Urban Education Month, March 2001

Schedule of Events

Release Date: March 1, 2001 This content is archived.


* indicates that an event is open to the public

Thursday, March 1*

Dennis Carlson, professor, Miami University of Ohio

"The Life of a Myth: On Rosa Parks, Cultural Studies and Multicultural Education" Noon-2 p.m., 218 Baldy Hall, UB North (Amherst) Campus

"Things to Come: Teachers' Work and Urban School Reform" 4-6 p.m., WNED, Horizon Plaza, Buffalo

Dennis Carlson is professor of educational leadership and director of the Center for Education and Cultural Studies at Miami University of Ohio. His book, "Teachers and Crisis: Urban School Reform and Teachers' Culture," discusses crisis tendencies in urban education, teachers as political actors and cultural workers, and teachers' potential for building a democratic discourse on urban school reform. Co-sponsored by the Urban Education Institute, the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, and the Critical and Cultural Studies in Information Technology Group, all at the University at Buffalo.

Wednesday, March 14*

Michael Rebell, director, Campaign for Fiscal Equity

"Court Ordered Reform of State School Aid," an address to the Education Committee of the Buffalo Common Council 2-4 p.m., Buffalo Common Council Chambers, City Hall

Michael Rebell is director of the Campaign for Fiscal Equity, a coalition of parent organizations, community school boards, concerned citizens and advocacy groups. Its successful lawsuit, which challenged the existing school-funding formula in New York State, is being appealed by Gov. Pataki. Co-sponsored by the UB Urban Education Institute and the Education Committee of the Buffalo Common Council.

Thursday, March 15*

YWCA Roundtable: "Racial Justice and Buffalo School Reform"

7-9 p.m., WNED, Horizon Plaza, Buffalo

The Racial Justice Committee of the YWCA of Buffalo and Erie County will present a conference exploring these questions: Will racial justice be a priority in the school-reform process? What does "racial justice" mean as applied to our educational system? How can we determine if the values of racial justice, tolerance, equity and diversity are present in our schools? Co-sponsored by the UB Urban Education Institute and the YWCA Racial Committee.

Friday, March 16*

Pedro Noguera, professor, Harvard University

"The Racial Achievement Gap: How Can We Assure an Equity of Outcomes?" 4-6 p.m., Screening Room, Center for the Arts, UB North (Amherst) Campus

Pedro Noguera is Dimon Professor of Communities and Schools in the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He studies the ways urban schools respond to social and economic forces, issues of youth violence, the crisis of the black male, the impact of school choice and vouchers on public schools, and ways to improve the performance of low-performing schools. Co-sponsored by the UB Urban Education Institute, the Buffalo Board of Education, the Buffalo Teacher Center and UB's Herb and Anita Foster Lecture Series.

Saturday, March 17*

Pedro Noguera, Harvard University

Coalition for Urban Education Stakeholders' Dialogue on Buffalo School Reform

9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., UB Educational Opportunity Center, 465 Washington St., Buffalo

The Coalition for Urban Education (CUE) Stakeholders' Dialogue on Buffalo School Reform provides a forum for dialogue on the proposal of the Council of the Great City Schools to reform the Buffalo Public Schools. Noguera will participate in the dialogue. Sponsored by the UB Urban Education Institute.

Monday, March 19 to Friday, March 23

Project Respect sponsors a "Stop the Violence Week" at McKinley High School. Call 871-6060 for more information

Thursday, March 22*

Greg Farrell, president, Outward Bound USA/Expeditionary Learning Program

"Creating Small Urban Schools: Expeditionary Learning as School Reform" 4-6 p.m., 250 Baird Hall, UB North (Amherst) Campus

Greg Farrell is president of Outward Bound/USA Expeditionary Learning program, which challenges K-12 students to meet rigorous academic and character standards. This session will focus on Expeditionary Learning in an alternative school in New York City, where students learn to work together in teams, rise to seemingly impossible challenges and use their knowledge in service to the community. Sponsored by UB's Herb and Anita Foster Lecture Fund.

Friday, March 23*

Arnold Aprill, director, Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE)

"Why the Arts Matter in Schools: An Illustrated Talk"(followed by a reception) 4-5:30 p.m., Winter Student Center, Canisius College

Arnold Aprill is an award-winning director, producer and playwright, and co-author of "Learning Partnerships: Improving Learning in Schools with Arts Partners in the Community." He is director of the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE), a network of public schools and arts and community organizations that strives to integrate the arts into the overall educational program of the Chicago public schools. Co-sponsored by the Canisius College Department of Education and the Oshei Foundation.

Saturday, March 24*

Arnold Aprill (CAPE) and Mathias Schergen, art educator, Chicago public schools

"Art Works! How the Arts Help Students Learn." Demonstration, Arts Fair and Panel Discussion 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Winter Student Center, Canisius College

Mathias Schergen is a visual artist who teaches at the Jenner School in the Cabrini-Greene Housing Community in Chicago. Schergen and Aprill will present demonstration workshops. The session will include an arts fair and a roundtable with CAPE and Buffalo-area cultural organizations. Co-sponsored by Canisius College, the Oshei Foundation, the UB Urban Education Institute, the Coalition of Arts Providers for Children, the Western New York Writing Project and the Mayor's Community School Project.

Monday, March 26 to Friday, March 30*

"Celebrating Success Week." Buffalo Public Schools

For information on events, contact individual school or the Buffalo Public Schools at 851-3600.

Tuesday, March 27

"Back to School Day" Buffalo Public Schools

For information on activities, call Buffalo Alliance for Education at 885-9840, ext. 3113, or the Buffalo Public Schools at 851-3102.

Thursday, March 29*

Film Festival: "Teaching and Leading for Diversity

4-9 p.m., Baldy Hall, UB North Campus

Friday, March 30*

Jeannie Oakes, professor, UCLA

"Teaching to Change the World" 4-6 p.m., 250 Baird Hall, UB North Campus

Jeannie Oakes is professor and associate dean of UCLA's Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, director of the UCLA Institute for Democracy, Education and Access (IDEA), and co-director of Center X, which links teacher education, professional development and school-university partnerships. She is co-author of "Teaching to Change the World."

Oakes will discuss ways to prepare new teachers to promote social justice and provide high-level academic instruction in low-income, urban, schools. Sponsored by UB's Gail Paradise Kelly Memorial Lecture Series.

Saturday, March 31 *

9th Annual University at Buffalo

Graduate Student Association Research Symposium

8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., University Inn and Conference Center, 2402 North Forest Road,

Amherst. Register by March 27 at bethdel@acsu.buffalo.edu or call 645-6494.

Saturday, March 31

"Young Writers Festival: Celebrating the Power of Words"

8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Winter Student Center, Canisius College. Fee

For information, call 888-3774

Media Contact Information

Patricia Donovan has retired from University Communications. To contact UB's media relations staff, call 716-645-6969 or visit our list of current university media contacts. Sorry for the inconvenience.