UB News 07/01

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: February 22, 2002 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of July 2001 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, July 8, article on airport retailing quotes Mark Gottdiener, professor and chair of sociology.

The New York Times, July 28, article on the threat to archaeology posed by amateur "privy diggers" quotes Elizabeth Pena, visiting assistant professor of anthropology.

Los Angeles Times, July 16, article on a UB study that shows that an alarming number of heart attack and stroke survivors don't change their habits quotes Adnan Qureshi.

Baltimore Sun, July 9, article on the rapid growth of Las Vegas quotes Mark Gottdiener.

Miami Herald, July 24, article on efforts to bring more shoppers and retailers into a Miami-area mall quotes Arun Jain, professor and chair of the Department of Marketing and Samuel Capen Chair of Marketing Research.

Miami Herald, July 29, article on the rapid expansion of Las Vegas quotes Mark Gottdiener.

Washington Times, July 9, Page One, article reports that too many heart attack and stroke survivors don't change their bad habits and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

Sunday Washington Times, July 22, article on the success of Jungle Jim's International Farmer's Market in Fairfield, Ohio, quotes Arun Jain.

Newsday (Nassau Edition), July 10, health column on marijuana cites a UB study that showed that marijuana smokers eat more salty snacks and cheese and fewer fruits and vegetables, consume more beer and soft drinks and smoke more cigarettes.

Newsday (Nassau Edition), July 20, article reports the Long Island Forum for Technology is working with institutions that include UB to transform Long Island's industrial base.

(Rochester) Daily Record, July 11, article on a youth basketball tournament notes its director is a second-year law student at UB.

(Rochester) Daily Record, July 12, article by Anthony Szczygiel, professor of law, outlines the educational clinics offered at the Law School.

(Rochester) Golden Times, July 18, article reports on a UB study that links daytime sleepiness with increased risk of stroke and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

The Detroit News, July 11, "Health News" column reports on a UB study that shows that eating a limited variety at mealtime may be a good way to control weight.

(Greater Milwaukee) Business Journal, July 6, article reports that UB doctoral student Tim Karda has formulated a teaching model to help young students become better writers.

The Baton Rouge Advocate, July 11, article reports on a study of reef-building coral on offshore oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico being conducted by scientists who include Daniel Brazeau, research assistant professor of pharmaceutics.

The Arizona Republic, July 2, "Jump Starts" column reports on a UB study linking cocaine use to youthful heart attacks.

The Seattle Times, July 22, article on the success of Jungle Jim's International Farmer's Market in Fairfield, Ohio, quotes Arun Jain.

Nevada Senior World/Senior Times, July 2001, article on the mental and physical benefits of exercise for senior citizens cites a UB study that showed that regular exercise helps aging muscles stay flexible and protects them from strains.

Health and Medicine Week, July 23, article reports that too many heart attack and stroke survivors don't change their bad habits and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

Heart Disease Weekly, July 8, article reports that when and in what situation you drink may affect your blood pressure, and quotes Tiehan Wu, research assistant professor of social and preventive medicine.

Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, July 7, article reports that drinking alcohol daily and without meals is associated with increased risk of hypertension and quotes Tiejan Wu.

Wire Services

Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News, July 24, article on efforts to bring more shoppers and retailers into a Miami-area mall quotes Arun Jain.

Associated Press Newswires, July 21, article on the success of Jungle Jim's International Farmer's Market in Fairfield, Ohio, quotes Arun Jain.

Internet Wire, July 13, article reports that research conducted at UB show that an oral anti-diabetes drug may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Associated Press Newswires, July 11, article reports on a study of reef-building coral on offshore oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico being conducted by scientists who include Daniel Brazeau.

Associated Press Newswires, July 11, article reports that Mary Beth Spina of the UB Office of News Services has died.

United Press International, July 9, article reports that patients fail to follow through on lowering their risk factors following a heart attack or stroke and quotes Adnan Qureshi.

Chemical Business Newsbase, July 6, article reports that a UB study has shown that an oral anti-diabetes drug may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Science, July 6, article on an upcoming exhibit of gold objects from an ancient Assyrian archaeological site quotes Sam Paley, professor of classics.

History of Political Economy, July 2001, article on political economist Friedrich Harak notes he joined the UB faculty in 1936.

Political Science Quarterly, July-September 2001, article by Jerome Slater, professor emeritus of political science, looks at the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

New York State Bar Association Journal, Report to the Membership 2000-2001, article reports the Law Student Council participated in a career fair at the UB Law School.


(London, England) Daily Mail, July 30, article reports on the benefits of small class sizes and quotes Jeremy Finn, professor of counseling, school and educational psychology.

The (London, England) Morning Star, July 26, article on airport retailing quotes Mark Gottdiener, professor and chair of sociology.

National Post (Canada), July 13, article on the unfounded superstitions surrounding Friday the 13th quotes Paul Kurtz, professor emeritus of philosophy.


National Public Radio, July 1, "Weekend Edition" segment on the 100th anniversary of the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo includes comments by President Greiner.

National Public Radio, July 1, "Weekend Edition" segment on Niagara Falls includes comments by Kathleen Delaney, UB assistant librarian/archivist.


ABC News, July 26, "Nightline" segment on Mt. Etna includes interview with Michael Sheridan, professor of geology.

ABC News, July 9, "World News Tonight" segment reports on a UB study that shows that doctors and patients do not do enough to prevent a second heart attack.


Access Online (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)

Computer models are giving researchers insight into how flames are created and how they are influenced by turbulence.


Interview with Jeremy Finn on small class size.


Study by Provost Elizabeth Capaldi shows that adding sugar to disliked foods can help people acquire a taste for the food.

Health News

UB professor oversees emergency medicine content of eMedicine, online medical journal

Avandia could reduce risk of cardiovascular disease

Paternal alcoholism and depression negatively effects child's development

Black cocaine-users at greater risk of brain haemorrhage

"Alarming" lack of effort to prevent second heart attack or stroke found by UB researchers

Health News Digest

Training in effective parenting skills helps parents struggling with a teen-ager's substance abuse.

Health Scout

Boys and girls use different sides of their brains to pick out faces and the difference may lead to better treatment for stroke victims, says a new study.

Investor's Business Daily

Oral diabetes drug may reduce risk of cardiovascular disease.

Join Together Online

Father's alcohol abuse, depression and other problems shown to impact negatively on children's development.

Heart attack, stroke victims continue to smoke.


African-American women, Medicaid moms receive fewer anesthesia options.

Reuters Health

Secondary prevention inadequate for many at high-risk for recurrent MI or stroke.

Many don't make changes after heart attack, stroke.

Smart Money

Article on 10 things your supermarket won't tell you quotes Arun Jain.

University Business Daily

Recruiters at UB are using instant messaging to contact prospective students.


Survivors often don't heed heart attack risk.

Web MD

New weapons in the war on stroke include acetaminophen.

Tamoxifen may increase risk of developing more deadly form of breast cancer.



The Buffalo News, July 31, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on the effect the Code Red computer worm had on UB and quotes JoAnn Greenzweig, associate director of academic computing services.

The Buffalo News, July 29, Front Page, Viewpoints, article by Walter Simpson, UB's energy officer, calls for the public to deal with the energy crisis by using energy conservation and efficiency.

The Buffalo News, July 28, article on a light show that will be projected onto city grain terminals quotes Lynda Schneekloth, professor of architecture.

The Buffalo News, July 26, editorial on plans by state legislators to pass a "baseline" budget notes it ignores a host of vital issues such as funding for a bioinformatics center at UB.

The Buffalo News, July 25, article on the interim "baseline" budget notes it does not include funding for a multi-million dollar Center of Excellence at UB.

The Buffalo News, July 25, "My View" column by Robert Shibley, professor of architecture and director of the Urban Design Project, offers suggestions for revitalizing the heart of downtown Buffalo.

The Buffalo News, July 24, Front Page, Sports, column looks at head football coach Jim Hofher and his efforts to improve the football program.

The Buffalo News, July 23, Front Page, Business, article on turning an internship into a job quotes Dan Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

The Buffalo News, July 21, Front Page, Life & Arts, column looks at a job-training program being conducted by UB's Educational Opportunity Center, and quotes Sherryl Weems, executive director of EOC.

The Buffalo News, July 21, Page One, article on Buffalo teachers' long-awaited back pay quotes Isaac Ehrlich, leading professor/Melvin Baker Chair and executive officer of economics in the Department of Finance and Managerial Economics.

The Buffalo News, July 20, "My View" column by Joseph Stefko, an instructor and Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science, says Buffalo needs new vision if it is to grow.

The Buffalo News, July 19, article reports that women's head basketball coach Cheryl Dozier has received a contract extension and quotes Bob Arkeilpane, director of athletics, and Dozier.

The Buffalo News, July 17, article looks at the Summer High School Scientific Visualization and Virtual Reality Workshop offered by the Center for Computational Research and quotes the program's director Eliot Winer.

The Buffalo News, July 16, Page One, article on litigation over lead-paint cleanup quotes LeAdelle Phelps, professor of counseling, school and educational psychology.

The Buffalo News, July 15, viewpoint by Paul Kurtz, professor emeritus of philosophy, looks at whether individuals can be moral without believing in God.

The Buffalo News, July 15, Front Page, Business, article on UB's New York State Center for Engineering Design and Industrial Innovation quotes President Greiner, Christina Bloebaum, professor and chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and director of NYSCEDII, and Mark Karwan, dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

The Buffalo News, July 14, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on three Buffalo natives who are an influential part of the History Channel notes UB alumnus Abbe Raven is the channel's executive vice president and general manager.

The Buffalo News, July 14, Page One, article on the number of young adults who are leaving Buffalo quotes Dan Ryan.

The Buffalo News, July 11, obituary outlines the life and career of Mary Beth Spina, and quotes Arthur Page, director of news services, and Charles Patrick Ewing, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, July 10, Page One, article on the limited number of minority construction workers quotes Henry Louis Taylor, director of the Center for Urban Studies.

The Buffalo News, July 8, Front Page, Business, article on companies that are thriving in Buffalo quotes Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management.

The Buffalo News, July 8, running column on the poor quality of the air in Beijing quotes Carl Pegels, professor of management science and systems.

The Buffalo News, July 7, article reports that UB's Environment and Society Institute will be co-sponsors of a conference on ecological sustainability featuring keynote speaker Jane Goodall.

The Buffalo News, July 6, article reports UB's plans to build graduate student housing along Skinnersville Road is generating opposition from neighbors as well as UB's environmental task force, and quotes Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs, and Robert Berger, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, July 4, article reports that UB has been awarded a $1.3 million federal grant to help prepare teachers to use technology in the classroom.

The Buffalo News, July 4, article reports that eight exhibits about the 1901 Pan-American Exposition will be on display in the UB Libraries.

The Buffalo News, July 3, Front Page, Your Money, article warning consumers to be wary of the recommendations of stock analysts quotes Kee Chung, professor of finance and managerial economics.

The Buffalo News, July 3, article reports John Wright, dean of the medical school, has been named associate vice president of health affairs for curriculum and alumni affairs, Michael Bernardino, vice president of health affairs, also has assumed the title of dean, and quotes Provost Elizabeth Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, July 2, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on National Public Radio's "City of Light" program quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo news, July 2, article reports that UB will sponsor a conference for librarians, "Technology, Globalization and Multicultural Services."

The Buffalo News, July 2, article reports that W. David Penniman has been named dean of the School of Informatics and quotes Elizabeth Capaldi.

Business First, July 30, article on a revised overall downtown strategy quotes Robert Shibley.

Business First, July 30, "Education, Training & Career Development," article on UB and Erie Community College students competing in the Solar Splash competition quotes William Rae, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and UB student Matt Bernfeld.

Business First, July 30, article on the area's first brownfield training initiative run by UB and EOC quotes Louis Zicari, associate director of the Center for Hazardous Waste Management, and Sherryl Weems.

Business First, July 16, article on UB researchers who are working to extend cellular telephone coverage quotes Chunming Qiao, associate professor of computer science and engineering.

Business First, July 16, article on a company that designs workable office spaces quotes Michael Brill, professor of architecture, who heads the company.

Business First, July 16, article on the Buffalo Niagara Web Collaborative notes that partners in the project include UB.

Business First, July 9, article on Western New York's new focus on the importance of tourism to the area quotes Robert Shibley.

Business First, July 9, sports column reports that UB is one of 28 schools saluted by the American Football Coaches Association for graduating 70 percent or more of its players.

Business First, July 9, article on Kaleida Health's search for a new board director quotes James Meindl, Donald S. Carmichael Professor of Organization and Human Resources.

Amherst Bee, July 18, article reports the School of Management Alumni Association has pledged $150,000 to the school to create a suite to be named in honor of John Shellum, assistant dean of external affairs, and quotes Michael Brace, president of the alumni association; Lewis Mandell, dean of the school, and Shellum.

Amherst Bee, July 4, article reports UB plans to begin construction of a new residential complex to be located on Skinnersville Road.

Amherst Bee, July 4, article reports that five Amherst students are participating in an intensive virtual-reality workshop at UB.

Am-Pol Eagle, July 12, article reports that WBFO has cancelled "Polka Party."



WBFO Radio

UB has been named a "best practice partner" by IBM for its information for students on the Web site.

UB study cites benefits of smaller classes.

UB is collaborating with the Buffalo Niagara Partnership and InfoTech Niagara on a new Web site, BuffaloNiagaraJobs.com.

UB mourns the loss of one of its top promoters, Mary Beth Spina.

Young African Americans at risk from cocaine use.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Erick Duchesne, assistant professor of political science, on opening the border crossing between the U.S. and Canada.

Interview with Charles Carr, clinical associate professor of law, on missing Washington, D.C., intern Chandra Levy and the validity of using a polygraph test on Rep. Gary Condit.

Interview with Neil McGillicuddy, RIA research scientist, on teaching kids about responsible drinking.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Segment looks at an exhibit of items from the 1901 Pan-American Exposition held in the Center for the Arts.

Interview with Alex Anas, Frank H. and Josephine L. Goodyear Professor of Economics, on the closing of Bethlehem Steel's Lackawanna coke plant and Adelphia's plans to bring jobs to Buffalo.

Story on how to help overweight children includes interview with James Roemmich, assistant professor of pediatrics.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Segment on the Code Red computer worm includes interview with Shinil Hong, senior systems analyst in Computing and Information Technology, on UB's efforts to protect itself.

Story reports hazmat crews were call in to investigate an irritating odor that caused the evacuation of Fronczak Hall.

Segment reports that an ice cream festival held by Perry's Ice Cream on the North Campus will benefit the pediatric unit at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

A look at a proposed study of Peace Bridge fumes includes interview with Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa.

Story reports on a classic car show held on the North Campus.

Research conducted at UB shows that most people don't change their bad habits after a heart attack.

Segment on teeth-whitening products includes interview with Davis Garlapo, professor and chair of restorative dentistry.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Interview with Michael Sheridan on the continued of Mt. Etna in Italy.

Story reports a hazmat crew was called to the North Campus to investigate a strange odor in Fronczak Hall.

Interview with Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa, associate professor of medicine and director of the Center for Asthma and Environmental Exposure, on health issues surrounding traffic on the Peace Bridge.

An all-you-can-eat ice cream festival held by Perry's Ice Cream on the North Campus will benefit the pediatric unit at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

Football head coach Jim Hofher and players Derrick Gordon and Chris Shelly discuss the team and their upcoming season schedule.

Segment reports that UB is using instant messaging to communicate with students.

Story on a health study of Buffalo's East Side includes interview with Henry Louis Taylor.

WNLO-TV, Channel 23

Interview with Adnan Qureshi on the link between smoking and brain aneurysm.

Hazmat crews were called in to check out an irritating odor that caused the evacuation of Fronczak Hall.

An ice cream festival sponsored by Perry's on the North Campus will benefit the pediatric unit at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

Segment reports UB researcher Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa wants to test the air near the Peace Bridge to help determine the effect truck traffic is having on air quality.