UB News 08/00

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: January 4, 2001 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of August 2000 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, Aug. 30 editorial on the genocidal war in Burundi between the Tutsi and the Hutu is written by Makau Mutua, associate professor of law.

The New York Times, Aug. 30, article about a New York City lighting artist notes she took her first lighting class at UB.

Wall Street Journal, Aug. 31, "Business Bulletin" mentions the School of Management's Micro MBA program.

The Washington Post, Aug. 31, article on forecasts by academic analysts that predict Al Gore will win the November presidential election quotes James Campbell, professor of political science.

The Washington Post, Aug. 31, quiz to test readers' knowledge about their oral health cites research conducted at UB.

The Washington Post, Aug. 16, article on the fate of the Russian sailors trapped in the sunken submarine Kursk quotes Claes Lundgren, professor of physiology.

Newsday, Aug. 22, article on the abuse of men by their female partners quotes Charles Ewing, professor of law.

The (Raleigh, N.C.) News & Observer, Aug. 31, article on predictions that Al Gore will win the presidential election quotes James Campbell.

Wire Services

Reuters English News Service, Aug. 31, article reports that political analysts are predicting that Al Gore will win the presidential election and quotes James Campbell.

PR Newswire, Aug. 29, article reports that an aneurysm feasibility study has been expanded to include UB, with the university's portion to be directed by L. Nelson Hopkins, professor and chair of neurosurgery.

Associated Press Newswires, Aug. 28, article on the effect the presidential campaign can have on other election results quotes James Campbell.

Associated Press Newswires, Aug. 18, article reports that Bob Davies, director of the alumni association at Boise State University, has resigned to become assistant vice president for institutional advancement at UB.

Associated Press Newswires, Aug. 11, article on the controversy over whether fluoride should be added to water quotes Michael Easley, associate professor of oral biology.

Environmental News Service, Aug. 9, article reports that UB is launching an online environmental-education project with the Jane Goodall Institute, and quotes Donald Jacobs, director of UB's Center for Applied Technologies in Education.

PR Newswire, Aug. 2, article reports that people who consume enough calcium have significantly lower rates of periodontal disease, and notes Robert Genco is one of the researchers involved in the study.


Men's Health, August 2000, article reports that panoramic dental X-rays can warn of an impending stroke or heart attack, and quotes Laurie Carter, research assistant professor and clinical assistant professor of oral diagnostic sciences.

Electronic Engineering Times, Aug. 7, article reports that UB researchers have found a way to use bacteria to create "biotransistors," and quotes Robert Baier, professor of oral diagnostic sciences.

Civil Engineering, August 2000, article on a toggle bracing damping system developed by Taylor Devices notes the system was tested on the shake table at UB.

Dance Magazine, August 2000, article reports that the Jazz Dance World Congress is returning to Buffalo for an unprecedented second year in a row.


(London) Daily Mail, Aug. 15, article reports that UB researchers have found that people who consume the recommended amount of calcium have lower rates of gum disease than those who do not, and quotes Robert Genco, professor and chair of oral biology.


KCSN Radio (Northridge, Calif.)

Interview with Charles Ewing on sports anger by parents attending Little League games.


Chicago Tribune Online

Tongue-in-cheek column extolling the virtues of pigs quotes Susan Cole, professor and chair of the Department of Classics


UB dental educator urges dental schools to increase their efforts to teach students about temporomandibular joint.

Low dietary vitamin C can increase risk for periodontal disease.

Sugary foods may be bad for your blood vessels and other areas of the body, UB endocrinologists have found.

People who get enough calcium have significantly lower rates of periodontal disease.

Environmental News Network

Women who plan to get pregnant should avoid eating fist from Lake Erie, according to researchers at the University at Buffalo.

Environmental News Service

UB is launching an online environmental education project with the Jane Goodall Institute.

Health Answers

High blood levels of the hormone insulin do not appear to contribute to heart disease, according to research from the University at Buffalo.

Excess sugar in the blood appears to increase the production of free radicals, according to UB researchers.

Health A to Z

If you want to keep your gums healthy and happy, stock up on the vitamin C and put that cigarette out, according to a UB researcher.

Health Central

Insulin may reduce risk of heart disease.

Health News

UB study suggests insulin may help protect against coronary artery disease.

Health News Digest

UB Biophysicist Anthony Auerbach receives $2.7 million Jacob Javits Award to continue research in neuroscience.

Health Scout

Washing your hands does more to ward off infection than covering the toilet seat, according to Alan Lesse, associate professor of pharmacy and toxicology, medicine and microbiology.

Smoking, lack of vitamin C ruin your gums, according to UB study.

Healthy Women

Excess sugar in the blood appears to increase production of free radicals, byproducts that have been linked to aging and heart disease, UB researchers report.

On Health

New research from the University at Buffalo suggests that a calcium shortage can lead to periodontal disease.

People who don't get enough vitamin C have higher rates of periodontal disease.

Excess blood sugar may boost free-radical production.

High blood levels of insulin do not appear to contribute to heart disease.

Modern Maturity Online

Article on the affect periodontal disease can have on overall health quotes Robert Genco.


Dentists urged to use research findings on jaw problems.

Web MD

Parents may be able to encourage obese children to be more active by letting them earn access to video games or movies through physical activity.

Whole Health MD

People with the lowest calcium intake are more likely to have gum disease, according to UB researchers.



The Buffalo News, Aug. 29, Page One, article on the growing numbers of students who are subjected to hazing as part of joining an extracurricular group quotes Simon Singer, professor of sociology.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 27, Front Page, Viewpoints, article on the political system and what needs to be done to get young people more involved quotes James Twombly, assistant dean for educational technology in the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 27, Science/Environment, article on the West Nile Virus' migration into New York State quotes Derek Taylor, assistant professor of biological sciences, and Guiyun Yan, assistant professor of biological sciences.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 27, article on a street fair held by members of a homeowners association who live across from a contaminated Superfund site quotes Joseph Gardella, professor of chemistry.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 26, Front Page, City & Region, article on the giant jigsaw puzzle map constructed in Alumni Arena as part of UB's freshman orientation efforts quotes Barbara Ricotta, associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students, and notes welcoming remarks were made by President William R. Greiner; Provost Elizabeth Capaldi; Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs, and Cindy Forte, a student-orientation representative.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 26, Front Page, Sports, article interviews head coach Craig Cirbus on his hopes for the 2000 football season, and includes comments by players Craig Rohlfs and Marcus Cole.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 25, editorial on the county executive's continued regionalization efforts quotes John B. Sheffer, director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 24, Front Page, Business, article on the School of Management's MBA Advantage orientation program quotes Katherine Gerstle Ferguson, administrative director of the MBA program, and students Anjali Kumar and Regine Bruny.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 22, Front Page, Business, article on the concept behind "loyalty" credit cards quotes Alan Dick, associate professor of marketing.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 22, editorial on the opening of South Lake Village praises it as an example of a partnership that boosts a valued community asset at no expense to taxpayers.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 20, Page One, article on the efforts that area businesses are making to receive ISO 9000 certification quotes Tim Mattulke, director of business development for the UB Business Alliance.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 20, Front Page, City & Region, article on the call by County Executive Joel Giambra for a regional trash disposal and recycling plan notes the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth will be working with a consultant on the plan.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 20, article by Alex Anas, professor of economics, contends that the reduction of the property transfer tax will reduce urban sprawl, not increase it.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 20, Front Page, Arts, article on the current popularity of urban music quotes Charles Keil, professor emeritus of American studies.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 18, Page One, article about Mercy Hospital's plan to offer a new cardiac program quotes Michael Bernardino, vice president for health affairs.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 16, article on the sunken Russian submarine Kursk quotes Claes Lundgren.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 15, Front Page, City & Region, article on the opening of South Lake Village quotes Elizabeth Lidano, assistant director of university apartments, and UB students Renee Mathew, Tammy Chenez and Alka Sharma.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 14, article reports that UB has broken ground for another new on-campus housing complex, Gateway Village, and quotes Dennis Black.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 14, editorial calls UB's decision not to renew its lease of the Pfeifer Theatre "a minor tragedy."

The Buffalo News, Aug. 14, sports column calls on head coach Craig Cirbus to show he's building a football program, and quotes Cirbus and player Joe Freedy.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 12, article on the medical school's "White Coat Ceremony" quotes John Wright, dean of the medical school, and Mary Glenn, administrative staff assistant in the medical school.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 12, article on a UB project that will take information about research by primatologist Jane Goodall to students around the world quotes Provost Elizabeth Capaldi and Donald Jacobs, director of UB's Center for Applied Technologies in Education.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 10, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that UB will not renew its lease of Pfeifer Theatre, and quotes Kerry Grant, dean of the College of Arts and Science, and Edward Schneider, executive director of the UB Foundation.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 10, article reports that Jane Goodall will team with UB in a major online project to share her research with the world and quotes Donald Jacobs.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 8, article profiles UB's first woman provost, Elizabeth Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 7, Front Page, Life & Arts, article outlines what's available through UB's summer Intensive English Program, where students from around the world receive instruction in language and culture.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 7, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on UB's English Language Institute quotes John Fitzer, program director.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 5, Page One, article about a medical resident who will compete on the U.S. women's Olympic fencing team quotes Richard Krause, director of the UB Department of Emergency Medicine.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 4, Page One, article reports that the West Nile virus has reached Erie County and quotes Dietrich Jehle, associate professor of emergency medicine.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 4, Front Page, Sports, article reports the women's basketball team will travel to Europe to play five games in 10 days, and quotes head coach Cheryl Dozier and player Mari McClure.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 2, Front Page, Life & Arts, article reports on the Ninth Jazz Dance Congress to be held at UB.

The Buffalo News, Aug. 2, Page One, article reports that former president George Bush will headline a major fundraising event in Buffalo and quotes James Campbell.

Business First, Aug. 28, Page One, article outlines local college campuses' residential building trends, noting that UB has opened South Lake Village and broken ground for Gateway Village, and quotes Dennis Black.

Business First, Aug. 28, Special Report: Architects & Engineers, article reports on UB's Engineering Career Institute and quotes Mark Karwan, dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Dean Millar, assistant dean for corporate relations.

Business First, Aug. 21, article reports that the Division of Athletics has received $800,000 from the state legislature to support gender equity and quotes Bob Arkeilpane, director of athletics, and Nan Harvey, associate athletic director.

Business First, Aug. 14, article on the role organized labor plays in the local economy quotes John Sheffer.

Business First, Aug. 7, article reports that thanks to the Law School's new marketing efforts applications have increased 30 percent, and quotes Nils Olsen, dean of the law school, and Jack Cox, associate dean and director of admissions.

Business First, Aug. 7, article on a proposal by a Canadian think tank advocating the creation of a euro-like currency for the U.S., Canada and Mexico quotes Lawrence Southwick, associate professor of finance and managerial economics.

Business First, Aug. 7, article on a study that links employee satisfaction to stock performance quotes Joseph Ogden, associate professor of finance.

Amherst Bee, Aug. 30, article on the giant jigsaw puzzle map constructed as part of freshman orientation quotes Barbara Ricotta.

Amherst Bee, Aug. 30, article reports on address by David Urbanek, campus public safety supervising officer, at the 22nd annual Western New York Educational Law Conference.

Amherst Bee, Aug. 30, article reports on the virtual-reality glove developed by Thenkurussi Kesavadas, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, David Ellis, clinical assistant professor of emergency medicine, and James Mayrose, assistant research professor of emergency medicine.

Amherst Bee, Aug. 23, article reports that UB has broken ground for a fourth residential project, Gateway Village, and quotes Dennis Black.

Amherst Bee, Aug. 16, column by state Senator Mary Lou Rath notes that she has been able to secure state funding for UB's Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics.

Amherst Bee, Aug. 2, editorial on the importance of volunteering notes that among those programs that have benefited from the help of volunteers are UB's athletic and cultural events.



WBFO Radio

UB's new provost, Elizabeth Capaldi, is beginning her duties as the university's second-in-command

A study by Andrew Hyland, research assistant professor of social and preventive medicine, finds that smoking restrictions in restaurants have not harmed their businesses.

Freshmen students moving into Goodyear Hall discuss their goals as they begin their first year at UB.

Freshman orientation began at UB today with incoming students constructing a giant jigsaw puzzle map of the North Campus on the floor of Alumni Arena.

With the arrival this summer of the West Nile Virus, UB's Roger Cunningham, associate professor of microbiology, says there probably are some unreported victims out there.

UB has received an $800,000 state grant to increase scholarships for women athletes and to market their teams to the community.

Incoming medical students received their "white coats" in an annual ceremony on the North Campus.

UB broke ground this week for Gateway Village, its fourth residential project in recent years.

UB plans to sell the Pfeifer Theatre, a move that Kerry Grant says will save the university $50,000 a year in maintenance.

Joseph Gardella often is asked for his expertise on technical topics, but was rather surprised when a romance-novel author asked for his help.

The planned Adelphia office complex on Buffalo's waterfront presents developers with an opportunity, says Walter Simpson, chief energy officer, who's asking them to consider construction of an environmentally friendly "green" building.

Norman Mohl, professor of oral diagnostic sciences, says the nation's dental schools need to provide better understanding of jaw problems to their students.

Interview with Barbara von Wahlde, associate vice president for university libraries, on the Napster suit and its implications.

Representatives of local police agencies gathered on the South Campus for a rally in support of National Night Out.

WBEN Radio

Interview with John Grela, director of public safety, on programs aimed at reducing student drinking.

Interview with Roger Cunningham on the presence of E. coli in the lakes.

Interview with Claes Lundgren on sunken Russian sub.

Interview with Roger Cunningham on the West Nile virus.

WNED Radio

Interview with Roger Cunningham on the spread of the West Nile Virus.

Interview with Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management, on the stock market.

Interview with Peter Bradford, associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology, on the human genome project.

Interview with Claude Welch, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Political Science, on the history of the Chautauqua Institution.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Preview of UB's football season-opener against Syracuse includes interview with Craig Cirbus.

Segment on keeping your kids in college includes interview with Dennis Black.

Interview with Bulls quarterback Joe Freedy on the upcoming game.

Interview with former Bulls football player Drew Haddad, who the Buffalo Bills have cut from their player roster.

Story on Toronto's attempts to host the 2008 Olympics includes shots of UB's track-and-field facilities.

Segment on the football team's upcoming season includes comments by player Joe Freedy.

Coverage of UB's Rally for the Bulls includes interview with Bob Arkeilpane, football player Brandon Sangonsky and freshman Shawan Reiley and Bob Dixon., as well as footage of the Eddie Money concert.

Story on the addition of a Sears store to Boulevard Mall includes interview with Lewis Mandell.

Coverage of the opening of South Lake Village includes comments by Dennis Black.

Primatologist Jane Goodall was at UB to launch a unique Internet wildlife project.

Segment on Buffalo's business boom includes interview with Lawrence Southwick.

Coverage of the 2000 Preview of Champions Band Competition held in UB Stadium.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

A look at the pesticide Anvil quotes Harvey Berman, associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology, on its toxicity.

"Why Guy" Kevin O'Neill interviews cross-country bicyclist Gordon Gross, who made his trek to benefit, among others, the School of Dental Medicine.

Preview of UB's football season opener against Syracuse includes interviews with coach Craig Cirbus and players Carlos Spencer and Joe Freedy.

Segment on high-school hazing includes interview with Christopher Sempos, associate professor of social and preventive medicine.

Former UB football players Drew Haddad and Josh Roth discuss being on the Buffalo Bills' practice squad.

A UB study has shown that the no-smoking policy has not had a negative affect on restaurants.

Area colleges, including UB, are taking action to prevent underage drinking.

Coverage of freshman orientation includes comments by Dennis Black and freshmen Melissa Rozycki and Joe Glinsky.

Story on the rise in diabetes includes interview with Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine.

Segment reports that UB has turned the former Butler Mansion into the Jacobs Executive Development Center, and quotes Lewis Mandell.

"Why Guy" reports live from the Jacobs Executive Development Center and interviews Lewis Mandell on what the facility will be used for.

Interview with Tracy Gregg, assistant professor of geology, on the likely conditions faced by the seamen trapped in the sunken Russian submarine.

Segment on the opening of South Lake Village, the university's new student housing complex, includes interviews with Dennis Black and William R. Greiner.

Craig Cirbus is interviewed on the beginning of the UB football season.

Interview with primatologist Jane Goodall, who was at UB to launch a unique Internet wildlife program.

Interview with Timothy Murphy, professor of medicine and microbiology, on the West Nile virus.

Story on the Buffalo Bills preseason game includes interview with former UB players Drew Haddad and Josh Roth.

Segment on the women's basketball teams upcoming tournament trip to Europe includes interviews with head coach Cheryl Dozier and players Kate Blazewiski and Tara Perrier.

Coverage of the Jazz World Dance Congress being held at UB.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Segment previews the UB football game against Syracuse and includes interviews with Craig Cirbus and team member Carlos Spencer.

Preview of UB's football season-opener against Syracuse interviews quarterback Joe Freedy.

Dennis Black is interviewed as part of a piece on fire education and safety for all college students and personnel.

Interview with Howard Faden, professor of pediatrics, on a teenager who was homeschooled and has never been vaccinated and the possible consequences if he is allowed to attend public school.

Story on a bid by Toronto to host the 2008 Olympics includes shots of many of UB's athletic facilities, as well as an interview with Paul Vecchio, director of athletic communication.

Story on the Buffalo Bills' season opener notes former UB football players Drew Haddad and Josh Roth are on the practice squad.

Segment on a fundraiser held on a runway at Buffalo Niagara International Airport includes comments by Joseph Mollendorf, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

Coverage of freshman orientation includes comments by students Iwona Klapa and Tom Johnson.

UB has opened its new South Lake Village housing project.

UB has turned the former Butler Mansion into the Jacobs Executive Development Center.

Claes Lundgren is interviewed on the sunken Russian submarine.

Coverage of the UB Bulls Media Day includes interview with Craig Cirbus.

Segment interviews women's basketball coach Cheryl Dozier and players Tara Perrier and Rachel Martin on the team's upcoming tournament trip to Barcelona and Paris.

Interview with former UB football player Drew Haddad on his first game as a Buffalo Bill.

Coverage of the Jazz World Dance Congress held at UB.

Segment on National Night Out includes interview with Pam Beal, research support specialist in the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Urban Affairs, on the University Community Initiative.

WUTV-TV, Channel 29

Segment looks at the annual CROP Walk to be held on the UB North Campus.


WHAM Radio (Rochester)

Interview with James Campbell on the Republican convention.

WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Helju Bennett, associate professor of history, on the reluctance of Alexander Putin to accept assistance for the sunken Russian submarine.

Interview with James Meindl, professor of organizations and human resources, on the charisma of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.