UB News 01/01

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: March 16, 2001 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of January 2001 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, Jan. 21, "A Closer Look" column examines the possible effects a large earthquake might have on New York City using information compiled in part by Andrea Dargush, a project staff associate in the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research.

The New York Times, Jan. 9, article on the unrelenting snow Buffalo has received this winter quotes Uriel Halbreich, professor of psychiatry, on the local rate of depression, and Mierdza Neiders, professor of oral diagnostic sciences, on the ability of people to manage.

Wall Street Journal, Jan 28, "Encore, after 50" column quotes Wayne Anderson, dean of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, on the overprescription of drugs for senior citizens.

USA Today, Jan. 2, article reports that UB researchers have found a link between cocaine use and non-fatal heart attacks in people under the age of 45.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, Jan. 12, article on telemedicine notes that UB is among the universities that offers a telemedicine health-care program.

New York Daily News, Jan. 28, article reports that UB researchers have found that tarantula venom may be useful in treating heart-attack victims.

Newsday, Jan. 9, article reports that researchers at UB have found that tarantula venom could be a lifesaver for people with heart arrythmias and quotes Frederick Sachs.

Newsday, Jan. 5, article on Gov. Pataki's State of the State address reports on a proposal that would fund three high-tech centers, including a bioinformatics center at UB.

(Albany) Times Union, Jan. 23, article on a plan to encourage more health professionals to work in rural and inner-city areas of upstate New York notes UB is leading a similar initiative.

(Albany) Times Union, Jan. 23, article on a Albany-area high school student who is researching the parenting patterns of pumpkinseed sunfish notes his mentor is a graduate student at UB.

(Albany) Times Union, Jan. 4, article on Gov. Pataki's State of the State address reports on a proposal that would fund three high-tech centers, including a bioinformatics center at UB.

(Binghamton) Press and Sun-Journal, Jan. 28, article reports that tarantula venom may be useful in treating heart attacks.

Washington (D.C.) Sunday Times, Jan. 28, article reports that UB researchers have found that tarantula venom may show promise in treating heart attacks.

Chicago Sun Times, Jan. 28, article reports that UB researchers have found tarantula venom may help treat heart attack sufferers.

Chicago Daily Herald, Jan. 1, Health Watch column reports UB researchers have developed a mouthwash that takes the pleasure out of smoking by making cigarettes taste like burnt rubber.

Cleveland Plain Dealer, Jan. 31, article reports that UB researchers have found a link between oral health and lung disease.

Los Angeles Times, Jan. 22, article on insulin-resistance syndrome -- or Syndrome X -- quotes Paola Muti, associate professor of social and preventive medicine.

Los Angeles Times, Jan. 11, "Laugh Lines" column cites research conducted at UB that shows that couples with a cat or dog get along together better.

San Francisco Chronicle, Jan. 28, article on poisons being used as remedies reports that UB researchers have found that tarantula venom may have promise in treating people who have had heart attacks.

(Portland) Oregonian, Jan. 31, research column reports that UB researchers have found that tarantula venom may show promise in treating heart attacks and quotes Frederick Sachs, professor of physiology and biophysics.

(Orlando) Sun-Sentinel, Jan. 28, article quotes Wayne Anderson on the overprescription of drugs for senior citizens.

The Cincinnati Post, Jan 31, article on research conducted at UB that shows a link between oral health and lung disease quotes Frank Scannapieco, associate professor of oral biology.

Birmingham Business Journal, Jan. 19, article on the effect new SEC regulations could have on accounting firms that provide consulting as well as traditional audit services quotes Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management.

Detroit News/Free Press, Jan. 28, article on poisons being used as remedies notes that UB research has shown tarantula venom may be useful in treating heart-attack victims.

Heart Disease Weekly, Jan 21, article reports that research conducted at UB has shown a link between cocaine use and early heart attacks.

Wire Services

Business Wire, Jan. 25, article about a new personal finance Web site aimed at young people quotes Lewis Mandell.

Associated Press Newswires, Jan. 1, article on National Science Foundation Early Career Development Awards and the effect those awards are expected to have on business notes UB's Meghan Cope received one to study inner-city children's view of their urban geography.


Nature, Jan. 4, article co-written by Frederick Sachs reports that a peptide from spider venom can prevent the heart from losing its rhythm.

Psychology Today, January/February 2001, article reports on research conducted by Karen Allen, assistant professor of medicine, that shows that a pet dog can help reduce blood pressure in caretakers.

Men's Health, January 2001, article reports that UB researchers have developed a mouthwash that makes cigarette smoking taste terrible and quotes Sebastian Ciancio, professor and chair of periodontics and endodontics.

Men's Health, January 2001, article reports on research at UB that shows that sugary foods cause the body's production of free-radicals to soar and quotes Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine.

Robb Report, January 2001, article on anonymous giving notes that at UB a nameless benefactor has given $5.6 million to date to an honors scholarship program.

50+ Lifestyles, January 2001, "Stay Healthy" column reports that a study at UB shows that eating sweets increases the number of free radicals in a person's system.

Drug Week, Jan. 12, article that aims to help eliminate medication mishaps calls on pharmacists to look more closely at why senior citizens take so many prescriptions, and quotes Wayne Anderson, dean of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

IIE Solutions, January 2001, article on the need for more user-friendly election ballot designs quotes Ann Bisantz, assistant professor of industrial engineering.

Credit Union Magazine, January 2001, article written by Lewis Mandell calls the level of youth financial literacy "dismal."

American Theatre, Jan. 1, article on the Fifth International Women Playwrights Conference in Greece notes the first conference was held at UB in 1988.

Poets & Writers, January/February 2001, article on electronic literature quotes Loss Pequeño Glazier, associate librarian in the College of Arts and Sciences and head of the Electronic Poetry Center.

Time Out New York, Jan. 4, "Events" column notes that Robert Creeley, professor of poetry and the humanities, will present from his work as part of the Dia Center for the Arts "Readings in Contemporary Poetry" series.

Western New York Family, January 2001, article about "Talk It Up," a program co-sponsored by UB to educate school children about organ donation, quotes Judith Tamburlin, research assistant professor in biotechnical and clinical laboratory sciences.


Agence France-Press, Jan. 31, article on research conducted at UB that shows a link between oral health and lung disease quotes Frank Scannapieco.

(Toronto) National Post, Jan. 30, article reports that computer scientists at UB have developed a program that can correctly identify the author of a handwritten ransom note and quotes Sargur Srihari, professor of computer science and engineering and director of the Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (Hamburg, Germany), Jan. 17, article on a visit to India by renowned British physicist Stephen Hawking and the attention that brought to the country's handicapped-accessibility standards quotes Abir Mullick, associate professor of architecture.

(London) Daily Mail, Jan. 2, article reports that research conducted at UB has shown that one in four non-fatal heart attacks in people under age 45 is caused by cocaine abuse and quotes Adnan Qureshi, assistant professor of neurosurgery.


Channel 36, Toronto

Interview with Henry Louis Taylor, director of the Center for Urban Studies, on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his affect on the civil-rights movement and the use of peaceful resistance as an agent of change.

Interview with Mary Cassata, associate professor of communication, on soap operas.



Cocaine a leading cause of heart attacks in young people.

BBC Online

Spider venom calms quaking heart.

CBS Healthwatch

Bad teeth and gums = breathing problems?

Can salt sensitivity lead to heart disease?

The Chronicle of Higher Education

University medical centers expand reach with telemedicine.

Dr. Koop Online

Cocaine tied to 25 percent of heart attacks in young.

Spider takes bites out of heart problem: peptide in tarantula venom calms quivering.

Brain tumors are on the rise in New York, according to a study conducted at UB.

Shhhh! The noise is damaging: Sounds at home can hurt your hearing.


Bad teeth and gums may exacerbate existing lung problems, UB oral biologists find.

Excite Health

Study: cocaine a major cause of heart attacks in the young.

Health Answers

Unhealthy gums linked to worsening lung disease.

Frequent cocaine use linked to early heart attacks.


Unhealthy gums linked to worsening lung disease.

Frequent cocaine use linked to early heart attacks.

Substance in spider venom may correct heart rhythm.

Health News Digest

Bad teeth and gums ... and lung problems?

Cocaine use may be responsible for one in four heart attacks in young people.

Chilean tarantula venom may prevent heart arrythmias.

Overeating by obese generates massive free radical load.


Bad gums make bad lungs worse.

Shed pounds and heart risk together: lipid levels fall fast when obese strictly diet.

Shhhh! The noise is damaging: sounds at home can hurt your hearing.

Spider takes bites out of heart problem: peptide in tarantula venom calms quivering.

Cocaine tied to 25 percent of heart attacks in young.

Health Surfing

Dental stroke: Severe gum disease can double the risk of brain attack.

Healthy Women

Unhealthy gums linked to worsening lung disease.

Frequent cocaine use linked to early heart attacks.


Cocaine use leads to early heart attacks.

Treating heart disease with tarantulas.


Early heart attacks from cocaine.


Unhealthy gums linked to worsening lung disease.

Frequent cocaine use linked to early heart attacks.

Substance in spider venom may correct heart rhythm.

My Life Path

Cocaine tied to 25 percent of heart attacks in young.

Nature Online

Researchers have found that a chemical isolated from the venom of the Chilean tarantula can calm abnormal heart rhythms.

News Rx

Abusing marijuana could affect sperm regulation.

Open Here

Tarantula venom could cure heart ailment.

The New York Times Online

Substance in spider venom may correct heart rhythm.

Real Age

Vitamin C can help stave off gum disease and tooth loss.

Reuters Health eLine

Unhealthy gums linked to worsening lung disease.

Frequent cocaine use linked to early heart attacks.

Substance in spider venom may correct heart rhythm.

Reuters Health Professional Links

Tarantula peptide inhibits fibrillation in animal model.


Bad teeth and gums may exacerbate existing lung problems, oral biologists find.

Regular cocaine use may be responsible for one in four non-fatal heart attacks in young people, study finds.

Software designed to help identify criminals who write ransom notes, forge checks.

Venom from Chilean tarantula may prevent potentially deadly arrythmias, University at Buffalo research shows.

Persistent overeating by the obese generates massive free radical load, initiating artery disease.

Scientific American Online

Take care of your gums for the sake of your lungs.


Chronic lung disease linked to periodontal disease.

Computer soon may be able to tell who wrote what.

When obese people overeat, oxidative damage shoots up.

Web MD

A dose of tarantula venom could save your life.

Regular cocaine use is tied to about one-quarter of all non-fatal heart attacks.

Lycos Health

Risky white lines: Cocaine use linked to early heart attacks.

Yahoo! Health

Bad gums make bad lungs worse.

Frequent cocaine use linked to early heart attacks.

Yahoo! News

Unhealthy gums linked to worsening lung disease.

Cocaine tied to 25 percent of heart attacks in young.

Substance in spider venom may correct heart rhythm.

Your Health

Unhealthy gums linked to worsening lung disease.

Frequent cocaine use linked to early heart attacks.

Substance in spider venom may correct heart rhythm.

Your Health Daily

Tarantula's venom used to develop heart drug.



The Buffalo News, Jan. 31, article on local reaction to the earthquake in India quotes Naazli Ahmed, president of the UB Indian Student Association.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 31, college-sports column quotes coach Jim Beichner on the athletic career of UB wrestler Josh States and reports that women's basketball player Tiffany Bell has earned her fourth Mid-American Conference Player of the Week honor.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 30, article reports that UB's supercomputing center has received a donation of speed-enhancing equipment from IBM Corp. worth $640,000.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 29, article on local recycling businesses notes the Center for Integrated Waste Management has played a role in the success of these companies and quotes Lou Zicari, associate director of the center.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 28, article remembers UB alumnus Greg Jarvis on the 15th anniversary of his death in the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 28, Page One, article profiles lawyer Robert Murphy and notes the role he has played in nurturing UB mock trail teams to become among the best in the nation, and quotes Jennifer Runfola, a young lawyer who was on UB's 1996 mock trial team coached by Murphy, and Deborah Scott, assistant dean for development in the Law School.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 26, article reports that UB has developed the first computer software to identify who wrote a particular document and quotes Sargur Srihari.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 25, article reports that President Greiner is working from home following unexpected surgery for a clogged carotid artery, quotes Greiner and notes the surgery was performed by L. Nelson Hopkins, professor and chair of neurosurgery and director of the Toshiba Stroke Research Center.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 25, article reports that UB has received a $260,000 pledge in the memory of the late John Zahorjan, an adjunct professor of industrial engineering, and quotes Mark Karwan, dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 23, article reports on an event held to mark the 28th anniversary of Roe v. Wade notes speakers included Lucinda Finley, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 23, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on women and drinking quotes Kathleen Parks, a research scientist at the Research Institute on Addictions.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 22, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on a program on how to break bad news to patients held for UB medical students, quotes student Linda Cuomo, and notes that Alan Baer, Karen Zinnerstrom, Jack Freer, Diana Anderson and Deborah Waldrop, all of UB, were instrumental in creating the program.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 21, editorial on local efforts to help retain young Western New York talent notes the efforts of UB's Office of Career Planning and Placement and quotes Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 21, Front Page, Business, article on the new "Itanium" processor being tested at the Center for Computational Research quotes Russ Miller, CCR director.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 21, Front Page, Life, article on the new standards for pain management quotes Bruce Naughton, clinical associate professor of medicine.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 19, Front Page, City & Region, article on a three-county coalition being formed to improve Western New York's bond rating notes that the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth released a report that encouraged community leaders to work cooperatively and quotes John Sheffer, institute director.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 18, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that UB and leaders at Buffalo's premier health institutions are working together to create a world-class medical center on High Street, and quotes President Greiner and Michael Bernardino, vice president for health affairs.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 16, Page One, article on the political attention the upstate economy is receiving reports Gov. Pataki recently proposed a major new high-tech, job-creating center be developed involving UB.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 13, article reports that UB has received $450,000 from the National Science Foundation to study the economic effects of urban-planning decisions and quotes Alex Anas, Frank H. and Josephine L. Goodyear Professor of Economics. The article also reports that G. Scott Danford, associate professor of architecture, has received funding to determine whether buildings of "universal" design are preferable to "accessible" buildings.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 12, article reports that actor Vincent O'Neill has been appointed chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance, and quotes O'Neill and Kerry Grant, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 11, article reports that five contractors have been fined for alleged safety violations while working at UB.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 11, article reports that UB has moved its cameras, lighting and other equipment from the Pfeifer Theatre and asked the Shakespeare in Delaware Park theater company to vacate the facility by the end of the month.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 10, article reports that the Western New York Independent Living Project will be home to the nation's Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Independent Living Management in part due to help from Joseph Lane, director of the Center for Assistive Technology's Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology Transfer, and quotes Lane.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 8, article calls SUNY among the least affordable public college systems in the nation.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 7, Front Page, Viewpoints, column by Robert Daly, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of English, looks at life in the year 2051.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 6, Front Page, City & Region, article on UB's celebration of Millard Fillmore's 201 birthday quotes Provost Elizabeth Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 6, Page One, article on the state budget for the coming year reports that it will include funding to create a biotechnology center involving institutions that include UB, Roswell Park Cancer Institute and several private companies.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 5, article reports that UB will offer a service-learning abroad program in Hanoi and quotes Mark Ashwill, director of the World Languages Institute.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 4, Page One, article on Gov. Pataki's State of the State address and his proposal to create a Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 4, article reports that Oscar-winning actor Sidney Poitier will speak at UB's 24th Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 4, article reports that a study on multiple sclerosis by Lawrence Jacobs, professor of neurology, has been named among the top 10 health advances in 2000 by the Harvard Health Letter.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 3, Page One, article reports that in his State of the State address, Gov. Pataki has called for the creation of a high-technology consortium that includes UB.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 2, Front Page, Business, article on a campaign to identify former Western New Yorkers who would return home if they could find good jobs notes UB is among the organizers and quotes Dan Ryan.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 2, editorial on the problem of teaching assistants who speak little or unintelligible English notes efforts that UB has made to avoid the problem and quotes Stephen Dunnett, vice provost for international education.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 2, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that one in four non-fatal heart attacks in young people may be attributed to regular cocaine use and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 1, article reports that Meghan Cope is one of the 41 New York State recipients of the National Science Foundation Early Career Development Awards.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 1, editorial on Chancellor King's statement that universities need to look for funds from other than traditional sources quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 1, article reports that UB will mark Millard Fillmore's 201st birthday with a graveside ceremony and Provost Elizabeth Capaldi will speak.

Business First, Jan. 22, article reports that UB has been selected as one of three international sites to beta-test a new computer processor.

Business First, Jan. 15, article reports that UB has received funding to develop a process for fabrication of advanced memory and logic devices.

Business First, Jan. 8, article reports that the School of Management is offering a new CEO-MBA Series and quotes Lewis Mandell.

Business First, Jan. 8, article on plans to post Western New York student internships and co-op job opportunities on the Web quotes Dan Ryan.

Business First, Jan. 8, article profiles Cathy LePage Campbell, a local finance executive who is enrolled in UB's Executive MBA program.

Business First, Jan. 1, article on new SEC rules that will impact accounting firms that provide consulting as well as traditional auditing services quotes Lewis Mandell.

Business First, Jan. 1, article reports that Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute is working with UB, Kaleida Health Systems and Roswell Park Cancer Institute to create an academic, research and industrial site for biotechnologies.

Business First, Jan. 1, article on the need for funding for the Western New York Regional Information Network at the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth quotes Beverly Sanford, associate director for community relations.

Business First, Jan. 1, article on legal information that available online quotes James Milles, associate dean and director of the law library.

Amherst Bee, Jan. 31, article profiles Sidney Poitier and reports he will present the Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Lecture at UB.

Amherst Bee, Jan. 31, article looks at concerns about the possible site for a new research and development park in Amherst and quotes Charles Mitchell, professor of geology.

Amherst Bee, Jan. 17, article on "Shelter from the Storm," a program that provides grief counseling for children, quotes its founder, Steve Turkovich, and Joyce Zmuda and Kim Leonard, all UB medical students.

Amherst Bee, Jan. 3, article profiles Nila Gnamm, a UB alumnus who has pledged $250,000 to establish the Junior Faculty Research Fund for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Study Center.



WBFO Radio

Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of English and Samuel P. Capen Professor of Humanities, will present a lecture title "The Fate of Stories."

President William R. Greiner is on the mend following unexpected surgery to repair a clogged carotid artery.

Researchers at UB have developed software that is 95 percent accurate in determining the authorship of handwritten documents.

Percussionist Anthony Miranda, music lecturer, is profiled in advance of a concert he and two students will present in Allen Hall.

Vincent O'Neill, founder and artistic director of the Irish Classical Theatre Company, has been named chair of the UB Department of Theatre and Dance.

Local historians assess the legacy of the nation's 13th president and UB's first chancellor, Millard Fillmore, on the 201st anniversary of his birth.

The region's largest employers are participating in Jobsapalooza, a free job fair targeted to college seniors and recent graduates.

UB has announced that Sidney Poitier will deliver the 24th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration address at UB.

Lewis Mandell comments on the Federal Reserve's decision to unexpectedly cut a key interest rate by 0.5 percent.

A new UB study has found another serious health risk for young adult cocaine users.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Lucinda Finley on President Bush's decision to withhold funding from family-planning clinics abroad.

Interview with James Campbell, professor of political science, on the upcoming presidential inauguration.

Sidney Poitier will speak at UB in March.

Interview with Dan Ryan on Jobsapalooza.


Interview with Peter Rittner, assistant to the senior associate vice president for university services, on the Americans with Disabilities law that would require Web sites to accessible to the handicapped.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Highlights of the women's basketball game against Northern Illinois.

Segment remembers the astronauts killed in the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger, including UB alumnus Gregory Jarvis.

Results of the men's basketball game against Ohio.

Segment looks at the Future Cities Competition held on the UB North Campus.

Interview with Naazi Ahmed and Andrew Solanki, both members of the UB Indian Student Association, on a fundraiser held to aid victims of the earthquake in India.

Segment on the killer earthquake in India and what people can do to help includes interview with UB student Przemyslaw Kounka.

Results of the men's basketball game against Western Michigan and the women's basketball game against Marshall.

Segment on what local residents are looking for from the new presidential administration includes interviews with Wesley Carter and Jessie Carter, both lecturers in African-American studies.

Interview with Leonard Epstein, professor of pediatrics, on kids and weight.

Segment looks at Jobsapalooza and interviews Dan Ryan.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Results of the men's basketball game against Northwestern and the women's basketball game against Northern Illinois.

Sriram Raghaven, president of the UB Graduate Indian Students Association, discusses the earthquake in India and local relief efforts.

Interview with Herbert Hauptman, research professor in biophysical sciences, on how supercomputer capabilities will contribute to technological and commercial advancements.

Coverage of the annual Future Cities Competition held on the UB North Campus.

Local reaction to the earthquake in India includes interview with Don Goralski, project staff associate at the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research.

"Why Guy" Kevin O'Neill interviews Deborah Chung, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and Niagara Mohawk Chair of Materials Research, on the differences between her "Smart-Crete" and concrete.

Results of the men's basketball game against Western Michigan and the women's basketball game against Marshall.

Local reaction to the presidential inauguration includes interview with Jim Twombly, assistant dean for educational technology in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Segment reports that High School Football Player of the Year Aaron Leeper will interview with the UB Bulls.

Interview with Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine, on the relationship between persistent overeating and the generation of massive free radicals.

Results of the men's basketball game against Kent State.

Segment on avoiding blood clots includes interview with Patrick Pullicino, professor of neurology.

John Wright, dean of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, is interviewed on rankings that show Roswell Park Cancer Institute to be among the best in the nation.

Segment of kids and weight includes interview with Leonard Epstein.

Story on depression and seasonal affective disorder includes interview with Uriel Halbreich, professor of psychiatry.

Highlights of the women's basketball game against Akron.

Coverage of the Millard Fillmore birthday celebration in Forest Lawn cemetery includes footage of address by Elizabeth Capaldi.

Interview with Dan Ryan as part of coverage of the Jobsapalooza job fair.

Segment looks at benefits to Western New York outlined in Gov. Pataki's State of the State address, including a Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, and quotes Russ Miller.

Results of the men's basketball game against Akron.

Story on the creation of a Center for Excellence in Bioinformatics includes interview with President Greiner.

Interview with Frederick Munschauer, assistant professor of neurology, on stroke prevention.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Segment on "AM Buffalo" includes interview with Douglas Clements, professor of learning and instruction, on what comprises "new math."

Jim Twombly comments on the presidential inauguration.

Interview with Clayton Peimer, professor of orthopaedics and chief of hand surgery, on recognizing and preventing frostbite and hand injuries.

Interview with Uriel Halbreich on seasonal affective disorder.

James Campbell comments on the presidential inauguration on "AM Buffalo."

Results of the men's basketball game against Kent State.

Interview with Barbara Bunker, professor of psychology, on what is behind the television show "The Mole."

Segment on Gov. Pataki's state budget notes that it includes funding to create at UB a Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

Coverage of the Jobsapalooza job fair includes interview with Dan Ryan.

Gov. Pataki has announced in his State of the State address his intentions to create at UB a Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

WNLO-TV, Channel 23

Interview with Sriram Raghaven on local relief efforts to aid victims of the earthquake in India.

WPXJ-TV, Channel 19

Interview with Naazli Ahmed of the UB Indian Student Association on the earthquake in India.


WHAM Radio (Rochester)

Interview with Erick Duchesne, assistant professor of political science, on the Lockerbie court ruling.

Interview with William Hamlen, associate professor of finance and managerial economics, on the stock market going from fractions to decimals.

Interview with Lewis Mandell on the effects of the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates.

WLVL Radio (Lockport)

Interview with Scott Weber, professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering, on the Niagara County Fund proposals.

Interview with Dan Ryan on Jobsapalooza.

WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Arun Jain, chair of marketing and Samuel Capen Professor of Marketing Research, on the high cost of Superbowl advertising.

Interview with Arun Jain on a proposal to build a mega-mall complex in Syracuse.

Interview with Lewis Mandell on the affect lower interest rates will have on the average borrower.