UB News 02/01

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: June 7, 2001 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of July 2000 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, Feb. 27, article reports that research by Alan Lockwood, professor of neurology, has shown that "crossed wires" in brain pathways controlling vision and hearing play a role in tinnitus.

USA Today, Feb. 13, Cover Story, article naming Buffalo a "city with heart" quotes Alan Kegler, senior art director, and Sara Saldi, Web editor, both in the Office of Creative Services, and notes that UB is a major contributor to the local economy.

Washington Post, Feb. 9, article on political scientists who wrongly predicted that Al Gore would win the 2000 presidential election quotes James Campbell, professor of political science.

Washington Post, Feb. 6, article on polypharmacy -- overmedicated patients who would be healthier taking fewer prescriptions -- quotes Wayne Anderson, dean of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Baltimore Sun, Feb. 27, article reports that researchers at UB have found that a part of the brain associated with vision may be involved in tinnitus.

Baltimore Sun, Feb. 16, article reports on UB research that shows a link between sleep disorders and risk of stroke.

Miami Herald, Feb. 16, article reports that sleep disorders are linked to stroke risk and quotes Adnan Qureshi, assistant professor of neurosurgery.

Miami Herald, Feb. 8, article reports that research conducted at UB has shown that poor oral health may have an impact on lung health, and quotes Frank Scannapieco, associate professor of oral biology.

Christian Science Monitor, Feb. 28, article on the number of colleges and universities that require students to take a class in diversity in order to graduate notes that UB has one of the oldest requirements, "American Pluralism and the Search for Equality."

Los Angeles Times, Feb. 10, article on political scientists' incorrect predictions that Al Gore would win the 2000 presidential election quotes James Campbell.

Los Angeles Times, Feb. 5, article quotes Adnan Qureshi on his research that links cocaine use with heart attack in young people.

Newsday, Feb. 14, article on plans to construct a Love Canal museum notes that UB is one of three repositories of the materials that would go into it.

(Albany) Times Union, Feb. 18, article looks at the after-effects of a student who brought 18 bombs and two guns to his school in Elmira quotes Charles Ewing, professor of law.

Syracuse Herald-American, Feb. 18, article on a student who brought 18 bombs and two guns to his Elmira school quotes Charles Ewing.

The (Syracuse) Post-Standard, Feb. 28, article profiles Oren Lyons, professor, Center for the Americas, and reports the Native American Service Agency of Upstate New York is establishing an award in his name.

(Rochester) Daily Record, Feb. 22, Page One, article on the American Mock Trial Association's 2001 regional tournament at the University of Rochester notes that students from UB were among the competitors.

(Raleigh, N.C.) Business Journal, Feb. 23, article on economic prospects for the Western New York information-technology sector quotes Dan Ryan, director of Career Planning and Placement.

The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Press, Feb. 2, article on a link between oral health and lung disease quotes Frank Scannapieco.

Evansville Courier & Press, Feb. 26, article reports that people who snore or have excessive daytime sleepiness are at increased risk of stroke and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

(San Jose/Silicon Valley) Business Journal, Feb. 16, article on the importance of math skills in the high-tech industry quotes Michael Ryan, professor of chemical engineering.

The San Diego Tribune-Union, Feb. 5, article reports on research conducted at UB that shows a link between oral health and lung disease, and quotes Frank Scannapieco.

Wire Services

Associate Press Newswires, Feb. 24, article on a family that catalogued photos depicting African American history in Buffalo from the 1940s to the present quotes Barbara Seals Nevergold, coordinator of student support services at the Educational Opportunity Center.

Associated Press Newswires, Feb. 17, article on a student who brought 18 bombs and two guns to his Elmira school quotes Charles Ewing.

Associated Press Newswires, Feb. 13, article on plans to build a museum chronicling the Love Canal environmental disaster reports that some of the materials for the museum would come from UB.

Associated Press Newswires, Feb. 5, article on a meeting of the Upstate Alliance for Innovation notes that UB is a member of the group.


U.S. News & World Report, Feb. 26, article reports that people who snore have increased risk of stroke and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

Redbook, February 2001, article on children's ear infections reports that researchers at UB have begun using a laser to drain fluid from the middle ear in order to diagnose the source of the infection and reduce the use of antibiotics.

Parade, Feb. 18, article reports on research conducted at UB that shows that periodontal disease increases your risk of stroke.

Crain's New York Business, Feb. 26, "Government Alert" column reports that the state's five academic dental centers -- including the School of Dental Medicine -- are lobbying lawmakers for a major boost in state aid for uncompensated care.

Federal Technology Report, article on federal plans to increase research-and-development funding for assistive technologies quotes Joseph Lane, director of the UB Center for Assistive Technologies.

Drug Week, Feb. 9, article reports that UB researchers have found a protein in tarantula venom that might prevent heart arythmias and quotes Frederick Sachs, professor of physiology and biophysics.

Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, article reports that persistent overeating by the obese generates massive free radical load and initiates atherosclerosis, and quotes Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine.

Health & Medicine Week, Feb. 12, article reports that a study by UB oral biologists has found an association between chronic respiratory disease and oral health, and quotes Frank Scannapieco.

Health & Medicine Week, Feb. 12, article reports that one-quarter of non-fatal heart attacks among people under the age of 45 can be attributed to regular cocaine use, and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

Diabetes Care, February 2001, article by Sanna Thompson, assistant professor of social work, compares single-mother and two-parent families on metabolic control of children with diabetes.

Heart Disease Weekly, Feb. 18, article reports that a UB study has shown that 25 percent of non-fatal heart attacks among young people can be attributed to regular cocaine use and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

Heart Disease Weekly, Feb. 9, article reports that UB biophysicists have found a protein in tarantula venom that may prevent atrial fibrillation and quotes Frederick Sachs.

Heart Disease Weekly, Feb. 4, article reports that endocrinologists at UB have pinpointed one of the mechanisms that place the obese at higher risk of atherosclerosis and subsequent heart attack, and quotes Paresh Dandona.

Energy Times, February 2001, article on preserving brain power quotes Jerrold Winter, professor of pharmacology and toxicology, on the effectiveness of ginkgo biloba on boosting brain performance.

American Theatre, Feb. 1, 2001, article reports that Maria Horne, associate professor of theatre and dance, has received a grant to participate in the IV World Congress of University Theatre in Krakow, Poland.

Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly, Feb. 26, article reports that researchers at the Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) have shown that adolescents who use alcohol and cigarettes concurrently are at increased risk of personal and social problems.

Biotech Week, Feb. 7, article reports that a specific protein from the venom of a Chilean tarantula may prevent atrial fibrillation, and quotes Frederick Sachs.

Boston Parents' Paper, February 2001, article reports that American Sign Language was introduced in the fall of 2000 to children enrolled in UB's Early Childhood Research Center.

IIE Transactions, Feb. 1, article on supply chain systems is written by Natalie Simpson, assistant professor of management science and systems.

Bottom Line-Personal, Feb. 1, article on the link between diet and skin cancer quotes Harvey Arbesman, clinical assistant professor of dermatology and social and preventive medicine.


Toronto Star, Feb. 25, article on a new birdseed that squirrels won't eat quotes Joseph Dunn, research associate professor of oral biology, who created the produce.

Toronto Star, Feb. 21, article on the possibility that the Vancouver Grizzlies NBA franchise might move to Buffalo quotes Arun Jain, professor and chair of the Department of Marketing and Capen Professor of Marketing Research.

Toronto Star, Feb. 16, article reports researchers at UB have found that daytime sleepiness is linked with an increased risk of stroke.

Toronto Star, Feb. 3, article on the 50th anniversary of "Catcher in the Rye" quotes Leslie Fiedler, SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Samuel Clemens Chair in the Department of English.

Belfast (Ireland) News Letter, Feb. 16, article reports that UB researchers have found that people who snore or regularly feel drowsy are at increased risk of stroke.

(London) Daily Mail, Feb. 16, article reports that scientists at UB have reported that snoring or regularly feeling sleepy during the day is linked to an increased risk of stroke.

The (London) Mirror, Feb. 16, article reports that people who snore or who often feel drowsy during the day may have a higher risk of stroke, and quotes Adnan Qureshi.


National Public Radio

"Talk of the Nation" segment includes interview with Michel Bruneau, professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering and deputy director of the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER).

Great Lakes Radio Consortium

Interview with Kenton Stewart, professor of biological sciences, on his research in the freeze-thaw cycles of lakes.

Wisconsin Public Radio

Interview with Hank Bromley, associate professor of educational leadership and policy and director of the Center for the Study of Technology in Education, on the economic implications of virtual education.


Discovery Channel

Segment titled "An Earthquake in New York?" includes interview with Andrea Dargush, project staff associate at MCEER.

Segment looks at the international postal efforts of UB's Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition.


Channel 36, Toronto

Interview with Mary Cassata, associate professor of communication, on the popularity of "reality" television shows, such as "Survivor" and "The Mole."


Australian Broadcasting Corporation online

Snoring and excessive sleepiness may increase stroke risk.


Drinking and smoking: bad mix for teens.

CBS HealthWatch

Ringing in the ears affects more than just hearing.

Christian Science Monitor online

To graduate, more schools require a class in diversity.

CNN online

Article on why younger managers may be more effective quotes C. Carl Pegels, professor of management science and systems.


Layabouts may be risking higher stroke susceptibility.


"Earthquake in New York?" includes interview with Andrea Dargush.


Interview with Kenton Stewart on lake-ice data and global warming.


Those who are regularly sleepy during the day may be at increased risk of stroke.

Study shows patients with good periodontal health breathe easier.

EE Times

Department of Defense awards nanotechnology research grants to institutions that include UB.

Excite Science News

Study: Ringing in the ears could be linked to the eyes.

Health e-Headlines

Article on drug interactions quotes Wayne Anderson.

Health News Digest

Tinnitus originates not in the ear but the brain, a new study has shown.

Genomics and proteomics research in Western New York.

Those who are regularly sleepy during the day may be at increased risk of stroke.


Sleepyheads at higher risk of stroke.

Healthy Women

Sleep habits linked to stroke risk.

HPC Wire

CCR installs new "rack 'em, stack 'em" supercomputer cluster.

Industry Week online

Article calls George W. Bush more of a CEO than a president to the nation, and quotes Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management.


Sleepyheads, snorers face risk of stroke.


Study: ringing in the ears could be linked to the eyes.

Lycos Health

Stroke: something to lose sleep over.


Brush and floss teeth to protect lungs.


Sleep habits linked to stroke risk.

The Mirror online

Snoring and excessive sleepiness may increase stroke risk.


Bad teeth and gums might exacerbate existing chronic respiratory disease

The New York Times online

A role for eyes in ringing in the ears.

On Health

Stroke: something to lose sleep over.


A new degree program in computational physics at UB could pave the way for careers designing computer games, a burgeoning field for physicists.

Reuters Health Media

Study: Ringing in the ears could be linked to the eyes

Sleep habits linked to stroke risk

Science Daily

Source of "ringing of the ears" extends beyond hearing systems.

Sleepyheads, snorers face risk of stroke.

Syracuse Herald-Journal online

Agency to unveil Lyons award; annual prize named for Onondaga Nation faithkeeper.


Using mathematics to probe why nephrons malfunction.

Washington Post online

Sleep habits linked to stroke risk.

Kicking the overmedication habit.

Web MD

A recent study conducted at UB shows that marijuana may inhibit sperm's ability to fertilize an egg.

Strokes may be more common in snorers, heavy sleepers.

Yahoo! News

Sleep habits linked to stroke risk.

Your Health

Study: ringing in the ears could be linked to the eyes.



The Buffalo News, Feb. 28, editorial on the nursing shortage in hospitals cites research conducted by Carol Brewer, associate professor of nursing, that shows the mean age of nurses is high, while the enrollment in nursing schools is declining.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 27, article on Kids Day fundraiser to benefit Children's Hospital notes that three members of UB's Sigma Delta Tau sorority -- Jessica Agoglia, Amanda Streisand and Jordana Edelstein -- sold newspapers in University Plaza.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 25, Front Page, Arts & Books, article on a poetry forum in Cuba organized through UB and involving a number of UB doctoral candidates notes organizers and participants from UB include doctoral candidate Kristin Dystra; Charles Bernstein, professor of English, David Gray Chair of Poetry and Letters and director of the Poetics Program; Jorge Guitart, professor of modern languages and literatures; Jose Buscaglia-Salgado, visiting assistant professor of modern languages and literatures and director of UB's Cuban and Caribbean programs, and students Rosa Alacala, Christopher Alexander, Joel Bettridge, Mike Kelleher, Nick Lawrence, Doug Manson, Linda Russo and Jonathan Skinner, with funding provided by the Department of English and Dennis Tedlock, James H. McNulty Chair in the Department of English.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 25, Front Page, Business, article reports that the UB Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership will host a free seminar on African-American entrepreneurship and quotes Maryanne Sullivan, CEL executive director.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 25, Front Page, City & Region, article on UB architecture students involved in a project to improve Allentown quotes Brad Wales, architecture lecturer.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 23, article reports on an upcoming concert by Stephen Manes, professor of music.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 23, article reports that Kaleida Health's administrators will move their office from 901 Washington St. to vacant space inside the health network's hospitals, and quotes President William R. Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 23, article reports that UB alumnus Leslie A. Brun has donated $1 million to UB, and quotes Brun and Lawrence Shulman, dean of the School of Social Work.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 22, article on Bristol-Myers Squibb's planned $5.5 million expansion notes that a research consortium led by UB has applied for a $25 million state grant to conduct drug research in leased laboratory space on the company's campus.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 21, coverage of the UB Council reports the group opposes a proposed state limit on student fees and quotes President Greiner and Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 18, Front Page, City & Region, article on talented local college graduates who are being recruited by out-of-town companies quotes Dan Ryan; UB student Dan Saldana; Martin Sweeney, a 2000 UB graduate, and Dean Millar, assistant dean in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 17, editorial reports that UB will receive two National Science Foundation grants totaling $10.5 million and $6 million in state funding to improve its earthquake-engineering research facilities.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 16, article reports that UB's mock trial team beat those from 21 other schools to win the National Trial Competition regionals, and quotes Deborah Scott, assistant dean in the Law School.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 15, Front Page, Business, article on the local venture capital scene quotes Larry Miller and Kristen Maher, two of three UB students who co-founded an online marketing firm called Vertical Grocer, and Eric Reich, a UB student who founded Triad Marketing.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 15, Front Page, City & Region, article reports UB and the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute will establish a department of structural biology, and quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 14, Front Page, City & Region, article on USA Today's "City with a Heart" story quotes Arthur Page, director of news services, and Sara Saldi, creative services' Web editor.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 14, Page One, article on efforts to form a Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics quotes President Greiner, Bruce Holm, senior associate vice president for research in the health sciences, and Russ Miller, director of the Center for Computational Research.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 13, Front Page, Business, article reports that UB is one of the state's biggest recipients of federal research funding, according to a survey by the National Science Foundation, and quotes Jaylan Turkkan, vice president for research.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 13, Page One, article reports that USA Today has selected Buffalo as the winner of its "City with a Heart" contest and quotes Arthur Page and Sara Saldi.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 11, article looks at Jim Hofher's efforts to build UB's football program.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 11, article on improvements to be made to the Kensington-Bailey business district notes efforts may include increased visibility of University Police and quotes John Grela, director of the department.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 11, Page One, article on rural doctors quotes Thomas Rosenthal, professor and chair of the Department of Family Medicine.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 10, "Womanscope" column reports that "Cybergrrl" Aliza Sherman will present a talk, "No Girls Allowed: Changing the Gender Landscape of the Internet," at UB.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 10, article reports that Kerry Grant, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, has been named vice provost for academic affairs and dean of the Graduate School, and quotes Provost Elizabeth D. Capaldi and Grant.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 9, Front Page, Sports, article reports on Jim Hofher's first recruiting class, and quotes Hofher.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 9, Front Page, Business Section, article reports on the annual reception of the UB Business Alliance.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 8, article on the National Girls and Women in Sports Day talk by WNBA player Sheryl Swoopes includes coverage of the women's basketball game that followed, and quotes Cheryl Dozier and players Tara Perrier and Tiffany Bell.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 7, Front Page, Sports, article profiles Cheryl Dozier, and quotes Athletics Director Bob Arkeilpane, Dozier, women's swim coach Dorsi Raynolds and players Mari McClure and Virginia Jennings.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 6, Page One, article on the success of Louisville, Kentucky's economic-development plan notes the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and the Center for Computational Research could play a similar role in Buffalo's economic development.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 6, article on the kickoff of the promotional campaign for the 2001 Pan-American Exposition Centennial Celebration notes the video for the event was created at UB.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 5, article reports that the SAT scores for freshmen enrolled in the SUNY university centers, including UB, has jumped 20 points over last year.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 4, Page One, article reports that UB has received $16.5 million in state and federal grants to build state-of-the-art earthquake engineering facilities and quotes President Greiner and Andrei Reinhorn, professor and civil, structural and environmental engineering.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, column looks at the "Uncrowned Queens" Web site, and quotes its creators, Barbara Seals Nevergold and Peggy Brooks-Bertram, associate for faculty development and fellowship programs in the Office of Public Service and Urban Affairs.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 2, Page One, article on energy costs notes this year's high prices mean an extra $4 million in expenses for UB and quotes Michael Dupre, associate vice president for university services.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 1, Front Page, Business, article on the slowdown in Western New York exports quotes Alan MacPherson, professor of geography and director of the Canada-U.S. Trade Center.

Business First, Feb. 26, Special Report: Computers & Web Design, article on distance learning quotes George Lopos, dean of Millard Fillmore College.

Business First, Feb. 26, article on UB's new ultraviolet swimming-pool-cleaning system quotes Budd Termin, men's swim coach, and Fred Smeader, manager of engineering services for facilities planning and design.

Business First, Feb. 26, article on doing in-depth research on the Web quotes John Ellison, associate professor of library and information studies.

Business First, Feb. 19, article reports UB will team with the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute to create a department of structural biology, and quotes John Wright, dean of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

Business First, Feb. 19, Special Report: Engineers Week, article on the trend toward designing "greener" buildings quotes Walter Simpson, energy officer, and Dennis Andrejko, associate professor of architecture.

Business First, Feb. 12, Health First, profile of Judy Tamburlin, research assistant professor of biotechnical and clinical laboratory sciences, and her efforts to increase organ transplant donation.

Business First, Feb. 12, Health First, "UB Medical Briefs" section includes article on how obesity affects health, with quotes by Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine; the link between dental hygiene and lung disease, with quotes by Frank Scannapieco and the role tarantula venom may play in aiding heart problems, with quotes by Frederick Sachs.

Business First, Feb. 5, article reports the Division of Athletics has launched its annual scholarship drive with the goal of raising $500,000, and quotes Bob Arkeilpane.



WBFO Radio

Erie County Executive Joel Giambra comments on health-care and the problem of having too many hospitals.

Bill Evitts, visiting associate professor of history, wonders if there are any clear differences anymore between Democrats and Republicans.

Jim Twombly, assistant dean for educational technology in the College of Arts and Sciences, will announce his candidacy for Amherst Town Board today.

Joseph Hoffman of the RIA comments on a study on teens and alcohol and cigarettes.

Aliza Sherman will give a lecture on the technology gender divide.

UB researchers have found that people who snore or feel sleepy during the day are at increased risk of stroke.

UB and the Hauptman-Woodward Research Institute have announced a 10-year collaboration that will put Buffalo in the forefront of the evolving field of structural biology.

Leslie Brun, a 1974 graduate of the School of Social Work, has given UB a $1 million gift.

Beverly Sanford, associate director of the Institute for LocalGovernance and Regional Growth, comments on an article in USA Today that ranks Buffalo as the city with the most heart.

UB's African American studies department is celebrating its 30th anniversary.

The UB Business Alliance says its services to local businesses have helped retain 8,000 jobs while creating 600 new ones.

Kerry Grant will become the new vice provost for academic affairs, as well as dean of the Graduate School.

Lewis Mandell has some thoughts on what the United States can expect from its first MBA president.

A contingent of some 60 UB administrators, faculty and alumni are heading to Albany for UB Day at the state capitol.

UB alumnus Jeffrey Wigand discusses the movie "The Insider" and his role in bringing down the tobacco companies.

UB is getting $16.5 million in federal and state funding to improve its earthquake-engineering facilities.

Interview with James Meindl, professor of organization and human resources, on the charisma factor.

WBEN Radio

RIA study shows that teenagers who use both alcohol and cigarettes are at increased risk of personal and social problems.

Interview with Charles Ewing on violence and young people.

Andrea Dargush comments on earthquake tremors in the Southern Tier.

UB Department of Geology mascot Ridge Lea Larry did not see his shadow today.


RIA study shows that teens who use alcohol and cigarettes are at increased risk of personal and social problems.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Segment on the effectiveness during earthquakes of shock absorbers for buildings mentions MCEER.

Segment looks at inventions created in the UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences that are on exhibit at the Buffalo Museum of Science.

Story on efforts being made to attract the Olympic track trials to Buffalo mentions UB Stadium.

Coverage of Battle Bots competition held at UB.

Interview with James Pappas, associate professor and chair of the Department of African American Studies, on an exhibit in the Burchfield Penney Art center.

Highlights of the men's basketball game against Eastern Michigan.

Coach Jim Hofher discusses football recruits for the 2001 season.

Segment on the demand for teachers quotes Terry Gates, associate professor of learning and instruction and director of the Teacher Education Institute.

Interview with Jim Twombly on Buffalo visit by state Comptroller Carl McCall, who has indicated he will run for governor.

Story on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) quotes William Pelham, professor of psychology.

Results of the men's basketball game against Akron and the women's basketball game against Marshall.

Segment reports UB has received $15 million to build a new earthquake research center.

Segment reports that Buffalo has been chosen to host the New York State Special Olympics summer games at venues that include UB Stadium.

Story on a mother's fight to get treatment for her ADHD son includes interviews with William Pelham.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Interview with Michel Bruneau on the earthquake in Seattle.

Segment on the importance of sleep quotes Daniel Rifkin, assistant professor of neurology.

Results of the women's basketball game against Bowling Green.

Interview with Chet Gary, assistant research professor of restorative dentistry, who presented a program at a Williamsville elementary school.

Results of the women's basketball game against Ohio University.

Interview with Susan Graham, associate professor of clinical medicine, on an experimental cardiac pacemaker.

Coverage of the Battle Bots competition held on the UB North Campus as part of Engineering Week.

Results of the men's basketball game against Eastern Michigan.

Head Coach Reggie Witherspoon comments on the men's basketball game against Eastern Michigan.

Results of the men's basketball game against Bowling Green and the women's basketball game against Ball State.

Interview with Jim Hofher on recruits for the 2001 season.

Results of the men's basketball game against Canisius.

Segment reports UB has received a federal grant to improve its earthquake engineering capabilities, and quotes President Greiner and Michel Bruneau.

Results of the men's basketball game against Akron and the women's basketball game against Marshall.

The "Why Guy" interviews Michael Sheridan, professor of geology, on Ridge Lea Larry and Groundhog Day.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Segment looks at a meeting on opportunities for African Americans held at the Jacobs Executive Development Center.

The UB School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences has established a joint program in pharmacology with the University of Rochester.

Segment looks at the first of two public meetings on the Great Lakes held on the UB North Campus.

Results of the men's basketball game against Toledo.

Interview with alumnus Leeland Jones, who played football for UB and was the first African American on the Buffalo Common Council.

RIA study shows that teens who use both alcohol and cigarettes have higher risk of social and personal problems.

Segment looks at a bipolar-disorder study being conducted at UB.

Interview with Charles Ewing on Timothy McVeigh.

Weather segment includes interview with members of the Buffalo Chips, UB's men's a capella group.

Women's National Basketball Association player Sheryl Swoopes gives the toss-up at the UB women's basketball game.

Jim Hofher comments on 2001 football recruits.

Segment on infertility quotes Michael Sullivan, clinical assistant professor of gynecology-obstetrics.

Results of the men's basketball game against Canisius.

UB researchers have found a connection between cocaine use and heart attack.

President Greiner discusses funding New York State is giving UB to upgrade its earthquake-engineering lab.

Results of the women's basketball game against Marshall.

Segment reports that Jamestown High School standout Aaron Leeper has signed a letter of intent to play football at UB.

Interview with UB alumnus Jeffrey Wigand on the tobacco industry and the movie "The Insider."

Live report looks at what the Department of Geography's mascot, Ridge Lea Larry, has to say about when spring will arrive.

WNLO-TV, Channel 23

Interview with Michel Bruneau on the earthquake damage in Seattle.

Segment on how using lasers to clean swimming pools helps athletes quotes Dorsi Raynolds; Bud Termin; Fred Smeader, and swimmer Michelle Briknell.

Interview with student Jeff Mahon on Battle Bots competition held at UB.

UB's earthquake-research lab receives funding to improve its facilities; segment includes quotes by President Greiner.

Segment on Groundhog Day includes mention of UB's Ridge Lea Larry.

WPXJ-TV, Channel 19

Results of the women's basketball game against Ohio University.

Story on the shutdown of Napster includes comments by UB students Stacey Reader and Eric Hoffman.

Interview with football head coach Jim Hofher on his team.


WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with LeAdelle Phelps, professor of counseling, school and educational psychology, on eliminating fatty snack foods in schools.

WHAM Radio (Rochester)

Interview with Lee Albert, professor of law, on right to privacy in the case of a man charged with growing marijuana in his house.

WLVL Radio (Lockport)

Geology department mascot Ridge Lea Larry didn't see his shadow today.