UB News 06/00

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: August 4, 2000 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of June 2000 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times Magazine, June 4, article on a Turkish archaeological site that is being hurriedly excavated before the valley it is located in is flooded for a power plant quotes Stephen Dyson, professor of classics.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 12, article on donation by UB alum George Kelley of a collection of pulp-fiction novels to the UB Libraries quotes Judith Adams-Volpe, director of Lockwood Library; David Schmid, assistant professor of English, and Kelley.

Los Angeles Times, June 8, article on donation of pulp-fiction book collection quotes George Kelley, Judith Adams-Volpe and David Schmid.

Chronicle of Higher Education, June 16, article on the number of elite universities hiring women provosts notes that UB has joined those ranks and quotes UB's new provost Elizabeth Capaldi.

Chronicle of Higher Education, June 16, article about Internet dependency notes that UB students were among those queried about their Internet habits in a survey conducted to assess the prevalence of the problem.

Chronicle of Higher Education, June 9, "Life" column reports that a family program to reduce sedentary activities helps obese children lose weight and quotes Leonard Epstein, professor of pediatrics.

New York Daily News, June 16, profile of Miramax head Harvey Weinstein notes that he got his start producing rock concerts at UB.

(Albany) Times Union, June 14, article reports that SUNY campuses will get a boost in operating funds for the upcoming academic year, with UB receiving the largest hike, $13.6 million.

(Binghamton) Press & Sun Bulletin, June 11, article on donation to the UB libraries of a collection of pulp-fiction novels quotes donor George Kelley, Judith Adams-Volpe and David Schmid.

The Hartford Courant, June 27, article on devices that allow senior citizens to stay mobile notes that Project LINK, a free national service that provides information on assistive devices, is part of UB's Center for Assistive Technology.

The Santa Fe New Mexican, June 30, article on a UB study of the mortality rates of women who work in nuclear-weapons plants or related companies quotes Gregg Wilkinson, professor of social and preventive medicine.

International Newspapers

The Times of London, Literary Section, June 2000, article reviews the most recent book of essays by Charles Bernstein, professor of English, David Gray Professor of Poetry and Letters and director of the Poetics Program, and outlines the Language poetry and poetics movement and Bernstein's contributions to it.

Daily Mail, June 27, profile of two of the main players behind the human genome project notes that one, Craig Center, began his career as a researcher at UB.

Daily Mail, June 20, article reports that the School of Dental Medicine is testing a new mouthwash to help smokers quit and quotes Sebastian Ciancio, professor and chair of periodontics and endodontics.

Wire Services

Associated Press Newswires, June 30, article on a report by the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research says that rapid construction growth added to the devastation of last year's earthquake in Turkey and quotes Donald Goralski, MCEER senior public relations officer.

PR Newswires, June 29, article reports that peanuts contain a natural chemical thought to inhibit cancer and help the heart and quotes Atif Awad, professor of nutrition.

Associated Press Newswires, June 28, article reports that an independent advisory panel has recommended relocating Children's Hospital and notes that UB is prepared to spend $65 million to establish a new outpatient center and medical research building if the hospital moves.

Associated Press Newswires, June 20, article reports that SUNY campuses will receive an increase in their operating expenses, including UB, which is expected to receive an additional $13.6 million.

PR Newswires, June 16, article reports that George W. Bush has introduced a plan that would triple federal funding for Rehabilitative Engineering Research Centers (RERCs), including the three research centers at UB.

Associated Press Newswires, June 15, article reports that UB researchers have begun a pilot study of a mouth rinse designed to help smokers quit and quotes Sebastian Ciancio.

Associated Press Newswires, June 5, article on donation of a collection of pulp-fiction novels to the UB Libraries quotes Judith Adams-Volpe, David Schmid and the collection's contributor George Kelley.

Business Wire, June 1, article on educational materials that are available digitally and online notes that the publisher tested the electronic materials at UB and Stanford.


Parade, June 11, article on hypertension quotes Joseph Izzo, professor of medicine.

Business Week, June 26, article reports that researchers at UB are developing a virtual-reality system that stores what a doctor feels when examining a patient.

Inc., June, article about brick-and-mortar companies that have found Web-design help in unusual places notes that one company hired UB's Poetry and Rare Books Collection to design its site.

Family Circle, June 20, article reports on the innovative teaching techniques used by Clyde F. Herreid, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences.

Redbook, June 2000, article on the effect of stress on oral health quotes Robert Genco, SUNY Distinguished Professor and chair of oral biology.

Redbook, June 2000, article on coping with your mate's imperfections cites research conducted at UB.

Weekly Standard, June 12, article about "the academic pseudoscience of electing predicting" refutes a Washington Post article predicting Gore will win the presidential election, as well as research and a book by James Campbell, professor of political science.

Vibrant Life, May-June 2000, article on the myths and truths about breast cancer cites UB research that links alcohol consumption with the disease.

Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly, June 12, article reports that the Research Institute on Addictions has received a grant to fund postdoctoral training and quotes Lorraine Collins, RIA principal investigator, and Gerard Connors, RIA director.

The BBI Newsletter, June, article reports that a pharmaceutical company has entered into an agreement with UB to develop blood-substitute products.


Channel 36 (Toronto)

"Crossroads" program includes appearance by Paul Senese, assistant professor of political science.


CBS HealthWatch

Exercise that builds muscle is key to beating fatigue of multiple sclerosis, says Nadine Fisher, assistant professor of occupational therapy and rehabilitation science at UB.

Dr. Koop Online

Fat is a key part of a balanced diet for athletes, according to a University at Buffalo nutritionist.


UB researchers find that minorities have poorer oral health.

The School of Dental Medicine will present the 21st Annual Chautauqua Dental Congress June 28-30.

Environmental News Service

Eating fish from Lake Ontario may delay pregnancy, researchers at UB have found.

A new collection of archival material about the chemical contamination and cleanup at Love Canal has just opened at UB.

Health Answers

Research on the sexual problems of older women is lacking, according to Marion Goldstein, associate professor of psychiatry.

Health Central

UB study of women working in nuclear weapons plants found "nothing alarming" in terms of mortality.

Cocaine withdrawal is not as not as intense as it previously was believed to be, according to research conducted by Scott Coffey, professor of psychiatry.

Research on the sexuality of older women is lacking, says Marion Goldstein, UB associate professor of psychiatry.

Health 24 News

Certain American minority populations are falling behind the rest of the country in oral health, according to a study by researchers at UB.

UB study shows exercise reduces frailty in elderly.

New research suggests a relationship between infertility and testicular cancer.

Health Mall

Research published by Bong H. Sung, research associate professor of medicine, has shown that yoga can lower blood pressure.

Health News

Women who eat Lake Ontario fish may increase their time to conceive, UB study shows.

UB clinic aims to help victims of motor-vehicle accidents.

Lifestyle habits not a factor in length of time to conceive among fertile women, UB study finds.

UB School of Social Work receives $2.9 million grant to help families break cycle of substance abuse.

Study of cocaine withdrawal show symptoms are less daunting than previously thought.

UB's Love Canal archival collections document important chapter in environmental movement.

Chubby children risk developing unfavorable lipid profile in childhood, UB study shows.

UB researcher has developed a new hybrid glass that is more stable for chemical separations.

Oral health of blacks, Mexican Americans significantly worse than that of whites, UB study finds.

Men who develop testicular cancer have fertility problems even before diagnosis, UB epidemiologists find.

UB is developing a virtual-reality glove that will collect data on what a doctor is feeling during an exam through sensors in the glove's fingertips.

Health News Digest

African Americans and Mexican Americans have significantly poorer oral health than non-Hispanic whites in the U.S., a UB study has shown.

A researcher at UB has developed and patented a new hybrid glass material that could replace traditional silica materials.

UB study shows exercise training helps aging muscles resist injury, could postpone "frailty."

Men who develop testicular cancer have fertility problems even before diagnosis, UB epidemiologists find.

Health Scout

UB researchers have shown that endurance runners need higher amounts of fat in their diet for good nutrition.

Fat is a key part of a balanced diet for athletes, says Peter Horvath, UB associate professor of nutrition.

Kids who are overweight may be setting themselves up for heart disease in adulthood, according to a UB researcher.

UB study shows reproductive problems, testicular cancer may be linked.

How Stuff Works

Tarantula venom could one day be used to treat heart attack and brain tumor sufferers, according to biophysicists at the University at Buffalo.

Medical Design Online

New York State has allocated $500,000 to UB's Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics.

Oncology Online

New research shows that men who develop testicular cancer father fewer children and are more likely to have been diagnosed with infertility before their cancer diagnosis than men without the cancer.

On Health

Overweight kids may be placing their hearts at risk down the road, according to a study by researchers at the University at Buffalo.

Researchers at UB have found infertility could signal testicular cancer down the road.

Photonics Online

New York State has allocated $500,000 to UB's Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics.

Real Age

Want to give stress the brush-off? Pet your pooch.

Science Daily

UB study shows exercise training helps aging muscles resist injury, could postpone "frailty."

UB researchers are developing a system that will allow physicians to use virtual reality to store information about what they feel during an exam.

Smoking and periodontal disease: study show yet another reason why quitters are winners.


Eating Lake Ontario fish may delay pregnancy, UB researchers find.

Third Age

A UB study has shown that having a dog or a cat can reduce stress-related spikes in blood pressure more effectively than drug therapy.


Women who eat Lake Ontario fish may be about 25 percent less likely to become pregnant that women who do not, UB researchers have found.

Cocaine withdrawal may not be as difficult as previously thought, according to research conducted at UB.

A UB researcher has developed and patented a new hybrid glass material that could replace traditional silica materials.

Virtual-reality system will store what doctors' hands feel.

Whole Health MD

A study by Robert Genco shows that people who worry a lot are at greater risk of severe periodontal disease.


Article on ways to prevent skin cancer quotes Harvey Arbesman, clinical assistant professor of dermatology.



The Buffalo News, June 29, Front Page, City & Region, article on the virtual-reality glove being developed at UB quotes Thenkurussi Kesavadas, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

The Buffalo News, June 29, article about the increased health problems that will result from higher levels of traffic pollution when the Peace Bridge is expanded quotes Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa, associate professor of medicine.

The Buffalo News, June 29, Page One, article reports that a panel has recommended that a new Children's Hospital be built on High Street and quotes Michael Bernardino, vice president for health affairs.

The Buffalo News, June 28, article reports that an independent advisory panel has recommended that a new Children's Hospital be built on High Street, and notes that UB has said it will spent as much as $65 million for a separate new outpatient center and medical research building if the hospital moves.

The Buffalo News, June 27, Front Page, Life & Arts, article profiles UB's motor-vehicle accident clinic designed for people who have been emotionally traumatized by an accident and quotes Gayle Beck, professor of psychology.

The Buffalo News, June 26, Front Page, Business Section, article on the types of companies that business incubators nurture highlights the UB Technology Incubator and quotes Jack McGowan, director of business incubation.

The Buffalo News, June 25, Front Page, Viewpoints, opinion piece by Harry Sultz, professor emeritus of social and preventive medicine, examines the new face of old age.

The Buffalo News, June 25, Front Page, Business, article on the job-search challenges of a recent UB art-history graduate quotes Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

The Buffalo News, June 21, article about the installation of computers in the community center of a public housing development notes that UB staff members will provide instruction on how to use the equipment.

The Buffalo News, June 21, article reports that UB's mini-medical school program has received a $600,000 gift from Don and Esther Davis, and quotes UB President William R. Greiner and Harry Sultz.

The Buffalo News, June 20, Front Page, Health, Life & Arts, article on the benefits of strength training quotes John Leddy, associate director of UB's Sports Medicine Clinic.

The Buffalo News, June 18, Front Page, Viewpoints, opinion piece by Mark Kristal, professor of psychology and interim dean of the School of Health Related Professions, examines changes in social mores, personal responsibility and common sense.

The Buffalo News, June 18, article reports that UB has acquired a special Love Canal archives collection and quotes Kathleen Delaney, assistant librarian, and Christopher Densmore, university archivist.

The Buffalo News, June 17, article reports that WBFO has received five Associated Press awards and that former general manager Jennifer Roth is returning to the station, and quotes Carole Smith Petro, associate vice president for university services.

The Buffalo News, June 15, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that UB researchers will begin a pilot study of a mouthwash that could help smokers quit and quotes Sebastian Ciancio.

The Buffalo News, June 14, Front Page, City & Region, article about efforts to get African Americans to use their seatbelts cites numbers compiled by doctors and researchers in the Department of Emergency Medicine.

The Buffalo News, June 14, Page One, article about a string of serious illnesses among people who live near a Cheektowaga quarry quotes John Vena, professor of social and preventive medicine.

The Buffalo News, June 13, Front Page, Business Section, article on state funding for the Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics quotes Paras Prasad, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemistry and institute director, and Jerry McGuire, director of technology transfer.

The Buffalo News, June 13, Page One, article about efforts to market Western New York as a great place for businesses to relocate quotes Arun Jain, professor and chair of marketing and Samuel Capen Professor of Marketing Research.

The Buffalo News, June 11, Front Page, Life, article on "Generation Jones," the group of Americans born between 1954 and 1965, quotes Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor of English and Samuel P. Capen Professor of American Culture.

The Buffalo News, June 10, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that UB plans to update the "State of the Region" report and quotes Kathryn Foster, director of research for the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth.

The Buffalo News, June 8, article about an elderly woman found physically neglected and near death in her house quotes Namkee Choi, associate professor of social work.

The Buffalo News, June 7, Front Page, City & Region, article describes efforts by UB medical student Steve Turkovich to educate students about to enter college about the dangers of binge drinking.

The Buffalo News, June 5, Front Page, City & Region, column criticizes misinformation about the development of the historic Commercial Slip and quotes Charles Ebert, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geography, and Stuart Scott, associate professor emeritus of anthropology.

The Buffalo News, June 4, Front Page, Arts & Entertainment, article spotlights the June in Buffalo music festival.

The Buffalo News, June 4, article reports that a UB researcher has found that muscle weakness can be linked to Vitamin D deficiencies and quotes Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine.

The Buffalo News, June 3, Page One, article disputes an environmental study of the Commercial Slip and quotes Charles Ebert, Stuart Scott and Rossman Giese, professor of geology.

The Buffalo News, June 3, article reports that UB's mini-med school will conduct a course on "Necessary Risks: Improving the Odds," and quotes Harry Sultz.

The Buffalo News, June 3, Front Page, City & Region, article about a proposal to merge Erie County Medical Center and Roswell Park Cancer Institute notes the proposal also would seek ways the medical center can make its relationship with UB more profitable.

Business First, June 26, article on the economic and employment picture in Western New York mentions the State of the Region report compiled by the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth, and quotes John Sheffer, director of the institute, and Dan Ryan.

Business First, June 26, article on the career options open to people with law degrees quotes Lisa Patterson, associate dean for career services in the Law School.

Business First, June 26, article on the banking industry in Western New York quotes Lewis Mandell.

Business First, June 26, article reports that UB will hold the largest pep rally in the university's history on Aug. 25 in UB Stadium.

Business First, June 26, article reports that UB's Mini-Medical School program has received a $600,000 gift from Don and Esther Davis.

Business First, June 19, Page One, article reports that a Florida developer is considering development of a $25 million complex near the North Campus.

Business First, June 19, Front Page, "Health First," article on UB's Motor Vehicle Accident Research Clinic quotes Gayle Beck.

Business First, June 19, article reports that UB researchers are developing a virtual-reality glove to aid medical examinations and quotes Thenkurussi Kesavadas and James Mayrose, research assistant professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine.

Business First, June 12, article on UB Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics quotes Paras Prasad.

Business First, June 12, Page One, article on community banking trends quotes Lewis Mandell.

Business First, June 5, article reports that UB has received approval for a new advanced certificate program in computational science.

Amherst Bee, June 28, article reports that Judy Scales-Trent, professor of law, has received a Fulbright Award to conduct research and teach in Senegal, Africa.

Amherst Bee, June 21, article reports on a 69-year-old attorney's cross-country bicycle trip to benefit, among others, the Dr. Alan J. Gross Memorial Fund supporting the School of Dental Medicine.



WBFO Radio

Peter Bradford, associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology, says the mapping of the human genome will be the basis for a wide variety of discoveries.

Don and Esther Davis are donating another $600,000 for UB's Mini-Med School program.

The UB Archives will dedicate the Patricia Brown Love Canal Collection.

New music composer Steve Reich discusses his innovative works as he performs at the June in Buffalo festival.

SUNY trustees have put together the system's budget for the 2000-2001 academic year.

A $500,000 state grant is helping UB improve its laser technology.

Legendary composer Lukas Foss is profiled and his music is showcased at June in Buffalo.

UB's latest mini-med school will help people make smarter health-care decisions.

UB researchers are developing a virtual-reality tool that will enable physicians to slip on a high-tech glove to quickly diagnose a patient.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Barbara Rittner, associate professor of social work, on Elian Gonzalez's return to Cuba.

Interview with Mary Cassata, associate professor of communication, on new television shows such as "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" and "Survivor."

Interview with Charles Trzcinka, professor of finance and managerial economics, on the Microsoft ruling.

Interview with Charles Trzcinka on factors to consider in the Microsoft court case.


Interview with Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa on breathing disorders.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Segment on the Human Genome Project includes interview with Youcef Rustum, research professor of pharmacology.

Former UB assistant football coach Dennis Greene has been named head coach at Erie Community College.

Interview with women's basketball coach Cheryl Dozier on a two-year-old basketball star.

Interview with Philips Stevens, associate professor of anthropology, on religious cults as part of American culture.

Interview with Roger Cunningham, associate professor and director of the Witebsky Center for Immunology, on meningitis cases in Ontario and the E. coli outbreak near Syracuse.

Interview with Sebastian Ciancio on a new mouthwash that might help smokers quit.

Segment on the upcoming Juneteenth Festival includes interview with Christopher Densmore.

Report on the men's basketball team's upcoming season includes interview with head coach Reggie Witherspoon.

UB head football coach Craig Cirbus checks out the Buffalo Bills' second mini-camp.

Coverage of dancers performing in the UB Center for the Arts.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Interview with Germaine Buck, associate professor of social and preventive medicine, on the effects on human fertility of eating fish from Lake Ontario.

Former assistant football coach Dennis Greene has been named ECC head coach.

Segment on the repairs needed to the set of Shakespeare in Delaware Park includes interview with UB student Rob Fetter.

The UB North Campus is the setting for the annual Ride for Roswell bike race.

Segment previews the Ride for Roswell to be held at UB.

Report on the new state budget mentions UB.

Interview with former UB football player Josh Roth at Bills mini-camp.

UB student Kevin Ram is recipient of the Red Jacket Award presented by the Burchfield Penney Art Center.

Coverage of high-school lacrosse finals held at UB.

Segment on how second-hand smoke affects children included interview with Mark Ballow, professor of pediatrics.

Preview of the Ride for Roswell, to be held on the North Campus.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Segment on the vote in favor of moving Children's Hospital includes interview with Patricia Duffner, interim chair of neurology.

Coverage of the "Ride for Roswell" bicycle race held on the North Campus.

Segment reports that new student housing is being built at UB.

Preview of the 25th anniversary June in Buffalo music festival.

Coverage of the high-school lacrosse finals held at UB.

Piece on Millersport Highway construction includes comments by State Department of Transportation representative on problems the work is causing for UB.


WLVL Radio (Lockport)

Segment reports on UB's Love Canal collection.

WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Peter Bradford, associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology, on the results of the human genome project.

Interview with Charles Ebert on the changing global climate.

Interview with Charles Carr, clinical associate professor of law, on DNA and the death penalty.

Interview with Charles Trzcinka on the Microsoft ruling.