the Distinguished Honors Program has received another $800,000 from its anonymous donor, along with three additional gifts totaling more than $515,000, and quotes Josephine Capuana, administrative director of the Honors Program.

The Buffalo News, May 15, Front Page, City & Region, wrap-up of area college commencements includes UB and quotes commencement speaker Sen. Charles Schumer and student speaker Betty Voltaire.

The Buffalo News, May 14, Page One, article on the possible ramifications of Rudy Giuliani's separation from his wife quotes James Campbell.

The Buffalo News, May 14, Page One, article on efforts to get people to complete their census forms, particularly in minority neighborhoods, quotes Henry Louis Taylor.

The Buffalo News, May 9, article reports that university officials have reconsidered a plan to use chemical sprays to control dandelions on campus and quotes Michael Dupre, associate vice president for university facilities, and Meghan Fay, a student who helped organize a demonstration protesting the spraying.

The Buffalo News, May 7, Page One, article on the area's encouraging job-growth figures notes that UB's Office of Career Planning and Placement has been barraged with requests from local employers for graduates with state-of-the-art technology skills, and quotes Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

The Buffalo News, May 6, Page One, article on funds that state lawmakers managed to salt away for their favorite projects notes that UB's Institute for Lasers and Photonics will receive $500,000.

The Buffalo News, May 5, Page One, article reports that systolic -- not diastolic -- blood pressure should define hypertension and quotes Joseph Izzo.

The Buffalo News, May 5, Page One, article about the "ILOVEYOU" computer virus quotes Julie Church, senior systems analyst for CIT.

The Buffalo News, May 4, column about American ambivalence over Vietnam 25 years later quotes Jack Larkin, professor of history.

The Buffalo News, May 4, Front Page, Business Section, article on deceptive consumer-marketing practices quotes Arun Jain.

The Buffalo News, May 2, article on student protests 30 years ago over the Vietnam war that led up to police occupation of the campus quotes alumnus Ira Flatow; Michael Frisch, professor of American studies, and Shonnie Finnegan, archivist emeritus.

Business First, May 1, article on the EMBA program's recent study tour of China quotes Courtney Walsh, director of the EMBA program, student Bob Martin and John Thomas, associate dean of international programs in the School of Management.

Amherst Bee, May 24, article about UB's "Quit for Health" program quotes Jodie Jaroni, program coordinator, and notes that Leonard Epstein is principal investigator.

Amherst Bee, May 17, article profiles Rodney Doran, professor of learning and instruction.

Amherst Bee, May 3, article profiles Philip Glick, professor of surgery and obstetrics/gynecology.



WBFO Radio

Experts speaking at the School of Management say approval of permanent trade relations with China will be a boon to the Western New York economy.

Following Rudy Giuliani's decision to quit the Senate race, Jim Twombly, assistant dean for educational technology in the College of Arts and Sciences, says Congressman Rick Lazio is the presumed candidate.

Jim Twombly says the uncertainty over Rudy Giuliani's future is overshadowing Hillary Clinton's nomination to run for the U.S. Senate.

Fannie Mae has contributed an additional $20,000 for UB's housing improvement project in University Heights.

About 5,000 students will receive their degrees today during UB's 154th general commencement.

Several local experts, including Henry Louis Taylor, Jr. will lead a discussion on ways of creating sustainable economies in the city's struggling neighborhoods.

UB and the National Institutes of Health report systolic blood pressure is the more important factor in diagnosing hypertension.

Carl Dennis, professor of English and winner of the prestigious Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, is profiled in "Spoken Arts."

John DeBerry, associate professor of clinical urology, says an estimated 57,000 men in the Buffalo area suffer from an enlarged prostate.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Charles Trzcinka, professor of finance and managerial economics, on the hazards of credit-card debt.

Interview with Lewis Mandell on retirement.

Retirement series includes interview with Lewis Mandell.

Interview with Lewis Mandell as part of week-long retirement series.

Retirement series continues with interview with Lewis Mandell.

Interview with Uriel Halbreich, professor of psychiatry, on how men and women react differently to stress.

Interview with Claude Welch, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Political Science, on the election run between Crystal Peoples and Arthur Eve.

WNED Radio

Interview with Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of English and Samuel P. Capen Professor of American Culture, and Diane Christian, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of English, on summer reading selections.

Interview with Stanley Zionts, professor of management science and systems, on the odds of winning the Lottery.

Interview with Sebastian Ciancio on drugs that have been used successfully for a long time to treat dental disorders.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Segment on dangers of cadmium in pottery dishes includes interview with Tom Mroziak, executive officer in the Department of Chemistry.

Highlights of the MAC track-and-field championship held in UB Stadium.

Interview with Roger Cunningham, associate professor and director of the Ernest Witebsky Center for Immunology, and Robert Welliver, professor of pediatrics, on germs such as mold and staph that can be found on children's bath toys.

Interview with freshman sprinter Steve Hoskins and Dick Barry on the upcoming MAC track-and-field championship held at UB.

Sen. Charles Schumer is the speaker at UB's general commencement.

L. Nelson Hopkins discusses stroke.

Interview with Chris Densmore, university archivist, on famous African Americans who have visited Buffalo over the years.

John Boot, professor and chair of management science and systems, discusses the chances of winning the lottery.

Segment on the "ILOVEYOU" computer virus includes interviews with Eugene Yu, a CIT help desk staffer, and Joanne Iluzzo, CIT associate director.

Local reaction to Rudolph Giuliani's town meeting in Rochester, including clips of Hillary Clinton speaking at UB.

Interview with Margaret MacGillivray, professor of pediatrics, on the proposal to move Children's Hospital.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

The fifth annual Ride for Roswell will be held on the UB North Campus.

Interview with Helene Kershner, assistant chair of computer science and engineering, on the new "Resume" computer virus.

Coverage of the annual Juvenile Diabetes Walk held at UB.

MAC Outdoor Challenge is held in UB Stadium.

Interview with Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine, on the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Segment on a new and more destructive email virus mentions the UB Cybraries.

Segment on upcoming MAC track-and-field championship at UB includes interviews with Dick Barry and student Sara Fletcher.

Firefighters are called to Slee Hall.

Segment on Buffalo's architecture includes interview with Joe Gallivan of the Friends of the School of Architecture.

Coverage of commencement address by Sen. Charles Schumer includes comments by UB grads Drew Haddad, Jessica Gori and Andrew Goldman.

UB grad Stephen Nawotniak is beginning a 27-month canoe trip.

Lee Albert comments on a Lockport politician's efforts to have the Ten Commandments posted in City Hall.

Coverage of the Alzheimer's Association's Blue Moon Gala held in the Center for the Arts.

The annual Multiple Sclerosis Walk is held on the UB South Campus.

A walk to benefit multiple sclerosis will be held at UB this weekend.

A look at the effect the Love Bug computer virus is having on Western New York includes interview with UB student David Schmitt.

Segment on the "ILOVEYOU" computer virus looks at its effect on UB.

Interview with Joseph Izzo on rethinking how hypertension is defined.

Student athletes Drew Haddad and Inger Rooneem are named UB male and female athletes of the year.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

More than 500 kids participated in the International Judo Challenge held on the UB North Campus.

Coverage of the MAC outdoor track-and-field event held at UB.

Preview of the MAC track-and-field championship to be held at UB.

Coverage of commencement address by Sen. Charles Schumer.

Eye on Health segment includes interviews with Jeffrey Lackner.

Segment on recent disclosures made by senatorial candidate Rudolph Giuliani includes comments by Jim Twombly.

Interview with Charles Ewing, professor of law, on passenger rage and abuse on airlines.

Henry Louis Taylor is among those honored at the YMCA dinner and awards ceremony.

Segment highlights the "Flume" performance held in Allen Hall.

Drew Haddad and Inger Rooneem are named UB's male and female athletes of the year.

WUTV-TV, Channel 29

Medical show on how computers have revolutionized surgery includes host James Kelly, professor of clinical orthopaedics, and guest Clayton Peimer, professor of orthopedic surgery.


WHAM Radio (Rochester)

Interview with James Campbell on his most recent book and research.

WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Claude Welch on the start of the Pan-Am bombing trial.