UB News 09/00

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: January 3, 2001 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of September 2000 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, Sept. 24, article on campaign finance reform and the New York State senatorial race quotes James Campbell, professor of political science.

The New York Times, Sept. 4, article on mathematical formulas used to predict the outcome of the presidential race quotes James Campbell.

Los Angeles Times, Sept. 25, health column reports on research conducted by Maurizio Trevisan, professor and chair of social and preventive medicine, that shows that the offspring of people who suffer premature heart attacks have blood-vessel abnormalities shown to lead to atherosclerosis.

Los Angeles Times, Sept. 17, article profiles former UB president Steven B. Sample.

Los Angeles Times, Sept. 7, article reports that Paola Muti, associate professor of social and preventive medicine, will receive $77,000 to study whether a diet rich in nuts, fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Chronicle of Higher Education, Sept. 15, article reports that UB plans to sell the Pfeifer Theatre and quotes Kerry Grant, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer, Sept. 29, article reports that Harvey Weinstein, president of Miramax Films, received an honorary doctoral degree from UB and quotes UB President William R. Greiner.

The Cincinnati Post, Sept. 1, article on the closeness of the presidential race as of Labor Day quotes James Campbell.

Chicago Sun-Times, Sept. 3, article on political forecasts for the presidential election quotes James Campbell.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sept. 1, article on political scientists' predictions for the presidential election quotes James Campbell.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Sept. 21, article reports on a new family of antibiotics being developed in response to the growing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and quotes Jerome Schentag, professor of pharmaceutics.

The Dallas Morning News, Sept. 17, article on the debate among Latinos about whether they are one group or a collection of groups quotes Jorge Gracia, SUNY Distinguished Professor and Samuel P. Capen Chair of Philosophy.

Newsday, Sept. 17, article on a new mass newborn-screening program notes that the first such program was developed by the late Robert Guthrie, professor emeritus of pediatrics and microbiology.

(Albany) Times Union, Sept. 5, article about the decline in people participating in check-off funds on their state tax forms notes that this downturn could affect grant funding for research being conducted at UB and other universities.

The (Newark, N.J.) Star-Ledger, Sept. 28, article reports that Robert Creeley, SUNY Distinguished Professor and Samuel P. Capen Chair of Poetry and Humanities in the Department of English, will give a reading at a local college.

The Washington Times, Sept. 1, article on political prognosticators' predictions for the presidential election quotes James Campbell.

South Bend Tribune, Sept. 6, article reports on research conducted at UB that shows that consuming sufficient calcium may help prevent tooth loss.

The Tennessean, Sept. 19, article on sports drinks quotes taste-tester Frank Rosato, a UB student.

Portland Press Herald, Sept. 7, article on parent behaviors that correspond with student success quotes Jeremy Finn, professor of counseling and educational psychology.

The Seattle Times, Sept. 1, article on political scientists' predictions on the winner of the presidential election quotes James Campbell.

Wire Services

PR Newswires, Sept. 25, article reports on a study that shows that drug treatment delays the development of multiple sclerosis in high-risk individuals not yet diagnosed with the disease, and quotes Lawrence Jacobs, professor and chair of neurology.

Business Wire, Sept. 19, article on a unique banking-education program for students quotes Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management.

Associated Press Newswires, Sept. 19, article on the travels of a van staffed by the Institute for Entrepreneurship notes that among those who visited were four MBA students from UB.

Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News, Sept. 15, article reports that UB is launching a Web-based MBA program and quotes President Greiner and Lewis Mandell.

Associated Press Newswires, Sept. 14, article reports that UB will receive $17,530 to teach educators about problems facing the Great Lakes.

Associate Press Newswires, Sept. 14, article on predictions that the presidential race will be a close one quotes James Campbell.

Reuters, Sept. 6, article reports that Paola Muti will receive $77,000 to study whether a diet rich in nuts, fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of breast cancer.


Discover, September 2000, article reports on research conducted by Fred Sachs, professor of physiology and biophysics, and Thomas Suchyna, a postdoctoral associate in biophysical sciences, that shows that tarantula venom could help prevent deaths from heart attacks.

Environmental Science and Technology, Sept. 15, article reports that UB researchers have discovered a digital processing technique for analyzing images.

Nuclear Waste News, Sept. 7, article on a committee formed to better understand and protect ground water at a nuclear weapons site notes John Fountain, professor of geology, is a member.


(Toronto) National Post, Sept. 16, article on how primary diseases, particularly sexually transmitted diseases, cause secondary illnesses quotes Robert Genco, professor and chair of oral biology.

(Toronto) National Post, Sept. 7, article on mathematical formulas used to predict the outcome of the presidential race quotes James Campbell.

(Toronto) National Post, Sept. 6, article profiles Carolyn Korsmeyer, professor of philosophy, and her book, "Making Sense of Taste: Food and Philosophy."

The (Manchester, England) Guardian, Sept. 7, article on the U.S. presidential election predictions quotes James Campbell.

Sydney Morning Herald, Sept. 7, article on the upcoming presidential election quotes James Campbell.


WJR Radio (Detroit)

Interview with James Campbell on his most recent book.



Scientists under the guidance of Ezra Zubrow, professor of anthropology, have created stone instruments to see if early man may have played them.

WRC-TV (Washington, D.C.)

Interview with James Campbell on the predicted outcome of the presidential election.


AARP Webplace

Independent living section lists among its resources UB's Center for Assistive Technology.

ABC News Online

Scientists under the guidance of UB archaeologist Ezra Zubrow create stone instruments to see if early man may have played them.


An RIA researcher has begun examining the effects of couples therapy on married or cohabiting individuals who misuse drugs other than alcohol.

Anti-smoking laws don't harm business, UB study finds.

Bio Online

UB study shows that early drug treatment can delay symptoms of multiple sclerosis in high-risk patients.

Consortium receives multimillion-dollar NIH grant for determining protein structures.

Arteries in children of premature heart-attack victims show stiffening, thickening at an early age.

CBS Healthwatch

Article looks at how addiction affects children and quotes Kenneth Leonard of the Research Institute on Addictions.

Article on teen addiction quotes Neil McGillicuddy of the Research Institute on Addictions.

Article on a promising new treatment for multiple sclerosis cites research conducted at UB.

Could a breath test tell you how long you'll live?


Signs of cardiovascular danger show up at a early age in children of young heart patients.

Article on new family of antibiotics quotes Jerome Schentag.

UB study shows drug may limit development of multiple sclerosis.

Smoke-free policies may help, not hinder, business, UB study shows.


Restaurants will survive "no smoking" laws, says UB epidemiologist.

Article on new antibiotic drugs being developed quotes Jerome Schentag.

Article on new dental therapeutics quotes Sebastian Ciancio, professor and chair of periodontology.

Health Answers

Simple lung test predicts long-term survival.

A UB researcher will receive funding to study whether a diet rich in nuts, fruits and vegetables can affect breast cancer.

Smoke-free policies may help, not hinder, businesses, UB researcher finds.

Health Central

Simple lung test predicts long-term survival.

Health News Digest

Early drug treatment can delay symptoms of multiple sclerosis, UB study shows.

Arteries of children of premature heart attack victims show thickening at an early age.

Smoking restrictions have not harmed restaurant business, UB study finds.

UB study documents diabetes-thyroid disease link in Maine Native-American tribe.


UB study shows that when blood sugar soars, your free-radical count does, too.

A family history of heart attacks shows in young children's arteries, UB study finds.

Drug may delay the development of multiple sclerosis in patients with early signs of the disease.

UB study shows that those who most need cardiac rehab programs are the least likely to comply.

Hospital Network News

Article on new antibiotic drugs being developed quotes Jerome Schentag.

Lycos Health with Web MD

Article on the effect of motion-sickness drugs on divers quotes Clas Lundgren.


UB researcher receives $77,000 to study whether a diet rich in nuts, fruits and vegetables can reduce breast-cancer risk.

Smoke-free policies may help, not hinder, business, according to UB study.

National Geographic Online

Lung power may predict heart health, UB study shows.

National Women's Health Resource Center

A UB researcher will receive funding to study whether a diet rich in nuts, fruits and vegetables can affect breast cancer.

Article reports that a drug used to treat multiple sclerosis may slow or halt the disease and cites work by Lawrence Jacobs.


UB study has found that people who get enough calcium have significantly lower rates of periodontal disease.


Study by UB researchers has shown that early therapy helps MS patients.

A UB researcher will receive funding to study whether a diet rich in nuts, fruits and vegetables can affect breast cancer.

Real Age

Simple lung test predicts long-term survival.

Reuters Health

Drug slows the onset of multiple sclerosis.

Simple lung test predicts long-term survival.

A UB researcher will receive funding to study whether a diet rich in nuts, fruits and vegetables can affect breast cancer.

Smoke-free policies may help, not hinder, business.

Science Daily

Lung function may predict long life or early death.


UB is the lead institution in a $10 million "spintronics" project.

Web MD

Article on potential benefits of breast-reduction surgery quotes Stephen Edge, associate professor of surgery.

UB study shows that family history of heart attack can be seen in children's arteries.

Article on the effect of motion-sickness drugs on divers quotes Clas Lundgren.

UB study links lung function to long-term survival.

UB study shows that early drug treatment can delay symptoms of multiple sclerosis in high-risk patients.

Your Health

Simple lung test predicts long-term survival.



The Buffalo News, Sept. 30, editorial commends UB's Web-based MBA program as an example of what can be accomplished with proper planning and quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 29, article reports Moog chair and CEO Robert Brady has been named executive of the year by the School of Management and its alumni association.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 28, Page One, article on the use of steroids among athletes quotes John Leddy, associate director of sports medicine.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 27, Page One, article reports that SUNY has erroneously reported outdated student-loan defaults to major credit-reporting agencies, creating problems for untold numbers of former students.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 27, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on the honorary doctoral degree presented to Miramax president Harvey Weinstein and quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 27, editorial on the contempt-of-court jail time awarded to Buffalo Teachers Federation president Philip Rumore quotes James Atleson, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, Page One, article on the problems plaguing Niagara Falls, N.Y., and the city's missed opportunities quotes Robert Shibley, professor and director of urban design.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, Front Page, Business Section, update on environmental tests being conducted in the Hickory Woods neighborhood quotes Joseph Gardella, professor of chemistry.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, Front Page, Business, article on a plan to turn the old Buffalo Forge plant into an incubator and industrial park quotes Louis P. Zicari Jr., associate director of UB's Center for Integrated Waste Management.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, Front Page, Business, article on low-cost "Net appliances" quotes John Sheffer, director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, editorial on loopholes in the drunk-driving laws quotes Lee Albert, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, sports commentary about the football team's first Division I-A win over Bowling Green praises the efforts of quarterback Joe Freedy.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, article reports that the School of Management was named to Business Week's list of the nation's best graduate business schools.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 23, article outlines the men's basketball team roster and quotes head coach Reggie Witherspoon.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 22, Front Page, Sports, article reports that UB will self-impose sanctions for basketball recruitment violations last year and quotes athletic director Bob Arkeilpane.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 21, article reports that children of parents who have had premature heart attacks also show early signs of heart disease at an early age and quotes Maurizio Trevisan.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 19, Front Page, City & Region, article on the $10 million grant to develop "spintronics" notes that UB participants in the project will include Hong Luo, professor of physics; Bruce McCombe, professor of physics, and Athos Petrou, professor of physics, and quotes Luo and McCombe.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 18, Front Page, Business, article on grants being offered by SUNY's The Institute for Entrepreneurship cites a project being compiled by four UB MBA students, Sharon Husarek, Kristen Maher, Larry Miller and Nikhil Shah.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 18, editorial on a judge's order that would force two parents to continue dosing their son with Ritalin cites the success of a summer program at UB for children with ADHD as an alternative to the drug.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 18, article on two new houses under construction by Habitat for Humanity notes that students from the School of Architecture and Planning were among the volunteers and quotes Lisa Acierno.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 17, Page One, article reports that companies with fewer than 100 employees created more than 4,700 jobs in Erie and Niagara Counties over the past two years and quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 17, Front Page, Life, article on strong women executives who are criticized for their management style quotes Debra Connelley, assistant professor of organizations and human resources.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 15, Front Page, Business, article reports that the School of Management will launch a Web-based MBA program and quotes President Greiner and Lewis Mandell.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 14, Front Page, Sports, opinion piece comments that the Bulls need to win their football home opener against Connecticut and quotes Bob Arkeilpane and head coach Craig Cirbus.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 13, Page One, article on the primary runoff between Arthur O. Eve and Crystal Peoples quotes James Campbell.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 11, Front Page, City & Region, article on Western New York college enrollments this fall notes that UB has seen an overall increase of 300 students.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 10, Front Page, Viewpoints, article by Charles Patrick Ewing, professor of law, looks at violence in the schools and the need for zero tolerance.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 10, commentary on "reality" television shows quotes Tony Conrad, professor of media study.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 10, Front Page, Arts & Books, article previews a reading by David Foster Wallace to be held at UB as part of Wednesdays at 4 Plus.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 9, Front Page, Business, article reports that the School of Management has launched a new professional development program, Six Sigma, and quotes Ronald J. Krul, executive director of UB's Center for Management Development.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 9, article reports that sugary foods appear to stimulate the production of free radicals and quotes Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 9, article reports that UB is set to begin another Mini-Medical School.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 8, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that respiratory tests have been ordered for residents who live near a controversial quarry and quotes Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa, associate professor of medicine

The Buffalo News, Sept. 8, article reports that excess insulin in the blood does not appear to contribute to atherosclerosis and quotes Paresh Dandona.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 6, article reports that Jaylan Turkkan has been named vice president for research and quotes President Greiner and Provost Elizabeth Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 5, Front Page, Life, article on hyperbaric oxygen treatments quotes Clas Lundgren.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 4, column on the role of Buffalo's Inner Harbor in the Underground Railroad quotes Christopher Densmore, university archivist.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 3, Front Page, City & Region, article about a young man who committed suicide while in a Jamestown psychiatric facility quotes Ellen Dickenson, assistant professor of psychiatry and neurology.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 3, Front Page, Business, article reports there is a shortage of skills, not jobs, in Western New York, and quotes Helene Kerschner, assistant chair of computer science and engineering.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 3, photo of Victor E. Bull, Jay Friedman, assistant director of special events, and John Lambert, senior assistant athletic director for external relations, promotes Tailgate 2000 to benefit the Western New York Independent Living Project.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 3, column comments that UB's football program is a long way from being Syracuse's equal and quotes quarterback Joe Freedy and Craig Cirbus.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 2, article on the rankings of local colleges in this year's issue of U.S. News and World Report quotes Elizabeth Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 2, Page One, article reports on concerns in the local theater community over, among other issues, UB's intention to sell the Pfeifer Theatre, and quotes Saul Elkin, Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 2, Front Page, Sports, article previews the football game against Syracuse, and quotes Craig Cirbus and players Joe Freedy and Derrick Gordon.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 1, Page One, article reports that Western New York's population exodus appears to be slowing and quotes Peter Rogerson, professor of geography.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 1, Front Page, Sports, article profiles senior defensive back Carlos Spencer and quotes teammate Javunt Pratt and coach Craig Cirbus.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 1, Front Page, Life & Arts, article reports Harvey Weinstein will receive an honorary doctorate from UB and quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 1, article reports that UB will offer its Micro-MBA degree online.

Business First, Sept. 25, article reports that UB is the lead institution in a $10 million "spintronics" project and quotes Hong Luo.

Business First, Sept. 25, article reports that Millard Fillmore College will offer online enrichment and professional courses through Fathom.com.

Business First, Sept. 25, article about online job searches quotes Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

Business First, Sept. 18, article on the impact of trucks on city streets quotes Yasuhide Okuyama, assistant professor of planning, and Jean-Claude Thill, professor of geography.

Business First, Sept. 18, article on auto leases quotes Lewis Mandell.

Business First, Sept. 11, article on UB's football marketing efforts quotes John Lambert.

Business First, Sept. 4, article reports that the U.S. Track and Field Junior Olympics has asked the Buffalo Convention & Visitors Bureau to bid on the 2003 games, most of which would be held in UB Stadium.

Business First, Sept. 4, Page One, article reports on a giant jigsaw puzzle that UB put together as part of freshman orientation and quotes Barbara Ricotta, associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students.

Business First, Sept. 4, article reports that the School of Management has introduced an online Micro-MBA in entrepreneurial studies.

Business First, Sept. 4, article on the effectiveness of the Americans with Disabilities Act 10 years after it was passed quotes Melinda Saran, acting director of clinical education in the Law School.

Business First, Sept. 4, article reports that Faizan Haq, a lecturer in Cora P. Maloney College, was a member of a team that is using computer technology to find the best way to remove varnish from an oil painting.

Business First, Sept. 4, real-estate column reports that UB has put the Pfeifer Theatre up for sale.

Amherst Bee, Sept. 27, column by state Senator Mary Lou Rath notes that technology is changing higher education, including the creation of the School of Management's online MBA program.

Amherst Bee, Sept. 13, article reports that poet Jorie Graham kicked off Wednesdays at 4 Plus poetry series.

Amherst Bee, Sept. 13, article reports that UB has been ranked 11th in Yahoo! Internet Life magazine's list of most-wired universities in the nation.



WBFO Radio

A UB study finds that early treatment may be the key in the fight against multiple sclerosis.

UB is posting its highest enrollment numbers in six years with nearly 25,000 students enrolled for the fall semester.

The Bulls defeat Bowling Green, 20-17, for the team's first victory at the Division I-A level.

The School of Management is ranked by Business Week magazine as one of the best business school in the nation. The school came in 67th out of the 750 that were ranked.

A UB study has found that children of adults who have premature heart attacks show signs of stiffening and thickening of their own arteries at an early age.

UB will lead a worldwide research in a technology called "spintronics."

The School of Management is launching an online MBA program designed for busy entrepreneurs and executives.

UB has received nearly $85,000 from New York State for a project to learn more about dioxin contamination in fish and other wildlife in Lake Ontario.

Political scientist James Campbell previews tonight's U.S. Senatorial debate in Buffalo.

UB's Slee Sinfonietta begins its fourth year under the direction of conductor Magnus Martennson.

Alan Lockwood, professor of neurology, discusses a new report that argues plant emissions across the nation are responsible for development and neurological disabilities in more than 360,000 children in the U.S.

The Bulls open their 2000 football season against the Syracuse Orangemen.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Isabel Marcus, professor of law, on the FDA's approval of RU 486.

Interview with Lawrence Jacobs on a multiple sclerosis drug study.

Howard Foster, professor and associate dean of organizations and human resources, comments on the Buffalo teachers strike.


Interview with Jim Twombly, assistant dean for educational technology in the College of Arts and Sciences, following the debate between U.S. Senatorial candidates Rick Lazio and Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Interview with Lewis Mandell on financial planning tips for senior citizens and people with chronic medical problems.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Coverage of the UB football game against Marshall includes comments by player Marcus Cole.

Preview of the UB football game against Marshall includes interview with Craig Cirbus.

Segment reports on new office suite for UB's Mini-Medical School.

Interview with Lawrence Jacobs on a multiple sclerosis drug study.

The UB football team beats Bowling Green; segment includes interview with Joe Freedy.

Coverage of the Linda Yalem Memorial Run held on the North Campus includes comments by Barbara Ricotta, dean of students.

Interview with Monica Spaulding, professor of medicine, on the Olympic athlete testing positive for banned substances.

Piece on area supermarket takeovers includes interview with Lewis Mandell.

The Bulls beat Bowling Green; segment includes interviews with Bob Arkeilpane and Craig Cirbus.

UB is self-imposing sanctions against the men's basketball team for recruiting violations.

Preview of the UB football game against Bowling Green includes interview with Craig Cirbus.

Segment on national supermarket companies that are considering merging with Wegmans quotes Lewis Mandell.

Two UB students win an online contest to travel to Australia to see the Olympics.

Results of the UB football game against the University of Connecticut.

Segment on the upcoming UB football game against UConn includes interview with Craig Cirbus.

Interview with Craig Cirbus on last week's game against Syracuse.

A look at UB's new South Lake Village housing complex includes interview with student Anita Singla.

Results of the UB football game against Syracuse includes interview with Craig Cirbus.

Craig Cirbus and player Joe Freedy discuss the Bulls' game against Syracuse.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Highlights of the UB football game against Marshall University.

Preview of the UB football game against Marshall includes interview with player Joe Freedy.

Segment looks at results of a multiple sclerosis study conducted by Lawrence Jacobs.

Segment previews the breast cancer awareness walk to be held on the North Campus.

Coverage of the Linda Yalem Memorial Run held on the UB North Campus.

The Bulls have won their first football game of the year.

The Bulls defeat Bowling Green.

UB has self-imposed sanctions against the men's basketball team.

Segment on final preparations for Curtain Up! includes interview with Tom Burroughs, director of the Center for the Arts.

The American Cancer Society's annual walk, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, will be held on the UB North Campus.

Coverage of the UB football game against the University of Connecticut.

Interview with Craig Cirbus on the upcoming football season.

Segment on the results of a local pollution study includes interview with Paul Kostyniak, professor of pharmacology and toxicology, and James Olson, professor of pharmacology and toxicology.

Volunteers discuss the Blue Moon Gala in the UB Center for the Arts.

Segment looks at the potential health hazards faced by people living near a Cheektowaga stone quarry and quotes Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa.

Report that National Grid will buy out Niagara Mohawk includes interview with Lewis Mandell.

Interview with UB football player Tory Smith.

Segment on free radicals and heart disease includes interview with Paresh Dandona.

The "Why Guy" interviews Gordon Gross on his cross-country bicycle trip to raise money for the School of Dental Medicine.

Results of the UB football game against Syracuse includes interview with Craig Cirbus.

Highlights of an organ concert in UB's Slee Hall.

Preview of the UB football game against Syracuse.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Coverage of the Bulls football game against Marshall.

Preview of the UB-Marshall football games includes interview with Craig Cirbus.

Segment on the FDA's approval of RU 486 includes comments by UB student Jennifer Penfield.

Miramax president Harvey Weinstein receives an honorary doctorate from UB.

Interview with UB football player Marcus Cole.

Coverage of the Linda Yalem Memorial Run held on the UB North Campus.

The UB football team defeats Bowling Green.

The Bulls have won their first football game ever in Division I-A; segment includes interviews with Craig Cirbus and players Marquis Dwarte and Joe Freedy.

UB has self-imposed sanctions against the men's basketball team.

Preview of the football game against Bowling Green includes interview with Craig Cirbus.

Interview with Stanley Schwartz, professor of medicine, on how to prepare for cold and flu season.

Preview of UB's weekend football game includes interviews with several players.

UB will host Tailgate 2000 this weekend before the Bulls' home opener.

The Bulls lose to the Huskies in UB's home opener; segment includes interviews with Craig Cirbus and players Andre Forde and Joe Freedy.

Tailgate 2000 was held at UB prior to the Bulls' football home opener.

Preview of the home-opener football game includes interviews with Craig Cirbus and players Chris Gray and David Pruce.

Preview of Tailgate 2000, to be held at UB prior to the football home opener.

Interview with Elaine Bartkowiak, associate director of the Early Childhood Research Center, on helping children go to school without separation anxiety.

A look at the Buffalo dental convention includes interview with Michael Ehlers, president of the UB Dental Alumni Association.

UB opens its football season on the road against Syracuse.

Interview with Deborah Walters, associate professor of computer science and engineering, on becoming a survivor.

The Bulls are preparing to play in Syracuse tomorrow.


WHAM Radio (Rochester)

Interview with Isabel Marcus on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's approval of RU 486.

Interview with James Campbell on the presidential election.

Interview with Lewis Mandell on the purchase of Niagara Mohawk.

WLVL Radio (Lockport)

The UB Mini Medical School program will offer a course aimed at high-school students.

Interview with John Vena, professor of social and preventive medicine, on health risks of workers employed at Simonds Saw and Steel Co. in Lockport.

WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Isabel Marcus on FDA approval of RU 486.

Interview with Robert Reis, professor of law, on a ruling that would overturn laws that allow Native American nations to charge a tax on houses that sit on Native American land that are owned by non-Indians.

Interview with Lawrence Southwick, associate professor of finance and managerial economics, on the increase in oil prices.