UB News 04/01

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: July 5, 2001 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of April 2001 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



USA Today, poetry column reports that UB's Electronic Poetry Center will host an e-poetry festival.

The Wall Street Journal, April 30, article ranks UB's MBA program 43rd in the world - 37th in the nation - based on a survey of corporate recruiters.

Christian Science Monitor, April 16, article on the new foods that are available in the frozen food section of the grocery store quotes Arun Jain, professor and chair of marketing and Samuel P. Capen chair of marketing research.

The New York Times, April 26, article looks at the "herd mentality" of online auction shoppers and quotes Paul Dholakia, assistant professor of marketing.

The New York Times, April 17, article about a book on sobriety quotes Lorraine Collins, principal investigator at the Research Institute on Addictions.

The New York Times (Westchester County edition), April 8, article on where students from Westchester College go to college reports that among SUNY schools, UB ranked sixth.

The Washington Post, column on what political-science scholars learned from their mispredictions about the 2000 presidential election quotes James Campbell, professor of political science.

Los Angeles Times, April 8, article on employee evaluations quotes Jerry Newman, professor of organization and human resources.

Boston Globe, April 9, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

The (Bergen, N.J.) Record, April 9, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

(Newark, N.J.) Sunday Star-Ledger, April 15, article on the increasing quantity of carry-on baggage people are taking on airplanes quotes Mark Gottdiener, professor and chair of sociology.

The (Charlotte) News & Observer, April 9, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

Charleston Gazette, April 16, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 9, column on the political predictions for the 2000 presidential election quotes James Campbell.

The Columbus Dispatch, April 25, letter to the editor corrects a columnist's claim that Leslie Fiedler, SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Samuel Clemens Professor of English, is British.

Dayton Daily News, April 10, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

The Grand Rapids Press, April 8, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

The Milwaukee Journal, April 8, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

The Baton Rouge Advocate, April 23, article about a class that teaches teenagers about money management notes the UB School of Management queried students in 1997 and again in 2000 to test their knowledge of personal finance.

Dallas Morning News, April 8, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

The Idaho Statesman, April 8, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

Tulsa World, April 8, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

Denver Post, April 8, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

Denver Post, April 4, article on a competition to produce cleaner, quieter, more fuel-efficient snowmobiles reports a team of students from UB was among the winners.

The Arizona Republic, April 24, article looks at the "herd mentality" of online auction shoppers and quotes Paul Dholakia.

Arizona Senior World, April 2001, article on the impact of exercise on the elderly reports a UB study has shown the benefits of endurance training.

The Seattle Times, April 8, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

(Rochester) Daily Record, April 12, article by Robert Reis, professor of law, looks at how technology has changed the way information is stored and distributed in legal education.

(Tampa) Business Journal, April 6, profile of the author Warren Bennis notes he is a former UB provost.

Antiques & the Arts Weekly, April 27, article on the influence Japanese aesthetics had on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright includes a photo from the UB Archives.

Antique Week (Central edition), April 23, article reports on research conducted by Paul Dholakia that shows that online auction users are more likely to bid on an item that already has received another bid.

Wire Services

PR Newswire, April 23, article reports that Jeff Morley, clinical associate professor of restorative dentistry, is the recipient of the 2001 American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) award for outstanding cosmetic dentistry.

Associated Press Newswire, April 26, article reports that UB received the bronze medal for excellence in news writing from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

Associated Press Newswire, April 20, article reports that UB is among a group of colleges and universities that is helping to make national parks more energy efficient.

Ascribe News, April 20, article reports that students at nine universities, including UB, are helping national parks become "greener."

Business Wire, April 9, article on a survey of the financial literacy of teens notes Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management, conducted the research.

U.S. Newswire, April 9, article on the teenagers' lack of financial understanding quotes Lewis Mandell.

PR Newswire, April 3, article on a competition to develop a cleaner, quieter, more fuel-efficient snowmobile reports a team of UB students was among the winners.

Broadcast News (Canada), April 1, article reports that UB researchers have developed an artificial skin that promotes healing.


U.S. News & World Report, April 16, article reports on research by Paul Dholakia that shows that online-auction shoppers tend to use a herd mentality in judging the quality of what they're buying, driving up item costs and ignoring equal or superior items.

U.S. News & World Report, April 9, "Best Graduate Schools" list of the Top 50 law schools in the nation ranks the UB Law School among its second tier of institutions.

Prevention, April 2001, article on the effectiveness of taking vitamin E supplements quotes Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine.

Los Angeles Magazine, April 2001, article on breathing cites a UB study linking lung function and longevity.

Blood Weekly, April 12, article reports that an artificial skin that promotes healing has been developed by researchers at UB.

Federal Technology Report, April 5, article reports that federal laboratories are working with rehabilitation engineers, private companies and universities, including UB, to find new technologies that could become "hearing enhancement" products for people with hearing loss.

Pain & Central Nervous System Weekly, April 14, article reports that UB researchers have developed an artificial skin that promotes healing.

Diabetes Forecast, April 2001, article reports on research being conducted by Teresa Quattrin, associate professor of pediatrics, that looks at the link between type 1 diabetes and osteoporosis.

Angiogenesis Weekly, April 13, article reports that researchers at UB have developed an artificial skin that promotes healing.

The BBI Newsletter, April 2001, article on periodontal disease looks at research conducted by Robert Genco, SUNY Distinguished Professor and Chair of Oral Biology; Tiejian Wu, research assistant professor of social and preventive medicine, and Frank Scannapieco, associate professor of oral biology.


The Wall Street Journal Europe, April 30, article on the top business schools that job recruiters should visit gives UB high marks for overall value for money invested in the recruiting effort.

(Toronto) Sunday Star, April 22, article on computer software that may help identify who wrote a ransom note or forge a document cites the Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Research (CEDAR) as its source.

National Post (Canada), April 12, article about a contest to produce cleaner, quieter, more fuel-efficient snowmobiles reports that a team of student from UB was among the top three winners.

The Korea Herald, April 9, column on the 2000 presidential-election predictions quotes James Campbell.

(Toronto) Globe and Mail, April 7, review of a biography about a 1950s mother of 10 who provided for her family by composing jungles is written by Laura Penny, a doctoral candidate in comparative literature.

The Guardian (UK), April 5, article reports that UB researchers have developed an artificial skin that heals.

Sixth News Watch (UK), April 2, article reports on an artificial skin engineered by researchers at UB that promotes healing.

Prep-LifeWatch, April 2, article reports that researchers at UB have developed an artificial skin that promotes healing.

The Hindu, April 12, article reports that researchers at UB have developed an artificial skin that promotes healing.

(London) Daily Mail, April 11, article reports that an artificial skin that promotes healing has been developed by researchers at UB.



Segment looks at Oozfest, UB's annual volleyball-in-the-mud tournament.


Channel 36 (Burlington, Ontario)

Interview with Erick Duchesne, assistant professor of political science, on the free trade agreement.


Christian Science Monitor online

Article on the new generation of frozen foods quotes Arun Jain.

Environmental News Network

Lakes in the Northeast are freezing over and thawing earlier, according to Kenton Stewart, professor of biological sciences.

Health News Digest

Skin substitute is designed to promote wound healing.

Health Scout

Article on the effectiveness of St. John's wort quotes Uriel Halbreich.

Info Science (www.infoscience.fr)

Scientists probing the origins of life develop method of making novel proteins using 21st amino acid.

Los Angeles Times online

Article on employee evaluations quotes Jerry Newman.

New York Times online

Article on a book about sobriety quotes RIA's Lorraine Collins.

Progressive Engineer

Profile of Deborah Chung, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and Niagara Mohawk Chair of Materials Research.

Science Daily

Genetically engineered skin substitute is designed to promote wound healing.

Scientific American online

Skin substitute promotes healing.

The Wall Street Journal online

Ranking of top MBA programs includes the School of Management.


Recreating ground motions of 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

Buffalo team uses DNA microarray method against MS.

Genetically engineered skin promotes wound healing.

U.S. News & World Report online

Article on the herd mentality of online auction shoppers quotes Paul Dholakia.

Yahoo! News

Genetically engineered skin promotes wound healing.



The Buffalo News, April 30, Page One, article reports New York State has announced $1 million in funding for the Center for Advanced Technology in Biomedical and Bioengineering Technologies, a joint venture of UB and Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

The Buffalo News, April 30, article reports that Mary Gresham, vice president for public service and urban affairs, also has been named dean of the Graduate School of Education, and quotes President William R. Greiner.

The Buffalo News, April 27, article reports on lecture presented by Doris Kearns Goodwin as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.

The Buffalo News, April 25, article reports on book written by Kerry Grant, vice provost for academic affairs and dean of the Graduate School, that celebrates the 100th anniversary of Buffalo's Pan-Am Exposition.

The Buffalo News, April 22, op-ed article on the changing suburban racial diversity is written by Jordan Yin, visiting assistant professor of planning.

The Buffalo News, April 21, Front Page, City & Region, interview with Doris Kearns Goodwin previews her Distinguished Speakers Series lecture.

The Buffalo News, April 21, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on lecture presented by former Environmental Protection Agency Carol Browner, who spoke at UB as part of the area's Earth Day activities.

The Buffalo News, April 21, article profiles Ihechwukwu Madubuike, a native of Nigeria and a graduate of UB who was one of seven UB alumni to receive Distinguished Alumni Awards.

The Buffalo News, April 19, article reports UB engineers have recreated the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and quotes George Mavroeidis, a graduate student in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, and Apostolos Papageorgiou, professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering.

The Buffalo News, April 17, Front Page, City & Region, article on a protest by teaching assistants over low stipends quotes Provost Elizabeth Capaldi; Mark Shechner, professor of English; Barbara Bono, associate professor and then-chair of the English department; Jim Swan, associate professor of English; James Bunn, professor of English; Charles Stinger, interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and doctoral students Gordon Hadfield and Lee Kahan.

The Buffalo News, April 17, Front Page, Life & Arts, article reports UB will sponsor "E-Poetry 2001: An International Digital Poetry Festival," and quotes Loss Pequeño Glazier, associate librarian.

The Buffalo News, April 13, article on eMBA students who were studying in China when a damaged U.S. spy plane landed in that country quotes Courtney Walsh, director of the program, and eMBA students Sheri Marvin and Michael Marsch.

The Buffalo News, April 10, Front Page, Business, article on the 12 basic principles of financial literacy quotes Lewis Mandell.

The Buffalo News, April 5, editorial says much of Buffalo's future could ride on current strategies being mapped by academic and industry leaders, in particular, creation of a national research hub for bioinformatics, and quotes Bruce Holm, senior associate dean of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

The Buffalo News, April 2, Front Page, Business, article on body art quotes Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

The Buffalo News, April 1, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that UB has helped develop an artificial skin and quotes Stelios Andreadis, assistant professor of chemical engineering.

The Buffalo News, April 1, Literary Notes column reports UB will host an e-poetry festival and quotes Loss Pequeño Glazier.

Business First, April 30, article reports UB has created the Institute for Nonprofit Agencies and quotes Lewis Mandell.

Business First, April 23, article on a company's plan to develop an internal sustainability plan at its headquarters quotes Louis Zicari, associate director of the Center for Integrated Waste Management.

Business First, April 23, article on a local firm's expansion plans report it is teaming with Andre Reinhorn, professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering, on a water-treatment-plant project.

Business First, April 2, article reports UB law students have started the Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal, and quotes Dariush Keyhani, the journal's founder and editor-in-chief.



WBFO Radio

The Wall Street Journal has ranked the School of Management among the Top 50 in the world.

UB, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Kaleida Health, Hauptman Woodward and the Buffalo Medical Group Foundation have announced a partnership to create the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.

Buffalo's branch of the Federal Reserve Bank and UB's Department of Planning will hold a day-long conference on attracting more businesses to the inner city.

UB's Family Violence Law Clinic has created a Web site that offers a safe passage to those trying to escape violence.

Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin appeared at UB as part of its Distinguished Speakers Series.

Mary Gresham has taken on additional duties and will serve as dean of the Graduate School of Education.

A memorial service will be held May 12 for legendary UB sociology professor Ed Powell.

Top officials from UB are heading to Washington to brief New York's congressional delegation on some of the cutting-edge research occurring at the university.

UB welcomed former EPA administrator Carol Browner to its day-long Earth Day activities.

The Oishei Foundation has awarded UB a grant of nearly $200,000 to bolster the skills of not-for-profit agencies.

"Spoken Arts" segment looks at the George Kelley collection of pulp fiction in the UB Libraries.

Members of the UB chapter of the American Medical Students Association will hold a candlelight vigil to focus on the plight of the uninsured.

UB researchers have recreated some of the ground motions from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

Alan Lockwood, professor of neurology, comments on a report by the federal government that examines the health effects of more than two dozen chemicals found in the human body.

The local nursing profession is facing two major problems, according to Carol Brewer, associate professor of nursing: poor public image and an aging work force.

Forty local executives returned from China this week after a study tour sponsored by the School of Management.

UB will keep the School of Architecture and Planning on the South Campus.

Two members of the women's basketball team could be selected in the next WNBA draft.

The School of Management has been awarded a $250,000 grant to develop an MBA program in Belarus.

UB researchers have found that the brain, not the ear, is responsible for tinnitus.

The Jumpstart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy will release a list of 12 financial principles for young people developed by Lewis Mandell.

"Live Forum" features activist Paul Loeb and UB energy officer Walter Simpson.

Lucinda Finley comments on the federal charges faced by James Kopp, as well as his right to qualified counsel.

Call-in program with President William R. Greiner.

Loss Pequeño Glazier talks about the International Digital Poetry Festival.

Ray Bissonette, associate professor emeritus of family medicine, comments about how keeping your gums healthy could help prevent heart attack.

Bioengineers at UB have created a genetically engineered skin that promotes the healing of wounds and could lead to a new skin substitute.

WBEN Radio

New York State will provide UB and Roswell Park Cancer Institute with $1 million to develop a Center for Advanced Technology.


Interview with Paul Loeb, author of "Soul of a Citizen," who spoke at UB.

Interview with Lee Albert, professor of law, on reapportionment.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

UB, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Kaleida Health and Hauptman Woodward Medical Institute will partner to form the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.

UB is the site of Push America, a bike trip to raise funds for children with disabilities.

Two UB football players, Jason Pruce and Noah Burroughs, have signed with the NFL.

Segment on the number of women now enrolled in law school includes interviews with UB law student Tanya McDuffie and Lillie Wiley, assistant director of admissions and director of recruiting in the Law School.

Roger DesForges, associate professor of history, comments on the spy-plane controversy.

Segment on choosing the right college includes interview with President Greiner and Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs.

Researchers at UB are working to develop an artificial skin that promotes healing.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

UB, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Kaleida Health and Hauptman Woodward Medical Institute will partner to form the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.

Segment reports on the 12th annual Oozfest.

Two UB football players have been signed by the NFL.

Segment on air-quality tests being conducted in the neighborhoods around the Peace Bridge includes interviews with Joseph Izzo, professor of medicine, and Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa, associate professor of medicine.

Segment on the Free Trade Agreement summit meeting in Quebec includes interview with Eric Noyse, a member of the UB Environmental Network.

The "Why Guy" is in the Center for the Arts for a performance by the Buffalo Chips.

Segment on a "teach-in" held by teaching assistants to protest low pay includes interview with teaching assistant Michael King.

Story interviews UB eMBA students Sherri Marvin and Mike Marsch and eMBA program director Courtney Walsh on being in China during the spy plane incident.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Segment on a fiberglass buffalo that's taken up residence in the School of Dental Medicine includes interview with Robert Genco.

Story reports on services held for former UB football coach Jim Ward.

Segment reports on 12th annual Oozfest.

The UB Child Care Center on the South Campus celebrated Arbor Day with a tree planting.

Two UB football players, Jason Pruse and Noah Burroughs, have been signed to national teams.

A discussion and role playing were held at UB to explain the Free Trade Agreement.

Segment reports the UB football team has concluded its spring practice.

Head football coach Jim Hofner discusses the 2001 season.

WNLO-TV, Channel 23

Segment reports on 12th annual Oozfest.

WPXJ-TV, Channel 19

UB, Kaleida Health, Roswell Park Cancer Institute and the Hauptman Woodward Research Institute have announced a partnership to create the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.

UB students examine dinosaur "footprints" in an effort to learn more about the reptiles.


WSYR Radio (Syracuse)

Interview with Paul Senese, assistant professor of political science, on the U.S. air crew of the spy plane forced to land in China.