UB News 09/01

By Connie Rieck

Release Date: June 13, 2002 This content is archived.


A report on major stories in the news media during the month of September 2001 involving the University at Buffalo, its faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in receiving a copy of a story in this log, please contact Connie Rieck in the Office of News Services at 645-5000, ext. 1420 and she will gladly fill your request.



The New York Times, Sept. 7, article on the 100th anniversary of Buffalo's Pan-American Exposition notes that the Pan-American Collector's Society has mounted an exhibit of memorabilia at UB.

USA Today, Sept. 13, article on people returning to work following the terrorist attacks reports many are looking for ways they might help, and that UB contacted employees in the medical and nursing schools to see who might be able to provide volunteer assistance.

USA Today, Sept. 5, article reports Yahoo! Internet Life has named the 100 most-wired colleges, with UB tied for 10th in the rankings.

Chicago Tribune, Sept. 27, Page One, article on families starting to apply for death certificates for people who died in the collapse of the World Trade Center quotes Kenneth Joyce, professor of law.

Providence Journal, Sept. 16, article on the terrorist attacks quotes Michael Frisch, professor of history and American studies.

Newsday, Sept. 24, article reports on research that shows that the less sensory-variety food has, the less one will eat, and quotes Leonard Epstein, professor of pediatrics, and Hollie Raynor, a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology.

Newsday, Sept. 18, article on the actual physical activity level of young people quotes Leonard Epstein.

New York Post, Sept. 8, article reports former President Bill Clinton would consider speaking at UB for free, and quotes President William R. Greiner and Christian Oliver, president of the undergraduate Student Association.

New York Post, Sept. 7, article reports UB students and administrators are at odds over whether former President Bill Clinton should come to speak, and quotes Christian Oliver.

New York Law Journal, Sept. 4, article on financial literacy cites a national survey conducted by Lewis Mandell, professor of management.

(Albany) Times Union, Sept. 26, article reports three Arab students at Syracuse University have left school, joining others around the nation who are concerned about harassment or reprisals following the Sept. 11 attacks, and notes UB has not experienced any such departures.

Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept. 20, article on the results of Yahoo! Internet Life's survey of the 100 most-wired colleges reports UB tied for 10th in the rankings.

Miami Herald, Sept. 20, article on a study that showed that young people were more active than adults probably suspected quotes Leonard Epstein.

Detroit News and Free Press, Sept. 16, article on the United State's options for responding to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks quotes Paul Senese, assistant professor of political science.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sept. 3, article on a study that found that heart patients have difficulty sticking to an exercise routine to reduce their risk of another heart attack quotes Joan Dorn, assistant professor of social and preventive medicine.

Long Island Business, Sept. 14, article reports a key committee of the SUNY Board of Trustees is considering increasing tuition at community colleges.

Gambit Weekly (New Orleans, La.), Sept. 4, article on the link between oral health and overall health cites a study conducted at UB that shows that routine dental x-rays can predict heart attack and stroke risk.

Business Journal (San Jose/Silicon Valley), Sept. 21, article on the architectural strength of the World Trade Center towers quotes Robert Shibley, professor of architecture.

Business Journal (Phoenix & Valley of the Sun), Sept. 7, article reports a computer glitch has prevented applications from being delivered electronically to the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

Follow Up File (La Canada, Calif.), Sept. 17, article reports that children are getting more exercise than previously thought but researchers at UB say it still is not enough.

TB & Outbreaks Week, Sept. 18, article reports Guiyan Yan, assistant professor of biological sciences, has received a $3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study how man-made environmental changes affect the transmission of malaria, and quotes Yan and David Mark, professor of geography.

Prep-Life Watch, Sept. 18, article on the actual physical activity level of young people quotes Leonard Epstein.

Wire Services

Dow Jones Newswires, Sept. 26, article on the impact falling energy prices may have on the economy quotes Lawrence Southwick, associate professor of finance and managerial economics.

Associated Press Newswires, Sept. 25, article reports three Arab students have left Syracuse University following the terrorist attacks, and notes UB has not experienced any such departures.

The Canadian Press, Sept. 17, article quotes Leonard Epstein on the actual physical activity level of young people.

Associated Press Newswires, Sept. 15, article on the physical activity level of young people quotes Leonard Epstein.

Associated Press Newswires, Sept. 12, article on people's concerns about flying following the terrorist attacks quotes Gayle Beck, professor of psychology.

Associated Press Newswires, Sept. 7, article reports former President Bill Clinton would consider speaking at UB for free.

Dow Jones International News, Sept. 6, article reports Bill Clinton would consider waiving his usual fee to speak at UB.

Associated Press Newswires, Sept. 6, article reports Bill Clinton would consider speaking at UB for free.


Popular Mechanics, September 2001, article reports on a new volcano risk map developed by geologists at UB.

The New Yorker, September 2001, article includes quote by Colin Drury, UB Distinguished Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering.

Technology Review, September 2001, article on the implantable pacemaker notes it was invented by Wilson Greatbatch, adjunct professor or electrical engineering.

Men's Fitness, September 2001, article reports music and pets can help relieve stress-related rises in blood pressure, and quotes Karen Allen, assistant professor of oral diagnostic sciences.

Men's Fitness, September 2001, article reports on research conducted at UB that shows that the more snacking options people have, the more likely they are to overeat.

Higher Education, September-October 2001, article looks at UB's use of Instant Messaging for recruitment.

Black Issues in Higher Education, Sept. 13, article on the controversy over the importance of Internet skills for students quotes Hank Bromley, associate professor of educational leadership and policy.

Research Quarterly, September 2001, article by Leonard Epstein looks at parental activity as a determinant of activity level and patterns of activity in obese children.

Skeptical Inquirer, September 2001, article reports that Paul Kurtz, professor emeritus of philosophy, received the Chancellor Norton Medal at commencement.

About Time, September 2001, article on the magazine's Exemplar Awards names James Pappas, associate professor and chair of African-American studies, as a recipient.

About Time, September 2001, letter thanking the magazine for recognition at its first annual awards dinner is written by James Pappas.

Worldwide Challenge Magazine, September-October 2001, article looks at the ministry and outreach efforts of John Mansfield, director of UB's Campus Crusade for Christ.

Hearing Loss, September-October 2001, article reports that UB's Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology Transfer and another RERC are seeking hearing-enhancement products.

Marketing News, Sept. 10, article on category management among retailers to boost profits quotes Suman Basuroy, assistant professor of marketing.

Kansas City Parent, September 2001, article on school discipline extremes cites the positive effect the School of Social Work's VISA Center has had.


New Scientist, Sept. 15, article reports Tom Cusick, professor of mathematics, has proposed that future computers be fitted with electronic "license plates" to combat cybercrime, track down virus writers and block unwanted email.

Agence France-Presse, Sept. 26, article reports the Popocatepetl volcano has a one-in-three chance of eruption, according to Michael Sheridan, professor of geology.

Winnipeg Free Press, Sept. 19, article on the actual physical activity level of young people quotes Leonard Epstein.

Winnipeg Free Press, Sept. 13, article on new security measures being imposed at airports and on airplanes quotes Claude Welch, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Political Science.

The Times of London, Sept. 18, article on what the color of urine reveals quotes Frank Cerny, associate professor and chair of physical therapy, exercise and nutrition sciences.

National Post, Sept. 10, article on a controversy over the benefits of breast feeding quotes Jo Freudenheim, professor of social and preventive medicine.


Voice of America

Interview with Claude Welch on the terrorist attacks.

WBBR-AM (Bloomberg Radio)

Former President Bill Clinton may do a free speech at UB.

Students at UB want former President Clinton to speak, but they can't afford his $125,000 fee.

WJMN Radio (Boston)

Interview with Claude Welch on the terrorist attacks.


Interview with Erick Duchesne, assistant professor of political science, on the terrorist attacks.



Interview with William Rae on the physics of football.

WGAL-TV (Lancaster, Pa.)

Interview with Larry Hawk, assistant professor of psychology, on using genetics to help people quit smoking.

WFSB-TV (Hartford, Conn.)

Results of the UB football game against University of Connecticut.

WNYW-TV (New York City)

Former President Bill Clinton may do a free speech at UB.

WROC-TV (Rochester, N.Y.)

Former President Bill Clinton was welcome at Hobart and William Smith Colleges last week, but he may not be welcome at UB.

Former President Clinton will not speak at UB because he's too controversial and too expensive.


Associated Press Online

Young people are more active than adults probably suspected.


Article reports on study at UB that shows that elevated levels of C-reactive protein could explain why periodontal disease could be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and quotes Ernesto DeNardin, associate professor of oral biology and microbiology.

Education Week Online

Experts say young children need more math.


Protein links heart disease with gum disease.

Former social work director at Oklahoma City hospital says rescue workers are among disasters' "victims," need special attention as first-hand witnesses to unspeakable horrors.

Shattered sense of security: As a result of Tuesday's terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Americans have been hit with a "double shock," according to a UB expert in international security and conflict process and American foreign policy.

Attack aftermath: coping with grief

War on American soil: The terrorist strikes at the World Trade Center "brings the horror of war into Americans' lives in ways others have been experiencing it for decades," according to a UB historian.

Health Scout

Article on the amount of exercise children get quotes James Roemmich, assistant professor of pediatrics.

UB researcher studies the spin of the "Hail Mary" pass.

Join Together Online

Treatment program effective in helping women decrease alcohol use.

Pediatrics Online

Article looks at a UB study on how much exercise children actually get.

Popular Mechanics Online

A new volcanic risk map has been developed by UB geologists.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Online

Article on coping with the terrorist attacks quotes Beth Cohen.

The Chronicle of Higher Education Online

Article on colleges canceling classes after the terrorist attacks reports UB set up an emergency center for students.

The New York Times Online

Article on Wall Street economist Milton Ezrati notes he graduated from UB in 1969.

USA Today Online

Article on people returning to work on the day after the terrorist attacks notes UB canvassed employees in the medical and nursing schools to see who might be able to provide volunteer help, and created a response center in the student union.


Map looks at future of the planet's riskiest volcano.

Virtual New York

Article on the fundamental motives of suicide bombers and the terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon quotes Phillips Stevens, Jr., associate professor of anthropology.

Article reports Guiyun Yan and David Mark have received a $3 million grant to investigate malaria in the highlands of East Africa.

Voice of America Online

Article on the political message behind the terrorist attacks quotes Paul Senese, assistant professor of political science.


Kids get more exercise than adults realize.



The Buffalo News, Sept. 30, Page One, article on the damage the terrorist attacks have done to the economy notes that budget constraints could force Gov. Pataki to have to borrow funds for the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, rather than paying for the project outright.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 30, Front Page, Business, article on careers in fast-growing occupations quotes Jaclyn D'Aloia, a pharmacy student.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 30, article on a local lawyer devoted to all things Mark Twain notes he studied at UB under two nationally known Twain scholars -- Leslie Fiedler, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of English and Samuel Clemens Chairholder, and Vic Doyno, professor of English -- and attended the Law School.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 28, "Inside UB" column reports the results of the Linda Yalem Run; the College of Arts and Sciences will offer 36 fellowships to graduate students, and on a lecture on "Japanese Literature and Feminism."

The Buffalo News, Sept. 28, article looks at how the Bulls' football season is progressing, and quotes head coach Jim Hofher and player Tim Hedges.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 28, Page One, article on the staggering financial losses the state faces from the World Trade Center disaster reports Gov. Pataki plans to borrow money to fund a series of high-technology job-creation programs, including the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 27, "Inside UB" column reports on a $40,000 gift to the School of Architecture and Planning; a UB alumnus appointed Taiwan's deputy minister of education, and that the author of a celebrated memoir of growing up in East Los Angeles will speak at UB.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 27, article about a teleconference that allowed students in Buffalo and Costa Rica to share their feelings about the terrorist attack quotes Barbara Buonanno, manager of the network learning communities for the Center of Applied Technologies in Education.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 27, article reports that SUNY enrollment has risen for the fifth straight year.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 26, letter by Mary Gresham, dean of the Graduate School of Education and vice president for public service and urban affairs, outlines UB's efforts and commitment to helping the neighborhood around the South Campus.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 26, article reports that a State Supreme Court justice is allowing UB access to the site of a contested student-housing project on the North Campus.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 26, article on a meeting of the Children First Coalition reports that Henry Louis Taylor, director of the Center for Urban Studies, is encouraging the group to fight to keep Children's Hospital in the Elmwood community.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 26, article reports that enrollment in the MBA program shot up 40 percent this year and quotes Jerry Newman, dean of the School of Management.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 26, "Inside UB" column reports on the student government election and that FallFest has been rescheduled for Oct. 1.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 25, Front Page, City & Region, article reports a State Supreme Court justice has halted construction on a new student-housing project, and quotes President Greiner and Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 25, "Inside UB" column reports UB is one of the best universities in the nation for weaving technology into campus life according to Yahoo! Internet Life magazine, and quotes Voldemar Innus, chief information officer.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 25, Front Page, City & Region, article reports a group of college students has been holding a "peace camp" since Sept. 11 and quotes UB student Rebecca Newberry.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, article reports Jennifer McDonough has been named vice president for university advancement, and quotes President Greiner, David Saleh, president of the UB alumni association, and McDonough.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, "Inside UB" column looks at the contribution UB could make to downtown Buffalo by setting up displays of student art and architecture models in vacant Main Street storefronts and at the Panemania celebration held on the North Campus.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, Front Page, Life & Arts, article reports National Public Radio reporter and editor Kevin Klose will speak in Allen Hall in an event co-sponsored by WBFO-FM.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, editorial calls on state lawmakers to remain focused on ways to help New York City deal with its devastation, while remaining aware of economic needs upstate, including start-up funding for the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 24, Page One, article on the practice of Islam quotes Phillips Stevens, Jr.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 23, article on the retirement of National Fuel CEO Bernard Kennedy quotes Jerry Newman.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 23, Page One, article on how the terrorist attacks have changed security measures quotes Lee Albert, professor of law.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 23, article calls the Sept. 11 attacks a defining moment for people in their teens and early 20s, and quotes President Greiner who urged students at a remembrance ceremony not to "assign guilt by association" to those who share the Islamic religion with the suspected hijackers.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 23, article on the centennial re-enactment of the trial of President William McKinley's assassin Leon Czolgosz notes the role of pathologist Harvey Gaylord was played by real-life UB pathologist Peter Ostrow.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 22, "My View" column on lessons learned from the Sept. 11 attacks is written by Howard Meyer, who taught the "Computers and Law" course in the Law School for five years.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 22, Front Page, City & Region, article on a meeting to learn more about the pros and cons of opening an Indian casino in Buffalo quotes Kent Kleinman, professor and chair of architecture.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 22, Front Page, City & Region, article on the extra help disaster workers may been to help them deal with the stress of dealing with the terrorist attacks quotes Gayle Beck.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 22, Page One, article on people efforts to return to normal in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks quotes Thomas Frantz, associate professor of counseling psychology.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 21, "Inside UB" column reports the main sponsors of the Distinguished Speakers Series say they would welcome an appearance by former President Bill Clinton as part of the lecture series, and that UB has kicked off its 2001 SEFA appeal.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 21, article reports the Buffalo Niagara Enterprise has juggled its national advertising campaign in the wake of the terrorist attacks and quotes Lawrence Southwick, Jr.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 20, Page One, article on the foundation that supports Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida network of terrorists quotes Claude Welch.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 20, Front Page, Business, article on the Nimda virus that hit local computer networks quotes Voldemar Innus.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 20, "Inside UB" column reports on an open forum for UB students, faculty and staff to discuss their reactions to the terrorist attacks.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 19, "Inside UB" column reports the Department of Theatre and Dance is going ahead with its production of "Assassins."

The Buffalo News, Sept. 19, article reports that families of victims of the terrorist attacks would get free tuition to New York's public colleges under a proposal announced by Gov. Pataki.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 19, Front Page, City & Region, article looks at the Panamania festival to be held on the North Campus.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 19, article reports the Nimda virus has begun to strike Western New York, and quotes Voldemar Innus.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 18, article critiquing the quality of radio coverage of the terrorist attacks quotes Jennifer Roth, general manager of WBFO-FM 88.7.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 18, "Inside UB" column looks at UB's efforts following the terrorist attacks to prevent a backlash against students of Arab or Middle Eastern descent, and reports Arthur Eve will host a reception for minority student in the Law School.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 17, "Inside UB" column reports more than 300 students received free bus transportation to New York City thanks to the undergraduate Student Association; on a letter to The Spectrum emphasizing that most Muslims condemn terrorism and violence; on emergency blood drives on the North and South campuses; and on prayer vigils held since the terrorist attacks.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 15, Front Page, Sports, article looks at the effect the terrorist attacks have had on two UB football players from New York City, Ruben Vargas and Lamar Wilcher.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 14, obituary profiles the life and career of UB journalism instructor LeRoy Smith.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 14, "Inside UB" column reports that within an hour of the terrorist attacks, UB has set up a student resource center on campus, and SA has postponed FallFest.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 13, "Inside UB" column looks at student reaction to the terrorist attacks.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 12, "Inside UB" column reports on President Greiner's "Talk of the University" radio call-in show; on UB scientists who have developed a more detailed volcanic risk-assessment map; on administrative appointments, and that a poet who is a native of Korea will lead off the Wednesdays at 4 Plus poetry series.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 12, Front Page, City & Region, article on local reactions to the terrorist attacks quotes Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of English and Samuel Capen Professor of American Culture, and students Jeffrey Chaloux and Pragati Dalal.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 12, article on the sense of security that was lost in the terrorist attacks quotes Paul Senese.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 11, "Inside UB" column reports on efforts by the elected student leaders to get a bar opened on campus, and on a late-night bingo game sponsored by Student Activities.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 10, Front Page, City & Region, article reports that a local college with too few dorm rooms has housed some students in an Amherst hotel, and quotes Sean Sullivan, who says UB's freshman enrollment this year is as high as it's been in 15 years.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 10, "Inside UB" column reports UB has ended an internship program with the Buffalo Niagara Partnership, and that a lecture will be held on "Sounds of Our City: Buffalo People and their Speech."

The Buffalo News, Sept. 8, Front Page, City & Region, article on skepticism over college rankings quotes Elizabeth Capaldi.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 7, letter criticizing the Princeton Review survey that called UB's residence halls "dungeons" is written by Deborah Silverman, executive assistant to the provost.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 7, Front Page, City & Region, column criticizes UB for abandoning its commitment to the neighborhood surrounding the South Campus, and quotes President Greiner.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 7, "Inside UB" column reports Guiyan Yan has received a $3 million grant to study how man-made environments affect the spread of malaria in Africa; on a lecture that will look at President William McKinley's assassin, and the Periodontal Disease Research Center is looking for study participants.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 7, Page One, article reports former President Bill Clinton is considering speaking at UB for free, and quotes President Greiner and Christian Oliver, president of the undergraduate Student Association.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 7, Page One, article reports a team of six UB professors has claimed a state Health Department survey of Hickory Woods is faulty and incomplete, and quotes John Vena, professor of social and preventive medicine, and Joseph Gardella, professor of chemistry.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 6, Page One, article reports student leaders have said the university administration nixed their choice of Bill Clinton as a guest speaker because he is too controversial, and quotes Christian Oliver, William Regan, director of conferences and special events, Dennis Black, President Greiner and Franco Mattei, associate professor of political science.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 6, "Inside UB" column reports UB has installed new signage on its campuses; Kenneth Tramposch has been named associate vice president for research, and the Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic will hold a support group meeting for family member of people suffering language disorders caused by stroke or head injury.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 5, Page One, article on current state budget talks notes the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics needs $75 million to get off the ground.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 5, "Inside UB" column reports members of the elected student government are asking university officials to build a medical-services center on the North Campus, and a lecture will be presented on "Notes on the State of Architecture."

The Buffalo News, Sept. 4, "Inside UB" column reports on UB surveys that dispute how the university ranked in the 2002 Princeton Review; the National Institutes of Health has awarded $2 million to develop vaccines to prevent ear and respiratory tract infections, and a September Welcome event offering massages and beauty and image advice.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 4, Front Page, Life & Arts, article reports UB will host The Living Room Project, and quotes Rob Falgiano, assistant director of the Center for the Arts, and Tom Burrows, director of the Center for the Arts.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 2, Page One, article looks at construction plans for the North and South campuses, and quotes President Greiner, Dennis Black and Christian Oliver.

The Buffalo News, Sept. 1, Front Page, Life & Arts, column on pay equity for women quotes Jerry Newman.

Business First, Sept. 24, article on the re-enactment of the trial of Leon Czolgosz, assassin of President William McKinley, notes it was presented via live video feed at locations that included the Screening Room in the Center for the Arts.

Business First, Sept. 24, article on incentive being offered to automotive lease customers in the new model year quotes Arun Jain.

Business First, Sept. 24, Page One, article on the impact the terrorist attacks will have on the insurance industry quotes Larry Southwick.

Business First, Sept. 17, "UB Medical Briefs" column reports insulin may help treat heart disease; Mexican Americans in the U.S. who speak primarily Spanish are less active during leisure time; listening to music during surgery lowers heart rate, blood pressure and cardiac work load, and families exhibit improvement in overall function when they receive help and support for their child's substance-abuse problem.

Business First, Sept. 17, "Small Business Profile" looks at Nutrition Dynamics and company president Sharon Lawrence, clinical instructor of physical therapy, exercise and nutrition sciences.

Business First, Sept. 17, "Health Care Briefs" column reports an assessment survey for setting medical reimbursement policy developed at UB has been recognized by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the medical school will offer a master's degree in public health and a JD/M.P.H. degree program.

Business First, Sept. 17, article on the future of urban skyscrapers quotes Robert Shibley.

Business First, Sept. 10, "College Notes" column reports UB researchers have received project grants totaling $5 million from the National Institutes of Health.

Business First, Sept. 10, Special Report: Chambers, Associations & Nonprofits, article on partnerships between nonprofits looks at the relationship between the Anderson Gallery and UB, and quotes Sandra Olsen, director of the UB Art Gallery.

Business First, Sept. 3, article on the challenges facing the new manager of Delphi Harrison Thermal Systems quotes Harold Star, visiting assistant professor of management science and systems.

Business First, Sept. 3, article on developer Frank Chinnici notes he graduated from UB in 1981.

Business First, Sept. 3, article reports UB has formally opened Flint Village.

Business First, Sept. 3, Special Report: Office & Computer Technology, article on Michelle Winer, president of application service provider Aspen Technologies, notes she attended UB and continues to take classes at the university.

Amherst Bee, Sept. 12, Page One, article on reaction to the terrorist attacks by local schools and government reports UB set up a response center in the Student Union and quotes Arthur Page, director of news services.



WBFO Radio

Interview with Deborah Waldrop, assistant professor of social work, on the effect on workers of cleaning up after the terrorist attacks.

Beth Cohen, director of the Psychological Services Center, comments on the Sept. 11 attacks.

Michael Frisch comments on the Sept. 11 attacks.

Former president Bill Clinton may speak at UB for free.

Hickory Woods investigation by state is criticized by UB professors.

WBEN Radio

Bill Clinton might speak at UB for free.

Interview with Colin Drury on how federal takeover of airport security could improve operations.

Interview with Neil McGillicuddy, research scientist at the Research Institute on Addictions, on teens and middle-school students having access to drugs at school.

Interview with Michael Frisch on patriotism.

Interview with Rabbi Shay Mintz on the celebration of Rosh Hashanah and how much more precious life is this year.

Interview with Lee Albert, professor of law, on the terrorist attacks.

Interview with Gayle Beck on fear of flying in the wake of the terrorist attacks.

Interview with Lawrence Southwick on the changes the terrorist attacks could drive businesses to relocate in the countryside.

Interview with Michel Bruneau on the terrorist attacks.

Interview with Claude Welch on the terrorist attacks.

Former President Clinton is willing to wave his fee to speak at UB.

UB professors say a health study of Hickory Woods is flawed, and a study conducted by UB faculty supports residents' concerns.

Students at UB want former President Bill Clinton to speak but administrators say it's too expensive.

Interview with Peter Winkelstein, associate professor of clinical pediatrics, on the recommendation that children get more sleep.

WNED Radio

Interview with Deborah Waldrop on the effect on workers of cleaning up after the terrorist attacks.


WGRZ-TV, Channel 2

Story on racial profiling interviews Charles Patrick Ewing, professor of law.

Results of the UB football game against Central Michigan.

Preview of the football game against Central Michigan.

Coverage of protest on the South Campus over military action in Afghanistan.

Interview with player Tim Hedges on the upcoming football game against Central Michigan.

Segment on the increasing demand for college housing looks at Flint Village.

Interview with coach Jim Hofher on the upcoming game against Central Michigan.

Coverage of Linda Yalem Run includes interviews with William Barba, clinical associate professor of educational leadership and policy.

Results of the UB football game against the University of Connecticut.

Interview with Jim Hofher on the upcoming football game against UConn.

Interview with Jim Hofher on which quarterback will start the game against UConn.

Story on airport safety include interview with Mark Gottdiener, professor and chair of sociology.

Story reports that a UB graduate was among the victims on the World Trade Center attack.

Coverage of a service of remembrance held at UB includes comments by Lynne Kurdziel-Formato, assistant professor of theater and dance, and Maria Clare of Catholic Campus Ministries.

Segment looks at a prayer service held at UB.

A UB professor calls a study of Hickory Woods conducted by the state health department "faulty."

Story reports former President Bill Clinton may speak at UB for free.

Interview with Gerald Seipp, law lecturer, on a movement to grant legal status to illegal Mexican migrant workers.

Interview with Jim Hofher on the upcoming game against Bowling Green.

WIVB-TV, Channel 4

Results of the UB football game against Central Michigan.

Story reports a UB professor was attacked by a gorilla at the Buffalo Zoo.

Coach Jim Hofher and players Tim Hedges and Chris Shelley discuss the upcoming game against Central Michigan.

Results of the football game against the University of Connecticut.

Interview with Othman Shibly, clinical assistant professor of periodontics and endodontics, on Islam and the Koran.

Interview with Jim Hofher on the upcoming game against UConn.

Story on the delicate balance between safety and freedom includes interview with Lee Albert.

Segment looks at what UB students are doing to help victims of the terrorist attacks.

Story on a prayer service held at UB for victims of the terrorist attacks include comments by Father Pat Keleher, Father Jack Ledwon and Rabbi Shay Mintz of Campus Ministries, Lynne Kurdziel-Formato and students Lorenzo Guzman, Suzanne O'Brien, Julianne O'Brien, Nanner Dankovich, Amy King and Abraham Robinson.

Story on the state health department's study of Hickory Woods includes interview with Joseph Gardella, professor of chemistry.

Story on makeovers and massages being offered at UB as part of September Welcome includes interview with Sonia Cinelli, student programming coordinator.

Interview with Jim Hofher on the upcoming game against Bowling Green.

WKBW-TV, Channel 7

Results of the UB football game against Central Michigan.

Preview of the football game against Central Michigan includes interviews with coach Jim Hofher and player Tim Hedges.

Interview with Neil McGillicuddy on teens and alcohol and drub problems.

Story reports UB has been named to Yahoo! Internet Life's top-10 list of "most wired" colleges and universities.

Interview with Joseph Mylotte, associate professor of medicine, on flu shots and the flu season.

Interview with Murray Stinson, professor of microbiology, on the bioterrorism threat.

Story on plans to move Children's Hospital includes interview with Henry Louis Taylor.

UB kicker Dallas Pelz is the Mid American Conference's Special Teams Player of the Week.

Coverage of the Linda Yalem Run includes interview with Barbara Ricotta, associate vice president for student affairs.

Results of the football game against the University of Connecticut.

Pan-Amaniacs gathered at UB for a two-day festival celebrating the centennial of the Pan-American Exposition.

Preview of the UB-UConn football game includes interview with Jim Hofher.

Story reports on football schedule changes.

Preview of the UB-UConn game includes interview with coach Jim Hofher and players Bobby Johnson and Kevin McCarthy.

Story reports the Sept. 15 football game will be postponed.

Story on how Western New York is praying for victims of the terrorist attacks includes remembrance service held at UB.

Story reports UB officials plan to extend an invitation to former President Bill Clinton to speak at the university.

Story on a state health department study of Hickory Woods include comments by Joseph Gardella.

Interview with Charles Ewing for a story on two local cases of juvenile killing.

Interview with coach Jim Hofher on the upcoming game against Bowling Green.

WNLO-TV, Channel 23

Segment looks at what UB students are doing to help the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks.