UB News 02/02

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: May 20, 2002 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of February 2002 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, Feb. 24, article on why disposing of the dead matters so much to the living quotes Donald Pollock, associate professor of anthropology.

New York Times, Feb. 7, article on SUNY schools moving into Division I athletics quotes President William R. Greiner.

The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 12, article reports the UB School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences has created a master's degree in pharmacometrics.

USA Today, Feb. 28, article on incidents of binge drinking on college campuses notes UB was among those affected.

USA Today, Feb. 4, article on the dropping price of Enron stock and its effect on company retirees quotes James Wooten, professor of law.

Chronicle of Higher Education, Feb. 20, article reports UB has discontinued its online MBA program.

Los Angeles Times, Feb. 4, article on the physics of throwing a football quotes William J. Rae, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Times Union (Albany), Feb. 16, article reports on the investigation into death of a college student who allegedly had been drinking at a UB fraternity party.

Newsday (Nassau edition), Feb. 19, article on obtaining research funding at SUNY Stony Brook reports that of public New York institutions, only UB had higher research expenditures.

Washington Times, Feb. 12, article reports UB researchers have found that music eased stressful feelings and reduced pain for people about to undergo glaucoma or cataract surgery.

(Newark, N.J.) Star-Ledger, Feb. 9, article on stroke risk cites research conducted by Adnan Qureshi that showed education is strongly linked to stroke risk.

(Syracuse) Post-Standard, Feb. 14, article reports UB has suspended its online MBA program.

(Syracuse) Post-Standard, Feb. 13, article on a new method of knee replacement surgery notes the technique was developed by John Repicci, an alumnus of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

Chronicle of Philanthropy, Feb. 21, article reports a former chairman of Harley-Davidson has given $1 million to UB to endow a professorship in urban and rural education.

Allentown Morning Call, Feb. 3, article on a series of museum lectures quotes Jack Quinan, professor of art history.

Beacon Journal (Akron, Ohio), Feb. 18, article on consumer shopping habits includes quote by Arun K. Jain, professor of chair marketing and Samuel P. Capen Professor of Marketing Research.

Houston Chronicle, Feb. 3, article looks at newborn screening techniques including the test for phenylketonuria developed by the late Robert Guthrie, professor of pediatrics.

Arizona Daily Star, Feb. 5, article on the growth of Chinese buffet restaurants quotes Arun K. Jain.

The San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 23, article on parents who kill their kids quotes Charles Ewing, professor of law.

The San Diego Union-Tribune, Feb. 4, article looks at newborn screening techniques including the test for phenylketonuria developed by Robert Guthrie.

Wire Services

Associated Press, Feb. 20, article on Joe Mesi's deal with Sugar Ray Leonard mentions that the first fight of the deal will be held in Alumni Arena.

Business Wire, Feb. 20, article on Joe Mesi's deal with Sugar Ray Leonard mentions that the first fight of the deal will be held in Alumni Arena.

Associated Press, Feb. 20, article reports on technology being developed at UB that will allow researchers to identify the path of lava flow before a volcanic eruption.

Associated Press, Feb. 16, article reports on the investigation into death of college student who allegedly had been drinking at a UB fraternity party.

Associated Press, Feb. 13, article reports that UB will suspend its online MBA program.

Dow Jones, Feb. 4, article on the usefulness of Enron's internal investigation report quotes Garry Graber, professor of law.


Family Circle, Feb. 12, article reports UB researchers have found that Ritalin causes longer lasting changes in brain function than previously believed.

Health and Medicine Week, Feb. 18, article reports UB scientists have made a major breakthrough in technology that would place hundreds of reusable chemical sensors in an area smaller than a dime.

Life Extension, February, article on the genetic link between periodontal disease, clotting factor and heart disease uses research performed in the School of Dental Medicine.

Newsday, Feb. 19, article on SUNY research money at SUNY Stony Brook mentions UB's ranking by the National Science Foundation.

Reader's Digest, February, article on heart disease quotes Karen Allen, research assistant professor of dental diagnostic sciences.

Technology Research News, February, article reports a team of UB researchers has found a way to produce higher frequency wavelengths, which could eventually lead to faster optical communications and higher-density storage applications.

Working Mother, February, article on the best ways for women to stay healthy quotes William Jusko, professor of pharmaceutical sciences.


ABC Radio

Sam Donaldson interviews Don Ferrin, assistant professor of organizations and human resources, regarding the Enron hearings.


WGN (Chicago)

UB is conducting research into the link between periodontal disease and heart disease.



Article on a body discovered in the Thames River quotes Phillips Stevens, professor of anthropology.

Arizona Daily Star Online

Article on the growth of Chinese buffet restaurants quotes Arun K. Jain.

Associated Press Online

Article on Joe Mesi's deal with Sugar Ray Leonard mentions that the first fight of the deal will be held in Alumni Arena.

Chronicle of Higher Education

UB has discontinued its online MBA program.

Health News Digest

Article reports that diabetes and brittle bones may be connected.

UB researchers have found that as education level goes up, risk of death from stroke and brain hemorrhage goes down.

Los Angeles Times Online

Article on the physics of football quotes William J. Rae.

New York Times Online

Article on SUNY schools moving into Division I athletics quotes President William R. Greiner.

SFGate News

Article on parents who kill their kids quotes Charles Ewing.

TRN News

A team of UB researchers has found a way to produce higher frequency wavelengths, which could eventually lead to faster optical communications and higher-density storage applications.


A team of UB researchers has found a way to produce higher frequency wavelengths, which could eventually lead to faster optical communications and higher-density storage applications.

UB researchers have found patients develop a severe tolerance to steroids soon after their initial use.

USA Today Online

Article on the dropping price of Enron stock and its effect on company retirees quotes James Wooten.



The Buffalo News, Feb. 28, article on the abuse of OxyContin quotes Jeffrey Lackner, assistant professor of medicine.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 27, "Inside UB" column reports the Graduate Student Association has honored Bob Baier, professor of oral diagnostics; a lecture by a Fredonia State professor taking place on campus; and the Buffalo Public Interest Law Program's annual auction.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 27, article on Greek organization members wearing ribbons to show support for the fraternity where a Grand Island teenager drank at a party and later was involved in a fatal car accident, includes quote by Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 26, article on children's dental hygiene mentions efforts by the UB dental school to educate children.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 26, Front Page, Sports, article profiles UB assistant basketball coach Stephanie Schueler and her fight against cancer.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 26, Front Page, Life & Arts, article on the dangers of tanning quotes Allen Oseroff, chair of the dermatology department.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 25, "Inside UB" column reports on restructuring of Senior Vice President Robert Wagner's responsibilities following his retirement; and a panel on "The Lawyer's Conscience" held at UB Law School.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 24, article on research by UB scientists to predict the path lava will take in a volcanic eruption includes quote by Michael F. Sheridan, UB geologist.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 24, article on new underage drinking laws mentions incident in which a teenager was involved in a fatal car accident after allegedly drinking at a UB fraternity party.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 24, article reviews the "The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership," a book written by former UB president Steven B. Sample.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 24, review by Mark Shechner, professor of English looks at "The Illuminated Soul".

The Buffalo News, Feb. 24, article on the need for emotional support after a cancer diagnosis mentions the medical school's project on "How to Break the Bad News."

The Buffalo News, Feb. 23, article reports on a panel discussion on "The Lawyer's Conscience" at UB Law School and quotes Justice George Hezel, clinical law professor.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 23, article on the environmental problems at Hickory Woods mentions concerns raised by a team of UB professors.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 23, Front Page, City & Region, article on efforts by the Seneca Nation of Indians to preserve their language quotes Karin Michelson, associate professor of linguistics.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 23, letter to the editor compares President Greiner's work in the University Heights area to similar efforts being conducted by Canisius College.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 22, "Inside UB" column reports on the book written by former UB president Steven B. Sample.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 22, Front Page, City & Region, article on politics in Amherst includes quote by Jim Twombly, assistant professor of political science.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 22, column on the importance of patient education was written by Daniel Morelli, professor of clinical family medicine.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 21, article on the uncooperative behavior of the fraternity involved in the fatal car accident involving a Grand Island teenager includes a quote by Dennis Black.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 21, Front Page, City & Region, article on a list of economic priorities developed by the Buffalo Niagara Partnership mentions the proposed bioinformatics center at UB as one of the priorities.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 21, Front Page, Sports, article reports that "Baby Joe" Mesi's next fight will be held in Alumni Arena.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 20, Front Page, Business, article reports UB researchers have discovered a chemical that may aid communications and the fight against cancer.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 20, article reports UB chemistry students are testing for pollution in Bellevue.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 19, article on underage drinking mentions incident in which a teenager drowned in a car accident after drinking at a UB fraternity party.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 19, article reports the finalists for a $100,000 grant include King Park Art Café, a project of UB's Office of Urban Initiatives.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 19, column looks at Governor Pataki's plan to retain one-third of a college student's Tuition Assistance Program award until graduation.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 19, Front Page, article on the changing face of the suburbs quotes John Sheffer, director of the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 19, Front Page, article on a fatal car accident involving a Grand Island teenager reports that he was allegedly drinking at a UB fraternity party the night he died.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 18, editorial compares UB's University District revitalization with Canisius College's efforts in that college's neighborhood.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 18, Front Page, article profiles Michael A. Battle, UB Law alumnus, who was appointed U.S. Attorney of the Western District of New York.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 17, article reports that most Greek activities will resume at UB.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 17, article reports on the need for expediency in creating the proposed bioinformatics center.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 16, article reports that UB will file charges against the fraternity where a Grand Island teenager was allegedly drinking and later died in a car accident, includes quote from Dennis Black.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 16, Front Page, City & Region, article on the proposed move of OB-GYN doctors back to Children's Hospital mentions John Yeh, chair of the OB-GYN department at the medical school.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 15, article on the tragedies that result from underage drinking includes quote by Dennis Black.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 15, "Inside UB" column reports on the theft of architecture tools; the naming of David Triggle as SUNY university professor; and a series of lectures to be given by Lisa Block de Behar, professor of communication sciences.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 14, Front Page, article on investigation into fatal car crash reports that the victim allegedly had been drinking at UB fraternity party the night of the accident.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 14, article on NASCAR racing quotes Dave Ballard, associate director of student unions and a general mechanic for racecar driver Jeff Burton.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 14, Front Page, Business, article reports that William Mihalko has been named executive director of the Center for Advanced Technology.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 14, article on UB's cancellation of all Greek activities following a fatal car accident on Grand Island quotes Dennis Black.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 13, Front Page, Business, article reports on UB's decision to end its online MBA program.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 13, "Inside UB" column reports on UB Day in Albany; a speech by Beth Harpaz to be held in Allen Hall; and the Zodiaque Dance Company's performance in Center for the Arts.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 13, editorial on the bargain of a SUNY school's tuition is written by Robert King, SUNY chancellor.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 13, article reports on the apparent legislative failure of Governor Pataki's proposal to withhold one-third of a student's TAP award until graduation.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 12, article on the growth of Canisius College's off-campus housing compares those efforts to UB's efforts in the city.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 12, article on the economic impact a college generates in an area mentions UB.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 12, article reports on the new working courtroom at UB Law School.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 11, article reports seven UB students will travel to Brazil in order to provide free dental care.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 11, "Inside UB" column reports on an interview with Gene Simmons by UB alumna Terry Gross; an optometrist's comment on UB; the celebration of Darwin Day; and a lecture to be given by Wolfgang Wolck, emeritus professor of linguistics.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 10, article reports senior vice president Robert Wagner will retire.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 10, article announces that Jeffrey Skolnick has been chosen to lead the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 10, article looks at the prospects for next year's football team.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 10, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that Bill Clinton will speak at UB on April 10.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 9, Front Page, article on the wait of refugees to come to the United States quotes Michael Lichter, assistant professor of sociology.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 8, "Inside UB" column reports on Fed-Ex's help-wanted poster in the Student Union; a grant received by the Graduate School of Education; a workshop on the role of the media, advertising images and modeling agencies sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs; and a lecture by a Planned Parenthood educator.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 8, article reports that Bill Clinton will speak at UB on April 10.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 7, Front Page, Sports, column looks at the men's basketball game against Miami.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 7, article on a new study of Hickory Woods mentions a UB study of the neighborhood.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 6, "Inside UB" column reports on the winter weather and its effect on UB students; a Spectrum article headline; and a lecture on electronic packaging and assemblies to be given at UB.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 5, article reports on the return of the Special Olympics to UB this summer.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 5, editorial on Erie County Medical Center mentions the medical school.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 5, article on the new federal budget mentions the medical school.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 5, article reports on the end of the prosecution phase of a trial held in the UB Law School.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 5, article on getting more federal funds for Western New York mentions the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 5, article on Western New York's share of federal funding mentions the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 4, Front Page, Business, article reports on the creation of a master's degree program in pharmacometrics at UB.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 4, article on local lobbying efforts mentions UB's achievements.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 4, article compares the efforts of Buffalo and Rochester in getting Centers of Excellence.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 4, "Inside UB" column reports on a rash of car break-ins on the North Campus; a project to be started by the Dental School; Paula Zagora's appointment as assistant vice president for human resource services; and UB's celebration of Black History Month.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, Front Page, Arts & Books, article on the economic impact a college has on the area around it mentions UB.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, Front Page, Arts & Books, article on patriotic rock music quotes Elayne Rapping, professor of women's studies.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, article reports on a lecture series offered by UB focusing on the effects of the September 11 attacks.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, review looks at the poetry of Robert Creeley, Samuel P. Capen Professor of Poetry and Humanities.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, article on the importance of federal funds mentions the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, article profiles UB Hall of Fame inductee Bridget Niland.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 3, article on federal appropriations to Buffalo mentions the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 1, column on the importance of learning about death at an early age is written by Paul Chimera, lecturer of communication.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 1, Front Page, City & Region, column on unhealthy diets mentions a recent study done at UB.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 1, Front Page, City & Region, article on the new federal budget's impact on Buffalo mentions the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, Feb. 1, "Inside UB" column reports on a donation to the UB libraries from Veridian; a conference on European politics that UB students attended; a book written by Jorge Canizares-Esguerra, assistant professor of history; and the appointment of Charles Mitchell as chair of the geology department.

Business First, Feb. 25, article on new downtown development discusses the new medical campus to be built including the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

Business First, Feb. 25, article on Chinese telecommunications executives taking advice from local experts quotes John Thomas, associate dean for international programs.

Business First, Feb. 25, article on the rising career of boxer "Baby Joe" Mesi mentions his upcoming fight at Alumni Arena.

Business First, Feb. 25, article reports that UB is collaborating with the University of Havana on an interdisciplinary master's degree in humanities with a specialty in Caribbean studies.

Business First, Feb. 25, article on the difficult recovery in the local economy quotes Larry Southwick, Jr., associate professor of finance and managerial economics.

Business First, Feb. 18, article reports honorees at the annual Engineers Week awards dinner include Andrei Reinhorn, professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering.

Business First, Feb. 11, article on bullies in business quotes James R. Meindl, Donald S. Carmichael Professor of Organizations and Human Resources.

Business First, Feb. 11, article announces that UB has developed a master's program in pharmacometrics.

Business First, Feb. 4, article on continuing efforts to keep jobs in Western New York quotes Howard Foster, professor of organizations and human resources.

Business First, Feb. 4, article on human rights law quotes Melinda Saran, associate dean of student services for the Law School.

Business First, Feb. 4, article reports on UB's 2002 Panasci Entrepreneurship Competition.

Amherst Bee, Feb. 13, article reports on a performance by the Amherst Symphony Orchestra which will feature Joanne Castellani, lecturer of music, as a guest performer.

Amherst Bee, Feb. 13, Front Page, article announces that Bill Clinton will speak at UB on April 10.

The Challenger, Feb. 20, article reports on the Law School's program to help minority high school students.



WBFO Radio

UB researchers have created a virtual volcano.

UB has suspended all Greek functions for one week.

Bill Clinton will speak at UB in April.

Robert Wagner, senior vice president, will retire.

WBEN Radio

Interview with Neil B. McGillicuddy, research scientist with the Research Institute on Addictions, regarding a report on underage drinking.

UB is looking into fraternity drinking after a fatal car crash on Grand Island.

UB has suspended all Greek functions for one week.


UB has suspended its online MBA program.

Bill Clinton will speak at UB in April.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Story on credit card debt includes comments by UB students.

Story reports on the kindness of fellow students after a disabled UB student's wardrobe is stolen.

UB has charged three students with serving alcohol to minors in connection with a fatal Grand Island car accident.

Results of UB men's basketball game against Central Michigan.

Segment reports that UB has suspended all Greek functions for one week.

Report on UB men's basketball team quotes head coach Reggie Witherspoon.

Results of the UB women's basketball game against Marshall.

Results of the UB men's basketball game against Ball State.

Segment reports that UB has signed four Western New York high school football players.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Green Beret representatives visited UB's North Campus today.

Segment reports that UB researchers have created a virtual volcano.

Dennis Black discusses underage drinking.

UB is investigating fraternity activities.

UB has charged three students with serving alcohol to minors in connection with a fatal Grand Island car accident.

UB has suspended all Greek functions for one week.

Story on prescription drug ads mentions the medical school.

Segment reports UB students are protesting against the New Era Cap Company.

Bill Clinton will speak at UB in April.

Story on a computer that aids knee replacement surgery quotes Kenneth Krackow, professor of orthopedics.

Story on D'Youville College honoring a UB professor.

Results of the UB men's basketball game against Akron.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Results of the men's basketball game at Miami of Ohio.

Story on underage drinking mentions UB.

UB inducts five alumni into its Athletic Hall of Fame.

UB announces new Greek rules following a fatal car crash in Grand Island.

"Baby Joe" Mesi's boxing match will be held at Alumni Arena in April.

Story reports there has been an outbreak of chicken pox at UB.

Story reports that UB is investigating fraternity activities.

UB has charged three students with serving alcohol to minors in connection with a fatal Grand Island car accident.

Results of the men's basketball game against Central Michigan.

Story reports that UB has suspended all Greek functions for one week.

Results of the men's basketball game against Western Michigan.

Report on UB men's basketball 2002 recruits.

WNLO-TV, Channel 23

"Pinocchio" is being presented on UB's North Campus.

UB researchers have created a virtual volcano.

UB is investigating fraternity activities.

UB has charged three students with serving alcohol to minors in connection with a fatal Grand Island car accident.

UB has suspended all Greek functions for one week.

UB students are protesting against the New Era Cap Company.

Story reports D'Youville College will honor a UB professor.

WPXJ-TV, Channel 19

Report on the State of the County address mentions UB..

Story reports on the kindness of fellow students after a disabled UB student's wardrobe is stolen.

UB has suspended all Greek functions for one week.