UB News 01/02

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: May 17, 2002 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of January 2002 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, Jan. 29, article on testing newborn's blood for genetic disorders mentions Robert Guthrie's research at UB.

The New York Times, Jan. 25, article looks at the art of David Goldes, a UB alumnus.

The New York Times, Jan. 2, article announces Rosemary G. Feal, professor of Spanish and chair of modern languages and literatures, has been named executive director of the Modern Language Association.

USA Today, Jan. 6, article reports on UB study that shows post-traumatic stress disorder can increase the cravings for drugs in substance abusers.

The Washington Post, Jan. 27, article discussing the status of al Qaeda prisoners quotes Makau Mutua, law professor.

The Washington Post, Jan. 6, article reports on UB study that shows post-traumatic stress disorder can increase the cravings for drugs in abusers.

The Florida Times-Union, Jan. 28, article on a new cancer detection compound reports drug trials will be conducted at UB.

The (Newark) Star-Ledger, Jan. 6, article on the link between child abuse and drug use mentions a study at UB that has found that post-traumatic stress disorder can increase the craving for drugs in abusers.

(Albany) Times Union, Jan. 25, article reports that the Educational Opportunity Program is among programs being affected by state funding cuts.

(Albany) Times Union, Jan. 7, article on soaring college fees reports UB is among the SUNY schools that is seeing fees rise.

Wire Services

Associated Press, Jan. 25, article on the investigation of Enron quotes Harold Star, visiting assistant professor of management science and systems.

Associated Press, Jan. 6, article on soaring college fees reports fees at UB are rising.

Broadcast News (Canada), Jan. 18, article on recent technological developments mentions UB's research on intelligent buildings.

Dow Jones, Jan. 4, article announcing positive preliminary results of HiSonic-TRD mentions that the trial was conducted at UB.

PR Newswire, Jan. 30, article on a clinical trial of a new carotid stent quotes L. Nelson Hopkins, professor and chair of neurosurgery.

PR Newswire, Jan. 16, article reports UB has ordered two multi-axes repositionable seismic table systems for the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research.


Analytical Chemistry, Jan. 25, article on pin-printed chemical sensor arrays for simultaneous multianalyte quantification reports the work is being conducted by Frank V. Bright, professor of chemistry, and student Eun Jeong Cho.

The Antioch Review, Jan. 1, article by Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor of English and Samuel Capen Professor of American Culture, looks at writing.

Cancer Weekly, Jan. 22, article discusses a new study showing that phytosterols may prevent prostate cancer and quotes Atif Awad, associate professor of nutrition.

Credit Union Magazine, Jan. 1, article on a program to teach financial skills to young people is written by Lewis Mandell, dean of the School of Management.

Nutrition Health Review, Jan. 1, article reports a study at UB has shown that adults affected with incapacitating muscle weakness and pain may be suffering from a vitamin D deficiency.

Pain and Central Nervous System Week, Jan. 21, article reports a UB study has shown that post-traumatic stress disorder can increase the cravings for drugs in abusers and quotes Scott Coffey, assistant professor of psychiatry.

The Scientist, Jan. 6, article reports UB has received a National Science Foundation grant that will fund 40 multidisciplinary candidates in biophotonics.

Substance Abuse Letter, Jan. 2002, article reports a UB study has shown post-traumatic stress disorder can increase the cravings for drugs in abusers.

The Voice, January 2002, article reports Carolyn Korsmeyer, professor of philosophy, has won the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library's Mark Twain Writing Competition.


WBZ-AM (Boston)

Story on designing "intelligent" buildings mentions research by engineers at UB.

WINS-AM (New York City)

Story on designing "intelligent" buildings mentions research by engineers at UB.

WCBS-AM (New York City)

Story on designing "intelligent" buildings mentions research by engineers at UB.



Story on Airbus crash in Queens included interview with Deborah Chung, Niagara Mohawk Chair Professor of Materials Research and professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

Story on designing "intelligent" buildings mentions research by engineers at UB.

WNBC-TV (New York City)

Story reports on Deborah Chung and a simple process she has developed to detect cracks in the carbon fiber parts of a plane.

WGCL-TV (Atlanta)

Story on designing "intelligent" buildings mentions research by engineers at UB.

WBRC-TV (Birmingham, Alabama)

Story on designing "intelligent" buildings mentions research by engineers at UB.


ACS Publications

Article on pin-printed chemical sensor arrays for simultaneous multianalyte quantification is written by Frank V. Bright, professor of chemistry and student Eun Jeong Cho.

Artigen Science News

Automating the development of volcanic hazard maps.

Closest model yet of the physics of turbulent flow.

Health News Digest

On a spot smaller than a dime, UB chemists print sensors that may detect hundreds of chemicals at once.

Join Together Online

A UB study that shows post-traumatic stress disorder can increase the cravings for drugs in substance abusers.

New York Times Online

Article looks at the art of David Goldes, a UB alumnus.

Rosemary G. Feal has been named executive director of the Modern Language Association.

Science Daily

Novel simulations of turbulent reacting flows provide insight into physics of internal combustion.

On a spot smaller than a dime, University at Buffalo chemists print sensors that may detect hundreds of chemicals.

Scientific Journal

On a spot smaller than a dime, University at Buffalo chemists print sensors that may detect hundreds of chemicals.

The Scientist Online

The National Science Foundation has awarded UB a grant that will fund 40 multidisciplinary candidates in biophotonics.


Automating the development of volcanic hazard maps.

Closest model yet of the physics of turbulent flow.

Stress disorder increases craving in drug abusers.

Washington Post Online

Article discussing the status of al Qaeda prisoners quotes Makau Mutua.

UB study that shows post-traumatic stress disorder can increase the cravings for drugs in substance abusers.

Your Health Online

UB study that shows post-traumatic stress disorder can increase the cravings for drugs in substance abusers.



The Buffalo News, Jan. 31, article announces the Special Olympics New York Summer Games will be held at UB.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 31, article reports on this year's induction of two UB alumni into its Athletic Hall of Fame.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 30, "Inside UB" column reports on the finals of an entrepreneurial awards contest; investigation of thefts of parked cars; UB student charged with disorderly conduct; and art exhibit by first-year master of fine arts students.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 30, article on the effect of Alan Greenspan's speeches on the economy quotes William M. Hamlen, Jr., associate professor of finance and managerial economics.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 29, article announces that JoAnn Johnson, a UB alumnus, has won this year's Panasci Award.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 28, "Inside UB" column looks at research spending at UB; a lecture by Jeanette Ludwig, associate professor of modern languages and literature; and a concert by music lecturer John C. Fullam.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, article on effect on the economy of the lack of autoworker bonuses quotes Jerry Newman, interim dean of the School of Management.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, article on the Apollo Theatre Small Business Resource Center quotes Reginald Garner, executive director of the Office of Urban Initiatives.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, column by Gary Earl Ross, associate professor in the Educational Opportunity Center, looks at the current educational crisis.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, article looks at positive effect the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics could have on the economy.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, article on the most luxurious offices in Buffalo mentions Jacobs Management Center.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, article on public sector construction mentions UB's housing projects and quotes Dennis Black, vice president of student affairs.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, article on a protest over the expansion of a hazardous-waste site quotes R. Nils Olsen Jr., dean of the Law School.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, article on supermarket competition quotes Arun K. Jain, professor and chair of marketing and Samuel Capen Professor of Marketing Research.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 27, article reports on UB's proposed bioinformatics center as a strong hope for Western New York's economic future.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 26, article on possible creation of a regional stroke center mentions the Toshiba Stroke Research Center at UB.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 26, article reports that Justice Antonin Scalia will speak at UB and quotes Lucinda Finley, professor of law, and Lee A. Albert, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 25, "Inside UB" column reports on Greiner's snacking habits; the arrest of a non-UB student for stealing library books and an open house at the School of Management.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 25, article announces that Eugene R. Mindell, professor of medicine, will be honored by D'Youville College.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 23, editorial column criticizes Mayor Anthony Masiello for taking time from city business to teach at UB.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 23, "Inside UB" column reports on the late submission of a bimonthly lobbying report; appointment of Rosemary G. Feal as director of the Modern Language Association, and President Greiner's radio call-in show.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 23, article reports a state grant of $50 million will benefit the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 23, article on SUNY funding in the 2002-2003 state budget quotes President William R. Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 22, Page One, article on possible job openings for Buffalo's laid-off teachers quotes Deborah Walters, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 22, article on the new state budget reports it will include money to benefit UB's proposed bioinformatics center.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 20, Page One, article on efforts to keep college graduates in the region quotes Daniel J. Ryan, director of career planning and placement.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 18, Front Page, City & Region, photo shows middle school students competing in a math contest at UB.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 18, story reports on UB's contribution to homeland security through many ongoing research projects, such as the development of "intelligent" buildings and cell phone networks that operate during disasters.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 17, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on Mayor Masiello teaching a graduate class in the School of Management.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 16, Front Page, City & Region, column on too many parking lots downtown quotes Bob Shibley, professor of urban design.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 16, article announces that Bruce A. Holm has been named senior vice provost.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 16, article on a group that is tackling Buffalo's economic challenges reports Provost Elizabeth Capaldi is a member of the group.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 16, article profiles Joanne Castellani, music lecturer, and her husband, and their love of fine food and wine.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 14, commentary on the promise shown by Turner Battle, a freshman point guard at UB.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 13, Front Page, Life, column on women's issues in the new year quotes Pat Shelly, associate director of the Institute for Research and Education on Women and Gender.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 12, article discussing a new book quotes Rabbi Harry L. Rosenfeld, visiting instructor of classics.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 11, article on Buffalo's options for new housing quotes Robert Shibley.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 10, Front Page, Sports, column looks at Darcel Williams, UB basketball player, and his transfer to UB.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 10, article reports Mayor Masiello will teach a one week, master's-level course at UB.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 10, article on Governor Pataki's State of the State address reports funding for the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics is expected to continue.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 9, Front Page, Sports, article looks at the improvement in UB's basketball program.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 8, Front Page, Business, article on high school students' lack of basic financial skill mentions a recent national study authored by Lewis Mandell.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 8, Front Page, City & Region, article reports on UB's annual observance of Millard Fillmore's birthday.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 8, article on bad breath and dental hygiene quotes Sebastian Cianco, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Periodontics and Endodontics.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 6, article on the possibility of the United States attacking Iran is written by Jerome Slater, professor emeritus of political science.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 6, column on Stovroff Realty's name change quotes Arun Jain.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 6, "People in the News" reports Carole Petro, associate vice president for university communications, was presented with the service of distinction award by the Erie County Commission on the Status of Women.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 5, Front Page, City & Region, article discusses the important work being done by UB Law School's Affordable Housing Clinic.

The Buffalo News, Jan. 4, article on the many jobs available in Buffalo quotes Daniel J. Ryan.

Business First, Jan. 28, article on Adelphia Communications' new downtown building quotes Robert Shibley.

Business First, Jan. 28, article discusses the departure of technology transfer director Jerry McGuire.

Business First, Jan. 28, article on the merger of Lan & Washburn Electric, Inc. and Forester Controls quotes Harold Star.

Business First, Jan. 28, article discusses a new way of teaching architecture being taught by an interdisciplinary team at UB.

Business First, Jan. 21, article on the transition to the euro quotes Kathryn Foster, associate professor of planning.

Business First, Jan. 21, article on handheld electronic devices quotes Lawrence Sanders, associate professor of management science and systems.

Business First, Jan. 14, article reports a $1 million grant has been given to UB by the National Science Foundation to support data management for bioinformatics.

Business First, Jan. 14, article reports the UB libraries are using Instant Messenger to answer reference questions.

Business First, Jan. 7, article announces a breakfast series will be offered by the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership.

Amherst Bee, Jan. 30, article announces that Eugene R. Mindell, professor emeritus of orthopaedics, will be honored by D'Youville College.

Amherst Bee, Jan. 16, article looks at a new book meant to help toddlers adjust to day care written by Robert R. Orrange, associate director of career planning and placement.

Amherst Bee, Jan. 9, article announces that alumnus Todd Miller will be inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame.

The Challenger, Jan. 9, article on Science and Technology Enrichment Program funding quotes Patricia E. Clark, acting executive director of the Office for University Preparatory Programs.



WBFO Radio

UB will once again host the Special Olympics this summer.

President William Greiner says its time to put to rest the three decade-old criticism of the decision to build UB's new campus.

A segment on Governor Pataki's budget woes quotes Jim Twombly, visiting assistant professor of political science.

Discussion of the poetry of Carl Dennis, professor of English.

UB remembers its first chancellor, and the nation's 13th President, Millard Fillmore.

Interview with Mark Cameron, assistant professor of social work, on the "Girls in Charge" project.

Story on the second quarterly report of the Buffalo/Niagara Partnership includes comments by Elizabeth Capaldi.

Report on the new state budget mentions the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Charles Carr, clinical associate professor of law, on the indictment of John Walker Lindh.

Interview with Larry Kline, instructor of political science, on detainees in Cuba.

Interview with Charles Carr on detainee camp in Cuba.

Report on the new state budget mentions the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.


Discussion of reopening downtown traffic on Main Street includes comments by Bob Shibley.

Report on the new state budget mentions the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

Segment reports a protest against New Era Cap was held at UB.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Report on the women's basketball game against Kent State.

UB graduate Jennifer Farnham has been named Miss Buffalo.

A sick coyote was found on the UB grounds.

Results of the women's basketball game at home against Akron.

Report on men's basketball game against Kent State.

Report on men's basketball game against Marshall includes quote by coach Reggie Witherspoon.

Interview with Arun Jain on K-Mart filing bankruptcy.

Segment reports a protest against New Era Cap was held at UB.

Story on differences between boys and girls includes quote from Isabel Marcus, professor of law.

Report on men's basketball game against Bowling Green.

Report on men's basketball game versus Kent State.

Segment looks at annual remembrance of Millard Fillmore.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

UB will once again host the Special Olympics this summer.

Report on the men's basketball game versus Northwestern.

Segment reports a protest against New Era Cap was held at UB.

Story reports Mayor Masiello is teaching a business class at UB.

Report on men's basketball game against Bowling Green.

Segment looks at annual remembrance of Millard Fillmore.

Segment reports that the Buffalo Destroyers have signed former UB football player Josh Roth.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Report looks at the upcoming men's basketball game at Akron.

Story on Tiffany Bell, current UB student who is assistant basketball coach at Buffalo State.

Report on the men's basketball game against Northwestern includes quote from Reggie Witherspoon.

Report on women's basketball game versus Eastern Michigan.

Segment reports a protest against New Era Cap was held at UB.

Reports on men's basketball game against Bowling Green.

Report on men's basketball game versus Kent State.

Interview with men's basketball coach Reggie Witherspoon.

Story on men's basketball victory over Kent State.

Story on UB's annual remembrance of Millard Fillmore.

Report on UB men's basketball victory over Eastern Michigan.

WPXJ-TV, Channel 19

UB will once again host the Special Olympics this summer.

Interview with Arun Jain on K-Mart filing bankruptcy.

Reports on men's basketball game against Bowling Green.

Story on UB's annual remembrance of Millard Fillmore.