UB News 06/01

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: February 22, 2002 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of June 2001 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, June 18, letter to the editor responding to an article on continued occupation of Micronesian Atolls is written by James Nolan, professor of medicine.

Los Angeles Times, June 25, article on the nutritional value of peanuts cites research conducted at UB that has shown that peanuts are full of cancer-fighting compounds.

Los Angeles Times, June 15, article on the work of the late artist Tom Field notes UB's Anderson Gallery holds one of his works and quotes Robert Bertholf, curator of the Poetry and Rare Books Collection.

Los Angeles Times, June 4, article reports that UB researchers have found that people offered a variety of foods at mealtime eat more than those who ate the same things at meals.

(Cleveland) Plain Dealer, June 5, technology column reports that UB has used Diebold technology to launch a Web site that gives students and their families access to campus spending accounts.

Chicago Tribune, June 17, article on the growing popularity of living in the Las Vegas suburbs

The Hartford Courant, June 5, article reports that UB researchers have found that people exposed to a variety of foods ate more than those who ate the same things at meals.

(Albany) Times Union, June 14, article reports that New York State plans to provide funding to colleges, health facilities and research centers throughout the state to spur life-sciences research, including $30 million in funding to be shared by UB, Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute.

New York Post, June 19, article reports that UB researchers have found that people who are exposed to a variety of foods at mealtime ate more than those who ate the same things at meals.

New York Post, June 11, article on a UB study that looked at the nutrition of marijuana smokers quotes Ellen Smit, assistant professor of social and preventive medicine.

Columbus Dispatch, June 3, article reports that UB researchers have found that people offered a variety of foods at meals eat more than those who eat the same things.

San Antonio Business Journal, June 22, Page One, article on a San Antonio technology startup company that is designing a security-access system for a NASA building notes it also has provided systems for UB

Deseret (Utah) News, June 3, article on the increase in the number of home gas wells quotes Robert Jacobi, professor of geology.

The (Spokane) Spokesman-Review, June 13, article reports UB researchers have found that people who are exposed to a variety of foods ate more than those who ate the same things.

Wire Services

PR Newswire, June 26, article reports the oral anti-diabetes drug Avandia(r) may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, and quotes Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine.

PR Newswire, June 21, article on the efforts by the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation to take fluoride out of the water supply quotes Michael Easley, associate professor of oral biology and fluoridation spokesman for the American Dental Association.

Business Wire, June 13, article reports that SUNY Chancellor Robert King has recommended sweeping reform of the state's teacher-education curriculum, and notes the plan is the result of a study by SUNY presidents and faculty from all 16 campuses offering teacher education, including UB.

Reuters English News Service, June 11, article on the nutritional status of marijuana smokers quotes Ellen Smit.


U.S. News & World Report, June 4, article on using technology to ease the burdens of old age quotes William Mann, professor and chair of occupational therapy.

Newsweek, June 18, "Focus on Your Health" column reports that people can learn to like foods that don't taste good to them by adding sugar, and quotes Provost Elizabeth Capaldi.

Men's Health, June 2001, article reports UB researchers have found a compound in tarantula venom that may help cure irregular heartbeats and quotes Frederick Sachs, professor of physiology and biophysics.

Vitality, June 2001, health digest reports that a study by UB researchers has shown that people who run 40 or more miles per week may need to increase the fat in their diets to avoid compromising their immune systems.

Men's Journal, June 2001, article reports that UB researchers have found traces of oral bacteria in coronary plaque, strengthening the link between oral health and heart disease.

Monitor on Psychology, June 2001, article on drug and alcohol abuse in the American workplace quotes Michael Frone, principal investigator in the Research Institute on Addictions.

Health & Medicine Week, June 4, article reports that research by epidemiologists at UB suggests that vitamin E and beta-cryptoxanthin are associated with healthy lung function, and quotes Holger Schunemann, research assistant professor of medicine and social and preventive medicine.

The Surgical Technologist, June 2001, article reports that the type of pain control received during labor depends on the type of insurance the patient has.

Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, June 1, article on pain management quotes Jeffrey Lackner, clinical assistant professor of anesthesiology and director of the behavioral medicine clinic of the UB Pain Service at Erie County Medical Center.


National Post (Canada), June 25, article on the health benefits of music quotes Karen Allen, assistant professor of medicine.

National Post (Canada), June 11, article reports on research conducted at UB on the nutritional status of marijuana smokers and quotes Ellen Smit.

The Observer (UK), June 17, article looks at the nutritional habits of people who smoke marijuana and quotes Ellen Smit.

(London) Daily Mail, June 4, article reports that UB researchers have found that people exposed to a variety of foods ate more than those who ate the same things at meals.

The Scotsman (UK), June 4, article reports that when people are exposed to a variety of tastes at meals they tend to eat more, according to UB researchers.

The Express, June 5, article reports that UB researchers have found that people who are offered a variety of foods at meals consume more than people who ate the same things.


National Public Radio

"Talk of the Nation" segment on lying includes interview with David Nyberg, professor of educational organization, administration and policy and author of "The Varnished Truth: Truth Telling and Deceiving in Ordinary Life."


NBC News

UB researchers have found that people exposed to a variety of foods at mealtime ate more than people who ate the same things at meals.

CBS Evening News

Interview with William Pelham, professor of psychology and psychiatry, on ritalin abuse.


CBC News (Canada)

Segment reports on technology being developed at UB that could extend cell phone coverage.


American Psychological Association online

Variety in diet could be a factor in obesity problems in the U.S.

CBC.ca news

Technology could extend cell phone coverage.


Antibacterial compound may prevent gingivitis.

Health A to Z

Variety in diet can lead to obesity, UB study finds.

Health eHeadlines

Patients who listen to their choice of music during outpatient eye surgery lowered their heart rate, bloodpressure and cardiac work load more than patients who did not listen to music, according to research at UB.

Health News Digest

12-hour ADHD drug as effective as thrice daily doses.

Health Scout

New UB program offers counseling and other support to suspended students.

Pot smokers eat a lot more calories than non-users, but they're also a lot thinner says a new study.

Music during minor surgical procedures cuts patient anxiety.

Variety of foods may be the vice of dieter's life, says UB study.

Healthy Women

Injecting clot-busting drug into artery fights strokes.

Pot users nutritionally OK, but face health risks.


Too many choices may lead to obesity.

Reuters Health

Injecting clot-busting drug into artery fights strokes.

Pot users OK nutritionally, but face health risks.

Limiting snack food variety may curb overeating.

Once-daily extended release methylphenidate for ADHD can replace t.i.d. dosing.

Science Daily

Variety in diet could be a factor in obesity problem in the U.S.: when eating one food, satiation is reached more quickly and therefore overeating less likely.

New wireless architecture would extend cell-phone coverage to where it is needed most.

Smart Woman

Too many choices may lead to obesity.

Substance abuse at About.com

Marijuana and the munchies: research news.


Diabetes drug may cut risk of cardiovascular disease.

Wider Coverage for cell phones described in Helsinki.

Marijuana users do not show poor nutritional status.

Eating a variety of foods not good for losing weight.

Ritalin for ADHD improves teens' academic performance.


Story on a study that shows that a substance in soy and soy-based infant formula could have an adverse effect on the growth of the thymus quotes Susan Baker, associate professor of pediatrics.

Story on kids and asthma quotes Bruce D. Miller, associate professor of psychiatry and pediatrics.

Having many choices of food can lead to overeating, weight gain.

Your Health

Pot users OK nutritionally, but face health risks.



The Buffalo News, June 28, "My View" column on the scrutiny the Bush family has come under due to the alcohol-related incidents involving the President's daughters and measures that might have prevented the problems in the first place is written by Neil McGillicuddy, research scientist at the Research Institute on Addictions.

The Buffalo News, June 28, article reports UB plans to build a new $11 million housing complex for graduate, professional and married students and quotes Joseph Krakowiak, director of residence halls.

The Buffalo News, June 26, article on postpartum depression quotes Uriel Halbreich, professor of psychiatry.

The Buffalo News, June 24, article on an area study being planned by local developers quotes Robert Shibley, professor of architecture and director of urban design.

The Buffalo News, June 24, Page One, article on the proposal to build a casino in Niagara Falls, N.Y., quotes Robert Shibley.

The Buffalo News, June 24, article reports a group of students from the School of Architecture and Planning has created a series of art projects in Allentown.

The Buffalo News, June 23, Page One, article reports that establishing a world-class medical research and treatment center around High Street will require a major infusion of cash and quotes Michael Bernardino, vice president for health affairs and dean of the medical school.

The Buffalo News, June 23, article reports UB will take over management of its Technology Incubator and quotes Juli Riemenschneider, senior project director with the UB Business Alliance.

The Buffalo News, June 23, Page One, article on job opportunities and the local economy quotes Kathryn Foster, associate professor of planning.

The Buffalo News, June 19, Page One, article on the ethnic and gender make up of 30 of the most powerful local boards of directors includes among its number the UB Foundation.

The Buffalo News, June 17, Page One, article looks at leadership in the Buffalo-Niagara region and quotes Kathryn Foster.

The Buffalo News, June 16, editorial examining the after-school use of elementary schools by religious groups quotes Lee Albert, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, June 15, Page One, article reports Western New York temperatures hit 90 degrees for the first time in nearly two years and quotes John Leddy, associate director of sports medicine, on precautions people should take when exercising.

The Buffalo News, June 16, Front Page, City & Region, article on a citywide crackdown on graffiti quotes Pamela Beal, coordinator of the Regional Community Policing Center at the University Community Initiative.

The Buffalo News, June 11, Page One, article profiles Stephen Dunnet, vice provost for international education, and UB's international education efforts, including the English Language Institute, and quotes Dunnett and President William R. Greiner.

The Buffalo News, June 10, article on the V.I.S.A. Center quotes Sheila McGowan, center director; Linda Lavid, senior clinician; David Cumberlander, program security specialist; Mark Cameron, assistant professor of social work, and Lawrence Shulman, dean of social work.

The Buffalo News, June 9, article reports a study by two UB researchers has shown that people and animals are more likely to become obese with variety rather than sameness in their diets, and quotes Leonard Epstein, professor of pediatrics, social and preventive medicine, and psychology, and Hollie Raynor, a doctoral student in the Department of Psychology.

The Buffalo News, June 9, Front Page, Life & Arts, article previews a talk by an author who has spent five years battling a Holocaust denier and quote William Sheridan Allen, professor emeritus of history.

The Buffalo News, June 8, Gusto, article reviews the UB Art Gallery's exhibit "PED."

The Buffalo News, June 6, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on a popular thyroid drug that may be yanked from pharmacy shelves quotes Paresh Dandona, professor of medicine.

The Buffalo News, June 6, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on census data that shows that the number of senior citizens in the Buffalo Niagara region is growing and the number of young adults is falling, and quotes Peter Rogerson, professor of geography.

The Buffalo News, June 5, editorial calls a Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics a great opportunity for Buffalo.

The Buffalo News, June 5, Page One, article reports UB's medical school and teaching hospitals are plagued with training shortcomings that could jeopardize the accreditation of some key programs and quotes Michael Bernardino, vice president of health affairs; Nicholas Naples, clinical assistant professor of nuclear medicine, and John Wright, then-dean of the medical school.

The Buffalo News, June 3, Front Page, Arts & Books, article profiles David Felder, professor of music, and UB's June in Buffalo festival.

The Buffalo News, June 3, Page One, article reports Buffalo is on the verge of landing a Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and quotes Bruce Holm, senior associate professor for health affairs.

The Buffalo News, June 3, article looks at the life and career of former UB English professor Lionel Abel.

The Buffalo News, June 1, Front Page, City & Region, article reports local businessman Sal Alfiero has donated $2 million to UB toward construction of a new School of Management structure, and quotes President Greiner.

Business First, June 25, article reports on plans to develop a Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and quotes Bruce Holm.

Business First, June 18, article on UB students who turned an MBA project into a tech startup quotes the students - Eric Reich, Matthew Worden and Michael Weisman - and Katherine Ferguson, associate vice provost and director of graduate recruitment services in the School of Management.

Business First, June 18, article reports that UB and a local manufacturer of films and coatings are conducting research together, and quotes Jerry McGuire, director of technology transfer and licensing.

Business First, June 11, article reports Sal Alfiero has donated $2 million to the School of Management for construction of a new structure adjacent to Jacobs Management Center.

Business First, June 11, article on UB's athletic marketing efforts quotes John Lambert, senior assistant athletic director for external relations.

Amherst Bee, June 13, article reports UB has published a commemorative guide to the Pan-Am Exposition.



WBFO Radio

UB will begin construction this August for its fifth new housing development in as many years.

UB and ECC students have teamed up to enter their first solar boat race competition on Hoyt Lake in Delaware Park.

Researchers at UB have developed the next generation of wireless systems for cellular phones.

UB's Charles Ewing says the execution of Timothy McVeigh provides parents with an opportunity to teach their children about the consequences that can result from one's actions.

UB law professor Lee Albert says the recently discovered FBI documents provided no good reason for a stay of execution for Timothy McVeigh.

UB's Robert Genco discusses Trifluorosal, a new compound that's being tested as a potential treatment for acne and gingivitis, and may prevent skin cancer.

UB held its first ever, live Webcast of a news conference Friday, the university's first venture into online, real-time public relations.

UB is in final negotiations with the state for funding of a $225 million Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics that could create 4,300 jobs over five years.

More than a dozen neighborhood housing and community-development agencies meeting on UB's South Campus yesterday were encouraged to collaborate or risk losing upwards of $2.7 million from potential housing sources.

UB's School of Management is receiving a $2 million gift from Buffalo-area business leader Sal Alfiero.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Charles Carr on the judge's decision to not postpone again the date of Timothy McVeigh's execution.

Interview with Lee Albert on move by Timothy McVeigh to have his execution date postponed again.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Coverage of the Snickers Soccer Tournament held in UB Stadium.

Segment looks at the Ride for Roswell fundraiser held on the UB North Campus.

Story looks at different ways for students to stay in touch with their families long distance, and quotes UB student Steve Turkovic.

Story on UB's upcoming football season includes interviews with Jim Hofher, head football coach, Jim Peal, strength and conditioning coach, and players Albert Grundy and Joe Freedy.

Coverage of the Guitar Fest held in the UB Center for the Arts.

Coverage of the opening ceremonies of the Special Olympics in UB Stadium.

Residents of northern Western New York are being asked to conserve water following a water main break on the UB North Campus.

Segment on precautions people should take in hot, humid weather includes interview with Mike Kempke, a physical therapist in UB's Sports Medicine Clinic, and John Leddy, clinical assistant professor of orthopedics.

Interview with John Leddy on the importance of runners staying well hydrated during the Corporate Challenge race.

Story on the last words of Timothy McVeigh includes interview with Diane Christian, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of English.

Segment reports a proposed new high-tech research facility, the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, would combine the resources of UB, Kaleida Health, Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Hauptman-Woodward Medical Institute.

Local businessman Sal Alfiero has donated $2 million to the School of Management for a new structure to be built adjacent to Jacobs Management Center.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Segment looks at local fire department drills held at UB to train fire fighters to combat a dorm fire.

Coverage of the Ride for Roswell fundraiser held on the UB North Campus.

Story on the importance of cancer testing for people at risk of developing the disease includes interviews with Martin Mahoney, assistant professor of family medicine, and Robert Huben, associate professor of urology.

Segment on the pro's and con's of genetic testing for cancer includes interviews with Michael Cummings, professor of experimental pathology, John Cowell, professor of cell and molecular biology, and Carolyn Farrell, director of clinical genetic services in the School of Nursing.

Segment reports on a tuberculosis scare at UB.

Story on ovarian cancer and the family tree includes interviews with Steven Piver, professor of gynecology and obstetrics.

Series on cancer and your family tree begins with interview with Michael Cummings.

Coverage of the Special Olympics being held in UB Stadium.

Segment previews some of the Special Olympics events that will be held in UB Stadium.

Coverage of the opening ceremonies of the Special Olympics on the UB North Campus.

A water main break on the UB North Campus has left many households with low water pressure.

Preview of the Special Olympics opening ceremonies to be held at UB.

Peter Ostrow, associate professor of pathology, discusses the heat index and what it means.

Segment reports a new research facility, the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, is being proposed and quotes Elizabeth Capaldi.

Coverage of an all-night relay marathon at UB to benefit charity.

Story reports Sal Alfiero has donated $2 million for a new facility for the School of Management.

"Why Guy" Kevin O'Neill is at the Neuroanatomy Museum on the UB South Campus.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Segment looks at new technology that's been installed in the UB Natatorium and quotes Budd Termin, men's head swim coach, and David Pendergast, professor of physiology and biophysics.

Coverage of the Special Olympics held in UB Stadium.

Coverage of the water main break on the UB North Campus.

Story looks at the opening ceremonies of the Special Olympics on the UB North Campus.

Low water pressure problems in Amherst and Clarence are caused by a water main break on the UB North Campus.

Story looks at the Buffalo Niagara Guitar Festival that will be held on the UB North Campus.

High school choral groups perform in UB's Slee Hall.

Interview with George Hezel on a couple who bought a parcel of land only to find out it wasn't the one they thought it was.

Lee Albert, professor of law, discusses the execution of Timothy McVeigh.

Story on a proposed multi-million dollar biotechnical center in Buffalo quotes Russ Miller, director of the Center for Computational Research, and Elizabeth Capaldi.

Segment looks at a lacrosse tournament held on the UB North Campus.

WNLO-TV, Channel 23

Segment on the pro's and con's of genetic testing for cancer includes interviews with Michael Cummings, John Cowell and Carolyn Farrell.

Story on cancer and heredity includes interviews with Michael Cummings.

Coverage of the Special Olympics being held in UB Stadium.

Segment reports on a water main break on the UB North Campus.

Story on the proposed Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics quotes Elizabeth Capaldi.

Coverage of the first-ever all-day and all-night relay race held at UB to benefit several organizations.

Sal Alfiero has donated $2 million to the School of Management.

WPXJ-TV, Channel 19

Coverage of the opening ceremonies for the Special Olympics held in UB Stadium.

Interview with Diane Christian on the meaning behind Timothy McVeigh's use of the poem "Invictus" as his last words.