UB News 07/00

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: September 19, 2000 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of July 2000 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



Chronicle of Higher Education, July 28, article profiles UB's Electronic Poetry Center, refers to work by Robert Creeley, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of English and Samuel Capen Professor of Poetry and Humanities, and quotes Charles Bernstein, David Gray Professor of Poetry and Letters and director of the Poetics Program, and Loss Pequeño Glazier, associate librarian.

Chicago Tribune, July 23, article reports that research conducted by Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine, has shown that some people with severe muscle weakness may be suffering from a vitamin D deficiency.

(Albany) Times Union, July 7, article reports that a wired glove capable of mimicking the sense of touch could take virtual-reality medicine to a new level and quotes Thenkurussi Kesavadas, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

Christian Science Monitor, July 11, article on the "Internet dependence" problem that is growing among college students notes UB students were among those who participated in an international study of computer use.

(Syracuse) Post-Standard, July 7, article reports that UB scientists are developing a virtual-reality glove that could relay what doctors feel during an examination to another doctor and quotes Thenkurussi Kesavadas.

(Binghamton) Press & Sun-Bulletin, July 7, article on a virtual-reality glove being developed at UB quotes Thenkurussi Kesavadas.

The Palm Beach Post, July 22, article on the debate over adding fluoride to the community's drinking water notes Michael Easley, associate professor of oral biology, served on the panel examining the issue.

The Tennessean, July 2, article reports on a UB study of the mortality of women who worked in the nuclear-weapons industry, and quotes Gregg Wilkinson, professor of social and preventive medicine.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 30, article on the effect the stock market has had on executive pay in St. Louis quotes Jerry Newman, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Organizations and Human Resources.

The Grand Rapids Press, July 13, article on a Joffrey Ballet workshop quotes Tom Ralabate, assistant professor of theatre and dance.

The San Diego Union-Tribune, July 31, article on a clinic to help parents and children lose weight notes the program it uses was developed by Len Epstein, professor of pediatrics.

Engineering News Record, July 17, article on the debate over plans to upgrade the Peace Bridge notes the Center for Computational Research is using virtual reality to help politicians, the press and other people better visualize the proposals and quotes Russ Miller, CCR director.

Antiques & the Arts Weekly, July 7, article about an upcoming New York City exhibit notes that it is part of a larger, site-specific installation, "Abandon," that was on display in the UB Art Gallery.

San Diego Daily Transcript, July 10, article on the cultivation and use of medical marijuana notes that research has been conducted at UB that shows that substances in the plant can block some kinds of pain not muted by existing drugs.

Wire Services

Canada NewsWire, July 26, article on research findings presented at the International Congress on Dietetics refers to a study conducted by Atif Awad, associate professor of nutrition.

Associated Press Newswires, July 22, article reports that Mark Twain fans will have the opportunity to complete one of his unpublished and unfinished stories and quotes Vic Doyno, professor of English.

Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News Wire, July 16, article on efforts by neighborhood retailers to attract business quotes Ernie Sternberg, associate professor of planning.

Associated Press, July 7, article reports that UB is developing a wired glove capable of mimicking the sense of touch that could take virtual-reality medicine to a new level and quotes Thenkurussi Kesavadas.

Canada NewsWire, July 13, article reports on research conducted at UB that shows a compound found in peanuts may inhibit cancer and help protect against heart disease, and quotes Atif Awad.

U.S. Newswire, July 12, article reports that representatives from UB were among the participants in a program in Washington, D.C., aimed at urging the federal government to continue its strong investment in university-based science and engineering research.


McCall's, July 2000, article on preventing skin cancer reports a diet low in fat and high in fruit and vegetables may help and quotes Harvey Arbesman, clinical assistant professor of social and preventive medicine.

Men's Health, July/August 2000, article reports that UB researchers have found that panoramic dental X-rays can warn of an impending heart attack or stroke and quotes Laurie Carter, research assistant professor of oral diagnostic sciences.

Modern Maturity, July/August 2000, article on the link between good periodontal health and good overall health quotes Robert Genco, SUNY Distinguished Professor and chair of oral biology.

Wildlife Conservation, July 2000, article reports that UB engineering students took top honors at the Society of Automotive Engineers' Clean Snowmobile Challenge.

Advanced Ceramics Report, July 2000, article reports that sputtering is a convenient, safe and cheap way to produce good quality silicon films at a high deposition rate, according to UB researchers.


Channel 36 (Toronto)

Interview with Peter Bradford, associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology, on the human genome project.



UB has been selected by the Japan Science and Technology Ministry to be its international collaborator on a $10 million research project.

Dr. Koop Online

High-fat diet better for female athletes, UB study shows.

Cocaine withdrawal is milder than other drugs, a UB study has found.


A new UB study shows that a high-fat diet can help female athletes go that extra mile.

Environmental News Network

Thirteen U.S. and Canadian universities, including defending champs from UB, are preparing for Clean Snowmobile Challenge 2001 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Environmental health specialists from around the world will convene in Buffalo for a conference hosted by the UB Department of Social and Preventive Medicine.

Health A to Z

Nine UB women soccer players went more than one mile further before reaching exhaustion on a diet of 35 percent fat, says study author Peter Horvath, associate professor of nutrition.

Health Answers

A new virtual-reality glove allows physicians to feel the same sensations a colleague feels while performing an abdominal exam.

Heavy drinking may contribute to marital violence, but the relationship is not clear cut, according to a study conducted by the Research Institute on Addictions.

A study by UB researchers has shown that women who eat fish from Lake Ontario seem to have a harder time conceiving.


Virtual-reality glove lets doctors examine long distance.

Dr. Dean Edell: Dental X-rays can forewarn of heart attack.

Alcohol plays a complex role in marital violence, RIA study shows.

Health News Digest

Japan Science and Technology Ministry selects UB as its international collaborator on a $10 million research project.

Women who regularly eat fish from Lake Ontario may be about 25 percent less likely to become pregnant.


A new study conducted at UB shows that a high-fat diet can help female athletes literally go that extra mile.

Research conducted by UB's Research Institute on Addictions shows that marital violence may result when a husband drinks more that his wife does.

UB is developing a virtual reality glove that lets one doctor feel the contours and organs of a patient through the hands of another doctor.

Hospital Network News

Virtual-reality glove helps physicians make more efficient diagnoses through fingertips.

How Stuff Works

Researchers at UB are developing an electronic glove that records what a doctor feels with his hands during a patient examination.

Los Angeles Times Online

Article about the Nature Sounds Society and its members' quest to escape noise quotes Alan Lockwood, professor of neurology.


A new virtual-reality "glove" allows a physician to feel the same sensations a colleague feels while performing an abdominal exam, UB researchers report.

Women who regularly eat fish from Lake Ontario have a harder time getting pregnant, UB researchers report.


UB is developing a virtual-reality glove that will allow doctors to perform examinations long distance

UB study shows that women who eat Lake Ontario fish have trouble conceiving.


A new study by the Research Institute on Addictions suggests alcohol isn't always the direct cause of marital discord.

UB researchers have found that gum disease really matters.

Women who regularly eat fish from heavily polluted Lake Ontario seem to have a harder time getting pregnant, UB researchers report.

Open Here

Simple blood test measures cell damage from radiation


World Environmental Health Experts to convene in Buffalo for a conference hosted by UB's Department of Social and Preventive Medicine.

Congress gets dose of virtual reality on Science Day.

UB clinic helps victims of motor-vehicle accidents work through the trauma.

Yahoo News

Alcohol plays a complex role in marital violence, according to a report by the Research Institute on Addictions.



The Buffalo News, July 31, Front Page, Business, article on local accountants' buyout of a national tax firm's Buffalo office quotes Joseph Salamone, adjunct associate professor of organizations and human resources.

The Buffalo News, July 30, Page One, article on the lack of clout the New York State delegates have on the Republican Convention this year quotes Gerald Goldhaber, associate professor of communication.

The Buffalo News, July 30, Front Page, City & Region, article on the relationship between graffiti and crime rates quotes Pamela Beal, a researcher in the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Urban Affairs and coordinator of UB's Regional Community Policing Center.

The Buffalo News, July 30, Front Page, Life, article on the quest for personal spirituality quotes Bonnie Collins, clinical assistant professor of social work, who has created a graduate course, "Social Work and Spirituality."

The Buffalo News, July 27, Front Page, City & Region, article previews the USA Junior Olympic Championships to be held in UB Stadium and outlines the reasons the event is being held in Buffalo.

The Buffalo News, July 26, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that UB's football team has been picked by the media to finish last in the Mid-American Conference's East Division and quotes Craig Cirbus, head football coach, and senior cornerback Carlos Spencer.

The Buffalo News, July 23, Page One, article on an unpublished short story by Samuel Clemens quotes Vic Doyno.

The Buffalo News, July 20, Front Page, City & Region, article on the effects a Cheektowaga quarry may be having on residents' health reports Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa, associate professor of medicine, and his staff will conduct a scientific health survey of more than 2,000 families that live nearby.

The Buffalo News, July 18, article reports that UB will receive a $2.36 million "mission review" grant from SUNY, as well as additional funding to bolster doctoral stipends, and quotes Provost Elizabeth Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, July 16, article on efforts by neighborhood retailers to attract business quotes Ernie Sternberg.

The Buffalo News, July 15, Page One, article on the injuries being sustained as a result of the faster, steeper, more powerful roller coasters being built quotes Claes Lundgren, professor of physiology and biophysics.

The Buffalo News, July 14, Page One, article reports that Jenss Department Store will close and quotes Arun Jain, professor and chair of marketing and Samuel Capen Professor of Marketing Research.

The Buffalo News, July 12, article reports that UB will offer a new degree in environmental engineering and notes Alan Rabideau, associate professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering, will coordinate the degree.

The Buffalo News, July 8, Page One, article on the Senate race between Hillary Clinton and Rick Lazio quotes James Campbell, professor of political science.

The Buffalo News, July 3, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that UB plans to reorganize its medical school and quotes Michael Bernardino, vice president for health affairs, President William R. Greiner, and Stanley Spurgeon, assistant professor of clinical emergency medicine and clinical pediatrics.

The Buffalo News, July 2, Front Page, Viewpoints, article about the promise and perils of the human genome project is written by Peter Bradford.

The Buffalo News, July 2, article reviews "The Wheel of Desire and Other Intimate Hauntings," a collection of short stories by Gary Earl Ross, Educational Opportunity Center associate professor.

The Buffalo News, July 2, article reports that UB has received a $2.9 million grant to help children of alcohol abusers avoid becoming substance abusers themselves and quotes Brenda Miller, professor of social work.

Business First, July 31, article reports that the law school is converting Moot Courtroom into a smaller courtroom, jury deliberation room and judicial chambers, where area judges will hear actual cases, and quotes Nils Olsen, dean of the Law School.

Business First, July 31, article on a collection of pulp-fiction novels donated to the University Libraries by alumnus George Kelley quotes Kelley and Judith Adams-Volpe, director of Lockwood Library.

Business First, July 24, article on the efforts that have led to UB being named the 11th most "wired" university in the nation by Yahoo! Internet Life magazine quotes Joseph Tufariello, senior vice provost for educational technology and professor of chemistry; Voldemar Innus, chief information officer and senior associate vice president for university services; President Greiner and Mary Weatherston, assistant director of marketing communications for admissions.

Business First, July 24, article outlines the efforts that brought the USA Track and Field National Junior Olympic Championships to UB Stadium.

Business First, July 24, article on the process of relicensing the Niagara Power Project quotes John Sheffer, director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth.

Business First, July 17, article reports that Samsung has contracted the School of Management to provide courses in e-commerce to its managers and quotes Ron Krul, executive director of the Center for Management Development.

Business First, July 10, article reports that UB has introduced a distance-learning program for students in the Caribbean and quotes John Ellison, professor of information and library studies.

Business First, July 10, article reports the Mini-Medical School will offer a course on general diagnosis and treatment.

Business First, July 10, article reports that UB's Sports Medicine Institute has opened a clinic in Lockport.

Business First, July 10, article on the lack of parity for women in information technology quotes Deborah Walters, associate professor of computer science and engineering.

Business First, July 10, article on the Patricia Brown Love Canal Collection quotes Christopher Densmore, university archivist.

Amherst Bee, July 26, editorial about a private apartment complex aimed at UB students to be built on Sweet Home Road quotes Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs.

The Jewish Review, July 7, article reports that Nils Olsen has promoted Ilene Fleischmann to associate dean of the law school.



WBFO Radio

Interview with Barbara von Wahlde on copyright laws and the Napster ruling.

Thousands of young athletes are gathering at UB for the Junior Olympics.

Saul Elkins discusses some of the hardships he and others have experienced in this 25th anniversary season of Shakespeare in Delaware Park.

Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa will conduct a health study of residents who live near a Cheektowaga quarry to find out what's making them sick.

Interview with head men's basketball coach Reggie Witherspoon.

A UB researchers says cocaine withdrawal may be less wrenching than many specialists in the field think.

SUNY is distributing $12 million in mission review grants that are based on how well campuses reach goals, with UB receiving the largest chunk, $2.36 million.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa on the environmental air quality study he plans to do in a neighborhood near Buffalo Crushed Stone.

Residents near Buffalo Crushed Stone will get help from UB professors who have offered to do a study of toxins in the area.

UB endocrinologist Paresh Dandona has conducted research that links muscle weakness and Vitamin D deficiency.

Interview with Charles Trzcinka, professor of finance and managerial economics, on the stock market.

WNED Radio

The Junior Olympics are being held in UB Stadium.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Coverage of the Junior Olympics being held in UB Stadium.

Segment looks at some of the athletes competing in the Junior Olympics on the North Campus.

Segment on day-care options includes interview with Elaine Bartkowiak, associate director of the Early Childhood Research Center.

The Junior Olympics are being held in UB Stadium.

Coverage of the track-and-field events being held in UB Stadium as part of the Junior Olympics.

Live weather shot from the Junior Olympics being held on the North Campus.

The Junior Olympics, which will be held at UB, are expected to bring $13 million to Western New York.

Outdoor concert at UB benefits the American Cancer Society.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Coverage of the Junior Olympics being held on the North Campus.

"Why Guy" Kevin O'Neill reports live from UB Stadium and the Junior Olympics.

The opening ceremony for the Junior Olympics is held in UB Stadium.

Thousands of young athletes gathered on the North Campus for the start of the Junior Olympics.

"Why Guy" interviews track-and-field participants who will be competing in the Junior Olympics in UB Stadium.

Segment looks at the upcoming Junior Olympics to be held on the North Campus.

The Junior Olympics are expected to have a significant effect on the local economy.

Interview with Deborah Walters on survival skills.

UB will host the USA Junior Track and Field Olympics in UB Stadium.

The Newman Center will hold its annual chicken barbecue.

Segment interviews Saul Elkin, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance, on the 25th season of Shakespeare in Delaware Park.

Interview with Buffalo Red Cross blood-drive coordinator notes that one will be held in the UB Student Union on July 19.

Segment on a medical-error report includes interview with Nancy Nielsen, associate professor of clinical medicine.

Piece on the dangers of amateurs setting off fireworks shows fireworks being set up on the UB North Campus.

"Why Guy" interviews workers from Sky Lighters of Western New York, who were setting up a fireworks display on the North Campus.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Segment on a plastic device placed inside the rims of tires for security includes interview with Kemper Lewis, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

The Junior Olympics being held on the North Campus are providing a boost to the local economy.

The National Junior Olympics are wrapping up at UB Stadium.

The Law School's Moot Courtroom is being renovated into a real courtroom.

Segment on the Pan American Exposition of 1901 in Buffalo includes a look at UB's Pan American Web site and an interview with Roy Roussel, professor and interim chair of media study.

The competition continues on the North Campus as more than 7,000 young athletes gather for the Junior Olympics.

Thousands of young athletes gathered in UB Stadium for the opening ceremonies of the Junior Olympics.

UB has been named the 11th most wired university in the United States.

Interview with former UB football player Drew Haddad at Buffalo Bills' training camp.

More than 13,000 people will attend the Junior Olympics being held at UB.

The National Junior Olympics are coming to UB and the Western New York economy is expected to be one of the biggest winners.

Local musicians help raise money for the American Cancer Society's Search for a Cure with a concert at UB.

UB professors will be among those conducting a survey to determine possible health problems for Cheektowaga residents living near the Buffalo Crushed Stone quarry.

Former UB football player Ed Ellis has been cut by the New England Patriots.

Segment reports that the School of Dental Medicine has completed a study of a mouthwash that makes smoking taste terrible and quotes Sebastian Ciancio, professor and chair of periodontics and endodontics.

Segment on the newest Harry Potter book includes interview with Laura Klenk, assistant professor of learning and instruction.

Peter Bradford is interviewed on the human genome project and the ethics of breaking the DNA code.

Western New York's Fourth of July fireworks displays will include the UB North Campus.


WBT Radio (Charlotte, N.C.)

Interview with Roger Cunningham, associate professor of immunology, on West Nile disease.

WHAM Radio (Rochester)

Interview with Laura Klenk on the popularity of the Harry Potter books.

WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Charles Carr, clinical associate professor or law, on the legal aspects of a Syracuse-area murder case.

Interview with Erick Duchesne, assistant professor of political science, and Paul Senese, assistant professor of political science, on the Mid-East peace talks.

Interview with Roger Cunningham on the effect of antibacterial products on allergies and our immune systems.

Interview with Laura Klenk on the popularity of the newest Harry Potter book.