UB News 03/01

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: June 19, 2001 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of March 2001 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



USA Today, March 1, article on the effects outdated equipment and human error are having on elections quotes Ann Bisantz, assistant professor of industrial engineering.

USA Today, March 16, article on two San Francisco-area artists in a creative-rights dispute over a "Bra Ball" quotes Rachel Siegel, a graduate student in the Department of Art.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 30, article reports Ann Piech, professor of mathematics, has created "Mother Hen," a Web site designed to help students survive calculus.

The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 30, article on the Holy Land amusement park in Florida quotes Judy Adams-Volpe, director of Lockwood Library.

The Washington Post, March 25, "Unconventional Wisdom" column quotes Paul Dholakia, assistant professor of marketing, on the "herd behavior" among online auction buyers.

The Washington Post, March 7, article on the shooting at San Diego's Santana High School quotes Charles Ewing, professor of law.

Washington Times, March 12, article on new legislation to aid the disabled notes a number of new products for the handicapped have been created by organizations that include the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology Transfer at UB.

Christian Science Monitor, March 19, article on selling to seniors quotes Arun Jain, professor and chair of marketing and Samuel P. Capen Chair of Marketing Research.

Philadelphia Inquirer, March 18, "On Books" column looks at new scholarly book by Carrie Tirado Braman, associate professor of English.

Atlanta Constitution, March 13, "Healthy Living" column cites research conducted at UB that shows that patients with periodontal disease may be at greater risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Atlanta Constitution, March 8, article on alternative spring break and students who spend their vacation volunteering to help others quotes UB social-work students Vincent Roberto and Jennifer Frimpong, who were working in Georgia as part of International Habitat for Humanity's "Collegiate Challenge" program.

New York Post, March 11, article on the controversy over television psychic John Edward quotes Paul Kurtz, professor emeritus of philosophy.

New York Blade News, March 9, letter from the founding president of the Gay Liberation Front at UB recounts the group's efforts in 1971 to organize the first march for gay rights on a state capital.

Newsday, March 11, column on teenagers, school shootings and young people's reluctance to rat on their friends quotes Charles Ewing.

(Albany) Times Union, March 25, article on excessive spending by the University at Albany Student Association that left the organization in debt notes that at UB, student fees pay for an on-campus accounting agency that keeps track of the books.

(Albany) Times Union, March 13, article on the school shooting at Santana High School quotes Charles Ewing.

The Hartford Courant, March 13, Medical Frontiers column reports UB researchers have found that a bacterium newly implicated in tooth decay is not as virulent as a previously identified cavity-inducing germ.

Allentown Morning Call, March 4, article on the future of assistive technology quotes Kathy Stanton, research support specialist in UB's Center for Assistive Technology.

Richmond Times-Dispatch, March 5, article reports that a study by UB researchers has shown that when overweight people overeat, they generate a free-radical overload that leads to clogged arteries and heart attack.

Chicago Sun-Times, March 12, article on the 2000 census, which let people identify themselves by more than one racial identity, quotes Martin Burger, assistant professor of art history.

(Chicago) City Talk, March 2, article on the new and promising drugs being derived from secretions and substances produced by animals notes UB researchers have found spider venom may be useful in treating atrial fibrillation and quotes Frederick Sachs, professor of physiology and biophysics.

The Dallas Morning News, March 10, article on recent school shootings in Santee, Calif., and Williamsport, Pa., quotes Charles Ewing.

The Idaho Statesman, March 27, article on the amount of pollution generated by snowmobiles in Yellowstone National Park reports that UB students designed a clean, quiet machine as part of the Clean Snowmobile Challenge.

Winnipeg Free Press, March 19, article on the hazards of smoking marijuana notes a UB study that shows it slows sperm and quotes Herbert Schuel, professor of anatomical sciences.

The (Portland) Oregonian, March 29, article on a new, upscale grocery store that will open next year quotes Arun Jain.

Seattle Times, March 11, article on contest to build a better snowmobile notes students from UB were among those competing.

Wire Services

AP Newswires, March 25, article on the pollution problems that snowmobiles are causing in Yellowstone National Park reports that as part of Society of Automotive Engineers' Clean Snowmobile Challenge, UB students designed a cleaner, quieter snowmobile.


Newsweek, March 19, article on the shooting at Santana High School in California quotes Charles Ewing.

Parade, March 18, article on job rage quotes Charles Ewing.

New Scientist, March 31, article on deep-water "freediving" quotes Claes Lundgren, professor of physiology and director of the Center for Research and Education in Special Environments.

O, the Oprah Magazine, March 2001, article on the cultural definitions of beauty quotes Beth Cohen, director of the Psychological Services Center.

The Lancet, March 10, article reports that gene transfer among bacteria in dental plaque can transform harmless organisms into virulent ones and quotes Bingyan Wang, a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Oral Biology.

Physician's Weekly, March 12, article reports that UB researchers have found a link between daytime sleepiness and increased risk of stroke, and quotes Adnan Qureshi, assistant professor of neurosurgery.

Heart Disease Weekly, March 18, article reports that mathematics research at UB suggests a link between chaotic oscillations in the kidneys and hypertension, and quotes Bruce Pitman, vice provost for educational technology.

Health & Medicine Week, March 19, article reports that post-traumatic stress disorder patients damage their teeth through involuntary grinding and clenching and quotes Sebastian Ciancio, professor and chair of periodontics and endodontics.

Health & Medicine Week, March 19, article reports cigarette smoking increases the risk of brain hemorrhage even after the smoker quits and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

Women's Health Weekly, March 22, article reports that quitting smoking doesn't erase risk of brain hemorrhage and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

Genomics & Genetics Weekly, March 23, article reports that a variation in the gene for fibrinogen is associated with severe gum disease and quotes Ernesto De Nardin, associate professor of oral biology and microbiology.

Genomics & Genetics Weekly, March 23, article reports that unrelated oral bacteria can transfer genes and quotes Howard Kuramitsu, professor of oral biology and microbiology.

Engineering News Record, March 5, article reports that UB has been awarded $16.5 million in federal and state funding to improve its earthquake-engineering research facility.

American Political Science Review, March 2001, article on forecasts for the 2000 presidential election is written by James Campbell, professor of political science.

American Political Science Review, March 2001, review of a book that looks at international peace negotiations is written by Paul Senese, assistant professor of political science.

Dog Fancy, March 2001, Health Briefs column reports that research conducted at UB shows that owning a dog helps manage stress and quotes Karen Allen, assistant professor of medicine.

Energy Times, March 2001, article on fitness myths and realities quotes Luc Gosselin, assistant professor of physical therapy, exercise and nutrition sciences.

Indianapolis Prime Time, March 2001, article on universal design notes that a study conducted by UB researchers showed that cost of care was lower in homes equipped with assistive devices.


The Scotsman, March 6, article reports that UB researchers have found that people who sleep more than eight hours a night may be at increased risk of stroke.

The Irish Times, March 30, article reports the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland will send Irish and other European students to UB to study crystallography and genome research.

The Hindu, March 22, article reports that UB researchers have found a second bacterium that may cause tooth decay.


About: Parent Special Needs

School-shooting tragedy might have been avoided if threats had been taken seriously.

Albany Times Union online

Most SUNY schools have student government fees, and oversight of the groups varies from campus to campus.

BBC News

Volcanoes on Mars may be active.

CBC News

Quest for proof of Martian water continues.

Chicago Sun Times online

Article on the 2000 census' option to choose more than one racial category quotes Martin Berger.

CNN online

Mars volcanoes possibly still active.


Variation in gene for fibrinogen associated with severe gum disease.

Second bacterium confirmed as cause of tooth decay.

UB oral biologists demonstrate gene transfer between unrelated oral bacteria.

PTSD patients damage teeth through involuntary grinding and clinching, study finds.

Health eHeadlines

The habit that keeps on giving: quitting smoking doesn't erase increased risk of brain hemorrhage.

Health News Digest

Childhood obesity has doubled in a generation; too much TV, too little activity are to blame, study shows.

Gum disease: a variation in a gene.

Tooth decay: second bacterium confirmed

Health Scout

Tooth troubles linked to severe stress: Anxiety often leads to grinding, clenching.

Study shows bacteria in your mouth swap DNA and create even nastier germs.

Some tinnitus sufferers may one day find relief because new research shows the brain, not the ear, may be at fault.

Healthy Women

Post-traumatic stress linked to tooth erosion.


Important genomics research will be done in Western New York.

Lycos Health

Gargle away that nasty habit.


Blood-clotting gene linked to gum disease.

On Health

Gargle away that nasty habit


NASA says volcanoes are active on Mars.

Reuters Health online

Blood-clotting gene linked to gum disease.

Post-traumatic stress linked to tooth erosion.

Science Daily

Mars' volcanoes may have melted ice, producing water necessary for "life" on Red Planet.

Scientific American online

Oral bacteria swap genes.

Seattle Times online

Students craft better snowmobiles.


Scientists evaluate a "new Mars."

Space Ref: Your Space Reference

Martian volcanoes still may be active.

The Chronicle of Higher Education online

At UB, a Web site helps students survive calculus.

Article on the Holy Land amusement park in Florida quotes Judy Adams-Volpe.

The Irish Times on the Web

Movement along the "Atlantic corridor" is picking up thanks to strategic partnerships with companies in upstate New York.

The Oregonian online

Article on local supermarket growth includes quote by Arun Jain.


Two old Mars volcanoes hint at possibility of life.

High plasma fibrinogen linked to severe gum disease.

Oral bacteria can exchange genes, become resistant.

The Washington Post online

Article on online auctions such as eBay quotes Paul Dholakia.

Article on the shooting at Santana High School quotes Charles Ewing.

Web MD

New mouthrinse may help smokers quit - and keep breath minty fresh.

Yahoo! Health

There's a swap meet going on inside your mouth, and the exchange could harm your dental health.

Your Health

Blood-clotting gene linked to gum disease.

Post-traumatic stress linked to tooth erosion.



The Buffalo News, March 30, article quotes Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa, associate professor of medicine, on the prevalence of asthma among children who live in Cheektowaga's Bellevue section.

The Buffalo News, March 29, "My View" column on the energy crisis is written by Walter Simpson, UB energy officer.

The Buffalo News, March 29, article on a student movement protesting destruction of the nation's forests by the pulp and paper industry and, in particular, the retailer Staples quotes student Jason Brady and Judith Miller, director of procurement services.

The Buffalo News, March 25, Front Page, City & Region, update on the illnesses in the Hickory Woods housing development quotes John Vena, professor of social and preventive medicine, and Joseph Gardella, professor of chemistry.

The Buffalo News, March 25, Front Page, City & Region, photo of a couple dancing at a retirement community's "senior prom" notes the event was sponsored by the Phi Eta Sigma fraternity at UB.

The Buffalo News, March 25, Front Page, Business, article reports that state officials are on the verge of investing millions of dollars at UB to build a bioinformatics hub, quotes Bruce Holm, senior associate vice president for research in the health sciences, and Russ Miller, director of the Center for Computational Research, and notes that a bioinformatics center would be important to the work of scientists such as Lawrence Jacobs, professor of neurology.

The Buffalo News, March 25, article reports that the School of Management will offer a master's degree in Management Information Systems in the fall and quotes Ram Ramesh, professor of management science and systems, and John Della Contrada, director of communications for the school.

The Buffalo News, March 22, Front Page, Sports, article reports that the men's basketball team has been placed on two years' probation for NCAA violations, and quotes President William R. Greiner, Bob Arkeilpane, director of athletics, and men's head coach Reggie Witherspoon.

The Buffalo News, March 22, Front Page, Sports, column on the NCAA sanctions imposed on the men's basketball team quotes President Greiner and criticizes his role in the sanctions.

The Buffalo News, March 21, article reports that Art Gallery director Al Harris will leave UB to become director of the Bemis Center for Contemporary Art in Omaha, Neb., and quotes Harris.

The Buffalo News, March 21, Page One, article looks at the effect the region's declining population could have on business marketing efforts and quotes Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management.

The Buffalo News, March 20, "My View" column on legislation that would authorize drilling for petroleum in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is written by Paul Reitan, professor emeritus of geology.

The Buffalo News, March 19, article on "urban-renewal" programs in the suburbs quotes Henry Louis Taylor, director of the Center for Urban Studies.

The Buffalo News, March 18, column on the closing of the local catalog showroom chain Brand Names quotes Arun Jain.

The Buffalo News, March 18, Page One, article on redistricting that may occur based on the 2000 census quotes James Campbell.

The Buffalo News, March 17, article reports on talk by Henry Louis Taylor, who was guest speaker during the Youth Planning Council's weekly forum.

The Buffalo News, March 16, column on a change to the state building code that will make it possible to convert older buildings into apartments quotes Robert Shibley, professor of architecture.

The Buffalo News, March 16, article reports that Reginald Garner has been named executive director of the Office of Urban Initiatives at UB, and quotes Henry Louis Taylor.

The Buffalo News, March 15, Front Page, City & Region, article provides coverage of Distinguished Speakers Series lecture by Sidney Poitier.

The Buffalo News, March 13, article on cosmetic dentistry notes that the School of Dental Medicine keeps the area saturated with new dentists, and quotes Arun Jain.

The Buffalo News, March 12, article reports that the State University of New York is transforming its two-year agriculture and technology colleges into four-year colleges.

The Buffalo News, March 12, sports column calls the women's basketball team's MAC Conference tournament loss to Akron devastating to the UB women and a major setback to the entire athletic program.

The Buffalo News, March 12, article reports UB geologists have found new evidence that life as we understand it on Earth once may have existed on Mars, and quotes Tracy Gregg, assistant professor of geology.

The Buffalo News, March 11, article reports a group of UB graduate students are participating in International Habitat for Humanity's "Collegiate Challenge" and quotes students Jennifer Frimpong and Vincent Roberto.

The Buffalo News, March 11, Page One, article on the one-year anniversary of a politician's decision to quit drinking following four arrests on drunken-driving charges quotes Paul Stasiewicz, senior research scientist and clinic director at the Research Institute on Addictions.

The Buffalo News, March 11, Front Page, Arts & Entertainment, interview with Sidney Poitier notes he will speak at UB as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

The Buffalo News, March 9, article reports that the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the University of Rochester medical school are forming a new clinical pharmacology unit, and quotes Wayne Anderson, dean of the pharmacy school.

The Buffalo News, March 7, article reports that Charles Stinger, senior associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and professor of history, has been named interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Buffalo News, March 7, column on the school shooting at Santana High School quotes Tom Frantz, associate professor of counseling and psychology.

The Buffalo News, March 5, Page One, article on the census and how to count those traditionally overlooked in the population rolls quotes Peter Rogerson, professor of geography.

The Buffalo News, March 4, article reports a public forum on Buffalo school reform will be held in UB's Educational Opportunity Center and is coordinated by the Graduate School of Education and it's Urban Education Institute; the article also reports that UB will hold its ninth annual Graduate Student Association Research Symposium.

The Buffalo News, March 4, review of work by poet Max Wickert notes the associate professor of English will read from his work that day.

The Buffalo News, March 3, Page One, article profiles Provost Elizabeth Capaldi, and quotes Kerry Grant, vice provost for academic affairs and dean of the Graduate School, Monica Monyo, president of the undergraduate Student Association, President Greiner and Peter Nickerson, chair of the Faculty Senate.

The Buffalo News, March 3, Front Page, City & Region, article on efforts by Sen. Hillary Clinton to address upstate New York's flagging economy include a photo at a press stop of the senator, Rep. John LaFalce and Elizabeth Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, March 2, article reports that UB Law School students will publish the first Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal and quotes student Dariush Keyhani.

The Buffalo News, March 1, Front Page, Business, article on a seminar for African-American entrepreneurs hosted by UB quotes Henry Taylor and Lewis Mandell.

Business First, March 26, article on the Engineering Opportunities Program quotes Michael Ryan, professor of chemical engineering and associate dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Business First, March 26, article on new bankruptcy laws quotes James Wooten, associate professor of law.

Business First, March 26, article on partnerships that could lead to the formation of a medical campus in downtown Buffalo includes the creation of the Department of Structural Biology, as well as a proposal for a research park on the South Campus.

Business First, March 26, article reports that the men's basketball program has been placed on two years probation by the NCAA, and quotes President Greiner.

Business First, March 26, article reports that UB has received a $200,000 grant from AT&T to support its new master's degree program in information and communication.

Business First, March 19, article reports the Blue & White Club has received pledges of $504,870 in support of the Athletics program.

Business First, March 19, article on the demise of Brand Names quotes Arun Jain.

Business First, March 12, article reports that UB alumnus Stephen Walsh and his wife Janet have pledged $250,000 to the Division of Athletics.

Business First, March 12, article reports UB and the University of Rochester have established a clinical pharmacology unit.

Business First, March 5, article on brownfields redevelopment quotes A. Scott Weber, professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering and director of UB's Center for Integrated Waste Management.

Amherst Bee, March 7, article on B's new ultraviolet pool filtration system quotes Budd Termin, men's head swimming coach, Fred Smeader, manager of engineering services in Facilities Planning and Design, and student athletes Alan Lowe and Jason McLachlan.

Amherst Bee, March 7, article reports that UB has announced an increase in the level of scholarship support for academically talented students and quotes Regina Toomey, director of admissions.

The Challenger, March 28, article reports Reginald Gardner has been named executive director of the Office of Urban Initiatives.

The Challenger, March 21, article reports on Distinguished Speakers Series lecture by Sidney Poitier.

The Challenger, March 21, article reports on a summit on African-American entrepreneurship held by the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Challenger, March 14, article reports the Graduate School of Education and its Urban Education Institute will sponsor Urban Education Month.

The Challenger, March 7, article reports that Sidney Poitier will speak at UB as part of its Distinguished Speakers Series.



WBFO Radio

Some UB students protested to urge the university not to renew its office supplies contract with Staples because the company's policies, they say, are not environmentally friendly.

A new study by a UB marketing professor finds people bidding online at sites such as eBay may be missing the best buys.

A national group that promotes early childhood education has granted accreditation to UB's Child Care Centers on the North and South campuses.

Charles Ewing discusses the latest threat of school violence at Eden High School.

Legendary saxophonist Odean Pope as brought together eight of Buffalo's finest saxophone players for a special performance in Allen Hall.

The NCAA has placed the men's basketball team on two years' probation following an investigation into recruiting, scouting and practice violations.

A public forum coordinated by the Graduate School of Education looks at reforming the troubled Buffalo school system.

Listener-commentator Frank Mendel, vice chair of pathology and anatomical sciences, looks at a U.S. Census report that shows the nation's population grew at a higher rate than first forecast during the 1990s.

Wolfgang Wölck, SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Linguistics, looks at Buffalo's distinctive vocal identity.

Oral biologists at UB say they have discovered a way in which organisms in the mouth can be transformed from harmless to destructive.

New research from UB finds that people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder have more dental problems.

UB researchers have identified a second strain of bacteria that causes dental decay.

UB energy officer Walter Simpson says he hopes the Bush administration will reconsider plans for oil drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.

UB earthquake-engineering researchers discuss the temblor in the Seattle area.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Thomas Nochajski, research scientist at the Research Institute on Addictions, on a DWI project.

Interview with Charles Ewing on the school shooting in California.


Interview with Paul Stasiewicz on National Alcohol Screening Day.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Interview with Aaron Leeper, High School Football Player of the Year, who has signed to play with the Bulls.

Segment on the announcement that the men's basketball program has been placed on probation for two years includes comments by President Greiner.

Football coach Jim Hofher discusses training camp and the Bulls' upcoming practices.

Sidney Poitier speaks at UB as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

Arun Jain comments on the closing of Brand Names.

Interview with Jenifer Lawrence, assistant dean of the Graduate School of Education, on grief counseling and people's reactions to tragedies.

Story on the use of teaching assistants includes interviews with John Boot, professor and chair of management science and systems, Kerry Grant, vice provost for academic affairs and dean of the Graduate School, and teaching assistant Parag Patel.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Interview with Sanjay Sethi, assistant professor of medicine, on a study that will look at the role of infections in lung disease.

Coverage of the "Senior Prom" held in Canterbury Wood retirement community that was sponsored by a UB fraternity.

Segment looks at a master class presented by violinist Elmar Oliveira in Slee Hall.

Interview with football player Joe Freedy and Andre Forde on the start of the Bulls spring practice.

Segment on NCAA sanctions to the men's basketball program includes interviews with President Greiner.

The NCAA will announce sanctions to the men's basketball team tomorrow.

Interview with Steven Piver, professor of gynecology/obstetrics, on the results of a study on hormone replacement therapy.

UB students are among those who spent spring break building a house for Habitat for Humanity.

Interview with head football coach Jim Hofher.

Story reports that a UB study has shown that the number of overweight children has more than doubled in a generation and is linked to excessive television watching.

Sidney Poitier speaks at UB as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

Segment previews the Buffalo Suzuki Strings performance to be held in the Center for the Arts.

Story on the possibility that Toronto might host the 2008 Summer Olympics notes that UB could be a possible site for some of the games.

Interview with Charles Ewing on the school shooting in Santee, California.

Results of the women's basketball game against Akron.

Segment on the earthquake in Washington State mentions UB's Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Coverage of the student musical-theater production of "Nine."

Segment reports the School of Nursing is recruiting women with lung cancer for a study.

Coverage of meeting to discuss the plan to move Children's Hospital includes interview with Patricia Duffner, interim chair of neurology.

Segment looks at "Physics is Phun" program held on the North Campus.

Interview with Jan Novak, clinical professor of medicine, on how the main ingredient in Tylenol can cause liver damage if overused.

Interviews with President Greiner and Reggie Witherspoon following the announcement that the NCAA has put the UB men's basketball program on probation for scouting violations and unethical conduct.

Story looks at a study on obese children.

Interview with football coach Jim Hofher, defensive coordinator Thurmund Moore and player Andre Forde on next year's team.

Football player Joe Freedy discusses training camp.

Segment looks at the Distinguished Speakers Series lecture by Sidney Poitier, and includes interview with UB student Jim Williams.

The Bulls have announced their 2001 football schedule.

Results of the men's basketball game against Ohio University.

Preview of the men's basketball game against Ohio University.

Segment reports on a new study that sheds light on why tinnitus is so difficult to treat.

WNLO-TV, Channel 23

UB fraternity sponsors "senior prom" for residents of a retirement community.

Segment on a new report on ovarian cancer and estrogen replacement therapy includes interview with Steven Piver.

WPXJ-TV, Channel 19

Local dancers and professionals team up for a performance in the Center for the Arts.

Interview with President Greiner and Reggie Witherspoon following announcement that the NCAA has placed the men's basketball program on two years' probation.

Coverage of the lecture by Sidney Poitier.

Interview with Arun Jain on the closing of Brand Names.

Interview with Jenifer Lawrence on grief counseling and how people react to tragedies.